DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-130, September 19, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] ** AFGHANISTAN. Afghanistan noted here in Finland, too, on 1107 kHz around 1630-1700Z. Distortious audio but strong signal w some QRM from Egypt. This is seemingly the old Russian built tx but I doubt they are running 1000 kW (Jorma Mantyla, Kangasala, Finland, hard- core-dx Sept 17 via DXLD) Taliban radio is quite easy to hear on 7085-7090v AM. EE 1530-1550 (Jem Cullen, Australia, Sept 17, ARDXC via DXLD) Altho I believe we did not run the original log in DXLD, let this correxion be a warning to others hearing something on 7090 (gh): According to Anker Petersen the station on 7090 is not Afghanistan Voice of Sharia but Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq. So my "presumed V. of Sharia" in the latest log I sent to the group was an incorrect presumed. I'll try again for Afghanistan... Thanks to Anker 73 (Giampiero Bernardini Avvenire, Milano, Italy, shortwave listening Sept 17 via DXLD) I heard just (2015 UT) from China Radio International that according to Radio Voice of Sharia, the Taleban movement has declared the "Jihad", Holy War, against US (Vesa-Jussi Rinkinen, Jarvenpaa, Finland, Sept 18, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** AFGHANISTAN. Some additional links: AZADI AFGHAN RADIO http://www.afghanradio.com/azadi.html Site of the first Afghan radio station broadcasts on the Web, with news, interviews, specials, links, etc. AFGHAN DIRECTORY http://www.afghanmagazine.com/afgdir/ A collection of magazines, articles and information sources on Afghanistan, including Internet links AFGHA.COM – SITE OF THE AFGHAN RESISTANCE http://www.afgha.com/index.php Site is available in English and French, with numerous reports and links EURASIA NEWS - AFGHANISTAN http://eurasianews.com/erc/0afghan.htm Includes Afghan News Links, Afghanistan Related Web Site links, and articles and documents on Afghanistan Today A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN http://www.samsloan.com/afghans.htm A personal web site by by Mohammad Ismail Sloan with this document, and hundreds of others, many with Afghan connections (Sheldon Harvey, Radio HF Newsletter Special No. 2, Sept 19 via DXLD) ** ANGOLA. Role of Rádio Ecclésia examined | Text of report by Portuguese newspaper Publico web site on 18 September In a country at war, where it is sometimes difficult to provide trustworthy information and freely express one's opinion, Angola's Catholic broadcaster, Rádio Ecclésia, has managed to enforce its voice and become the most reliable and popular broadcaster in Angola. Formed in 1954, during Portuguese colonial times, Ecclésia was financed by Portugal's traditionalist Catholic Church. Two years after Angola's independence in 1975, the new "revolutionary" power in Angola decided to close the Catholic broadcaster. It was only 20 years later that President Jose Eduardo dos Santos' government authorized the broadcaster to once again open its doors. Ecclésia resumed broadcasts in Luanda's Episcopal Conference offices. It has become a new addition to Angola's media sector, which is mostly controlled by the state. Compared to Rádio Nacional de Angola, which only reports news favouring the government, Rádio Ecclésia gives everyone an opportunity to speak, including UNITA [National Union for the Total Independence of Angola] rebels, who have been at war for 26 years against the Angolan Armed Forces [FAA]. It has therefore been viewed as an "opposition radio", causing it many problems. "In 1998, we rebroadcast an interview between the BBC and Savimbi," said the station's director, 34-year old Father José Paulo. "The police invaded the radio station and seized the cassette." Last year, unidentified armed men kidnapped José Paulo and took him away from Luanda with the express intention to kill him. It was only the result of "miraculous" circumstances that he managed to escape. "Two years have passed and I am still none the wiser about what happened," he confirmed. The relationship between the Angolan government and the Catholic broadcaster seemed to have improved after the incident and representatives from Angola's ruling party, the MPLA [Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola], promised to participate in Ecclésia's weekly debates regarding war, political, health, justice, education and economic issues. "This is a sign that they are beginning to open up. They accept who we are, the radio for the people, but this doesn't stop us from facing other problems," declared José Paulo. Ecclésia confirmed that it runs with the financial aid received from airing advertisements. It added however that it does not receive any advertisement requests from the government nor societies dependent on the government in any way. Radio Ecclésia was recently shocked after receiving a 7,000 US dollar telephone account for one month, which does not correspond to its actual use of the station's telephone. Representatives in power contacted the station with regards to providing funds for the account. The proposal was quickly rejected. "We do not intend to accept help from the government, because this would mean the end of our freedom," added Father José Paulo. Radio Ecclésia employs 36 journalists, including 11 correspondents located in several provinces. Ecclésia has decided to give special emphasis to news reports. The radio station is usually the first to announce UNITA attacks committed throughout Angola. The Catholic broadcaster broadcasts 24 hours a day on FM in Luanda [97.5 MHz] and is heard throughout the country for two hours on short-wave radio [15545 and 13810 kHz], once in the morning and again later at night. João Pinto, Ecclésia's 19-year old chief editor confirmed that the radio station's popularity would increase in December with the introduction of FM broadcasts in six of Angola's 18 provinces. Source: Publico web site, Lisbon, in Portuguese 18 Sep 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. Johno here, Just talked to Nigel Holmes of Radio Australia. Got a change of frequency this Saturday and Sunday only 22nd and 23rd September, 0900 to 1400 UT on 21710 NF ex 21820 from Shepparton only on these two days.....just trying different freq and direction, pointing the power at the Asian Sub-continent. Nigel would love to get reports on this change (Johno Wright, ARDXC Sept 19 via DXLD) The 21820 service was also well-heard in Europe (gh, DXLD) ** CANADA. Hi Glenn, You might like to take a look at an article about CKUT (a pretty good general overview) which appeared in the McGill Reporter, one of the newspapers around campus. Here's the link: http://www.mcgill.ca/public/reporter/01/ckut/ 73- (Bill Westenhaver, QB, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. Dear Friends, Today we present a special two-hour edition of Amy Goodman's today's "Democracy Now! in Exile" broadcast from Ground Zero in New York. In this edition, a look at the history of US and Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, interviews with and sounds from last night's vigil in New York, and an interview with Robert Fisk from Beirut: about his last interview of Osama Bin Laden in 1998. And a look at the counter- terrorism measures being introduced into the US Congress. This and more on today's Democracy Now! in Exile with Amy Goodman. AIRTIMES: UT Tuesday: 0000, 0800 and 1400 FREQUENCIES: 15050 (19 meters) 7445 (41 meters) (RFPI info@rfpi.org http://www.rfpi.org via DXLD) Dear Friends, We were able to bring you two hours of Democracy Now! live today at 1600 UTC thanks for KFCF in Fresno, California. If you missed the original broadcast, it repeats at the following UTC times: Tuesday: 2200 Wednesday: 0400 & 1000 Enjoy! (-joe bernard, RFPI via DXLD) So keep looking at all these times, ad-hoc (gh, DXLD) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. Just got done listening to Radio Prague's 0000 UT Sept 19 broadcast. It focused on the Czech Republic's reaction to last week's attacks in New York and Washington and the willingness of the Czech Republic to contribute to not only relief efforts, but to the expected military campaign against bin Laden. The broadcast examined the attitudes of the citizens of the Czech Republic towards the expected attack and drew some thought provoking and interesting historic parallels to World War I. The broadcast was insightful and compelling. I strongly urge anyone able to catch the 0100 repeat to do so on 7345 or 9870. It is one of the best analyses of the event I've heard and represents a very good argument for shortwave as a source of information and opinion. (Mike Wolfson, swprograms via DXLD) Don't forget if you live on the West Coast of North America or want to hear it clearly listen to this: http://www.radio.cz/rafiles/news.ra (Larry Nebron, ibid.) