DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-019 February 11 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** AZERBAIJAN. 9155: Anker Petersen tells me about this one - Azerbaijan is heard here most mornings 0830-1030 in Azerbaijani and 1030-1100* in Arabic, so it is - at least partly Foreign Service. On 9155 much disturbed by CWQRM. Nothing is heard 0315-0400. ID "Danishir Baku" in Azerbaijani at 0900 (or after mx so rather 0903). I've tuned around there mornings but missed it so far (Noel R. Green, UK, Feb 8, BC-DX via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. Noticias do Brasil: Dos emisoras brasileñas que transmiten en los 60 metros, Rádio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista-SP en los 4825 khz y R. Difusora, Taubaté-SP en los 4925 khz ya hacen alguns dias están fuera del aire. Las dos ciudades son muy cercanas. En acuerdo con Caio F. Lopes del DX Clube do Brasil, Rádio Difusora de Roraima desde Boa Vista en el Estado de Roraima en el extremo Norte de Brasil, tiene se identificado como Rádio Roraima, pero no parece ser un nuevo nombre y solo una simplificación. La emissora está en los 4875 khz. 73' (Samuel Cássio Martins Santos, DX Clube do Brasil, São Carlos-SP Brasil, Feb 10 via Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** CANADA. Don't get too worked up...it`s a mistake. Tuned into 9515 for the [Feb 11] Sunday morning concert from BBCWS and, instead, am listening to a booming signal of Radio France Internationale with their 1600 English broadcast via Sackville. Haven`t heard RFI this well in years. Who the hell is minding the store up there in New Brunswick? I wonder if the BBC is entitled to "give backs" on this... It appears that Sackville is relaying WRN North America on all the frequencies it relays BBC on -- 17840 is so afflicted (1700-1800, so far) as well as 9515 was earlier. Ah, professionalism...where are you today? (John Figliozzi, NY, swprograms via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Hi Glenn: We have had high nighttime MUFs over the last few days. I thought you might be interested in this one. China. 15000. BPM Time signal, Shaanxi. 0729 Feb 11. Positive ID at 0730 from Morse code B -... P .--. M -- repeated 10 times. Woman gave ID in letters and said something in Chinese, then a computer generated voice in Chinese said something, probably the time. The woman's ID was given twice. Fair reception at 0730, but fell to poor, by 0800. Logged in Nashville, USA at 1:30 AM local time using 950 ft long wire antenna pointing NE (Dave Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. Checking the CRI relay on 17720 again, presumably via Cuba, Feb 11 at 1400, noticed the frequency warbling a bit, and with BFO on could not get a zero-beat. It`s a constant rapid variation, not by much, but certainly unstable transmitter. Usual substandard modulation too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 2620.26H, Radio Micrófono Cívico, Palermo (Colombia). Feb 2001 - 1100 UT. After a programme with Mexican music called "Campesino Colombiano" there was a big ID on the hour: "Desde Palermo, la república de Colombia, transmite para Ustedes su emisora Micrófono Cívico, la emisora del Pueblo, HJWD 1310 kHz, 311.7 MHz (an unknown band for me, if I didn`t get it wrong?), emisora Micrófono Cívico, la emisora del Pueblo - nuestra bandera [sic]: nuestro servicio a la comunidad". Harmonic from MW 1310 (2 x 1310.13). 3100.46H, HJLT, Santiago de Cali (Colombia). Feb 2001 - 1100 UT. HJLT Radio Bohemia is listed. Jingle: "La radio de la gran comisión". Harmonic from MW 1550 kHz (2 x 1550.23). 5553.55, ex-5568v, Radio Nueva Juventud, Pasto (Colombia). Feb 2001 - 0200 UT. Announces 5550 kHz (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. 5953.90, Radio Casino, Limón. Feb 2001 - 1130 UT. A station I have never heard before - now with excellent signal every morning here in Quito, always with Mexican music. Announced their 3 listed frequencies: 5954, 1220 and FM 98.3. Has the SW transmitter been off air? (Björn Malm, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. Following was reported as an unID, after hearing RFPI on new 7450. This is also RFPI, as scheduled Thursdays at 2000, repeated 6 and 12 and 18 hours later is ``Russian Ecological Radio Service`` in Russian (gh) While trawling the upper end of 41 mb this morning at 0800+ I found a UNIDentified stn on 7450 bcing in Russian at 0810 at good strength but suffering rapid fading