DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-122, September 7, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] ** ALBANIA. R Tirana, 0145 Sep 3, started out on 6120 and as the female announcer was reading the freq list, they shifted down to 6115 to correct freq. from 6120. Program in EE. Sort of funny. New starting time noted at 0145 (Bob Montgomery, PA, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** BELGIUM [and non]. Only the Wavre site will close their service. There are so many RVI listeners in Central Africa without telephone connection, so RVI will keep them ready by programme relays via DTK Deutsche Telekom Jülich transmitter site, as in the past (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, BC-DX Sept 7 via DXLD) ** BHUTAN. 5030, Bhutan Broad Service. Surprised to find a f/d QSL Card (made of a heavier stock than those issued to George Maroti when they first started QSLing again). They have apparently verified my Dec 1993 reports of the 8th and 18th with this card and a personal letter apologizing for the delay. QSL signer is Sonam Tobgay, Station Engineer (that's who I sent my 1993 report to, as well). I had eventually QSLd them via the UN Embassy in 1994. NO follow-ups issued for these reports (John Sgrulletta, NY, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** BIAFRA [non]. 12120 kHz Radio Biafra International. Sept. 1 at 1901-1945. SINPO 353323 [sic]. Started with ID in English, Folk song followed. ID was heard as "This is Voice of Biafra International, coming to you from Washington D.C. transmitting on 24.75 meters..." ID was heard again at 1906, followed by male talk in English. This transmission came from Russia or CIS country, because short IS of Voice of Russia was heard at 1900 (Iwao NAGATANI, Kobe JAPAN, NRD-545 with 20 meters LW, Japan Premium via DXLD) Hi!!! I`m Arnaldo Slaen, from Argentine. One of staff editors of Conexión Digital. Yesterday I received this QSL from email in 2 days. Best Regards Dear Arnaldo: Thank you so much for listening, monitoring and confirming our broadcast! Voice of Biafra International is owned and produced by Igbo organizations focused on actualizing Biafra. We buy airtime from a broadcasting station --- we would like to own our own station someday. Thank you, again, Sir. Our next broadcast will be same time, but on 12125 (instead of 12120) kHz. See you then! Oguchi Nkwocha, MD, A Biafran Citizen (via Arnaldo Slaen, DXLD) 15th/16th Street? I've just listened to a recording of the broadcast and it sounds more like 15th Street to me. Interestingly, the tx cut in to a V of Russia IS both before and after the V of Biafra broadcast, so perhaps this give a clue as to the transmitter site! (Dave Kenny, UK, DXplorer Sep 5 via BC-DX via DXLD) CLANDESTINE from RUSSIA? to NIGERIA. 12120, Radio Biafra International. Just weak Sept 1 under a ute plus yet another stupid radar signal here in Wyoming. I decided to try the javaradio Stockholm:- Nigerian music at 1904 with ID by man in English at 1906 as "Radio Biafra International from Washington, D.C. Lost the javaradio feed for a bit, but heard it again at 1912 with political speech by man in English. A bit hard for my American ears to understand his accent. Decent signal, no QRM or QRN (Hans Johnson, WY, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** CANADA. 20415, RCI, 2040 6 Sept, 17870 and 15325 mixing to produce this spur (2545 kc separation). Fair strength (David Hodgson, TN, harmonics yahoogroup via DXLD) ** CANADA. 6130, CHNX, Per Mark Olson, station engineer, "We are not on the air. The transmitter finally died. We have no replacement and no money in the budget for operating." (Hans Johnson, Cumbre DX, Sep 4, via DXLD) ** CHINA [and non]. Dear Sir, this is to inform you on VOT`s transmission which have been jammed for a long time. Voice of Tibet seems to have been singled out together with the "Falun Gong Radio" as "worst" enemy by China. VOT transmit between 1215 and 13 UT on two simultaneous freqs: 15.670 or 15.635 and 21.560/21.570 - and between 2315 and 24 UT on 11.815/11.525. China seems to be putting several transmission on top and right besides us --- and trace our frequency changes within minutes. Have desperately tried to figure out from where, which direction etc. etc. they use, but with no success so far. Sending this info to you hoping you or somebody you know might take interest in looking into it. Many thanks, for VOT Oystein Alme, proj.man. http://www.vot.org _____________________________________________________________________ Voice of Tibet, The Foundation Voice of Tibet's administration office St. Olavs gate 24, 0166 Oslo Phone (47)-22112700, 22111209 Fax:[47] 22115474 Email: voti@online.no. Website: http://www.vot.org VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS (via Martin Schöch, Germany, Sept 6, DXLD) See also TIBET ** COLOMBIA. Hola Amigos. Les envío un enlace a una noticia aparecida en el Diario El Tiempo sobre la Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia. Espero sea de su interés. http://eltiempo.terra.com.co/02-09-2001/cult93330.html (Rafael Rodríguez, Conexión Digital via DXLD) [article is about the sad technical state of the network, with many transmitters off the air, including SW for a sesquimonth, outdated studio equipment, etc. I quote part of it on Radio Enlace/Mundo Radial -gh] ** COSTA RICA. 5954, Radio Casino *1030-1050 Spanish NA, announcements, ID, news mentioned Nicaragua, vocals with accordion, TC & jingle ID (Sheryl Paszkiewicz, WI, Sept 5, swl@qth.net via DXLD) FYI in this and other cases: in DXLD, the date in the