DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-170, December 31, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html NETS TO YOU -- NEW JANUARY EDITION by John Norfolk, now available at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/nets2you.html [Correxion: not ALASKA, but ALABAMA! See DXLD 1-004] ** ALASKA. DAUPHIN ISLAND/NA-213. Floyd, N5FG, reports to OPDX that the "Magnolia DX Association" has confirmed/planned a trip to Dauphin Island, Alaska, (New IOTA) for late February 2001. There will be at least two station active with many ops...etc.. The special callsign W4D will be used. Activity will be on the usual IOTA frequencies 80- 10 meters and on all modes including PSK31 and RTTY. Operation will last 3 days and 2 nights (start on a Friday afternoon and last until Sunday night - local times). QSL via W5UE or via the W5 QSL Bureau (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See NETS TO YOU! on the World of Radio web site for IOTA SSB frequencies ** ALASKA. 9615, KNLS, English broadcast at 1300-1359. Finally heard this one today in Northeast Ohio. 9615 has been much weaker here than the 7 MHz frequency they used to use at this time during the past winter broadcast seasons (Lee Silvi, December 31, Mentor, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. On 1620 kHz Dec 24 at 0527 - AM - SS - Radio Tropicana (Argentina), hrd several times 'capital federal', 'saludos para la gente de Santiago, de Resistencia, de Salto, de Formosa, a todos los puntos, ayem de Uruguay...', 0530 OM 'Ola, buenas noches ...' tlk w/YL by telephone - 54423 (Al Archangelo, São Paulo, Brazil, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA. Listado de emisoras en la banda ampliada de Onda Media: 1610 R. TRADICION, Eliás Bedoya 2024 (1765 Isidro Casanova) 1610 R. CULTURA, Domingo Purita 2247 (1824 Lanus) - Inactiva 1610 R. CANTICO NUEVO, Av. Oliver 1134, Barrio 9 de Abril (1842 Monte Grande) 1620 R. TROPICANA, Av. San Juan 2461 (1232 Capital Federal) 1630 AM1630 BUEN AYRE (RED 92), Calle 32 Nro. 426 (1900 La Plata) 1640 R. BOLIVIA, Av. Int. Francisco Rabanal 1467 (1437 Capital Federal) 1650 AM RESTAURACION, Debussy 2948 (1686 Húrlingham) 1660 R. UNIDAD, Molina 830 (1847 Rafael Calzada) - Inactiva 1660 R. GAMMA (Valentín Alsina) - Slogan: "Sistema 1660" 1670 BBC AMERICA LATINA (Capital Federal) 1680 AM GETRO, Av. San Martín 4280 (1824 Lanus oeste) 1690 AM FUEGO (1854 Longchamps) Actualizacion: 28 de Diciembre de 2000. (Marcelo Cornachioni, Argentina, Conexión Digital Dec 31 via DXLD) ** AUSTRIA. Chris, OE8CIQ, reports that from January 1st to December 31st (2001) all amateur radio stations in Austria are allowed to use the special prefix OE75 to celebrate the 75 anniversary of the OEVSV (this is the Austrian amateur radio club). He (Chris) will be on air as often as possible using the callsign OE75CIQ. There will be several awards that will be issued by the OEVSV. You can find more information on Chris's homepage at: http://www.edu.uni-klu.ac.at/~cirrasch (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOUVET. Astronaut Chuck Brady, N4BQW, continues to be active in between the bad weather he has been receiving. This past week he has been active on a few other bands besides 20/15/10 meters. There were spots on 12 meters (24945 kHz between 1400-1900z), 40 meters (7096 kHz between 0045 and 0130z) and 80 meters (3790 kHz between 0100 and 0200z). QSL via WA4FFW. Also, watch the following Web pages for updates: http://www.qsl.net/zr1dq http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/3y0.htm (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 4754.7, 0442-0502 Dec 31, tent. Radio Educação Rural, Campo Grande = Portuguese, but many oldies in English, e.g. "Hound Dawg" Many ads/announcements around 0500 but no ID caught. SIO 333. Not usually on this late? (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. I tuned in the webcast of http://www.joyfm.fm Joy FM, Beijing (not Micronesia), just