characteristics and with a hummy noise in audio. Mx was followed by several annts - I couldn`t make out any ID - then pop mx until the carrier cut in mid tune at 0815. I haven`t heard anything on this freq mornings previously. I didn`t have sufficient time to check if it was \\ a Rossii channel (Noel R. Green, UK, Feb 2, BC-DX via DXLD) ** CUBA. See VENEZUELA [non]. ** FRANCE [non]. I can tell you how RFI was received on 2 meters. It`s very simple. This happened to me with VOA instead. I was converting a Motorola Micor UHF commercial radio to 440 ham band. I had all the covers removed from the radio. It was about 0000 UT. To my surprise VOA starts blasting in. It sounded off tune and distorted. Where was it coming from? I disconnected the antenna and it was still there!!! Then it must be entering at the IF frequency. I checked the manual and the IF of the unit is 11.7 MHz. Then I checked the MT shortwave guide and VOA fires up at that time on 11.695 MHz. There was the answer. The IF is in the 25 meter shortwave band. I figure I am 350 miles west of the Greenville site. BUT with all the covers removed it got right in there. I thought about sending a reception report but they generally don't QSL to the states (LOU KF4EON Johnson, Feb 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) No doubt this could happen, but I don`t think so in this case: RFI was heard only on 144.300, while an IF insertion would make it audible all over the place; and the apparent original frequency was 9.8 MHz, not that near a presumed IF of 11.7 or even 10.7 (gh) ** ISRAËL. At 0500 English, 17545 often comes on late around 0505 (Chris Hambly, Victoria, Feb 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) and there may be something on 11605 at this hour, but not Israel (gh) ** ISRAËL. I don`t know when it changed (maybe in January), but Israel's Channel 2 TV, is now live on Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday (instead of Mon/Thurs/Sat). This TV channel is shared by three companies, and they recently switched which company has which days of the week. Reshet now has Sun/Wed/Sat. It`s playing even as I type (the news ... and commercials for Subaru, Paz Gasoline, Nescafe Coffee and Heinz Mayonnaise....): English website: http://www.reshet-tv.co.il/show.asp?show=english For some reason, the live webpage English page doesn`t work. There are also recorded programs available. Windows Multimedia address of live feed: mms://netshow.netvision.net.il/reshet (Daniel Rosenzweig, Feb 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JORDAN. 11690, Radio Jordan at 1640-1730 UT Feb 11 in English. Music on request programme until 1700. News at 1700 and instrumental music at 1707-1730. Announcement of 11690 frequency targeted to "Western Europe" going off air at 1728 (Vinay Ahuja, Belgium, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. 9450, Feb 1 1500: New Clandestine from Bulgaria opened with a fraction rock music and then announced Radio Anternationale, so it might be an offshoot to this "station". The Programme seemed to be in Kurdish. On air at the same time Feb 2. S/off 1600. The transmitter location revealed itself by leak through of the interval signal of R Bulgaria. QSA3, but the audio was hard work (Olle Alm, Sweden, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) The Clandestine on 9450 is being monitored today (Feb 2) and tones (as described by Olle) were heard 'through' R Slovakia (German) until they went of c1457. There was a short quiet period before txion started, and I heard the R Bulgaria IS very faintly in the background. At 1500 Bulgaria is using only 7500 9900 11900 for Russian, according to the sched I have, so assumptions could be correct - that this is where it is coming from. [The subject has to be researched further before we can go to conclusions, ed. Büschel] A short mx extract preceded ID sounding like Radio Anternasionali, then more annts and a freqy. After this, there were talks/interviews and brief extracts of Ronan Keating and other pop songs(!). I could hear some Arabic sounding words, but the lang was not Arabic - probably Kurdish. An interview at 1525 made several mentions of 'Demokrati Kurdistan'. Signal strength is good, but audio quality was very poor at first, but did seem to improve slightly (unless my ears got used to it) and with much splash from a strong and noisy V of Turkey 9460. And a tone appeared on channel at c1543 which changed to usual Russian on/off tone