credits means the date of the report, not necessarily the date of reception, which was not specified. I am constantly moving dates out of the credits of many reports back next to the time where they belong, when it is clear the date is meant to be date of reception, whether or not it be the same as date of report (gh, DXLD) ** CUBA [non]. Hi Glenn, With the forthcoming introduction of new digital radio services, won't it be a COMPLETE MESS for us poor North Americans? Radios made in the U.S. won't work in Canada, because AM and FM will be switched off entirely. Standard AM/FM radio from Canada won't work in the States because AM and FM will have switched to IBOC. Meanwhile, Canadian/European DAB radios will probably be banned at the border, since the L-band is used for military purposes, so I understand. So much for a single digital standard (Ricky Leong, Sept 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also UK article ** EGYPT. New transmitter! There have anyone tried the new frequency of 9475 for Radio Cairo around 0300, the info I got saying that this transmission is coming from a new transmitter located in a place called ABU ZA'BAAL. According to my sis who works for the Spanish overseas section of Radio Cairo, she says the response from Latin America is GREAT! (Tarek Zeidan, Egypt, SU1TZ, Aug 31, BC-DX via DXLD) In English? Used to be NAm 0200-0330 on 9475 (gh, OK, DXLD) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5003, R. Nacional Bata hasn't been heard since by me since Aug 28, before that a bit irregular (Piet Pijpers, Holland, Sep 6, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** ESTONIA? Spotted UNID broadcast on 1035 kHz today 7th of September between 1500 to 1515 UTC. This is the old frequency used by Radio Tallinn (Estonia) until late 90´s or so. They have since abandoned all broadcasts on MW and SW. The transmission I heard didn`t sound like Radio Tallinn at all. I heard a Christmas service in (American) English with oratorios & hymns! Signal strength was good. Therefore it seems more than likely it originated from The Baltic/ St. Petersburg region. It`s still broad daylight here in Southern Finland. A pirate? First appearance of a new religious station? Return of Radio Tallinn? That remains to be seen. All the best & 73`s from Helo (Kari Helopaltio, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. CLANDESTINE from USA to ETHIOPIA, 15685 (Cumbre DX Special follow up), Voice of Tigrays from North America still testing from WWCR on Thursday, Sep 6, at 2100 (Hans Johnson, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** FINLAND. Scandinavian Weekend Radio, 11720, 9/1 0418-0457 Tune in weak to very weak audio but did catch an ID at 0428 in English. Lots of co-channel splatter. Covered by an English language to Africa program at 0457 (Chris Lobdell, MA, My first northern based Europirate, Free Radio Weekly via DXLD) ** GERMANY. Zum Tag des offenen Denkmals am 9. Sept 2001 ist die Rundfunksendestelle Nauen für alle interessierte Besucher geöffnet. In der Zeit von 10 bis 16 Uhr [LT] kann das historische Muthesius- Gebäude besichtigt werden. In diesem Jahr ist unter anderem eine Original-Knallfunkenstrecke von 1906 zu sehen und es wird Führungen durch die Leitstelle, der neuen 500 kW-Kurzwellensender geben. Aktive Sendeanlagen können nicht besichtigt werden (Jan Balzer, Germany, A- DX Sep 3 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** GERMANY. [HCDX] RADIO EAST SIDE TESTING TO NORTHAMERICA Hi DXers! Radio East Side from somewhere in Germany will be on air this Sunday (September 09th) to North America: 0400-0500 UT 15815 kHz in USB mode 0500-0600 UT 6270 kHz in AM mode reception reports please to: Radio East Side, P.O.Box 1136, 06201 Merseburg, Germany --- our hotline: +49 / 1776720993 (24 h/day) Our new homepage is: http://www.clandestineradio.com/eastside Have a look on this page !!! All the best and good DX from (Alex "W" (station OP), Hard-Core-DX mailing list Sept 7 via DXLD) ** GHANA. Re going on the internet, WOR 1095: I think this is what you are after:- http://www.ebroadcast.com.gh/ 73's (Graham Powell, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** HAWAII. 720, KUAI, Eleele, [Kauai] very good on top of KDWN with Hawaiian pops and reg. pops, Spot for a garden show, mentioning KUAI at 0815 UT 9/7. 900, KNUI, Kahului, very nice island mx and low keyed announcer. Cluster of spots for internet Maui service at 0715 9/7. Best heard in a long time. Totally on top of CKMO. Drake R8, EWE antenna (Pat Martin, OR, IRCA and hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** INDIA. AIR Vividh Bharati on 10330, re DXLD 1-121: Dear Glenn, With reference to your report on DXLD, I would like to clarify about AIR on 10330 kHz. The service is called Vividh Bharati. Roughly translated it means Indian Variety. It is the entertainment channel of AIR. On SW 10330 kHz, 4 transmitters in 4 parts of the country, viz. Delhi (North), Mumbai (West), Guwahati (North East) & Chennai (South) relay the same program SIMULTANEOUSLY, received via Satellite. The program originates in Mumbai. All 4 tx are sychronised but occasionally some flaws are noticed. They cover the whole of India. The language is Hindi itself but at certain times they broadcast songs from different languages of India but ALL announcements are in Hindi. By the way, most of the Vividh Bharati programs are also relayed from Satellite by all the local Vividh Bharati stations on MW & FM. At certain times the MW & FM stations have local programs. These local stations are called Commercial Broadcasting Stations (CBS). The