DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-053, April 16, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] VOA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD MEDIA NEWS APRIL 14 SCRIPT: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/cw0414.html ** ANGOLA [non]. No sign yet of R. Ecclésia relay via DTK Germany, on 15775, checked April 16 at 0500, nor when propagation would be more likely at 1700-1800. The listed start date of April 15 was obviously tentative (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA [non]. If you hear Spanish on 15476, better not assume it`s LRA36. April 13 at 0115 I found a weak signal in Spanish on 15476, but this proved to be a spur from R. Martí, Delano, 15330, where it was putting in an overpowering signal, also splattering 15310-15350. There ought to be a law preventing IBB from pounding the USA with its signals on the way to somewhere else. I then found another one on 15492, and 15184 making a het with another weak signal on 15185. Could also have been on matching 15168, but that was blocked by RCI 15170. The IBB spurs could have been so far down that they be considered legal, but that`s no help when the fundamental is so strong. And 15330 is scheduled all the way from 2200 to 0300: 15330 2200 0300 OCB LARM SPAN DL 01 100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ASIA [non]. Radio Free Asia. This was not in the current schedule published recently in DXLD and CRW: 1700-1800 Khmer on 11525 15695 as heard on April 13th (Silvain Domen, Belgium, April 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AZERBAIJAN. This afternoon I`ve quite fairly heard a station on 9155 kHz. I presume that was Voice of Azerbaijan. Tuned to the frequency at 1038, and stayed there until 1100, end of broadcast. Couldn`t catch any ID, though. Language was Arabic, but songs definitely were in one of Turkic languages (Azerbaijani belongs to this group, indeed). Some time ago, Wolfgang Bueschel, Olle Alm and Noel Green discussed in BC-DX whether Voice of Azerbaijan still uses 9155 kHz. Apparently, it does! And modulation, BTW, is quite good. 73 & best dx, (Dmitri Mezin, Kazan, Russia, April 14, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** BELGIUM. On RVi Radio World, April 15, concluding an interview with Allen Graham, Frans Vossen gave the times for DX Partyline as : Saturdays 0110 and 0410 to North America, 0610 and 1910 to Europe... thus, giving the very mistaken impression that the NAm broadcasts be on UT Saturday, Friday night here, before the European broadcasts! HCJB`s inaccurate posted schedules showing times in UT but days in local may have contributed to his confusion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELIZE [and non]. In true pirate fashion, Allan [Weiner] has twice [sic] attempted, but so far without success, to broadcast from a ship. After I conducted this interview, Allan announced to the Winter SWL Fest that he is again outfitting a boat for shortwave broadcasting. Yes, I said "boat," not "ship." Allen describes it as a "motor sailer," about 18 meters long. It`s now in Boston Harbor, but he hopes to have it transmitting in the coastal waters of Belize, in Central America, by this summer. He plans for it to have two shortwave transmitters, one in the vicinity of 10 to 20 kilowatts, the other around one-kilowatt. Allan says this project is just for fun, and to promote shortwave broadcasting. He will not be broadcasting from international waters, which is counter to international law. His broadcasts from Belize coastal waters will be licensed by Belize. Before sailing to Belize, he will also use the boat in Boston Harbor to originate some broadcasts, but these will be transmitted by Allan`s duly licensed transmitter in Maine (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World April 14 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** BENIN. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). I paid a brief visit to Accra last week. My time for listening was limited, but the following information may be of interest: The regional station on 5025 was heard but there was no sign of Cotonou on 7210 (Chris Greenway, April 14, BDXC-UK via DXLD) see also BURKINA... CAMEROON, NIGERIA ** BRAZIL. Stations Reactivated: Glenn, Rádio Difusora, Taubaté-SP ouvida novamente em 4925 kHz, em 15.04 às 0520 com o programa Show da Madrugada. Depois de vários anos inativa, esta emissora retornou em ondas curtas há alguns meses para logo depois ficar fora do ar novamente; vamos ver se desta vez ela permanece ativa. Rádio Difusora de Taubaté no seu sexagésimo aniversário é uma das mais tradicionais emissoras brasileiras nas ondas tropicais. Rádio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista-SP ouvida novamente em 6105 kHz em 15/04 as 0535 com estemunho de fé; esta emissora esteve inativa nesta freqüencia recentemente. Transmissão em // com 4825 khz, não ouvida em 9675, inativa há algum tempo (Samuel Cássio, DX do Clube do Brasil, April 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BULGARIA/BELGIUM (?). 