at 1548. A local song at 1555 and another distorted interview concluded txion which cut off in mid-sentence at 1600 as VoR came on with "Ju Flet Moskova" (Noel R. Green, UK, Feb 2, BC-DX via DXLD) The stn is on air again, and in Ar. Audio quality is variable - some good, some not. Music, for instance, sounds overmodulated. Signal strength good. But Turkey is again splashing badly for most of the time. When SVK went off I could hear a "whoop whoop" type jammer and a heterodyne, but these went off c1501. Could it have been intended for RFA 9455? (not heard) The ID I agree sounds like "Amin" and I have heard "Izaa til Amin" several times (i.e. no mention of Bopeshewa as yet.) The opening 5 mins or so seemed to concern various about radio, and Iran as well as Iraq was mentioned. Then what sounds like telephone interviews or dialogue from correspondents with mx breaks - one being the (South American?) tune again. A woman seems in overall charge of proceedings. And she has the most distorted voice. The Taleban were also spoken about in more than one talk session. At 1516 the addr in London was read out - first in Ar then En. I have listened to it on tape but it is distorted badly. Last Friday I thought the first three numbers sounded 222 - now I'm not sure of the first and third. It might be P. O. Box 22366, London SE5, UK. I'll listen again before sending this, but doubt if I can hear more. (No, I can't - neither via headphones nor speakers) The stn has now s-off, and I don`t really need to listen to the tape to say that I heard R Bopeshawa three - maybe four - times, and as the concluding annt. The explanation probably is that the male announcer was not speaking in Ar. The lang could have been Kurdish or even Farsi. In all the racket, I didn`t notice the change last Friday. I hope this all helps (Noel R. Green, UK, Feb 7, BC-DX via DXLD) ** MALTA [non]. 11770, Voice of The Mediterranean 0900-0945 UT Feb 11 in English. Programme on Love songs for Valentine`s Day and Eurovision competition songs & interviews. SINPO 54545 fluctuating to 53533 with interference from Radio Finland on 11755 in Finnish spilling over occasionally. Also on 7440 at 2004 with SINPO 45444 with repeat of programme (Vinay Ahuja, Belgium, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 4655.0, R. Nuevo Amanecer, Celendín, 10/02 2340-0104 33333 mx chicha ID ``17 para las 7 de la noche en su Radio Nuevo Amanecer..`` px Avisos y Comunicados mxf TAMBIÉN: 10/02 0204-0305 33333 ID ``Por Radio Nuevo Amanecer desde Celendín..`` mx px fiesta andina; s/off dice: ``Bueno, estamos llegando a la parte final; esperamos nos visiten y/o nos escriban. Nuestra dirección es Jirón Grau 485, Celendín; los esperamos en nuestro nuevo local, será hasta el día de mañana a las 5 de la mañana con nuestro programa amanecer campesino... muy buenas noches`` y luego tocan el himno nacional. NOTA: ex R. Celendín – R. La Voz del Campesino - R. Ecos del Edén y ahora R. Nuevo Amanecer. Llamé al teléfono que tenía Ecos del Edén, pero no respondieron. La empresa Telefónica me informó que ese número no existía (Pedro F. Arrunátegui, Lima, Chasqui DX via DXLD) ** PERÚ. 3234.84, Radio Luz y Sonido, Huánuco. Jan 2001 - 1040 UT. The QTH was marked with a questionmark in last SWB, but according to HK (Henrik Klemetz) they are still broadcasting from Huánuco. 4300.00, La Voz de Naranjos. ID: "Radiodifusora Comercial La Voz de Naranjos". Morning px 09-1100 UT: "Amanecer Campesino". 4700.56, unID LA. Feb 7 2001 - 0100* UT. Listed is Radio Voz de Castrovirreyna, Huancavelica (Peru)? Close down at this time with ID and frequency statement. 5544.70, Re the new Peruvian station I reported in SWB 1449 (Provincia de Bagua/Dep. de Amazonas). I have not managed to hear the station again at any occasion. Was heard Dec 22 and some days thereafter. I can`t help wondering if there is a connection to Radio El Libertador on 6293v! 5699.76, Radio Frecuencia, San Ignacio. Feb 2001 - 0140* UT. Probably off the air for a while; Feb 3 I heard the station again with nonstop music and close down 0140. 5878.98, unID (Peru). Feb 2001 - 0130 UT. Broadcasts the religious programme "La Voz de la Salvación" // with Radio Imperio, Chiclayo on 4388.94. - according to announcement (R. Imperio) this px is also // with Radio Uno, Chiclayo on 1280 kHz (on its new SW frequency 6627.30 Radio Uno broadcasts a different program). Was heard regularly but with a very weak signal. Any more stations transmitting this px? Harmonic? 