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. An official list of AM- and FM -tations in Dominican Republic has finally been made accessible at the INDOTEL website: http://www.indotel.org.do/site/sector/empresas.htm Shortwave stations not listed. 73 de (Pentti Lintujärvi, Helsinki, Finland, hard-core-dx via DXLD) What have they got against SW? Does this mean all DR SW are pirates? The AM list concludes with this interesting X-band entry, probably not on air yet, as never reported by DXers and does not include phone number, callsign: 137 Circuito Telesonido, S.A. 1620 San Francisco de Macorís (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND. Subject : [HCDX] Coverage forecasts for YLE R Finland In an attempt to be of service to YLE Radio Finland's listeners abroad, I have made a set of coverage maps (forecasts) that illustrate the quality of their signal in the months of September and October 2001 in all target areas. The receiver is supposed to be a portable set with a whip antenna. September: http://www.uwasa.fi/~jpe/rfinland/sep01/ October: http://www.uwasa.fi/~jpe/rfinland/oct01/ There are five colours on the maps that are used to illustrate the reception quality as follows: red = excellent yellow = good green = fair pale blue = poor gray (+ white) = bad The pages are in Finnish but basically contain the same info as given here. DISCLAIMER: Please note that these maps do NOT by any means represent the official view of YLE Radio Finland as regards to their coverage around the world. These maps (forecasts) reflect my personal views only, based on a certain statistical assessment - use (and believe) at your own risk... 73s de (Jari Perkiömäki, Vaasa, Finland, jpe@uwasa.fi Hard-Core-DX mailing list Sept 18 via DXLD) Very interesting, and imply a high degree of precision. I checked the two NAm frequencies, and see that 15400 at 1200 and 1300 has a hot spot around Hudson Bay, second hop; both it and 17670 have an even hotter spot in eastern Greenland, first hop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ICELAND. RUV Program Schedule for Today Mánudagur, 17.09.2001 18:50 Dánarfregnir og auglýsingar 19:00 Vitinn 19:30 Veðurfregnir 19:40 Út um græna grundu 20:30 Stefnumót 21:10 Vinkill: Dr. Vísir & Co 22:00 Fréttir 22:10 Veðurfregnir 22:15 Orð kvöldsins 22:20 Tónskáldaþingið í París 23:00 Víðsjá 00:00 Fréttir 00:10 Útvarpað á samtengdum rásum til morguns 01:00 Veðurspá 01:10 Ljúfir næturtónar 02:00 Fréttir 02:05 Auðlind 02:10 Næturtónar 04:30 Veðurfregnir 04:40 Næturtónar 05:00 Fréttir 05:05 Næturtónar Beinar útvarpssendingar Ríkisútvarpsins á vefnum sem hingað til hafa verið í Real kóðun hafa nú verið færðar yfir í Windows Media kóðun. Markmiðið með þessari breytingu er að veita betri og öflugri þjónustu. Windows Media spilarinn fylgir með nýjustu tölvunum í dag og uppfærslur er hægt að nálgast hér. Remember, you can listen to them via their website at http://www.ruv.is (as they mention above) or the preferred method, direct via their longwave outlet on 189 kHz. 73 - (Ken Alexander, ODXA, Sept 17 via DXLD) I`m saving the crossed-d letter for future use; are you? (gh) ** INDONESIA. 4789.14, RRI Fak-Fak, 1111 Sept 17. Noted pop music such as ABBA's Fernando. Signal was exceptionally good (FL, Bolland, Chuck, swl@qth.net via DXLD) ** IRAN. IRIB 2040 UT Sept 17: Ayotollah Khamenei condemns any killing of innocents. Islamic foreign ministers urged to meet by Iranian President Khatami in light of current world situation. Pakistani delegation to Afghanistan was not successful in getting Taliban to turn over bin-Laden. Bush admits that he ordered US Air Force jets to shoot down US passenger jets, [unless I didn't hear this correctly] whereupon Air Force jets shot down a US passenger jet over Pennsylvania. [?! I'll try and monitor this again at 0030.] A commentary urged US self-restraint. Hasty unilateral action fails to take into account the geopolitical and other factors that need to be fully considered. US also needs to look into its own domestic situation as part of a fight against terrorism. Terrorism is an attack on all organized political systems and any effort to eradicate it must include full consultations with the world community. A further commentary delineated the extent of Russian support for US efforts to fight terrorism and bring bin-Laden to justice. Russia will not support US military action against Afghanistan, perhaps due in part to Russia's experience with the country. Russia will cooperate with the anti-terrorism effort by sharing intelligence on the whereabouts of bin-Laden and providing other information. Monitored on 13730 kHz. Personal observations in brackets. (--John A. Figliozzi, swprograms via DXLD) 0036 UT Sept 18: Some personal comments on my report on Tehran's 1940 UT newscast on 17 Sep... [thus, from repeat at 0036? -gh] The Ayatollah's condemnation of the massacre of innocents was a general condemnation. The pronouncement appeared to be meant as a clarification of sorts. It listed a string of "massacres" which linked those in New York and Washington with other "massacres" in Palestine and the Balkans, among others. A later report said that the Iranian government, despite its less than friendly relations with the US government, was in deepest sympathy with the people and families of the US. Much of the newscast attempted to demonstrate a certain hypocrisy in the US's approach in that it fails to condemn "Zionist" (Israel is never used) operations that target Palestinian leaders. At one point, a statement was made that the Iranian government distinguishes between terrorists and persons fighting for their freedom. It made clear that a massacre of innocent people is never justified and is contrary to the teachings of Islam. I did hear the earlier report correctly about US warplanes shooting down the US passenger jet over Pennsylvania. It attributes the report to a foreign journalist. Monitored on 11970 kHz. (John A. Figliozzi, ibid.) 0034 UT Sept 19: VOIRI's newscast led with a report that Ayatollah Khamenei condemns all massacres of innocent people and any attack on Afghanistan. Benediction Day in Iran. "Zionist forces" target Palestinian installations in Gaza; women and teenagers among the casualties. Iranian government official advises French counterpart that an attack on Afghanistan would not assist the fight against terrorism and would only exacerbate global tensions by destabilizing the region. Egyptian President Mubarak said America's unqualified support for Israel has pushed region to point of explosion. While expressing profound sympathy for the victims of the NYC and DC attacks and condemning international terrorism, Mubarak said he would not join the US-led coalition against terrorism. Washington Post disclosed that pilot of jet that crashed into the Pentagon had a military background Other reports sought to build evidence that "Zionist forces" were involved in the attack on the WTC, including one report which said that Israeli citizens were not permitted the enter the WTC on the morning of the attack. Taliban official in Islamabad said that bin-Laden would not be turned over to American officials. Grand Council of Afghan religious leaders was delayed to permit leaders to travel to Kabul. US administration has supressed or soft-pedaled reports filed by several US newspapers that effectively challenge its scenario that the attack on WTC and Pentagon were Muslim-inspired. (One report said that none of the four pilots pressed the special button in the cockpit that would have alerted air traffic controllers to the fact that a hijack was in progress. Another report said that there was evidence that the crash could have been engineered by the pilot with military connections as a means of preventing discovery of a plot within the US military to mount a coup. The report said the area of the Pentagon hit housed US internal security services.) This action by the US President was further evidence of an intentional bias within US government against Islamic peoples. Monitored on 9835 kHz. (--John A. Figliozzi, ibid.) ** KUWAIT. 1830 UT Sept 17: Radio Kuwait reports that a high Kuwaiti government official urged Arab states to make clear their opposition to terrorism, since they are the most likely target. A Kuwaiti delegation called on the US chargé d'affaires to express their sorrow and condolences. Kuwait will permit attacks on Afghanistan to originate from bases on it territory. Arab-Americans have been victims of assaults in the US since bin-Laden was named as the primary suspect. A Pakistani delegation delivered an ultimatum (turn over bin-Laden or face US attack) to the Afghan government in Kandahar. Kandahar is tense and thousands of Afghans are streaming to the border with Pakistan to escape any attacks that may be forthcoming. Two deaths when Russian helicopter was shot down by Chechnyan rebels. Continued unrest in Palestinian territories. Kuwaiti official visiting Paris and London. Monitored on 11990 kHz (--John A. Figliozzi, swprograms via DXLD) ** PAKISTAN. 