15440, Radio Ezra 1100-1118* April 15, Transmission in progress when tuned in, good signal on clear channel but only fair audio and transmitter hum, the station announced that as from next week they would be changing frequency to 13850 due to "technical problems" (Mike Barraclough, England, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURKINA FASO, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, CHAD. Also, nothing heard on shortwave from Burkina Faso, Chad or Central African Republic, although Ouagadougou and Bangui were both heard on mediumwave (747 and 1440 respectively). (Chris Greenway, visiting Ghana last week, April 14, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** CAMEROON. Nothing heard at all, including from 6005 Buea which was known to be on the air towards the end of last year (Chris Greenway, visiting Ghana last week, April 14, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5003.93, Radio Nacional Bata, 0509-0532, Spanish, musical program, man announcer, ID "Radio Nacional Bata..... para la región continental, transmite en su frecuencia de 5005 kilociclos...", 454, (Nicolás Éramo, Argentina, April 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. Club 9516 with David Page, well heard from RFI Sunday April 15 from 1639 tune in until 1649 wrap up, on 15605, despite propagation disturbance (registered as Issoudun 500 kW 110 degrees for this, altho at other times it could be Gabon). Club 95-16 also on the Sunday 1200 broadcast, but not on the 1400, and there is no `morning` English on weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Hi Glenn, For once, I completely agree with you. Radio Voyager is full of the usual rock/contemporary music that you can hear commercial-free on dozens of other websites. And the DJ's seem to have the intelligence of a 14 yr old pretending to be the hottest DJ in town (no foolin`, that`s exactly what it sounds like.) Listeners should NOT waste their time, nor corporations their money on this one, not to mention the waste of net bandwidth. What were VOA or Purina thinking??? (Eric Cooper, April 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, Radio Voyager programming details from its website: http://www.radiovoyager.com/2program/2prg.htm (Mike Terry, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yawn (gh, DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. Voice of the Communist Party of Iran in Farsi heard on first days of April *1658-1802* on 3881 (strong signal) and 4385 (weak signal). (R. Petraitis, Lithuania, April 4, Clandestine Radio Watch via DXLD) ** IRAQ. Mother of Battles Radio broadcasts in Arabic *1600-1850* on 11785 kHz. Heard on April 9th. Good signal. ID usual: "Idha`at umm al-ma`arik, idha`atu kul al-Arab" (R. Petraitis, Lithuania, Clandestine Radio Watch Apr 13, 2001 via DXLD) ** IRAQ [non]. Voice of Islamic Revolution in Iraq broadcasts in Arabic via IRIB, Iran (A01-summer schedule): 0330-0530 on 9535, 9685, 7120, 7245 kHz (R. Petraitis, Lithuania, Clandestine Radio Watch, Apr 9, 2001, via DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH. Last Sunday, RKI`s webcast was not working at 1935, nor at 0235 Monday, causing me to miss Multiwave Feedback; too bad the `casts are on after the only reliable SW broadcast of same, at 1135 on 9650 via Canada. So this week, April 15, I caught the latter. Good thing, too, as the webcast would not be working April 15 at 1935 either. Once again they plugged the monthly specials, including April`s which I must assume has not yet aired, tho they refuse to be specific about the dates. They always appear on Thursdays, so that leaves April 19 or 26; the March one I caught about :35 into an hour-long webcast. {later: not on April 19, so must be 26th} Topics as given this time: April: Cheju Island May: Korean Martial Arts, Tae Kwan Do June: World Ceramics Expo July: Intellectual World of ---? August: Pusan International Fim Festival September: International Food Festival October: International Acoustics Festival, One Man Opera (?) November: What Tourism Ministry has in store for the future (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. XERTA de nuevo al aire por 4.815 transmitiendo desde la plaza de san Juan en el centro de la ciudad de Mèxico con una potencia de 500 W y con horario de lunes a viernes de las 00:00 utc a las 06:00 utc y sábados las 24 horas del dia hasta amanecer domingo en México (Juan Josè Miroz, XE1-XNH Y XE544OV, Noticias DX April 14 via DXLD) graves sic (gh) ** MEXICO. Pirata en 94.9 MHz, Radio Zapote. Como era de esperarse, dejó de transmitir el día 30 de Marzo 2001, un día después de la salida de la comandancia del EZLN hacia Chiapas y de haber hablado ante el Congreso. Al menos esta emisora