before 1500 UT Dec 31, according to Lou Josephs` list, and was somewhat surprised to find it going from music to a relay of English news from CRI; started with translation of Pres. Jiang`s NY speech, then that of Li Dan, Pres. of CRI, and stayed with it for more news starting with Chinese delegation visiting Castro in Cuba, denouncing hegemonism (I think that is meant as an insult against us, spelt U-S) (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 5568v, Radio Nueva Juventud, Pasto. December 2000 - 2358*. Has been heard several times during Christmas but with very short transmissions - is said to be a Colombian pirate. Mostly greetings to persons living in various "Barrios", for example "Barrio Las Mercedes" and "Barrio Naturista", ads for companies in Pasto and Colombian music. You could phone in wishing records on the telephone number 132 45 11. When I was listening the station drifted from 5568.86 down to 5568.11 kc. In SWB 1446 you can read more about Nueva Juventud, there Rafael Rodríguez has more information. In WRTH 2000 there is de facto a station listed with a similar name: Radio Nueva Vida, Bucaramanga on 5570.00! When I tuned in for the first time, they closed abruptly without cd-ceremony with a short "Hasta la próxima!" (Björn Malm, Ecuador, SW Bulletin, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. Time for another periodic complaint about TIFC`s dirty transmitter, 9645 undermodulated and distorted, while continuous pulsing noises heard at various spots as low as 9505 and as high as 9770, around 1200 UT Dec 31 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DENMARK [non]. Who says R. Denmark does not broadcast in English? Startled to hear it, sounded like two-way communications about flight weather, on 7485, Dec 31 at 0543. This quickly turned out to be a dramatization, as RD went back into Danish. This was first noticed as interference from the side to you-know-who on RFPI 7480. The two signals were about even, which speaks well for RFPI, 30 kW vs 500, but still encouraged one to sidetune to 7478 or so (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GIBRALTAR. Jay, K4ZLE (MU0BKA), will be active as ZB2/K4ZLE from January 12-15th. Activity will be on all HF bands, with a preference to CW and the WARC bands. He will have PSK31 with him. QSL via K4ZLE (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. Mohsen, EP3SMH, was active over the holiday weekend on 15 meters SSB on 21286 kHz starting around 1300z. EP2MKO was heard on 10 meters CW the past week between 1230 and 1400z. He was also heard on 18070 kHz after 1400z (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [and non]. NHK Warudo`s NYE special was virtually inaudible on frequencies direct out of Japan in subnormal conditions, but OK on various relays: RCI on 6110, later 11705, but off abruptly at 1459* just as the magic hour was imminent, not 1500* which would not have helped much. If there is any better example of numbskull scheduling, I cannot think of it. Poor North Americans were then supposed to listen to 9535 direct, but instead I quickly switched to 21755 (Guiana to SAm) in time to hear the arrival of the new millennium in Japan. UK sites were surprisingly good here, 11660 before 1400, 11625 afterwards (before 1300, 11660 was blocked by WSHB). A worse mix was 21465: NHK via GUF to CAm after 1400, with WYFR(?) also on frequency; 21550 had Chile dominant, but signs of NHK Gabon underneath. 