local identifications are given at sign on, sign off and during local programming and at other gaps etc. Some small local stations don`t even give local IDs but simply relay from the Satellite the whole programs. Some stations relay Vividh Bharati at certain times of the day only. Local Vividh Bharati stations are mostly of 1 kw on MW or 6 or 10 kw on FM. The MW Vividh Bharati stations are often co-sited at the studios while the main tx centers will be somewhat away from the studios. By any chance the main tx are off air due to any problems, the Vividh Bharati tx suspends their regular programs and carry the main programs. Vividh Bharti programs are very popular as they have mostly music, dramas etc. I hope that you find these info of interest. Sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institiute of Amateur Radio, Box 1555, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, India 500082. Telfax 91-40-3310287. Http://www.bcdx.qrzindia.net http://www.niar.org Sept 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAQ [non]. UK/Iraq: Iraqi opposition Liberty TV carries programming Since 0530 gmt on 6 September, programming has been observed on Liberty TV (Arabic: Television Hurriyah), the US-funded London-based opposition Iraqi National Congress (INC) television station which has been carrying test transmissions since 15 August. The broadcast consists of a programme of approximately 90-minutes duration, which is repeated several times a day. It consists of: 1) An approximately five-minute Koranic recitation 2) A 14-minute newscast, including news on Iraq and world news. The newscast cites London's Daily Telegraph story on the reported resignation of Tariq Aziz (carried by the Daily Telegraph on 29 August). It also features world news, which include a report on developments in the Palestinian territory, including the reported Israeli attempt to assassinate DFLP leader Qays al-Samarra'i (reported by various Arab media on 31 August) 3) A four-minute announcement on the suffering of the Iraqi people featuring short video clips showing damage to Shi'i holy places in 1991; Kurdish refugees fleeing their areas after the Iraqi troop attacks in 1991; and a video clip smuggled from the Kurdish areas in 1991 showing the then Iraqi defence minister, Ali Hasan al-Majid, beating Shi'i rebels in southern Iraq. The announcement promises "freedom" and to return the "smiles back" to the Iraqi people. 4) Short statements by Al-Sharif Ali Bin-Husayn and Shaykh Muhammad Muhammad Ali, members of command committee of the INC, on the objectives of the INC and its work towards a "democratic Iraq"; 5) Iraqi songs 6) Short statement by an unidentified clergyman on the "crimes" of the "gang" governing Iraq, refuting Saddam's claims that he is a descendant of the Prophet. 7) A 15-minute interview with Suran Aziz, founder of the Iraqi Human Rights Organization, on human rights violations in Iraq. (Liberty TV broadcasts on the Telstar 12 satellite at 15 degrees West, 12.599 GHz, vertical polarization.) Source: BBC Monitoring research 6-7 Sep 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** JAPAN. Completing a major project, "The History of Broadcasting in Japan in the 20th Century" was published by NHK in March, on the anniversary of the start of experimental broadcasts by NHK's forerunner, the Tokyo Broadcasting Station, in 1925. The publication, in Japanese, was one of NHK's commemorative projects for the 75th anniversary of the broadcasting service in Japan. It took the NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute more than five years to compile the research material. The publication consists of two main volumes with a combined total, of 1274 pages, a single volume chronicle of 802 pages, and CD-ROM related to the chronicle, beginning with the invention of Morse Code. The publication concludes with the commencement of satellite digital broadcasting in Japan in December 2000. The book focuses mainly on Japanese stations, both the public broadcaster NHK and commercial broadcasters, with reference also to recent developments and other media, including newspapers and the Internet. An English edition is planned for release in 2003 (ABU via BC-DX Sept 7 via DXLD) ** KIRIBATI WEST. T30ES operation on the air: Eric Griffin, N1JSY, will be on the air for the next sesquiyear from the island of Butaritari in West Kiribati as T30ES. The T30ES operation is not a DXpedition. Griffin is a Penn State grad who's in the Peace Corps. His T30ES adventure is being supported by the Candlewood Amateur Radio Association and the Bethel Educational Amateur Radio Society, both of Connecticut, whose members donated the various elements for the T30ES station. At last report, one antenna was up and N1JSY had made a few regional QSOs as the station undergoes its shakedown cruise. T30ES will be active as his schedule permits. He's running 100 W with battery power and will operate only during his non-work hours. QSL to PO Box 3441, Danbury CT 06813. For more information on T30ES, visit The Kiribati Connection Web site, http://people.mags.net/boem/kiribati1.htm (Peter Kemp, KZ1Z, ARRL Newsletter Sept 7 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** MADAGASCAR. 5009, RTV Malagasy, not sure about this one: has station been reported? Several times I heard a weak to middling signal, but always on 5010.0! around the time you would expect Malagasy to come through in the (rather) early evening (Piet Pijpers, Holland, Sep 6, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** MARSHALL ISLANDS. 