1100 UT Sept 17 [sic, probably means 18 since posted this date] R. Pakistan's news led with a report that the grand Islamic council scheduled to be held in Kabul today will be delayed one day due to the travel needs of the participants. Annan says the UN will lead a global fight against international terrorism. Recovery and relief efforts continue in NYC. Several local news items unrelated to events of last Tuesday. Monitored on 21465 kHz. 17520 in parallel. Both with unusually good reception this morning in upstate NY (--John A. Figliozzi, swprograms via DXLD) 1054 UT Sept 19: Personal comments/observations in brackets []: [Newscast began almost five minutes early. Have noted that station's clock appears to be off by about a sesquiminute. News usually starts at approximately 1058.30 after time pips and announcement of the hour.] U.S. seeking ways to increase food aid to Pakistan. U.S. is aware of the growth of Pakistani business sector and economy. [Implication is that U.S. will help materially. Is this further attempt to prepare population for U.S. presence on Pakistani soil?] Islamic grand council meeting in Kabul begins. Night curfew from 9:30 pm to 4:30 am imposed in Kabul by the government. Activities of President Bush. Bomb blast in a crowded marketplace apparently someplace in Pakistan (x miles south of Islamabad). Monitored on 17520 kHz. S/off at 1100 with anthem. [First time I noted use of the anthem.] – (John A. Figliozzi, NY, ODXA via DXLD) ** PAKISTAN. RADIO PAKISTAN http://www.radio.gov.pk/ Hear live radio broadcasts, plus read news bulletins, special reports, etc. from this country thrust into a precarious position between Afghanistan and the rest of the world (Sheldon Harvey, Radio HF Newsletter via DXLD) ** PAKISTAN. Little help? Does anyone know of any active DXers or avid listeners in Pakistan who would be willing/able to help the IBB out with some mediumwave monitoring? Our local employee of many years died last winter and we've been limited to whatever we can hear on a remote monitoring system that suffers pretty poor mediumwave reception. Thanks! -- (Bill Whitacre, bw@his.com swprograms via DXLD) ** PAKISTAN. For further information: http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/islam5.htm ("Draining the swamp of terrorism could shift attention to role of Pakistan, fate of blasphemy dissidents," 9/18/01 (AA Newsletter via DXLD) ** PERU. UNIDENTIFIED. 09/18/01 2340 UT, I am hearing a carrier with music and speech by a YL on 6797.5 AM. The signal is weak and due to high noise levels in my area I cannot identify the language, though the music sounded potentially tropical or Andean in nature. Can anyone identify this one for me? Sorry if this one is obvious, I'm a relatively new SW DXer, but I can't find this one listed anywhere. Heard on an Icom IC-746 with crappy indoor antenna. I'm sure if I had a decent antenna it would be plainly audible and I could copy an ID (Larry Stanton, New Hampshire, USA, hard-core-dx via DXLD) Your neighbor in Vermont has a very useful lookup for such LA unIDs: http://www.sover.net/~hackmohr/sw.htm 6797.56 PERU * Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nuevo Cajamarca [0919-1150/2205- 0330](96-98.7) Sep 01 X ex6810 *1000->1100/0200* (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA: Voice of Russia noted on NF 7360, instead of 7420 as follows: 1700-1730 in Finnish Mon-Fri 1730-1800 in Swedish Mon/Wed/Fri 1730-1800 in Norwegian Tue/Thu 1700-1800 in English Sat/Sun 1800-1900 in English Daily 2000-2100 in English Daily 73 from (Ivo and Angel! Observer, Bulgaria, Sept 18, DXLD) ** SWEDEN. There's been a debate in our online discussion forum Talkback about Swedish and European support for the United States during the tragedy. Please feel free to take part. There's a link to Talkback from http://radiosweden.org Coming up this week on Radio Sweden: In "Money Matters" on Wednesday we'll be reporting on Ethical reporting, and what's happened to markets since last Tuesday. "HeartBeat" on Thursday visits the recent international cardiology congress here, and takes up the issue of transsexuals. In "Studio 49" on Saturday we'll be looking at the impact of the terrorist attacks in the US on Moslems here. Sunday sees a repeat of "Sounds Nordic", with the girl band Excellence and a visit to the Fantasy Fair (George Wood, SCDX/MediaScan Sept 18 via DXLD) ** U K [non]. BBC on C-SPAN. This isn't shortwave, but.... A suggestion for those with C-Span... They've been running BBC domestic Newsnight regularly lately. Twice a night, I think at 5 p.m. Eastern Time and again at 10 p.m. I should be more accurate but check the schedule. Anyway, despite the slagging the BBC has gotten, their coverage of the crisis has been excellent on this program, with a mixture of field reports and studio discussions that are excellent. I've gotten a perspective from that really transcends what we get here on domestic media, as far as the international side of this -- especially the human stories from both here and over there. Actually it's so excellent it's heartbreaking, because it shows how complicated it all is. One of their reporters did a long feature on the Afghan Pakistan border yesterday that really brought the reality there home. Anyway definitely worth watching. Regarding the flaws of shortwave...Despite rare instances of fading, I never had problems receiving the BBCWS shortwave broadcasts aimed at North America (John Townes, location never stated, swprograms via DXLD) I have also been watching some of this. The other C-SPAN channel has also been carrying CBC`s The National, and Tuesday night one of them also picked up a discussion from ANA, the American Arab network (in English) (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Jowell defends Davies appointment Jason Deans, Wednesday September 19, 2001, The Guardian The government today struck out at its critics, claiming the appointment of New Labour economist Gavyn Davies as the chairman of the BBC was evidence of the open selection process. Hitting out at the Tory party chairman who branded the appointment as a "final takeover" of the BBC by Labour, Tessa Jowell, the culture secretary, said the move would "reinforce the corporation's independence and impartiality". Ms Jowell said she was delighted to be presiding over the "independent and open selection process", which involved interviews with six candidates including Michael Grade and presenter David Dimbleby. It is the first time interviews have been held in the 74-year history of the BBC. "This Nolan process is a massive step forward," Ms Jowell added, referring to the new rules that force government departments to open up jobs at quangos [?? -gh] and other public bodies to anyone. "The old way, with politicians making decisions in secret, is gone for good. It is particularly appropriate that this open process has been used for the BBC - it can only reinforce the corporation's independence and impartiality." Ms Jowell said the search for a new BBC vice-chairman to replace Mr Davies would now begin, under the same Nolan guidelines. An advertisement is to be placed in the national press at the end of this month, with an appointment expected by the end of the year. MediaGuardian.co.uk © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001 (via Daniel Say, BC, swprograms via DXLD) ** U K. Glenn, It is interesting to note that many of the Proms were scheduled to be "webcast", as I noted when perusing the schedule back in July, but after the First Night on July 20th and the July 29th performance (which premiered "Knotgrass Elegy" by Sally Beamish, a highlight for me), all others were removed except for the Sept. 15th Last Night. Anyone know why? 73, (Ivan Grishin, Ont., Sept 17 via DXLD) ** U K. Will somebody please clue in BBC reporters how to pronounce ``Pentagon``? I don`t care how they pronounce the five-sided geometrical figure, but the building in Washington, as any American could tell them, is the ``PEN-tuh-gahn``, not ``PENTTA-gun``. Thank you (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. Glenn, While monitoring R. Ukraine Int at 0000 on 12040, I checked the frequencies around 12040. I'm hearing VOA in English on 12030. Any idea of transmitter site? VOA is not causing QRM to RUI. 73, (-.. . Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The supposedly ``current`` IBB schedule at http://sds.his.com:4000/fmds_z/schedules/cur_freqsked.txt dated 0440 UT Sept 19 does not show any usage between 12020 and 12040 but DXLD 1-129 item says this is Morocco (gh) ** U S A. According to Broadcasting and Cable magazine this morning: WPIX 11 WB is using two north-facing panel antennas on Empire State Building. This explains the good reception at my northbound QTH WABC 7 ABC besides their current Alpine NJ location is also considering the Empire State Building and a site in Central NJ. WNET 13 PBS has ordered a Larcan transmitter which will be used at the Empire State Building or one of the New Jersey sites. Is this the one already on the air? Harris Corporation is sending six replacement transmitters from its factory in Ohio. They would not disclose the recipients. By process of elimination, I assume the stations would be: Channels 4, 5, 7, 9, 31 and 47 (Karl Zuk, N2KZ, WTFDA Sept 17 via DXLD) ** U S A. DON FITZPATRICK's "SHOPTALK" Since 1983, Still Free and Always Accessible Tuesday September 18, 2001 http://www.tvspy.com/ Disaster Preparation for Broadcast Journalists by Lorilyn Bailey CEO, NewsBuzz, Inc., home of http://www.GuestFinder.com Raleigh, NC In response to a request on a journalism education list, I posted my thoughts on issues that I'd like to see news professionals ask themselves after some time has passed. Several journalism professors emailed me and said the issues might be useful to broadcasters nationwide. This is in no way a criticism of journalists who covered the story. I think they all did an incredible job. But perhaps this will be useful to your readers, especially news directors... * September 11 was cataclysmic. How are terrorist-initiated events different from natural ones such as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes? Should they be handled differently? * How can you prepare for such stories? * Is it a good idea to "brand" or "package" the tragedy, along with fancy, sometimes animated, graphics? (e.g. "Attack On America") NBC, CBS and Fox did this. ABC News stayed with "Special Report." * Do different branding rules apply to natural disasters versus terrorist attacks? * Is it a good idea to refer to reporters as members of a "task force" (as Fox News did)? * Should you have Web sites ready to go, its skeleton in place, for disaster information or victim assistance? Should you provide web pages for people to upload photos and text? How do you avoid scams and false information? * What is the role of a broadcast organization? To simply report? Or to assist? * How "philosophical" should a reporter get? How "poetic"? How soon? Dan Rather intoned at one point, "A day that will live in infamy..." Peter Jennings, however, shared and explained vital information in a sincere, straightforward way. * Should the question, "How do you feel?" -- asked of victims -- be banned? It's banned on ABC News. * Should you air unsubstantiated information in order to be first? What standards need to be met before it's "good enough" to air? Is it okay to say that it's not substantiated? Or should you not say anything about it? Should you care about the effects of reporting unsubstantiated information? * Should you show gruesome sights? Should you report gruesome facts? (e.g. existence of body parts on the ground.) * Should the media air interviews with relatives who are seeking their lost loved ones when it's plain to the rest of the world that their loved ones most likely did not survive? Is it kinder to direct them to the right resource? * It's not a journalist's job to be kind but to report the news. But when do you make exceptions? During major catastrophes? Ever? * Should you report all the "copycat" type of events -- in this case, bomb threats -- when they occur? Does the reporting of such activity result in more false bomb threats? Should the journalist care? * Should there be local news (or engineering) standards to identify when to cut into continuing national network news to show local news? Perhaps allow a story to end before switching? * What about biological warfare? What about cyberwarfare? What about limited nuclear warfare (if there is any such thing)? Is there any way for journalists to prepare for reporting such terrifying activities? Should you have informational reports in the can? Or is that overkill (no pun intended)? Do you know what to tell your viewers if any of those situations arise? * If a politician (or another authority) states something that is outrageous and possibly untrue, something that could possibly result in mass hysteria, do you air it as it is? Or do you first verify it? Again, is it the broadcaster's job simply to report the news or is it to assist the public? * When a viewer with a video camera has captured images of the scene of a tragedy by entering areas that are off limits, is it ethical to accept those images and gratefully thank the photographer on air, even though the viewer may have put himself and others in danger and ignored law enforcement? * Should there be local station standards for how many times you mention a story is "exclusive"? How important is that term to an audience? * Should you use news of fatalities as "teasers"? Is it right to tease the numbers or methods of death when the family members of the deceased are among your viewers? Perhaps all news departments should have a meeting in which the topic might be, "Reporting Cataclysmic Stories - How Can We Prepare?" Subtopics might be: Developing a "Disaster News" Plan, Branding, Terrorist Attacks versus Natural Disasters, Handling the Topic of Death, Assisting the Public, Internet use, Reporting Rumors, and What We Need to Do Now." (via Brock Whaley, DXLD) ** U S A. For the DXLD community: I noticed something interesting this past weekend. At least here in St. Louis, the local NPR station, KWMU, went back to normal programming on Sunday, after having pre- empted most of it for WTC coverage before then. Some programs (I use "NPR" here generically, to include "WPR", "PRI", etc.) had airings that were obviously modified for the specific day, such as Prairie Home Companion, which included a special intro about the mood in NYC at the time. Others, like CarTalk, aired a generic repeat with no reference to the WTC tragedy. Still others, like Zorba Paster On Your Health, aired a program which didn't seem to be a repeat but which also had no reference to the WTC. I had been taped on Sept. 4th to appear on Zorba, and had expected to be on this show on the 16th. It wasn't that show, but a different one. Does anyone know if this was a repeat or if it was a new show and I was just wrong about when the show taped on the 4th was to be aired? Regards, (Will Martin, Sept 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The attack has made a shambles as well of planned programming on radio and TV. I`ve felt no point in trying to track changes even in favorite shows, there is so much variation. BTW, clicktv has just morphed into a new, supposedly better online TV listing, http://tv.zap2it.com Even it still had the Emmys on Sunday night, and of course most new- season premières have been postponed, so print TV Guide for this week and next cannot be believed, if even subsequent issues. Best to check appropriate network websites themselves, or local stations` tho these cannot be relied upon as accurate either. Even HBO postponed the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm by one week, ruining their long- planned schedule accuracy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Hello Glenn, We at WDWS-1400 in Champaign, IL area CBS affiliate, and I must say their radio coverage was awfully good. After continuing longform coverage ended, they made feeds of the CBS- TV coverage available for broadcast, as well as the audio of WCBS radio. We chose to run a few hours of WCBS audio, 3 hours on Wednesday last week and 2 on Thursday. Very compelling. CBS has done that many times before, most notably with the San Francisco World Series Earthquake, where they made their local outlet available for live pickup. I wonder how many people heard WCBS last week over their local stations? Keep up the good work! (Eric Loy, WDWS Radio, Champaign IL, Sept 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Correxion to DXLD 1-129: Glenn, WKIT-FM 100.3 and WZON 620 are in Brewer, ME and Bangor, ME respectively. There are coincidentally stations on 100.3 and 620 in the NYC metro (and that 620 also has a sports format), but those are unrelated stations (Kevin Kelly, MA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. In the aftermath of the WTC tragedy, will the FCC require FM and TV stations in major cities that use co-located facilities to provide back-up sites in the event of a major disaster ? With all of the problems NYC FM and TV stations have been experiencing lately, It will be interesting to see if the FCC decides to implement new rules. Our local Time-Warner cable system has added the excellent NY 1 cable news channel to its digital cable line-up. Subscribers to a digital cable service or satellite service may want to check their program guide for NY 1. 