21675 from UK also good here, but not 21695-Ascension. Site and schedule info here based on info in DXLD 0-166 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Right now (after 1300 Dec 31 ) I listen to the special NHK transmission, which booms in here on 11660 from Skelton (or probably Woofferton instead), around 1310 a co-channel open carrier, about 3 Hz apart, appeared for a couple of minutes. The other UK outlets 9780 and 21675 are weaker here. Also audible but rather weak are 21620- Ascension and 21695-Gabon, latter one almost buried in the slope of powerhouse Noblejas on 21700. I can also note Ekala-15255 under co- channel Romania (Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Heard one of Radio Japan`s special frequencies for the New Year celebrations... at 1500 UT (midnight in Japan) I heard the arrival of 2001 with the countdown, then celebrations and bell-ringing, followed by man and woman talking in Japanese, on 21755 kHz, via French Guiana, with SIO at 454... this frequency was in use from 14-17 UT and a later check before the close at 1700 found RJ with same results; certainly had lots of entertainment and talks during the course of the broadcast. This was the best signal that I found at 1500, especially after 11705-Sackville closed before then (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) As for the special hour at 0300 UT Jan 1, around 0340 I found none of the direct Japan frequencies audible; 5960 Canada best of course; then 15345 French Guiana; UK not bad on 9655, 11945; also audible Ascension 11980, and wherever on 9530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. 9875, Radio Vilnius, 0000-0059 to North America (English at 0030-0059). Heard the presumed tune-up or test at 2350- 0000 consisting of a cycle of ten-second or so tone followed by presumed ID repeated twice. Carrier and test tone was strong - announcement had much weaker audio level than the tone. Dec 31 0000- 0059 9875 was // 6120 via Jülich. 9875 kHz SINPO = 45443 and 6120 kHz SINPO = 55555. Audio level on 9875 was weaker than 6120, and after 0030 signal on 9875 began fading in/out of Northeast of Ohio quite a bit while 6120 remained stable (Lee Silvi, Mentor, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. Perhaps it is of interest to note that only the 4/4 curtain was recently inaugurated at Sitkunai, while the new 100 kW Continental transmitter is already in use since 1999: see this report http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/features_archive/html/lithuania.html. Note that it gives the schedule from 1999, which was meanwhile cut back. For some time Lithuanian Radio had even to do without shortwave from Sitkunai at all due to its financial difficulties; only mediumwave 666 and Jülich were used during this period while the Sitkunai shortwave transmitter had only "Universelles Leben" to carry. By the way, I guess that a considerable amount of the expenses for the transmissions via Jülich belongs to the audio circuit (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 31, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MADAGASCAR. Albert, 5R8O, continues to please the many on 20 meters CW around 14015 kHz (+/- 3 kHz) after 0200z. QSL via 5R8FL. For the SSB ops, Andre, 5R8FL, likes between 14185 and 14200 kHz after 0230z. He sometimes can be found on 10 meters, this past week on 28507 kHz at 1145z. QSL via CBA. Ake, 5R8FU, was also active on 10 meters CW/SSB. He was around 28029 kHz (0930-1000z) and 28442 kHz (1230-1400z). QSL via SM5DJZ. (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALDIVES. The "425 DX News" reports that Gil, IZ1DLV, will be active from Dhiggiri Island (AS-013) from January 2-9th. He will operate on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meters SSB. There was no callsign mentioned. QSL direct ONLY to IZ1DLV: Gil, P. O. Box 7039, 16148 Genova - GE, Italy (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITIUS. There has been a lot of activity from this one over the last few months. Abid/3B8FG, Jacky/3B8CF, Rashid/3B8FQ and Pat/3B8GF have been quite active on 20 meters, generally after 0200z. Pat usually can be found on SSB while the others are on CW. There has been some 10 meters CW/SSB QSNs by 3B8CF and 3B8FG after 1200z (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. Subject: [HCDX] More TA LW from western Canada December continues to be an excellent month for LW reception here in western Canada. Last night I logged my first African from here in Medicine Hat: 171 MOROCCO, Nador, Radio Médi Un, 2343 29 Dec, Arabic music and recitations. ID and news in French at 0000. Was parallel with 9575 shortwave. 