cumplió su servicio de informar los eventos del día, de repetir los discursos que se hicieron, entrevistado las personas del EZLN, a las que iban junto a la caravana zapatista, además de haber puesto en el aire toda clase de música, principalmente folklórica (Héctor García Bojorge, MEXICO, 10/4, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** NIGERIA. Aside from [BENIN, BURKINA FASO, CAMEROON, etc.], more or less everything that one might reasonably expect to hear in the region was on the air. The Nigerian regionals at Enugu (6025), Ibadan (6050) and Kaduna (separate services on 4770 and 6090) were all heard, along with Lagos on 3326 and strong signals from VoN on 7255 (Chris Greenway, visiting Ghana last week, April 14, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** PALESTINE [non]. Voice of Palestine, Voice of Palestinian Islamic Revolution Voice of Palestine, Voice of Palestinian Islamic Revolution broadcasts in Arabic via IRIB, Iran (A01 schedule): 0330- 0430 on 9610, 11870 and 1930-2030 on 6025, 6200, 9705, 9860, 11740, 11840 (R. Petraitis, Lithuania, Clandestine Radio Watch Apr 9, 2001) ** PARAGUAY. 9737.50, Radio Nacional del Paraguay, Asunción, 0137- 0230, Apr 12, Spanish mixed with guaraní, man announcer, Music from Paraguay and classic, comments about Easter season, ID "Radio Nacional del Paraguay está en el aire... agradecemos al SODRE de Montevideo..", 343, (Nicolás Éramo, Argentina, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 6536.02, Radio Difusora Huancabamba. Huancabamba; 1120-1148 fair on 14/APR/2001. Px "Amanecer Andino" with first class OA folklores. ID was given at 1130 as "La hora exacta en nuestros estudios. 6 de la mañana con 32 minutos, 6 de la mañana con 32 minutos en Radio Difusora Huancabamba desde la tierra de Huarinjas para todo el Perú, América y el mundo." 6479.68, Radio Altura, Huarmaca; was noted at 1110-1120 fair on 14/APR/2001. Rustic OA folklores and OM talk. ID was announced as "Transmite Altura Radio en onda corta internacional y frecuencia modulada simultáneamente desde la progresista ciudad de Huarmaca, Perú." (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, RELAMPAGO DX LOGGING via DXLD) ** SERBIA. The A-01 Australasian SW Guide lists some transmissions from `Bijeljina` on 7230 as if they had already come back, so I looked up this frequency in A-01 HFCC and all the others, representing R. Yugoslavia`s wish list, more or less as it was when they still had access to Bijeljina, Bosnia site. Note these are listed as if there were 250 kW transmitters at Beograd, and a selection of antennas just like Bijeljina. A number of other imaginary listings for the Week of Confusion 250301 to 010401 have been omitted; daily 1234567 u.o.s.: 6100 1530 1545 28N BEO 250 0 Hungarian YUG YRT 6100 1545 1600 28SE BEO 250 130 Greek YUG YRT 6100 1700 1715 28SE BEO 250 180 Albanian YUG YRT 6100 1715 1730 28SE BEO 250 130 Bulgarian YUG YRT 6100 1800 1830 28NE,29,30N BEO 250 40 Russian YUG YRT 6100 1830 1900 27,28W BEO 250 310 English YUG YRT 6100 1930 2000 27,28 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 123456 6100 1930 2030 27,28 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 7 6100 2000 2030 27,28W BEO 250 310 German YUG YRT 123456 6100 2030 2100 27,28 BEO 250 310 French YUG YRT 6100 2100 2130 27,28 BEO 250 310 English YUG YRT 6185 2030 2100 27,28 BEO 250 310 French YUG YRT 6185 2100 2130 27,28 BEO 250 310 English YUG YRT 7165 1800 1830 29S,30S BEO 250 70 Russian YUG YRT 7200 0000 2400 27-29,37-39 BEO 250 0 Serbian YUG YRT 7220 1900 1930 37NW BEO 250 250 Spanish YUG YRT 7230 1900 1930 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 English YUG YRT 7230 1930 2000 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 Serbian YUG YRT 123456 7230 1930 2030 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 Serbian YUG YRT 7 7230 2000 2030 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 Serbian YUG YRT 123456 7230 2130 2200 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 Serbian YUG YRT 123456 7230 2130 2230 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 Serbian YUG YRT 7 7230 2200 2230 55S,58,59 BEO 250 100 English YUG YRT 123456 9505 0000 2400 27-29,37-39 BEO 100 0 Serbian YUG YRT 9580 0000 0030 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 English YUG YRT 234567 9580 0030 0100 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 9580 0430 0500 6,7W,27 BEO 250 325 English YUG YRT 9580 2230 2300 43,44 BEO 250 55 Chinese YUG YRT 9580 2330 0030 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 7 9580 2330 2400 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 123456 9605 2300 2330 14,15 BEO 250 235 Spanish YUG YRT 9620 0000 2400 27-29,37-39 BEO 100 0 Serbian YUG YRT 9620 1600 1630 27,28W BEO 250 310 French YUG YRT 9620 1630 1700 27,28W BEO 250 310 German YUG YRT 9620 1730 1800 27,28W BEO 250 310 Italian YUG YRT 9680 2300 2330 