1098, WSZO, Majuro fair with US pops, Rod Stewart, woman announcer in Marshallese (presumed) at 0836 9/7 (Pat Martin, OR, IRCA and hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. Digital Radio Mondiale: More special transmissions are coming up on shortwave from 12-18 September, this time for the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam. Details on our DRM page. On the same page there's a report on the successful mobile DRM demonstrations held at the recent IFA fair in Berlin. http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/html/drm.html (Media Network newsletter Sept 7 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. ``KBBN``. I had begun to think that the Lord was putting the short wave project on the back burner and that maybe we should wait until next term to push forward. However, a missionary who has been here for over 34 years would not allow me to forget about it. As a matter of fact, he put his money where his mouth is and gave $3,000.00 towards the short wave project, which is 30% of what we need to purchase the transmitter. There's nothing like a nudge in the right direction to keep the fire stoked! (Brad Wells, PNG, Sep 7, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** PORTUGAL. I did not read that article published by newspaper Público, so I'm not in position to comment except to say it's rather strange that local (FM) stations are imposed to broadcast 24 hrs/day. The only locals that may not broadcast 24 h a day use FM alone, and are private, commercial stations. Açores / Madeira: a few that broadcast on MW too don't have a 24 h pattern, or then broadcast 24 h but via their FM transmitters. RDP, R. Renascença, R. Comercial all broadcast 24 h on both MW & FM, and possibly DBS + satellite. Some local FM stations also use satellite facilities (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, Sep 2, BC-DX via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. We will begin a special test starting on Sept 2nd, according to the following schedule: 6000 1700-2130 V of Russia in Bul, Gr, Alb, Bul and Se (this is our temporary relay instead of Samara). 7420 1800-2030 R Gardarika on this new frequency instead of 7370. There will be two 200 kW St. Petersburg-Popovka txs (one for each freq) --- but with one 215 degree curtain aerial system in use. The first transmitter will use one half of this aerial system. The second one will use the other half of our aerial system. We have a lot of this kind transmissions in our current schedule --- but with one and the same program only. This test will be first one for many years when we will relay two different programs via one aerial system. We are anxious slightly about all possible problems including mixed or spurious signals (Mikhail Timofeyev, Russia, Aug 31, BC-DX via DXLD) ** RUSSIA/CIS. Other S-01 season changes: 5895 1200-1330 43,44 P.K 200 265 0209-281001 RUS VOR 5950 1700-2400 28S,36 SRN 250 265 0209-281001 RUS VOR 5965 1530-2300 17,29 ARM 100 325 0209-281001 RUS RRS 5975 1200-1500 40,41 TAC 100 135 2609-281001 UZB UZB 7130 1600-1700 39,40NW S.P 400 145 2909-281001 RUS CRI 7130 1800-1830 39,40NW S.P 400 145 2909-281001 RUS CRI 7130 1830-1900 39,40NW S.P 500 145 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7140 1530-1930 39N,40 NVS 100 245 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7150 1200-1400 45 VLD 250 160 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7175 2200-2300 27,28 MSK 250 275 0209-281001 RUS CRI 7195 1200-1600 30,40,41 ARM 100 105 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7245 1000-1300 45,50,51,54,55,58 N/A 240 190 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7260 1700-2200 37 SAM 250 245 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7300 1700-2100 18 VLG 250 315 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7305 1330-1900 40,41 NVS 500 195 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7310 1500-2100 18,27N MSK 250 285 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7315 1000-1400 44,45,49,54 P.K 250 250 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7330 1900-2030 27,28,37,46 MSK 250 240 0209-281001 RUS VOV 7360 2000-2100 17,27 ARM 500 315 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7380 1700-1930 28 SAM 250 285 0209-281001 RUS RMP 7390 1600-2200 27,28,37,46 MSK 250 250 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7430 1430-1900 41 ARM 100 145 0209-281001 RUS VOR 7455 2230-2330 41,42,49,54 A-A 200 135 0209-281001 KAZ IBB 7460 1600-1630 33,42-44 DB 200 060 2609-281001 TJK IBB 7480 1200-1500 30 ERV 100 080 0209-281001 ARM ARM 7530 1800-2100 44 DB 500 080 0209-281001 TJK IBB 7540 1500-2200 43,44 DB 500 070 0209-281001 TJK IBB 7540 2300-2400 43,44 DB 500 070 0209-281001 TJK IBB 7550 2300-2400 40-44,49,54 ERV 500 100 0209-281001 ARM IBB 9395 2300-2400 41,42 DB 200 125 0209-281001 TJK IBB 9450 1130-1400 32,43,44,50 NVS 240 110 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9450 1400-2000 27,28,37 MSK 500 295 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9450 2000-2130 37,38 MSK 250 240 3009-281001 RUS VOR 9470 1000-1400 43,44,49,54 KHB 100 225 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9490 1000-1400 43,44,49,54 NVS 240 155 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9490 1600-2100 37,46 SAM 240 250 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9675 1500-1900 38,39,47,52 SRP 100 190 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9710 1600-2230 28,46 S.P 240 215 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9730 1630-2200 38,39 SRP 240 190 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9745 1300-1900 48,53 TCH 500 240 