207 MOROCCO, Azilal, RTM, 2349 29 Dec, Arabic singing. Signal strength was fair for several minutes, but weaker than 171 and with severe beacon QRM. No ID heard, so remains tentative. The only Europeans noted were the regulars from Iceland on 189 and France on 162. Once again, absolutely nothing TA on MW. (Nigel Pimblett, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, R-5000 and beverage antennas, Dec 30, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** NEPAL. Lawrence, 9N7RB, in Katmandu, has been active on 20 meters CW/SSB between 1230-1300 and around 0200z. Check around 14010 and 14190 kHz (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. Alfa Lima International, presumed, 21890, Dec 31 at 1417 check and again at 1738 with rock music, deep fades to nothing and back up to fair every few seconds. Too bad there is so much else going on to listen to, but one is hardly motivated to pay attention to this just to hear rock (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. Radio New Zealand welcomed in the New Year on 15175 kHz at 1100 UTC with usual fireworks, bagpipes etc. The Transmission had a twelve second transmitter break just seconds after the hour. Audio clips of this years New Year Celebrations are available on the HF Latest page of the Online DX Logbook. http://www.dxsheigra.freeserve.co.uk Other clips will be included today and tomorrow. 73's (Graham Powell, Dec 31, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** NICARAGUA [non]. No sign of R. Miskut, 5770, NY Eve either around 0230 check UT Jan 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGER. Dan, 5U7DG, was heard on 3796 kHz this past weekend around 0100z and again at 1600z. QSL via K4SE (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PARAGUAY. SPECIAL EVENT. The XI Panamerican Jamboree will gather 8,000 Scouts from all America, for a joyful start to the new millennium, with 6 days of fascinating activities in spectacular natural settings like the Iguazú Falls and the ecological Park in Paraguay, as well as the lake and the power station of Itaipú. The XI Panamerican Jamboree will happen on January 7-12th. A special station will be active for the event. Look for station PS5J to be active on all modes and bands. QSL via PY5UEB. Also, check out the Web page at: http://www.jamboree.org.br/ (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. Latest report from Björn Malm, Ecuador; [the unIDs are not necessarily from this country unless specified; see also COLOMBIA]: 4260.66v (Harmonic?) unID. December 2000 - 1025 UT. Probably a harmonic from mediumwave - reasonable strength, even at evenings. [no doubt COSTA RICA, exact same frequency; see i.a. DXLD 1-004] 4881.07 Radio Comas, Comas. December 2000 - 0230 UT at its new frequency. ID and jingle: "Radio Comas, la radio que une continentes". A splendid station with IDs, "which cut like a warm knife through butter". Seems to be heard much better here than on its old freq. 3250.86 (where among others Radio Luz y Vida, Honduras is well heard). 5175.85 Radio Máster, Moyobamba. December 2000 - 2330 UT with reasonable signal and splendid "Radio Máster" IDs. Music and sometimes long blocks of ads. 5520.22 unID. December 2000 - 2300 UT. Possible ID "Ecos de......". Keeping on watching this freq. 5544.70 New Peru-station!