73 (Jim Moats, OH, September 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Subject: EAS/Terrorists As co-chairman of the EAS district here in Lima, we've have many discussions if we should send EAS tests. Two reasons, first, people are glued to the TV for news and it would be an interruption to send an RWT in accordance with our State plan. Second, people are still spooked about NY/Washington. A test might cause some concern that it's the real thing. WLIO decided we would change our test till this Friday, and broadcast the RWT at 4:50AM. The following was released by the FCC due to other district's concerns. (Fred Vobbe, NRC-AM via DXLD) PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 DA 01- 2183 Media Contact: John Winston (202) 418- 7450 September 18, 2001 EAS ROUTINE TESTING In connection with the recent terrorist attacks, and in order to avoid potential public confusion or fear, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has requested that broadcast stations suspend their routine weekly and monthly tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). In light of FEMA`s request, and after input from the FCC’s EAS National Advisory Committee, we confirm that broadcast stations may suspend their routine weekly and monthly testing until October 2, 2001. Additionally, during this period, cable systems need not comply with the rules regarding the handling of the routine weekly and monthly EAS tests. The FCC will not take enforcement action against broadcast stations or cable systems for not complying with the rules relating to these routine EAS tests during this period. Should an extension be required, an additional FCC public notice will be issued. All other EAS rules must be complied with. Any station that has EAS responsibilities for which routine testing remains necessary should conduct such routine tests as appropriate. By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau For additional information contact Bonnie Gay at (202) 418- 1228. FCC Subject: FCC EAS Chair Response Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:59:36 -0400 EAS and the Current National Emergency There have been many questions on the line bulletin boards, directly to the FCC as well as directly to me as the FCC EAS NAC Chair and to other NAC appointees as to why EAS was not invoked on Tuesday. If there is a short answer, it is a variation of the one I gave when I was asked why the old EBS was not used when the Northridge earthquake hit Los Angeles in 1994. Some events really do serve as their own alerts and warnings. Everyone in fact was alerted to the rapidly changing situation and rapidly became glued to a radio or TV. An emergency warning should be designed to accomplish at least that simple but important goal. In fact, what ramped up rapidly and very successfully was the massive effort to tell the rapidly unfolding and changing story of the emergency as accurately as possible. The record will show that the local and federal government and media partnerships developed over the years worked, and worked very, very well. Due to time of day and many other factors, it is not clear to me at this time if any type of EAS activation on Tuesday would have served any useful purpose. In fact, my friends in the emergency management community and specialists on emergency public information would probably agree with me that an EAS warning without adequate information to support would be worse than no warning at all. o We know from experience that information developed in the early stages of any emergency is often wrong. o The normal means to deliver breaking news at all levels and get officials on the air were all very much intact. o There were issues of national security at stake that had to be factored in by those "in charge" of the emergency at the federal level. With the benefit of hindsight, NOT using EAS was a good judgement call, even at the local/civil EAS levels. We truly believe using EAS would have resulted in greater anxiety and uncertainty -exactly what we did not need on Tuesday. When the threat is not quantified, what do you tell people to do to protect themselves? The answer is that sometimes a warning can make things worse. Based on what I know at this point, that would have been the case on Tuesday. One of my mentors in emergency management and emergency public information once used the old line to illustrate a basic axiom that explains much of can go wrong with the information process when an emergency happens: "IF YOUR ONLY TOOL IS A HAMMER, EVERYTHING STARTS LOOKING LIKE A NAIL." There is an entire range of communications tools available at the local and federal levels. Most if not all that were used worked, and worked well. Can we do better? Of course. The discipline of emergency management rests on a continuous cycle that makes improvements based on lessons learned. We will be learning a lot from the lessons of Tuesday that go far beyond EAS. Are EAS warnings justified for some types of terrorist activities? The answer is "yes." Silent hazards to life, health and safety that do not announce themselves are one category I can think of. The FCC`s EAS National Advisory Committee (NAC) I chair has a subcommittee in place for more than a year that is looking at ways to build on the EAS infrastructure to create an advanced warning system. The goal is to have the capability to reach out to people who need and want emergency information -- even those who are not tuned in to radio or TV. In fact, the goal of a truly advanced warning system should be to get everyone to monitor the breaking news situation -- literally the story of the emergency. Short term, FEMA, the FCC and the NAC have all agreed in various phone conversations I have been party to that there should be an allowed suspension of RWT and RMT EAS tests. This in our opinion is best determined to suit community needs by states, local civil operational areas, local NWS offices, and licensees until things settle down a bit more. This is based on the current overall philosophy of voluntary EAS at the state and local level. Also short term, we await the Commission Final Report and Order on the EAS Further Notice we all had an opportunity to Comment on earlier this year. The FCC may issue more information on EAS tests soon. Suffice to say that if anyone feels that they should or should not test based on local conditions, we do not believe they should be or will be cited. We are breaking new ground here - ground we never hoped to be standing on. Long term, the EAS protocol can support far more than we have asked it to support so far. EAS can and will be adapted to provide better warnings for the general public as well as the sight and hearing impaired. It ultimately will let warnings awaken from a sound sleep those of us who choose that option. To sum up, I submit that our entire emergency public information delivery system worked very well on Tuesday. Before I sent this out, I went over it with Al Kenyon, NAC Vice Chair who will assume the Chairman9s position next year. He joins me in signing this statement. Richard Rudman, FCC EAS NAC Chair; Al Kenyon, FCC EAS NAC Vice Chair (via Pete Kemp, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. That Gordon Sinclair editorial is not a hoax. But it was written in 1973, not in response to last Tuesday's tragedy. For more about it, go to http://www.snopes2.com/quotes/sinclair.htm 73 (Mike Brooker, Toronto, ON, NRC-AM via DXLD) Subject: Info about the piece The Americans "The Americans" - by Gordon Sinclair On June 5, 1973, Gordon Sinclair sat up in bed in Toronto and turned on his TV set. The United States had just pulled out of the Vietnamese War which had ended in a stalemate - a war fought daily on TV, over the radio and in the press. The aftermath of that war resulted in a world-wide sell-off of American investments, prices tumbled, the United States economy was in trouble. The war had also divided the American people, and at home and abroad it seemed everyone was lambasting the United States. He turned on his radio, twisted the dial and turned it off. He picked up the morning paper. In print, he saw in headlines what he had found on TV and radio - the Americans were taking a verbal beating from nations around the world. Disgusted with what he saw and heard, he was outraged! At 1030, on his arrival at CFRB to prepare his two pre-noon broadcasts, he strode into his office and "dashed-off" two pages in 20 minutes for LET'S BE PERSONAL at 1145 am, and then turned to writing his 1150 newscast that was to follow. At 1201 pm, the script for LET'S BE PERSONAL was dropped on the desk of his secretary who scanned the pages for a suitable heading and then wrote "Americans"" across the top and filed it away. The phones were already ringing. Gordon Sinclair could not have written a book that could have had a greater impact in the world than his two-page script for THE AMERICANS. A book should have been written on the events that followed. But, no one at CFRB, including Sinclair himself, could have envisioned the reaction of the people of the United States - from presidents - state