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9890 1500-2300 27,28 SAM 250 280 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9900 1000-1400 44,45 IRK 100 110 0209-281001 RUS VOR 9975 2315-0045 49 DB 200 125 0209-281001 TJK IBB 11520 1745-2100 32,43-45 DB 500 085 2503-230901 TJK IBB 11535 1400-1500 49,54 DB 200 125 0209-281001 TJK IBB 11540 0015-0130 41,49,54 DB 200 125 0209-281001 TJK IBB 11540 1300-1400 41,49,54 DB 200 125 0209-281001 TJK IBB 11820 1600-2200 28 MSK 250 245 0209-281001 RUS VOR 11920 1500-1700 38,39,47,48,52,53 SAM 250 220 0209-281001 RUS VOR 11980 1500-2100 27,28 ARM 500 290 0209-281001 RUS VOR 12000 1500-2000 27,28N,37 SAM 240 255 0209-281001 RUS VOR 12025 2300-0100 43,49,54 IRK 500 180 0209-281001 RUS RFI 12030 1900-2100 27,28,37 ARM 250 290 0209-281001 RUS VOR 12055 0900-1000 44,45 IRK 250 110 0209-281001 RUS VOR 12065 2130-2200 43-45 P.K 250 245 0209-281001 RUS VOA 13640 1300-1400 43,44 IRK 250 152 0209-281001 RUS VOR 13830 1100-1400 41,49 DB 200 125 0209-281001 TJK IBB 15595 1800-1830 38-40 S.P 400 145 2503-290901 RUS CRI 17665 1300-1400 41,49 ARM 240 105 0209-281001 RUS VOR (HFCC table, Apr 3rd, via BC-DX Sept 7 via DXLD) Ergo, as planned, not necessarily all correct now (gh, DXLD) ** SAMOA WESTERN. 540, 2AP, topping the CBC with man in Samoan with light Island inst. mx at 0819 UT 9/7 (Paul Martin, OR, IRCA and hard- core-dx via DXLD) ** SINGAPORE [and non]. Richard, Perhaps I should hesitate to say this, but I am curious about your reaction to the new FM service via Indonesia, Sinews...? 73, Glenn Hesitate not on asking me about independent media. I have heard Radio 68h (Radio Delapan Hah). Their website, which includes outdated English item is at: http://www.radio68h.com The organisation seems to be an independent news agency based in Jakarta. Its broadcasts which last for about 30 minutes daily is syndicated to more than 200 radio stations throughout Indonesia. In Singapore, their programs are heard at 1100 UT over QFM 102.3, a station located on Batam island, Indonesia and Echo of Hope 105.5, a station of the Adventist church, also located in Batam. The programs are done professionally and their journalists often interview top government officials during their programs. Recently, they also carry stories about the elections in Timor Lorosae. The radio68h website carries a link to http://www.easttimorelections.org which has more stories from Radio 68h in English and Indonesian. I heard Radiq Radio for the first time yesterday. It is supposed to be part of the output of Radio 68h, but is heard after the end of Radio 68h at 1130 UT. Its website is http://www.radiqradio.com The program output as well as the website are in Malay. Their website lists broadcast time at 1130 UT with a repeat at 0030 UT the following day on 102.3 (Southern Malaysia), 101.25 (Tawau and Sandakan), MW 936 in Sarawak. All the listed frequencies are those of Indonesian stations. Radiq radio does not seem to be heard everyday. Its output yesterday consists of comments about the agreement reached on a number of bilateral issues following SM Lee Kuan Yew's visit to Kuala Lumpur. I have not heard Sinews despite trying yesterday. I must say that your bulletin is the first place that I saw Sinews being mentioned. Not surprisingly, the local papers did not carry any story on it, although it had reported on Radio 68h and Radiq Radio. Given the development of alternative news output in Indonesia and Malaysia, I would say that such a development in Singapore is hardly surprising. Besides, the general elections are due soon and the opposition parties had always complained of being given only restricted access to the media (yes, the media here is still largely pro-government). Having said that, I do not think that most Singaporeans would take notice. Most radio listeners listen to one of the 18 local radio channels or the BBC. Stations from Malaysia (18 of them) and Indonesia (5 of them) can also be heard on the FM band here, making for a total of 42 stations, but foreign FM stations have much fewer listeners in Singapore. Church groups aired programs from 102.3 (which also carries programs from FEBC Singapore) and 105.5 (which carries some local church programming in addition to some AWR favourites), but again these have very little audience. 102.3 itself started last year as a music station. It does not announce a street address, saying that they are located in Tiban Tiga region on Batam island (perhaps FEBC would know!). They have a phone number for call-in dedications, and sell little advertisements. No idea who is behind it. I had sent reception reports when it just started but no QSL. Well, that's saying a lot. I don't know how much of it is useful to you, but feel free to cull any of it if you want to use it for the next edition. I will try to listen to Sinews again and perhaps bore you with more reactions when I do! 73s (Richard Lam, Singapore, Sept 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 1035, H4B1, Honiara, fair on top of 2ZB NZ with minister talking about morals at 0935 UT 9/7. Program break at 0959 with "Radio Hapi Islands". This used to be more regular, but haven't heard it in a year or so (Pat Martin, OR, IRCA and Hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** SOMALIA. Do-It-Yourself Radio Operating a radio station in a developing country is difficult enough. But operating inside a country where there is no functioning government or a proper national infrastructure is a challenge many would not relish. Nevertheless, a team of volunteers in Galkayo, Northeast Somalia, have been broadcasting for eight years now. Growing awareness of their existence by expatriate Somalis and international organisations has led to more material support in the past year. http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/features/html/somalia010907.html (Media Network newsletter Sept 7 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** TAHITI. 