/unknown name, Provincia de Bagua, Dept. de Amazonas. Dec 22, 2000 - 0050 UT. New station, probably with première transmission this date. Gave on several occasions "calidad de prueba" which freely translated means "test transmission". Also clearly said it was a new station: "Están en sintonía de la nueva emisora ... la Provincia de Bagua, Amazonas...". TCs always preceded by a "Atención, la hora...". I could never catch that the name of the station was mentioned. The DJ played music and greeted friends and a number of radiostations, for example Radio Campesino, Radio Huarmaca and Radio Altura. I am adding a little warning regarding the QTH: all of these stations transmit from Huarmaca - it is otherwise normal that new stations greet stations in other provinces and dept. The day after, they started at 1140 UT with nonstop music - on exactly the same 100- part [decimal to two places] as the night before! Was back to Quito Friday 29 Dec. after nearly a week in Chachimbiro and checked the frequency - was off air both Friday evening and today, Saturday morning. 5580.30 unID (Perú). December 2000 - 0220 UT, "ciudad de Bolívar" was mentioned several times. 5760.37 unID with similar px like the notorious Radio Tigre. Keeping on watching also this freq. Or why not on overtime also by our LA- pros in the club .. 6576.45/6573.55 Re my unID "Radio _._.W" in SWB 1448: Seems to be off air. My guess is that it was a mobile transmitter, maybe borrowed from "Defensa Civil" -- several times people from the Peruvian (?) Civil Defense where interviewed. I listened to the station for 5-6 days in a row -- the programme was each time of a direct broadcast of something called "La Novena" every day from new premises, probably private houses. "La Novena" is celebrated during exactly 9 days and means praying, listening to sermons, singing and dancing - "La Novena al niño Jesús". 6782.73 Ondas del Pacífico, Ayabaca. A "new" station, which was reported in SWB already Nov. 1999 - at that time on the freq of 5340.06 kc! Actually I have not been listening more than about 4-5 days during the last 14-day period and you can notice that because this bandscan contains a lot of unIDs. Buying Christmas gifts and visiting some of my new relatives frankly took all of my time. As well I have spent the time between Christmas and New Years Eve together with my wife and mother-in-law visiting "Chachimbiro" which is about one sesquihour of driving from the city of Ibarra -- a journey in a very old bus in a tremendously beautiful nature. The bus was groaning when it drove down the narrow, steep, muddy and curved serpentine roads. I sometimes shut my eyes and said a prayer when an enormous dropoff opened up within half a meter from the side of the bus with a falling height of at least 300 - 400 meters. The bus drove down at a snail`s pace so we felt quite safe anyway. Chachimbiro is a small oasis just thrown out at will among huge, steep volcanic mountains. From one of those completely encompassing Chachimbiro, natural and mineral rich warm water is fed down to some 5-6 both small and big pools - with a water temperature of 40-45 degrees C. People from a lot of countries come here to take a bath and hopefully to cure their ailments in this healthbringing water. They live in small "cabañas", provided with all you need -- for instance filling the bathtub with 45-degree water directly from the volcano! Happy New Year to all SWB-members from BM in Quito! (all translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** PHILIPPINES. Special prefix 4D68 is being used by some DU operators to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the Philippine Amateur Radio Association. Aki, 4D68HBC, was heard this past week. QSL via JA1HBC (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL. I can confirm that the DRM transmissions you mention [Dec 19 and 20 in the 1400 UT hour on 21665, 21670 and 21675] were from Sines and directed to Bonaire over a distance of 6500 km. The results were excellent with dropouts of 0% except for a short transmitter trip. A 250 kW (carrier power) Thomcast transmitter was used for this purpose. The transmissions from Quito were usually on much lower frequencies (3 and 6 MHz), using a 30 kW PEP linear transmitter. Like I already said to Mr. Terry, within DRM we are working on improving our communication with the "outside world", especially towards radio amateurs and DX-ers. By the end of January this should be arranged, and