governors - Congress - the Senate - all media including TV, radio, newspapers, magazines - and from the "ordinary" American on the street. Nor could have the Canadian government - stunned by the response to what has come to be regarded as one of Canada's greatest public relations feats in the history of our relations with the United States of America. But, how did Sinclair's tribute to Americans reach them? It had been swept across the United States at the speed of a prairie fire by American radio stations - first, a station in Buffalo called and asked to be fed a tape copy of the broadcast with permission to use - both freely given. Nearby American stations obtained copies from Buffalo or called direct. By the time it reached the Washington, DC area, a station had superimposed Sinc's broadcast over an instrumental version of BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER, and was repeating it at fixed times several times a day. Congressmen and Senators heard it. It was read several times into the Congressional Record. Assuming that it was on a phono (33 1/3 rpm), Americans started a search for a copy. CFRB was contacted. To satisfy the demand, CFRB started to make arrangements with AVCO, an American record company, to manufacture and distribute it as a "single". As they were finalizing a contract that would see all royalties which would normally be due Gordon Sinclair be paid (at his request) to the American Red Cross, word was received that an unauthorized record, using Sinclair's script but read by another broadcaster, was already flooding the US market. (Subsequently, on learning that this broadcaster had agreed to turn over his royalties to the Red Cross, no legal action was taken). Sinclair's recording of his own work (to which Avco had added a stirring rendition of THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC) did finally reach record stores, and sold hundreds of thousands of copies, but the potential numbers were depressed by the sale of the infringing record. Other record producers and performers (including Tex Ritter) obtained legal permission to make their own versions. In Ritter's case, because of the first-person style of the script, Tex preceded his performance with a proper credit to Sinclair as the author. The American Red Cross received millions of dollars in royalties, and Gordon Sinclair was present at a special ceremony acknowledging his donation. Advertisers using print media contacted CFRB for permission to publish the text in a non-commercial manner; industrial plants asked for the right to print the script in leaflet form to handout to their employees. Gordon Sinclair received invitations to attend and be honoured at many functions in the United States which, by number and due to family health problems at the time, he had to decline. However, CFRB newscaster Charles Doering, was flown to Washington to give a public reading of THE AMERICANS to the 28th National Convention of the United States Air Force Association, held September 18, 1974 at the Sheraton Park Hotel. His presentation was performed with the on-stage backing of the U.S. Air Force Concert Band, joined by the 100-voice Singing Sergeants in a special arrangement of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. 8 years after the first broadcast of THE AMERICANS, U.S. President Ronald Reagan made his first official visit to Canada. At the welcoming ceremonies on Parliament Hill, the new President praised "the Canadian journalist who wrote that (tribute)" to the United States when it needed a friend. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau had Sinclair flown to Ottawa to be his guest at the reception that evening. Sinc had a long and pleasant conversation with Mr. Reagan. The President told him that he had a copy of the record of THE AMERICANS at his California ranch home when he was governor of the state, and played it from time to time when things looked gloomy. On the evening of May 15th, 1984, following a regular day's broadcasting, Gordon Sinclair suffered a heart attack. He died on May 17th. As the word of his illness spread throughout the United States, calls inquiring about his condition had been received from as far away as Texas. The editorial in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune of May 28th was typical of the reaction of the United States news media - A GOOD FRIEND PASSES ON. U.S. President Ronald Reagan: "I know I speak for all Americans in saying the radio editorial Gordon wrote in 1973 praising the accomplishments of the United States was a wonderful inspiration. It was not only critics abroad who forgot this nation's many great achievements, but even critics here at home. Gordon Sinclair reminded us to take pride in our nation's fundamental values." Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau: "Gordon Sinclair's death ends one of the longest and most remarkable careers in Canadian Journalism. His wit, irreverence, bluntness and off-beat views have been part of the media landscape for so long that many Canadians had come to believe he would always be there." Following a private family service, two thousand people from all walks of life filled Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto's City Hall for a public service of remembrance organized by Mayor Art Eggleton. Dignitaries joining him on the platform were Ontario Lieutenant-Governor, John Black Aird; the Premier of Ontario, William Davis; and Metro Chairman Paul Godfrey. Tens of thousands more joined them through CFRB's live broadcast of the service which began symbolically at 1145 - the regular time of Sinc's daily broadcast of LET'S BE PERSONAL. As Ontario Premier William Davis said of him "The name GORDON SINCLAIR could become the classic definition of a full life." (recalled by J. Lyman Potts who was "there") (via Tom, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** U S A. From: http://www.seattle.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=6934&group=webcast Anti-war Songs Banned by Commercial Radio Giant by Xochitl 11:57am Mon Sep 17 '01 (Modified on 3:25am Tue Sep 18 '01) Fiercely monopolistic media conglomerate Clear Channel, which controls an astonishing 1,170 commercial radio stations in the US (plus some 240 elsewhere), has directed its stations to avoid playing a list of some 150 "lyrically questionable" songs. Prominently included in the banned list are ant-war songs such as "Knockin' On Heaven's Door," "Eve of Destruction," "Blowin' in the Wind" and "99 Luftballoons." The list would be comical if the private company (widely accused of workplace abuses and unethical business practices). See http://www.salon.com/ent/feature/2001/05/30/clear_channel_employees/index.html did not hold such broad influence over broadcasting in this country. Other items deemed unacceptable by Clear Channel demonstrate a remarkable breadth of apparent boardroom hysteria... Cat Stevens' recordings of "Peace Train" and "Morning Has Broken" made the list (perhaps due to the singer's conversion to Islam?), as did "War (What is it Good For)," "St. Elmo's Fire" and, inexplicably, "Bridge Over Troubled Water." (via John Norfolk; appended: list like he following one) Clear Channel Radio Network bans 150 songs Call the local competition, if they still have any. get them to play from the banned list, and get their listeners to call across town and request "Imagine" Ben Masel, http://www.tds.net __________________________________________ Clear Channel's List of Songs with Questionable Lyrics All Rage Against The Machine songs Drowning Pool "Bodies" Mudvayne "Death Blooms" Megadeth "Dread and the Fugitive" Megadeth "Sweating Bullets" Saliva "Click Click Boom" P.O.D. "Boom" Metallica "Seek and Destroy" Metallica "Harvester or Sorrow" Metallica "Enter Sandman" Metallica "Fade to Black" Nine Inch Nails "Head Like a Hole" Godsmack "Bad Religion" Tool "Intolerance" Soundgarden "Blow Up the Outside World" AC/DC "Shot Down in Flames" AC/DC "Shoot to Thrill" AC/DC "Dirty Deeds" AC/DC "Highway to Hell" AC/DC "Safe in New York City" AC/DC "TNT" AC/DC "Hell's Bells" Black Sabbath "War Pigs" Black Sabbath "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" Black Sabbath "Suicide Solution" Dio "Holy Diver" Steve Miller "Jet Airliner" Van Halen "Jump" Queen "Another One Bites the Dust" Queen "Killer Queen" Pat Benatar "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" Pat Benatar "Love is a Battlefield" Oingo Boingo "Dead Man's Party" REM "It's the End of the World as We Know It" Talking Heads "Burning Down the House" Judas Priest "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll" Pink Floyd "Run Like Hell" Pink Floyd "Mother" Savage Garden "Crash and Burn" Dave Matthews Band "Crash Into Me" Bangles "Walk Like an Egyptian" Pretenders "My City Was Gone" Alanis Morissette "Ironic" Barenaked Ladies "Falling for the First Time" Fuel "Bad Day" John