6270v, Radio El Libertador, distrito "Bagua"(Sagua?) Grande, la capital de la provincia de "Utcu"(?)bamba, barrio/sector El Libertador, departamento Amazonsas. Jan 25 2001 - 0050 UT. New Peruvian with a religious programme format. Probably started around Jan 20-22. As you can see above there are still some question marks - mostly due to the fact that the transmitter has very bad technical quality, - "flashes" now and then with somewhat better audio. To get an ID it is best to listen before 0100 UT - after that long religious programmes mostly without any IDs - some of these programmes purchased from among others Costa Rica - with a little fantasy you can get the opinion it is a Costa Rican radiostation. Still they claim it is test transmissions ("estamos en calidad de prueba"). At present they are around 6270v kHz, announces also they are transmitting in the 49m band. The frequency has varied 6225-6297 kHz. To get to the church (perhaps the transmitter is located there) they recommend people to follow avenida "El Piloto" until you reach avenida "San Martín" where the church "... Libertadores" is situated. There is a group of transmitters which all have the similar problems: frequency drift, impossible to listen to in SSB, bad audio quality and inability to tell us DX-ers from where the transmissions originate. In this group you find e.g. Radio Tigre, Radio Cielo, the two Radio San Juans and now also Radio El Libertador. Recently I also noted Radio Santa Ana with frequency drift and lousy audio around 4640 kc. As usual this Bandscan is delivered with a number of questionmarks, meant as smelling meat bones for the hunting SWB LA dogs (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin, all translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** PUERTO RICO. It definitely appears to be a Puerto Rican testing on 1660. Also heard here 0100-0400 this morning (Saturday 10 Feb) - much stronger than co-channel WWRU Jersey City which I could also hear at times underneath with Radio Única programming. It was carrying continuous SS music and frequent SS IDs including "Ésta es una prueba de la gigante 1660 AM .... ... San Juan" (this is a test transmission from the giant 1660 ... ... San Juan"). Before San Juan the IDs mention 2 place names beginning with C which I am unable to copy (Dave Kenny, Caversham, England, AOR7030 + 100m beverage via IRCA via DXLD) Does any one know if 1660 WCHQ Canovanas PR has signed on? >> I just called someone at my stations in San Juan. There is nothing on 1660 now, but they may be testing at night. Canovanas, where the CP moved to, is the Easternmost municipality in the San Juan Metropolitan Statistical Area. It adjoins Rio Grande to the East and Carolina to the West. So you may hear W??? Canovanas (city of license), Carolina, San Juan. Puerto Rico technically has no cities and counties. The Island is divided into over 70 municipalities, which are both cities and counties at once. There are no subdivisions of a legal nature in PR, but a municipality may have barrios, or neighborhoods, which are part of the municipality. An example would be Rio Piedras, Hato Rey and Santurce in the municipality of San Juan. All are neighborhoods, and have no true boundaries nor do they have any legal status. The person I called said they would listen some more, but convincing someone under 50 in PR to listen to AM is a very hard task! (David Gleason, CA, IRCA via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. The 12th of April this year marks 40 years since humanity penetrated outer space and the world`s first cosmonaut was Yury Gagarin of Russia. To celebrate the event "The Voice of Russia" offers a special quiz, with questions that have to do with the history of space exploration. "The Voice of Russia" broadcasts the quiz questions and terms of participation on a regular basis. You can also visit the "VOR" Internet site at: http://www.vor.ru. The winners will be awarded special prizes. Best works will be put on display, and the authors will be given prizes. The last day you can post your answers on is April 12. The names of the winners will be given on June 15. Please, write "For space quiz" on the envelopes, and post your letters to: "Voice of Russia", 25, Pyatnitskaya St., zip code 113326 Moscow RUSSIA. You can also send us a fax message at 095 for Moscow/and then 950-56-48. We look forward to your letters (Voice of Russia News Bulletin, 02/11/01 via Sergei Sosedkin, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SYRIA. 