we hope to avoid that listeners have to guess what is going on. Kind regards, (Hans Linkels, RN Bonaire, Dec 31, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. Ananada, 4S7NB, likes to frequent 20 meters (between 14180 and 14205 kHz) after 0100z (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SYRIA. Excerpts from a press release by Bernie, W3UR, editor of "The Daily DX" report that the Cinco Nueve Contest Group (CNCG) and the Willamette Valley DX Club (WVDXC) are sponsoring a DXpedition to Syria. "DX Syria 2001" is a non-profit organization formed for the promotion and organization of this expedition. The Syrian government and local Syrian hams invited an American team of 8 operators for a February 2001 DXpedition at the Syrian Telecommunication Establishment (STE) site in Damascus. The group hopes to be on the air February 3rd. The group will be active for 9 days. The STE operating site is the same one used by the 1994 YK0A expedition. The group has been assigned YK9A and plans to be active on 6 through 160 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY. Team members will include: Ron/WJ7R, Dick/N7RO, Bob/W4DR, Rosalie/N4CFL (YL), Carl/K9LA, Vicky/AE9YL (YL), Jim/W4PRO and team leader Al/K7AR. QSL cards will be handled by K9LA: Carl Luetzelschwab, 1227 Pion Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46845, USA. The DX Syria 2001 Web site can be found at: http://www.qsl.net/k7ar The Web site will include pre-trip news, setup news, propagation conditions, updated daily online logs and suggested operating frequencies (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. Glenn Hauser, Today, Sunday 31 December 2000, subsequent to yesterday`s report, I have monitored Voice of Tibet again. At 1202 UT tune in the Russian transmitter on 15705 was already on and had the usual tones in progress, approx. 7 seconds on and 7 seconds off. It was a good strong signal, same as yesterday with the usual interference, from Radio Bulgaria on 15700, as far as 15706 and interference from a very strong religious broadcast on 15715 right down to 15708. 15707 was the best frequency for good listening. The tones continued until 1211:09 and the interval signal started at 1211:45. All the while I was continuing to make frequent checks on 15595 for a signal. Nothing was heard so at just after 1212 I started to scan up from 15595 to look for a parallel transmission. At 1213 I found the Voice of Tibet interval signal in progress on 15695 with only fair strength but quite loud audio. Best listening was on 15693 because of Bulgaria. Opening announcements and ID were heard on 15705 and 15695 starting at 1214:40. At 1217, 15705 continued as a strong signal with 15695 less strong. While listening to 15695 the transmitter went off abruptly at 1219. I quickly retuned and found the broadcast continuing on 15595 with poor signal strength and very slight interference from REE Spain on 15585 and Radio Chechnya Svobodnaya on 15605. At 1225 the signal on 15705 was still strong and 15595 was improving but that only lasted about 5 minutes and by 1240 was very poor and by 1250 was barely audible. However 15705 continued strong through 1240 but by 1250 was less strong but still provided good listening on 15707. What sounded like the Voice of Tibet`s postal address, ``Voice of Tibet`` was clearly heard, was read out at 1236 and there were short pieces of music at 1245, 1250 and 1252. At 1255 the closing music was heard on 15705 until 1259 when the closing announcements were made. However, from 1254 until 1258 the music was barely audible due to music from Radio Bulgaria blasting all the way up to 15709 !!!!! The closing music was just audible on 15595 until Vatican Radio came on at 1259. The transmitter on 15705 went off at 1300 (Harry Brooks, UK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. Don, KN4UG, will be operating from here during January 19-30th, 2001. He will operate in the 160 Meters Contest and the NA