Parr "St. Elmo's Fire" Peter Gabriel "When You're Falling" Kansas "Dust in the Wind" Led Zeppelin "Stairway to Heaven" The Beatles "A Day in the Life" The Beatles "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" The Beatles "Ticket To Ride" The Beatles "Obla Di, Obla Da" Bob Dylan/Guns N Roses "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" Arthur Brown "Fire" Blue Oyster Cult "Burnin' For You" Paul McCartney and Wings "Live and Let Die" Jimmy Hendrix "Hey Joe" Jackson Brown "Doctor My Eyes" John Mellencamp "Crumbling Down" John Mellencamp "I'm On Fire" U2 "Sunday Bloody Sunday" Boston "Smokin" Billy Joel "Only the Good Die Young" Barry McGuire "Eve of Destruction" Steam "Na Na Na Na Hey Hey" Drifters "On Broadway" Shelly Fabares "Johnny Angel" Los Bravos "Black is Black" Peter and Gordon "I Go To Pieces" Peter and Gordon "A World Without Love" Elvis "(You're the) Devil in Disguise" Zombies "She's Not There" Elton John "Benny & The Jets" Elton John "Daniel" Elton John "Rocket Man" Jerry Lee Lewis "Great Balls of Fire" Santana "Evil Ways" Louis Armstrong "What A Wonderful World" Youngbloods "Get Together" Ad Libs "The Boy from New York City" Peter Paul and Mary "Blowin' in the Wind" Peter Paul and Mary "Leavin' on a Jet Plane" Rolling Stones "Ruby Tuesday" Simon And Garfunkel "Bridge Over Troubled Water" Happenings "See You in Septemeber" Carole King "I Feel the Earth Move" Yager and Evans "In the Year 2525" Norman Greenbaum "Spirit in the Sky" Brooklyn Bridge "Worst That Could Happen" Three Degrees "When Will I See You Again" Cat Stevens "Peace Train" Cat Stevens "Morning Has Broken" Jan and Dean "Dead Man's Curve" Martha & the Vandellas "Nowhere to Run" Martha and the Vandellas/Van Halen "Dancing in the Streets" Hollies "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" San Cooke Herman Hermits, "Wonder World" Petula Clark "A Sign of the Times" Don McLean "American Pie" J. Frank Wilson "Last Kiss" Buddy Holly and the Crickets "That'll Be the Day" John Lennon "Imagine" Bobby Darin "Mack the Knife" The Clash "Rock the Casbah" Surfaris "Wipeout" Blood Sweat and Tears "And When I Die" Dave Clark Five "Bits and Pieces" Tramps "Disco Inferno" Paper Lace "The Night Chicago Died" Frank Sinatra "New York, New York" Creedence Clearwater Revival "Travelin' Band" The Gap Band "You Dropped a Bomb On Me" Alien Ant Farm "Smooth Criminal" 3 Doors Down "Duck and Run" The Doors "The End" Third Eye Blind "Jumper" Neil Diamond "America" Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away" Tom Petty "Free Fallin'" Bruce Springsteen "I'm On Fire" Bruce Springsteen "Goin' Down" Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight" Alice in Chains "Rooster" Alice in Chains "Sea of Sorrow" Alice in Chains "Down in a Hole" Alice in Chains "Them Bone" Beastie Boys "Sure Shot" Beastie Boys "Sabotage" The Cult "Fire Woman" Everclear "Santa Monica" Filter "Hey Man, Nice Shot" Foo Fighters "Learn to Fly" Korn "Falling Away From Me" Red Hot Chili Peppers "Aeroplane" Red Hot Chili Peppers "Under the Bridge" Smashing Pumpkins "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" System of a Down "Chop Suey!" Skeeter Davis "End of the World" Rickey Nelson "Travelin' Man" Chi-Lites "Have You Seen Her" Animals "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" Fontella Bass "Rescue Me" Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels "Devil with the Blue Dress" James Taylor "Fire and Rain" Edwin Starr/Bruce Springstein "War" Lynyrd Skynyrd "Tuesday's Gone" Limp Bizkit "Break Stuff" Green Day "Brain Stew" Temple of the Dog "Say Hello to Heaven" Sugar Ray "Fly" Local H "Bound for the Floor" Slipknot "Left Behind, Wait and Bleed" Bush "Speed Kills" 311 "Down" Stone Temple Pilots "Big Bang Baby," Dead and Bloated" Soundgarden "Fell on Black Days," Black Hole Sun" Nina "99 Luft Balloons/99 Red Balloons" (via Joël Rubin, NY, Sept 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This, my friends, is absolutely preposterous. They're a private company, and they can do whatever they want, but aren't some of these a little extreme? It's as if they did a search on song lyrics and removed every song with a reference to Tuesday, September, Fire, and air travel. Ridiculous. (I would also note that they have banned any song by Rage Against the Machine. Why do you ban "I'm on Fire" by Springsteen and leave "Born in the USA?" Or ban "America" by Neil Diamond?) Chris Subject: Re: ClearChannel Plays It Safe From: Good Chris Truffer ctruff1@gl.umbc.edu Newsgroups: alt.music.paul-simon Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:20:11 -0400 Here are some more banned songs, and I'll note that I've heard a lot of these already on other stations. (via John Norfolk, DXLD) Subject: ClearChannel Plays It Safe From: Gergo Barany gergo.barany@gmx.net Newsgroups: alt.music.paul-simon Date: 18 Sep 2001 14:02:35 GMT This is lifted from http://slashdot.org/, I thought some of you may be interested: 'Rather than wait for the government assaults on civil liberties to reach full steam, ClearChannel, one of the nation's largest radio networks, has decided to do some censorship on their own! According to F***edCompany, ClearChannel has created a list of banned songs with "questionable content" in light of the recent tragedies. Stuff ranging from Drowning Pool's "Bodies" to Nena's anti-war hit "99 Red Balloons" have made their list.' Here are some of the more, um, interesting choices: The Beatles "Obla Di, Obla Da" U2 "Sunday Bloody Sunday" Peter Paul and Mary "Blowin' in the Wind" Peter Paul and Mary "Leavin' on a Jet Plane" Simon And Garfunkel "Bridge Over Troubled Water" Don McLean "American Pie" John Lennon "Imagine" Frank Sinatra "New York, New York" I can understand some of the choices, but things like BOTW baffle me. If you want to see for yourself, the whole list is at http://www.f*ckedcompany.com/extras/clearchannel_email.cfm (make the obvious correction to the URL). Note that that page includes inappropriate language (its own name), so you might not want to show it to your children. Gergo (via John Norfolk, DXLD) From Slate: chatterbox It's the End of the World as Clear Channel Knows It, By Eliza Truitt Monday, Sept. 17, 2001, at 7:03 p.m. PT On Thursday of last week Clear Channel Communications, a company that owns and programs air time at over 1,000 U.S. radio stations, sent e- mail to its program directors at stations across the country with an updated and expanded list of songs with "questionable lyrics" that they should avoid playing. Some of the 162 songs--more if you include the blanket directive against "All Rage Against the Machine Songs"-- are understandable, such as Metallica's "Seek and Destroy" or Ozzy Osbourne's "Suicide Solution." But many of the songs on the list are ridiculous in their tenuous connection to anything even remotely offensive to survivors of the Sept. 11 attack. The Bangles' utterly harmless piece of fluff "Walk Like an Egyptian"? Or what about Elvis' "(You're the) Devil in Disguise," Pat Benetar's "Love Is a Battlefield," and Bobby Darin's "Mack the Knife"? Large stretches of the list reveal a grisly perspective on the part of the authors: Boston's "Smokin," Springsteen's "I'm on Fire," Blue Oyster Cult's "Burnin' for You," Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire," Judas Priest's "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll," and the Dave Clark Five's "Bits and Pieces." Several pro-peace songs made it onto the list: Cat Stevens' "Morning Has Broken" and "Peace Train," presumably because Stevens is now Muslim and goes by the name Yusuf Islam. The oddest inclusion has to be John Lennon's explicitly pacifist anthem "Imagine`` http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/7821/im71.html unless Clear Channel is pushing a pro-war agenda. Jack Evans, a regional senior VP of programming at Clear Channel insisted this list was not an effort initiated by management: "After and during what was happening in New York and Washington and outside of Pittsburgh, some of our program directors began e-mailing each other about songs and questionable song titles," though the finished list was distributed to the program directors by Clear Channel management. Evans concedes that some of the songs are off base: "I think there were certainly songs on the list that people were reading too much into" (the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage," perchance?) though he supports the list in general. "There were a substantial amount of songs in question that I'm glad the [program directors] brought up so we didn't air them at a very, very sad time." You can judge for yourself. Here's the list, with original spellings intact. Clear Channel is now denying the existence of the list. Click here http://slate.msn.com/code/chatterbox/chatterbox.asp?Show=9/18/2001&idMessage=8318 to find out more (Slate chatterbox via Bill Westenhaver, Sept 