738, Papeete, very strong, holding well next to KCBS-740, with woman in FF and Island mx. Noted at 0739 UT 9/7 (Pat Martin, OR, IRCA and hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** TIBET. Hi Glenn, Just gone through your latest DXLD. Let me take this opportunity to compliment you on your excellent newsletter. This is even though a lot of the information within comes from your contributors from all over the world. Your format not only allows the rest of us readers to get DX news, but also to critique what may be incorrect information which is what I'm about to do now. The attached fragment [DXLD 1-121] is a sigh. Someone thinks that what comes out of Chinese transmitters in Tibet is not Tibetan. (What language is it then? I'm sure it`s not Mandarin) It's like saying that what comes out from VOA News Now is not English because it is not English as spoken in the United Kingdom. Having heard Tibetan broadcasts from China (as well as PRC broadcasts in other minority languages), the furthest I can say is that I think (not sure) these announcers are ethnic Chinese. Just because they don't speak Tibetan like a local does not mean that the language they speak is not Tibetan. I should also point out that there are Tibetan broadcasts from Qinghai province and from the Zhongdian PBS in Yunnan (the later I personally heard in Zhongdian on 675 kHz and 104.5 MHz at 1000 UT). 73s, (Richard Lam, Singapore, September 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, As an addition, I have emailed Tibet PBS as to their broadcast on 5950 (I think this log is sometime ago as they had revamped their frequencies since then). Hopefully they will reply as to what is the language heard over 5950. I had also asked them about possible broadcasts in non-Mandarin and non-Tibetan languages, just in case your correspondent is correct. Tibet PBS website lists the program on 5950 at 0400 UT as relay of news in Tibetan from the CPBS minority service (Richard Lam, Singapore, Sept 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA ** TOGO. 5047, Radio Togo: I received a QSL from Togo today. Not much of a sked mentioned in the QSL letter: "The station opens its antenna at 4:55 am and programmes start at 5:55 am with prayers which last till 5:58 am. This is followed by a musical pose and at 6 am an announcer gives the time and identification of the station". The times I assume are local, Togo is UT (Joe Talbot, Alberta, Sep 5, Cumbre DX via DXLD) See related report in previous issue 1-121; no TOGO entries before then this year (gh, DXLD) 5047, R Togo is off for a long time (Piet Pijpers, Holland, Sep 6, Cumbre DX via DXLD) An interesting piece on a country we don't hear too much about. Interesting that, despite the dictatorship, the letters I see from Togo [at the RCI correspondence department] don't complain about the lack of democracy. (Or maybe they feel they'd better not complain.) 73- (Bill Westenhaver, DX LISTENING DIGEST) In Togo, the Big Man Looms Large -- By Douglas Farah LOME, Togo -- Nightly newscasts mostly chronicle how President Gnassingbe Eyadema, Africa's longest-serving president, spent his day. Billboards with Eyadema's face adorn the country, lapel pins with his likeness are worn by senior government officials, and troupes of dancing women are brought out to welcome him when he visits the countryside. When he returns from his frequent trips abroad, the entire cabinet and other senior officials greet him to show their loyalty and affection... To view the entire article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/print/world/A54876-2001Sep6.html (via Bill Westenhaver, DXLD) ** TUVALU. 621, T2U2, fair in KIPA splash with woman in various languages. Presume Gilbertese [Kiribatian?] or something similar at 0840 9/7 (Pat Martin, OR, hard-core-dx and IRCA via DXLD) ** U K. Matthew Bannister, an original supporter of digital radio, in today`s Times had put in words what many have been expressing: Digital radio: a costly dud BY MATTHEW BANNISTER The former Director of Radio at the BBC supported the new technology but now thinks it a mistake. Link to the full article is: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,66-2001310649,00.html (Mike Barraclough, UK, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** UNITED KINGDOM. 15475, Salama Radio is becoming part of my regular listening because of all the local music it plays. It comes from across Africa and it is just fantastic. I have heard very little in the way of religious programming. I did hear them announce on Sep 3 that they had received letters from the USA, Nigeria, Libya, and Senegal and would be answering them soon. Nice signal just about every day. From what I can gather by listening, they seem to be reaching out to all of Africa and not just Nigeria (Hans Johnson, WY, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** U S A. The Shortwave Report, by Dan Roberts, on KZYX, Mendocino County, CA is no longer fortnightly but every Friday at 7 pm PDT (0200 UT Sat), via http://www.kzyx.org Good-quality off-air recordings of news and feature items from a variety of stations, and times and frequencies to tune them in, yourself. Details: http://www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/shortwave.shtml from which the last four shows may also be downloaded; new one uploaded each Friday morning. Current edition has items from Russia, Spain, Germany, Cuba. The webcast dropped off at 0231 before the program had finished and would not come back; KZYX grid shows SW Report occupying the full hour (Glenn Hauser, Sept. 