12085, Syrian Arab Republic Broadcasting Service at 2031- 2047 Feb 11 in English with Press review and programme 'Music from the Orient' (Vinay Ahuja, Belgium, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. R Thailand ext sce outlets on 9655 and 11905 freqs via Pathumthanee site are still inactive. Only IBB stn Udorn Thanee is in use (Uwe and Suree Volk, in Chiang Rai and Bangkok Thailand, Feb 1, BC-DX via DXLD) ** TURKEY. A VOT schedule in Conexión Digital via Marcelo Cornachioni reminds us that the 0400-0500 English broadcast to NAm plans to replace 6020 with 9655 from Feb 18, and remain on 7240 and 21715 to other targets. Has anybody been getting decent reception on 6020? (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. 15520, Radio Ukraine International 1229-1259 UT Feb 11 in English. Programme 'Hello Kiev' with listener's letters. SINPO 45444. Interestingly programme was described as "Saturday edition of Hello Kiev". Wonder if this is a repeat broadcast on Sunday or they got their day wrong? (Vinay Ahuja, Belgium, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. I was able to listen to WNIB webcast as late as midnight late Saturday night, with announcer Duffy saying his goodbyes, not from their own deleted website, but by selecting one of the 5 classical stations offered by http://www.streamaudio.com as Kevin Kelly reminded me. However, even that did not work any more as of Sunday morning, so they are bound not to let us hear the final death throes. Try again, just in case (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, Yes, I've followed the WNIB-Chicago story too: Salt Lake City- based Bonneville bought classical WGMS-FM (and all news WTOP) in Wash. DC and didn`t dump their (profitable) formats. Bonneville`s known as a class act, not driven just by money. So why this in Chicago? But then I haven`t figured out why CBS lets full service WCCO-AM in Minneapolis go to pot (It seems they`ve willed it) while its WBZ-AM (news all day, talker all night) in Boston is at the top of the ratings heap & listenable. What are these honchos thinking, anyway? Why can't WNIB be brought up to WGMS` level? Bonneville concertedly brought WTOP up to a par with (CBS owned) top-notch all-newsers, WCBS & WINS, in New York. Why did they cry uncle in Chicago without even a fight? (Chet Copeland, NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I guess paying $165 mega for it, they want to be sure to make more out of it than classical format would allegedly produce (gh) ** U S A. As a long-time and still sometime Chicago area resident, I will miss WNIB. Below are the URLs of two Chicago Tribune articles that appeared recently [December] about the station's demise. http://chicagotribune.com/leisure/features/article/0,2669,SAV-0012100442,FF.html http://chicagotribune.com/leisure/features/article/0,2669,SAV-0012040028,FF.html (--Dan Barriball, Feb 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. I picked this out of Michael McCarthy's RFPI post. The National Radio Project, which already produces "Making Contact", a weekly documentary program, is piloting a new weekday 30-minute news program, "Live Wire Independent News" for a one-month trial. The program is available via various public radio sources (available at their website) and via RFPI and on-demand download. The program sounds promising; I've been listening to Friday's program online. Those who have ties to public radio stations might want to pass the information along. The specific website for "LWIN" is http://www.radioproject.org/lwmoreinfo.html ; The overall project for the National Radio Project is http://www.radioproject.org (Richard Cuff, Feb 10, swprograms via DXLD) ** U S A. Unlike the web schedule, WWCR`s printed Feb schedule does show WOR UT Mon 0100 on 3215 -- but now it`s not actually on the air, Feb 12! It started at 0130 instead, mistake or change?? (gh, DXLD) ** VENEZUELA [non]. This Sunday morning, Feb 11, I made a point of checking out ``Aló Presidente`` via Cuba. Tune-in at 1411 on 9820- USB, found it audible on peaks only, and splattering on 9825. Cuba certainly is not making a very good case for SSB broadcasting, unable to carry it out properly. Parallel 6140 AM was much better. Lo-fi telco-quality audio throughout, presumably caused by the feed from Venezuela to Cuba. (11760 with RHC`s own programming as usual, and nothing on 9540 from Venezuela itself.) At 1414 ad for Venezuelan tourism. 