12,13W,14NW BEO 250 265 Spanish YUG YRT 9720 1830 1900 52,53W,57 BEO 250 180 English YUG YRT 11735 1500 1530 29-31 BEO 250 55 Russian YUG YRT 11800 1430 1500 39 BEO 250 130 Arabic YUG YRT 11800 1600 1630 37,46S BEO 250 220 French YUG YRT 11870 0000 0030 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 English YUG YRT 234567 11870 0030 0100 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 11870 0430 0500 6,7W,27 BEO 250 325 English YUG YRT 11870 1500 1530 28NE,29,30N BEO 250 40 Russian YUG YRT 11870 1630 1700 27,28W BEO 250 310 German YUG YRT 11870 2330 0030 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 7 11870 2330 2400 7E,8,27 BEO 250 310 Serbian YUG YRT 123456 15190 1430 1500 37E,38W,46 BEO 250 220 Arabic YUG YRT (HFCC, condensed by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [non]. REE has expanded its use of 3210 via Costa Rica by two hours, now until 0559* per website, and was clashing severely with WWCR UT Mon April 16 during WOR and VOA CW after 0500. So now WWCR needs to stay on 3215 until 0600 or 0605, I have told them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWEDEN. Subject: SR op 12130? Hi Mensen, Is er nog iemand die Sveriges Radio ontvangt op 12.130,030? Dit is precies het dubbele van 6065,015, en daar krijg ik inderdaad hetzelfde signaal ook (alleen véél sterker). Kan me nauwelijks voorstellen dat het een fout is van mijn ontvanger, maar ik vind het nog het vreemdste dat een zo gerenommeerde zender niet precies op zijn nominale frequentie uitzendt... (Frank van Gerwen ICQ 2231692 Castricum/Netherlands http://www.cisquet.demon.nl bdxc april 14 via DXLD) ** TUNISIA. Dear Mr Hauser. I also recently discovered this station, 12005 at 0100, coming in with a fair signal here; they are also heard at 0500 on 7110 as well. Best wishes (Paul Bailey, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, April 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. It`s all for naught, the publicity Paul David and I (not to mention VOA) gave to the Radio 2 Voices of the Century specials. Listening to webcast at 1603 UT Sat April 13, went from news to ``not available, but you can still hear it on your radio``. Really? Where do they think I am, Britain?! So forget about it Monday, too. I`ve seldom found BBC R2 programmes blocked, but this is always possible. One only wishes they would specify this on their programme schedules! It`s extremely rude to treat web listeners this way (Glenn Hauser, OK, swprograms, April 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. The Waveguide program on BBC World Service, with Richard Lambley, had its last broadcast on March 23rd. So another media program goes off the air. This is becoming a lonely profession. Actually, with all of the marketing savvy of BBC World Service, I'm surprised that they do not realize that many people listen to radio via shortwave, satellite, and the Internet, because they are interested in shortwave, satellite, and the Internet. I think that the quantity and quality of this specialized audience warrant a weekly half hour program on World Service and on any other international radio station that wishes to develop an audience (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World April 14 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U K. World News: BBC fires Bengali section head Irish Times, Apr 14, 2001 BY AFP Dhaka - The head of the BBC`s Bengali-language section has been removed amid a controversy over his alleged roles in Bangladesh`s 1971 independence war and the 1975 coup, the official BSS news agency said yesterday. Mr Syed Mahmud Ali, a former army major, was removed by the BBC from his London-based position after a complaint from the Bangladesh government prompted by an interview he gave in Dhaka's Bengali daily, Janakantha, in February. BSS said Dhaka demanded action against Mr Ali after he reportedly confessed in the interview that as a former Pakistani army officer he worked against those seeking independence for Bangladesh in the 1971 war (AFP via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U K. Although I told you about this several weeks ago, the two American streams via broadcast.com are STILL reversed, although they have been redesigned. At 1910 GMT Monday, I am hearing Omnibus (about Bangladesh) on the ``News and Sports`` feed, and news on the ``Information & Entertainment`` feed, sports at 1920. Why don`t you fix this??? Regards, (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, April 16, to BBCWS via DXLD) * U S A. Frequency Change: Beginning April 21, 2001, the double sideband transmission of Communications World via Greenville, Saturday at 0700 UT, will move to 10869 kHz, replacing 6873 kHz (VOA CW script April 14 {but not broadcast} via DXLD) Just as Wolfgang Büschel suggested (gh) ** U S A. KPH coastal station gear to be on air for International Marconi Day: Amateur Radio station