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Beautiful Coverage Maps: See these coverage maps for an FM outlet in Eastern Iowa. Perhaps some of you have seen these: http://kuniradio.org/kunimap.html I found myself admiring and studying these for several minutes. How is such detail generated --- I am guessing the color gradients are determined by a calculation of distance and the elevation of the terrain. Is there software that does this? (Paul Froehlich, Lodi, WI, wtfda via DXLD) This map is sweet. In fact, I was just showing it to my wife and commented to her that this is what "coverage areas" really look like, not the concentric circles you see on field contour maps. I don't know about the software. I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that maps such as this were created by actually going out and tracking the signal in selected locations, then doing some sort of extrapolation. Granted, this would be virtually impossible to do over a whole state or large area (such as this one), but some TV or antenna salesman did this in Huntington, West Virginia --- outfitted a van with an antenna and had vo-tech students drive literally all over town to determine signal quality in various areas (F D Austin, ibid.) And KUNI is one of few remaining stations, even public, which dare to maintain a something-for-everybody musical format, and we applaud them for it. Check the schedule and webcast (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. Glenn, I changed the URL a bit for the "Radio Earth" via WRNO, Sep 14, 1984" real audio file on my web page. I removed the "feature clips" page to improve the layout (less confusing). It's now located within the "SW Broadcasting Station Audio Clips" page: http://members.fortunecity.com/swradios/swbc.html Direct download without going to the actual page: http://members.fortunecity.com/swradios/earth2.ra Sorry about the change....it will indeed stay at this URL . Regards, (David Zantow, Sept 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This was the occasion when Joe Costello breached contract, lost in court and had to put Radio Earth back on the air (gh, DXLD) ** U S A. Glenn and everyone, it was reported in DXLD 1-119 on September 1 that WJCR had been sold. Yesterday it seems that have reactivated with low power and intend to resume full power as soon as possible. Does anyone know for sure if the station has been sold? (Ryan Ellegood, Northwest Tennessee, USA, swl@qth.net Sept 7 via DXLD) Why not both? (gh) ** U S A. 25950, KPM556, Sept 6 0000, Non-stop rasta groove, with fair to good level. I assume this station is back up to 100 watts with a new antenna, but have not heard confirmation from the engineer. Noted on, over several days, since the recent rise in solar activity (David Hodgson, TN, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** U S A. 26075, WAAF, 107.3, Boston, Sept 3 2235, remote link, Heard with heavy metal. Announcer talking with Rick who was having to work Labor Day and was bumming. Played his request for the group Slipknot and then an ad block, including a promo for a race at New England Dragway. IDs as "AAF" and "On the only station that really rocks, 107.3 WAAF" Lost them at 2245 but they were pretty good while they were in (Hans Johnson, WY, Cumbre DX via DXLD) NBFM or AM? (gh) ** U S A. 26450, WRGB TV 6 Albany NY, Sept 3 1728, with local segment of Labor Day telethon. Had a challenge grant with Eli Lilly and read names and towns of donors. Also gave out a phone number which I called [guessed area code based on the towns announced.] Called and asked them which TV station they were on and got the above. Decent signal on peaks, fading out to nothing at times. Time check for 1:40 PM at 1740 and back to national telethon. First time for me to hear this one which I guess was a remote link feed for the telethon they were running. Email veri in one day for an email reception report. "I can confirm that this was WRGB. It was a one watt Comrex transmitter to a loaded quarter wave antenna mounted on the top of a 1987 cube van. We were doing telethon remotes from the Saratoga race track. [signed] Fred Lass, Station Engineer (Hans Johnson, WY, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** U S A [clandestine]. CLANDESTINE to/from USA, 6900, UPR, Sept 1 0215, Tuned in to hear Steve ranting about his militia hour. Thought I could detect some foam as well. Told his listeners that he'd received only $10 the previous week to support his broadcast, and that he wasn't going to take it anymore. Mentioned he only had $5. The other three program relays were to continue, but he militia hour is "history". Over to one of the right wing pastors at 0230. We'll see if he reincarnates again. He did say he might reconsider. Reception was good. I'd appreciate a QSL from ex-major Steve! (Volodya Salmaniw, BC, Cumbre DX via DXLD) The Militia Hour returned on Monday as scheduled due to "a bunch of phone calls" apparently asking Anderson to stay on. As I mentioned before, this was simply a stunt to drum up support (Hans Johnson, WY, Sep 4, Cumbre DX via DXLD) United Patriot Radio (the original) 6900, 0205 8/31, Steve talking about false activation. Said he was fed up, and would just relay others from now on. But he was back with his own show on 9/3 (Larry