1418 mentioned ``Aló Presidente``, trying to establish contact with Caracas. Mentioned ``Cadena Nacional RLV(??)`` on 630, 1050, 91.1 FM, ``88.5 FM en la costa litoral, onda corta internacional, informando al mundo... internet webcasting``. Music. 1422 plug the historical provincia de Mérida. At 1426 a Cuban announcer gave all the frequencies: 11705, 11875, 9505, 9820, 6140, and said the program was about to begin from Mérida at an altitude of more than 11 thousand meters, it sounded like. Even if they said ocho instead of once, there is still nothing approaching Everest, let alone a sesquiEverest, in Venezuela. There is, however, a considerably lower snowy summit near Mérida which I myself have attained via periférico on my only visit so far to South America. Checking all the frequencies at 1432: 9505 confirmed, under NHK in English; 11705 stronger, under NHK via Canada in Japanese; 11875 inaudible under usual monster signal from WEWN in English. Great frequency management, as usual. At 1437 they mentioned that the program started at ``10 am`` presumably meaning Venezuelan time of UT-4 = 1400 UT. At 1440 still playing music, no president, ditto 1451. By 1455, 6140 was fading down, but holding up this late is commendable; NHK/RCI 11705 closed at 1459* exposing that frequency as the best, just in time to take over from 6140. They said this program was No. 62, for the 11th of Feb. Finally, Presidente Hugo Chávez is heard, tuteando with his good friend the ambassador from Argentina, on the line from a place called Bailadores, at 1764m ASL. (I guess the South Americans are obsessed with altitudes; I want you to know that Enid is at 380m.) At 1507 noted slight QRM from P`yongyang in English direct on 11710, poor modulation. I have plenty else to listen to on Sunday mornings, so only rechecked occasionally: At 1633, 11705 was still VG, 9820 inaudible, now off?, 9505 mixing with something, 6140 faded out, and 11875 now confirmable but useless under WEWN. At 1729 the same, except 9505 now fairly clear but quite weak. Still going on 11705 past 1800; mostly seems to be a monologue by the Pres. At 1816 RHC ID and Cuban NA, [último territorio esclave en América], finally 1818*. BTW, the person who claimed there was info about the Venezuelan relay on the official RHC website never got back to me on that, and I have wasted no more time hunting for it there. At http://www.unionradio.com.ve however, this show is listed for 9 to 11 am only, 1300-1500 UT, but its main frequency is 1090; perhaps some other network is involved in this feed to Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZANZIBAR. Hello Daniele, Congratulations with your new QSL. You are one of the few that received the card that was designed by me. It`s very strange, but it seems that, since I have sent that pile of QSL cards to Zanzibar some two years ago, only appx. 10 DXers received my card in reply to their RR`s, while others received a QSL- letter. It`s some kind of a lottery. Enzio Gehrig deserves also a part of the credit for keeping the ties with the DX-community alive. BTW: I thought that obtaining a Zanzibar QSL would become much more difficult because of the recent uprising on the island, but it turned out to be the opposite: the last few weeks, there were more reports on Zanzibar QSLs. I wish you success with the QSL-hunting hobby (Guido Schotmans, Belgium, Feb 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Greetings Glenn, I am hearing a station on 19000 kHz (19.0 Mhz) even using USB. It`s 2010 UT (2:10 pm CST) on Sunday, February 11th, 2001. The quality (RF) of the station is good and rather stable. Due to the use of vulgarity, I believe this one is a pirate. He claims to give a QSL card, send your mail to WDS or WBS Communications in New York. My tape recorder is not working right now. Oh I wish it were. Right now the station is airing a comedy bit, with the Bugs Bunny theme. This station should be an easy catch for anyone in the St Louis, Missouri area and the surrounding Midwest region. Previously, I have been absent from monitoring SW. I am on vacation right now, and am enjoying the extra time off. 73 from (todd hartzel / n0vkg http://www.icon-stl.net/~toddh DX LISTENING DIGEST) A few issues ago we carried speculation from some unID pirate that using 19 MHz would be a good idea. Unless you are getting it by groundwave, good reception on that high a frequency suggests it be in the periphery of NAm, or overseas (gh) ###