K6KPH will be on the air for International Marconi Day from the original transmitting and receiving stations of ex-RCA coast station KPH. Operation is set to start at 0700 UTC Saturday, April 21. The frequencies of operation will be 7050 and 14,050 kHz. KPH traces its history back to the days of Marconi operation at the Bolinas transmitting site. K6KPH will be operated using the original transmitters, receivers and antennas of KPH. The operators will be at the Point Reyes receiving station, remotely keying the transmitters in Bolinas, just as was done when the station was in commercial operation. Members of the Maritime Radio Historical Society -- which include several original KPH operators -- will be at the key. Details about International Marconi Day are available on the Cornish Radio Club Web site, http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/ Visit the Maritime Radio Historical Society Web site, http://www.radiomarine.org --Dick Dillman, W6AWO (ARRL Letter April 13 via Horacio Nigro and John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U S A. WSM-AM No longer on satellite: It looks as though we have lost the C-band analog audio subcarriers that had carried WSM-AM Radio from Nashville in stereo on satellite C4, transponder 24. The end of this audio feed appears to have coincided with the decision to move CMTV (Country Music Television) programming and uplinking facilities from Nashville to suburban New York. During the past year, we`ve lost access to WCBS and WQXR radios, as well (Mike Cooper, GA, April 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [clandestine]. Are these Generals and Colonels of the Kentucky State Militia related to Field Marshall Cinque of the Symbionese Liberation Army? (The group which kidnapped Patty Hearst way back when.) Of course, I suppose there are a lot of "Colonels" in Kentucky, some of whom command cleanup crews at chicken shacks. Since this is a well-regulated militia, doing its duty under the Second Amendment to the Constitution, has its Commander-in-Chief, presumably His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, ever heard of them? (Joël Rubin, NY, April 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Kentucky State Militia R 3260U em v/s Charlie Puckett, State C/O Kentucky State Militia cpuckett@ure.net saying "This will be the frequency to listen to when the U.S. erupts into civil war which is not too far off!!" (Mauno Ritola, Finland, Apr 4, 2001 for Clandestine Radio Watch, via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Received today from Scott Westerman: Here`s an update on our test transmission project from the United Arab Emirates. We`re having a minor technical challenge getting the Beacon audio feed on the air from UAE, and for the sake of moving ahead with our tests, we authorized Merlin to run a BBC feed from that site to see what coverage is like. It`s intermittently on the air between 19-21 UT on 15470 kHz and my listening posts in Accra, Nairobi, Luande [sic], Jo'burg and Madagascar all report that it booms in like a local AM station. We`ll be working on getting a Beacon audio feed on that channel and I`ll shoot you a note when it`s up and running. In the meantime, your reports on the BBC feed to scott@worldbeacon.net are welcome. If this frequency plan works out, the World Beacon will settle into a four hour daily schedule to Africa on two frequencies. We will likely keep our 3230 kHz tropical band channel as that does well in the South, and will pick up a second frequency to cover the northern half of the continent. We`re still on 9675 kHz from Rampisham while we sort things out (via Andy Sennitt, April 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Our Russian initiative is also right on schedule for a June 1 launch. I`m attending the National Association of Broadcasters conference in Las Vegas next week and will be meeting with our Merlin partners to finalize plans for a four hour daily program to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Watch the World Beacon website for details as we come closer to launch. By the way, congratulations to our friend George Jacobs, who is the cover model on this month`s CQ magazine. As many of you know, George has been in the short wave engineering consulting business for 50 years and is as creative and energetic today as he was when he first began analyzing the skywaves in 1951. Best regards, THE WORLD BEACON Scott Westerman (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA [non]. During blackout around 1400 UT April 15, checked Aló Presidente frequencies via Cuba; some southerly signals were audible, and there was some sort of carrier on 9820, but it never developed into audio in the following hours, so I suspect the show was not on this week. 11705 was vacant despite Japan via Canada wipeout; also 9505 had nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###