Russell, MI...) 6900U, 09/01 0000-0053+, New verbal is consisting of a test of the patriot anti-socialist activism net. Long program with militia discussions and no mention of some recent threats by the station to cease local productions. Ad for water cleaner. SIO 353+ (George Zeller, OH...) 6900U 9/6 0145-0300+, Pastor James Wickström with racist Bible interpretations & reference to "fornication & going after strange flesh". Wonder what Jimmy thinks of Senator Bullworth's program for racial deconstruction? Ads for Freedom Farm homemade soap & Clay's Jewellry militia pins. Ads! Steve would make a great evangelist --- he spent an hour chastising me. SIO 4+54+ (Harold Frodge, MI...) 6900U; 9/7 2214-2300+, Battle Cry of Freedom, Heritage Radio px w/tx re anthrax, etc. Frequent feed loss & distortion. Sez that the new Denver airport is a New World Order control point. Shepherd's Call w/Pastor Buddy Johnson. Wonder who would win the gloom & doom broadcasting award? --- These guys or RFPI? (454 Harold Frodge, MI; all: Free Radio Weekly via DXLD) United Patriot Militia Bingo Radio, Merlin [pirate maildrop] 6952AM, 9/3 0156-0249*, Music by the likes of the Stray Cats. Repeat program with a broke bingo ball machine. Donations solicited to buy a new bingo machine for the patriot movement, since the old one broke. Captain Ron saved the day by donating a Bingo Board Game. The prize was $2,000 and a set of fatigues. SIO 444 (Alex Draper, ON) (555, Hunsicker, PA) (333 Lobdell MA) (545, great siganl, Majewski CT) (554 Silvi OH) (333 Sedlacek NE) (454+ Zeller OH) (all: Free Radio Weekly Sept 8 via DXLD) From Alex Draper, listen here : UPM Bingo http://www.geocities.com/piratera/u_p_m_bingo_09-03-01.htm On United Patriot Militia Bingo broadcast of 9/3/01. A real pleasure to listen to this one's bingo game with genuine armchair copy in AM with a terrific signal. A funny parody show (George Zeller, OH, Free Radio Weekly Sept 8 via DXLD) ** VATICAN. Italy/Vatican City: Vatican Radio emissions lowered to meet Italian standards | Text of report by Italian weekly newspaper Famiglia Cristiana on 9 September Vatican Radio's electromagnetic emissions have been below the limits allowed by Italian law for the past few days. This, since the broadcaster in question has completed a plan to bring its mediumwave broadcasts into line with Italian legal requirements, because it was the mediumwave broadcasts that were causing the instruments to pick up readings above the legal limit. The return to below-ceiling parameters was made possible thanks to an accord initialled with Radio Monte Carlo for the onward broadcast of its programmes in Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and German, which are now being transmitted via satellite to a station in Monte Carlo. To the same end, the power of the transmitters located in the Santa Maria di Galeria centre has been further reduced, while the CEI [Italian Bishops Conference] has granted the radio station the use of a satellite channel. The operation to bring emissions into line with legal requirements is going to have a running cost of one gigalira a year, and the Italian government is to contribute to the expense. Joint inspections conducted by Italian and Vatican technicians to check electromagnetic field levels are scheduled to continue for several more months. [Italian news agency ANSA reported on 27 August that the Vatican Radio will lower its transmitting facilities to one-fifth of previous levels, putting them within legal limits by 1 September. The changes are designed to bring emissions in line with limits dictated by decree number 381/98, cutting the strength of the signal to 150/100 kW, down from 600 kW. Vatican Radio will also transmit more programming by way of satellite, ANSA said. Vatican Radio has been the target of protests by people living near the transmitters. ANSA said figures from the public health authority in Lazio show that children living near the transmitters are six times more likely to get leukaemia than those living in the rest of the region.] Source: Famiglia Cristiana, Milan in Italian 9 Sep 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) EUROPEAN DX COUNCIL SITE re EDXC, DXLD 1120 & 1121 Hello Glenn, I appreciate you mentioning me in your DXLD, as per observation of one of your contributors that the EDXC web site has been closed. As Wolfgang Büschel has already pointed out, this is old stuff. And I feel obliged to respond once: Originally, the EDXC web presence was introduced and established by me, on my decision, gracefully, for free and voluntarily, and to help the EDXC and its former SG Risto Vahakainu. As EDXC Management has changed by begin of this year, I continued with my support, but then stopped abruptly and closed down the (then official) EDXC web site at http://www.swl.net/edxc/ in March this year, after I had to learn the hard lesson that the new EDXC Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General do not know how to treat voluntary work that I have given the EDXC before. That's the disappointment documented there. Also, I do not want to be part of a political scenario where certain egos do not know how to behave correctly, especially when the subject behind is just our hobby. I appreciate you spreading this my response. Thank you in advance, - Anton, DK5TL, http://www.qsl.net/dk5tl/ PS: Let me use this opportunity and add that I generally appreciate very much your work with DXLD, which I regularly enjoy receiving via the HCDX mailing list (Dr. Anton J. Kuchelmeister, Germany, Sept 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###