CONTINENT OF MEDIA 99-07, produced Sept 21, 1999
        by Glenn Hauser

*COM edition 99-07, the monthly supplement to World of Radio, SW
 broadcast exclusively on Radio for Peace International, with older
 editions archived at and current,
 recent editions at
*Daylight-shifting in Peru was optional, now more accepted
*Bonaire relay station background; now 4 transmitters, one for digital
*Radio Habana Cuba plans to add German, Russian [in German]
*New book about Greenland Radio history, "Radiormiut", partly in
 English; info from or fax 299 32 25 00
*The Great Eastern audio archive now moved to unofficial site and soon in MP3
*See our website for any URLs you missed: and click on
 Continent of Media
*Imagination Theatre now on CFRB and interfered CFRX Toronto
*But CFRX still interrupts programming twice an hour for Ontario DX
 Association promotion or dead air; about time this is stopped if it
 can't be integrated into natural breaks
*Sept Monitoring Times has article by Ian McFarland on RCI, not even
 mentioning the Coalition to Restore Full RCI Funding; see Sheldon
 Harvey's letter to appear in the Nov MT
*FCC authorized more experimental SW licenses, in New Hampshire and
 for European door opener testing in Michigan
*Flap in Boston as commercial WCRB drops Metropolitan Opera; picked
 up by two smaller stations WBOQ and WHRB; see articles in the NY
 Times Sept 18, Boston Globe Sept 19
*The Nation, Sept 27: Little Limbaughs and the Fire Next Time, by
 Eric Alterman, inspired by new book Waves of Rancour: Tuning in the
 Radical Right, by Robert Hilliard and Michael Keith; including SW
*In the midst of Continent of Media, edition 99-07; contributions to [or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702!]
*A Babel of Broadcasts, by Mark Hopkins, in the July-August 1999
 Columbia Journalism Review: US international broadcasting should be
 consolidated into one organization, VOA. See full article at
*NY Times Sept 12: The Many Media Voices of a Few Merged Masters --
 give the megamergers a break since internet provides diversity now;
 not so, per Rich Media, Poor Democracy by Robert W. McChesney,
 University of Illinois Press, 1999
*Disgraced evangelist Jimmy Swaggart plans nationwide network of 
 hundreds of FM satellators by end of next year further cluttering
 the FM bands
*How to petition the FCC to deny more translators, formal and informal
*Phil Boersma's take on evangelists flooding FCC with applications
*Ralph Nader advocates microradio since present radio sucks, less and
 less diversity, more and more stations controlled by conglomerates
*Sonicbox brings net radio to actual radios; on sale next year, $50
*AM stereo can be as good as FM stereo
*Kansas City station promotes AM stereo, and hand-made AM stereo
*Statistics on Radio Data Service usage on US FM stations
*New Sony TVs have added level of captioning with instant IDs for DX
*Mexican networks have continuous IDs in vertical blanking interval,
 and also seen on OKC's new Spanish KTOU 22: TV AZTECA XHDF TV 13
*Oklahoma's OETA expands from Lawrence Welk revivals, to Tennessee
 Ernie Ford; look for him on your public TV station
*And that's Continent of Media 99-07; I'm Glenn Hauser         ##