QSO Contest on the weekends. During the week he will be active mostly on 28460 kHz as KN4UG/VP5. QSL to his home callsign in N.C. (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TUVALU. Albert, HB9BCK, is active as T20CK until January 8th. He has been very active 20/12/10 meters CW/SSB. Most of his activity seems to start around 2030z and lasts until 0500z. Frequencies to watch for are (or around): 14005, 14260, 24895, 24970, 28005 and 28495 kHz. QSL via the bureau or CBA (KB8NW/OPDX January 1/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. Glenn, During the R. Ukraine Int. broadcast of December 31, 2000 at 0100 UT and repeated at 0400 on 9385 kHz there was a talk, after "Ukrainian Diary", about switching the 9810 kHz frequency to 9385 kHz. The announcer said 9385 kHz is via a 100 kW tx located in the Kiev suburb Brovary and not the 1000 kW tx as usual. The announcer didn`t offer a reason why it`s not 1000 kW or what happened to the 1000 kW tx. I`ll ask Alexander Yegorov of R. Ukraine Int about it. 73 _.. (Kraig W. Krist, KG4LAC, Annandale, VA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC WORLD SERVICE PREVIEWS FOR JANUARY 2001 Extracts from BBC On Air. These cover in capsule form the specific topics where shown for most programmes, not including World Learning, Sport. These have been reorganized into rough chronological order by start date on the European and American streams (in some cases starts are a day earlier on other streams). Thanks to Chris Hambly for providing our BBC On Air subscription. All days, dates and times strictly GMT *M-F Jan 1 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| OFF THE SHELF, abridged book readings Eu M-F 0845, 2245, Tu-Sa 0445 Am M-F 0845, 1345, 1845, Tu-Sa 0445 A Map of the World, by Jane Hamilton, 10 x 15 min from Mon Jan 1 *Mon Jan 1 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MERIDIAN – IDEAS Eu Mon 0905, 1905, Tue 0105, 1405 Am Mon 1405, Tue 0105, 2005, Wed 0605 Roundtable, continues Harriet Gilbert looks at newspaper, broadcast, celebrity journalism, dilemmas *Mon Jan 1 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PLAIN ENGLISH Eu Mon 1345, Tue 1845, Wed 0045, Thu 0430 Am Mon 1945, Wed 0045, Thu 0430 Poems by Post, 12 x 15 min until Thu Jan 25 *Mon Jan 1 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| HEALTH MATTERS Eu Mon 2005, Tue 0205, 1505, Wed 1005 Am Tue 0205, 2105, Wed 1505 The History of World Medicine, 3 x 25 min from Mon Jan 1 *Mon Jan 1 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| EVERYWOMAN, continuing Eu Mon 2030, Tue 0230, 1530, Wed 1030 Am Fri 0205, 2105, Mon 1505 How women can improve their quality of life; does self-help work? Modern day witches try to dispel negative imagery *Tue Jan 2 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| OMNIBUS Eu Tue 0405, Thu 1430, Sat 2230 Am Tue 0405, Thu 2030, Fri 0630 The Angel`s Share 1 x 25/30 min from Jan 2 Robin Laing`s one-man-show, a musical tribute to whisky, the national drink of Scotland *Tue Jan 2 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MERIDIAN -- SCREEN Eu Tue 0905, 1905, Wed 0105, 1405 Am Tue 1405, Wed 0105, 2005, Thu 0605 Profession: Screenwriter, 6 x 30 min from Jan 2 Christopher Cook meets American scriptwriters who work on sitcoms, beginning with James L. Brooks, of Cheers, Friends, The Simpsons *Tue Jan 2 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| FOCUS ON FAITH Eu Tue 2030, Wed 0230, 1530, Thu 1030 Am Wed 0230, 2130, Thu 1530 Islam: Revolution and Reform, 4 x 30 min from Tue Jan 2 What is the future of Islam? How far can reformers go? What do Muslims really think of democracy and freedom of speech? The tension between divine authority and a dynamic, evolving faith *Tue Jan 2 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SCIENCE VIEW Eu Tue 2005 [CORRECTED, not 2105], Wed 0205, 1405, Thu 1005 Am Wed 0205, 2105, Thu 1505 Soundbyte and Seeing Stars can both be heard in the first and last weeks of Jan (from 2, 30) [More previews starting Wed Jan 4 will be in a subsequent DXLD] (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. On January first Adam Phillips hosts a special program "New Year's Folk Traditions" at 33 minutes past all even UT hours except 14. And Rob Sivak will present "The Next Millennium," a look at the shape of things to come through the eyes of scientists, writers, environmentalists, and mystics, at 33 past all odd UT hours except 21. One notable item of home news. Judy Massa, VOA's long-time music director and host of Border Crossings and Country Music USA, announced that she will retire. She will host the music request program Border Crossings for the last time on Friday, January 26th. Border Crossings is heard Monday through Friday at 19 to 20 Universal Time on 5965, 9840, 11720, 11970, 13725, 15205, and 15410 kilohertz. Judy has worked at VOA for over thirty years (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World December 30 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U S A. Webcasting Public Radio stations holiday specials; ALL TIMES HERE ONLY ARE CENTRAL = UT MINUS 6. Most URLs are www dot call letters dot org; some exceptions are noted. -XXXX means duration not specified, tho often determinable from other stations` listings. yir = year in review; bo = best of CST MONDAY JANUARY 1, 2001 0800-0900 WCPN CAPITOL STEPS 0832-0858 VOA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD SPECIAL CALLOUT http://www.voa.gov/stream/voa/english/nnow/newsnowa.ram 0900-1000 WOIAM CAPITOL STEPS 1000-1100 WOIAM BACKFIRE! 2000 1000-1100 WBEZ BACKFIRE! 2000 1000-1100 WYSO IMAGINATION WORKSHOP YIR 1000-1200 many NEW YEARS DAY LIVE FROM VIENNA [delayed] WBHM NPRN=``2002`` WFCR VPR WCNY KANU KNAU KRWG-FM KUNI MPR SDPB WAMC WETA=1000-1100 APX WOIFM WPLN=1000-1100 WUNC WMFE 1100-1200 KUOW CAPITOL STEPS 1100-1200 WBEZ CAPITOL STEPS 1100-1200 WCPN BACKFIRE! 2000 1100-1400 WYSO MIDNIGHT SPECIAL NYE GALA 1100-2000 KCRW BLACK BETTY serial complete 1200-1300 WOIAM PLEASURES OF WINTER 1200-1300 KWGS SEASON`S GRIOT KWANZA CELEBRATION 1200-1300 SDPB CAPITOL STEPS 1200-1300 WHYY BACKFIRE! 2000 1200-XXXX KPBX NEW YEAR`S DAY FROM VIENNA 1300-1400 WUNC CAPITOL STEPS 1300-1500 KUNI NATIONAL HERITAGE AWARDS CONCERT texmex/blues/ gospel http://kuniradio.org 1400-1500 KPBX CAPITOL STEPS 1500-1600 KPBX BACKFIRE! 2000 1500-1600 OPB CAPITOL STEPS 1500-1600 KUNI CELTIC CONNEXIONS new releases yir 1530-XXXX WFMT PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA CENTENNIAL simulcast WTTW 1532-1558 VOA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD SPECIAL CALLOUT 1800-1900 WCPN CAPITOL STEPS 1800-1900 WMFE CAPITOL STEPS http://www.pbs.org/wmfe/radio.html 1800-1900 KANU IMAGINATION WORKSHOP YIR http://kanu.ukans.edu 1835-1935 KOSU CAPITOL STEPS 1900-2000 WAMU BACKFIRE! 2000 1900-2030 WFMT VIENNA NY simulcast WTTW http://www.wfmt.com 2000-2100 WAMU CAPITOL STEPS 2000-XXXX WNYCF IDYLLS OF THE KING drama 2000-2200 WOIAM NATIONAL HERITAGE AWARDS CONCERT 2030-XXXX WFMT DETROIT SO Beethoven`s 9th simulcast WTTW 2100-2200 WHYY BACKFIRE! 2000 2100-2300 KPBX PAUL WINTER CONSORT SOLSTICE 2200-2300 WYSO TONY KAHN`S JOURNAL bo including failure of Galaxy IV comsat 2300-2400 OPB CAPITOL STEPS 2300-2400 KQED CAPITOL STEPS and a few stragglers, to wrap up this series of holiday special compilations: TUESDAY JANUARY 2 1900-2100 WAMU LOST & FOUND SOUND THURSDAY JANUARY 4 1900-2100 WFMT NY PHILHARMONIC LIVE Brahms: German Requiem SATURDAY JANUARY 6 1500-1600 WUWF CAPITOL STEPS 2100-XXXX WCAL ST OLAF XMAS FESTIVAL **** ANY LATE ADDITIONS SINCE ORIGINAL POSTING TO THESE LISTS, IF POSSIBLE BEFORE AIRTIME, WILL BE ENTERED IN OUR WEBSITE ARCHIVE COPY AND MARKED THUS **** SO CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY. NOTE: These listings are provided *pro-arte* and do not constitute an endorsement of any particular religion by gh, a secular institution (DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###