19, DXLD) [Each posting about this matter included a long list of titles, which may or may not be identical, but we have included only one as an example -gh] ** U S A [non]. This is the best site I've seen. It demonstrates the feelings of the majority around the world. It will take time to download, but is worth it. Click on Thank You: http://www.axisdesigns.com/thanks/ (Tom McNiff, Burke, Virginia, USA, Sept 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. AMERICAN TRAGEDY INTERNET--The Web has been criticized in many corners for failing to adequately cover the unfolding horror of Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. On a day when many people were glued to the TV, the complaint was that the Net initially failed to provide the kind of in-depth coverage available from the TV networks. People have complained that sites for the big news organizations, like CNN, "The New York Times" and the BBC, were unavailable for much of the day due to high traffic. And what newspapers and portals were available simply ran wire copy. But under the radar, the Net responded magnificently; it was just a matter of knowing where to look. Immediately after the attack, community websites, discussion groups and mailing lists lit up with vast amounts of information about the attacks. While nothing was available from traditional news sources, such sites as Slashdot and Scripting News crackled with all kinds of information, from dramatic eyewitness accounts to frightened pleas for information about missing friends and relatives. Information about the disasters was disseminated on forums as varied as music lists to a discussion group for the computer game Diablo. As the World Trade Center towers collapsed and the Pentagon burned, hundreds of websites started filling up with amateur photos, video and audio of the attacks. WorldNewYork, a weblog devoted to good writing about New York, devoted Wednesday's issue to terrific amateur accounts of the disaster. Many of the most dramatic pictures of the day were taken by amateurs, such as one of a jetliner exploding as it plows into one of the towers. One site even had an image of the attack's aftermath from space, showing smoke from the destroyed World Trade Center trailing to the south (Leander Kahney in "Wired News") For the complete article: http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,46766,00.html (George Wood, SCDX/MediaScan Sept 18 via DXLD) ** U S A. Some additional links: AMERICA UNDER ATTACK - LIVE http://emc.elte.hu/~hargitai/wtcmemorial/ From Hungary, Henrik Hargetai has set up this World Trade Center memorial site to keep recorded broadcasts of September 11, 2001 alive on the Internet. The site is an archive of live news broadcasts from radio and television, web pages, and printed press front pages. There is also a section of actual TV screenshots from around the world. This site is still under construction. Mr. Hargetai is soliciting input from people around the world who may have additional material to add to the collection. THE WORLD TRADE CENTER MEMORIAL http://www.thewtcmemorial.com/ News stories, memorials, picture galleries, dedications, etc., memorializing the World Trade Center. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION http://www.fbi.gov/ The latest updates and press releases from the FBI on the terrorist attacks and the aftermath. FBI`S MOST WANTED http://www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/laden.htm Osama Bin Laden has made it to the FBI’s top ten most wanted fugitive list. Here is the official on-line information on Bin Laden from the Bureau. (Sheldon Harvey, Radio HF Internet Newsletter, Sept 19, via DXLD) ** U S A [and non]. Outraged by the response of televangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson to last week's terrorist attacks, they blamed liberals, gays and pro-choicers for inviting the wrath of God on the U.S., Hollywood insiders are speaking out. Count actress/activist Alison Arngrim, best known as junior deceiver Nellie Olsen from Little House on the Prairie, among them! Arngrim sounds off: "Cuba called the first day to offer assistance and [Yasser] Arafat was on CNN with a needle in his arm giving blood on live TV, denouncing the whole attack. Russians are placing flowers at the American embassy in Moscow; the British are playing our national anthem for the first time at the changing of the [Buckingham Palace] guard; and 60,000 people at a soccer match in Tehran stood for a moment of silence in honor of the American victims. The only people who have blamed Americans for the attack so far are Falwell and Osama bin Laden. Treason charges, anyone?" (TV Guide Online via Brock Whaley, DXLD) For further information: http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/islam4.htm ("As nation grieves, clerics blame, excoriate Americans for bringing about bombings," 9/15/01) http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/islam3.htm ("Bombing the West: dispelling myths about the end of history," 9/14/01) (AA Newsletter via DXLD) See also PAKISTAN ** U S A. Media round-up: Bush's "crusade" seen as war on Muslims | Text of report by Monitoring research on 19 September The US and international media have expressed concern over the word "crusade" used by US President George W. Bush in reference to a possible military strike against the Taleban and prime suspect Usamah Bin-Ladin in Afghanistan. Bush used the word "crusade" on 16 September when addressing US counter-terrorism efforts. "This is a new kind of, a new kind of evil... and the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take awhile." The word "crusade" in the United States does not have the same religious and historical connotations as in Europe and the Middle East where images are brought to mind of Christian military expeditions to capture the "Holy Land" of Jerusalem from Muslims in the Middle Ages. The pan-Arabic satellite TV channel Al-Jazeera, which is based in Qatar, responded immediately. The channel's Washington correspondent highlighted Bush's use of the word "crusade" while covering his address live at the White House address. In a subsequent interview with US Secretary of State Powell, Al-Jazeera asked: "Some people were upset when they heard President Bush last Sunday [16 September] describing this war as a crusade campaign." The following day, a former Lebanese ambassador to Washington, Abdallah Bu-Habib, clarified in a Lebanese TV interview that President Bush did not mean a crusade war but a campaign against terrorism. Nevertheless, Bush's controversial statement has sparked international criticism. The Libyan news agency Jana, and newspaper commentators in Germany, France, Belgium and elsewhere in Europe have expressed alarm. Germany's Die Tageszeitung newspaper said the president's use of the word "crusade" revealed hidden motives. "A crusade, historically meaning a missionary campaign of the Christian West: how does that fit with a discourse on the peaceful living side by side of the various religions in the United States, with the build-up of an international coalition against terrorism in which as many Arabic and Muslim states as possible are to join in? It does not fit at all," the paper said. In the Middle East, some media have used the Arabic translation "salibiyah", which specifically refers to the Medieval Christian Crusades, instead of the Arabic word "hamlah", which means a campaign. The front-page headline of Jordan's weekly Al-Sabil read: "Bush: the crusade campaign [Arabic: al-hamlah salibiyah] has started." The weekly, citing BBC's News Online web site and Al-Jazeera TV, reported Bush's remark as follows: "This crusade campaign, this war against terrorism, will be a long-drawn-out one." Another Jordanian newspaper, Al-Dustur, noted local reaction to Bush's statement. "President George Bush's remarks, disseminated by Arab and world media, in which he described the military campaign against terrorism as a 'crusade war', has triggered angry reactions in Jordan," the daily said. The article cited a number of Jordanian figures as saying that this proves "the war has been turned into a war against Muslims". The Iraqi newspaper Babil, which is owned by President Saddam Husayn's son Uday, reported, erroneously, that the BBC had "tried to polish up President Bush's statement by deleting the word 'crusade'". Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 19 Sep 01 (via DXLD) Whew, watch your language, and translations. The USG ought to be issuing its own official translations to forestall any such misinterpretation. Notice that ``jihad`` does not figure in this (gh) ** U S A [non].: Updated A-01 schedule of AWR's Wavescan on Sundays: 0330-0400 on 17635 MOS 0830-0900 on 9610 FLI 1000-1030 on 11560 SDA 1000-1030 on 11705 SDA 1230-1300 on 9610 FLI 1300-1330 on 15385 SDA 1330-1400 on 11705 SDA 1330-1400 on 11980 SDA 1430-1500 on 17720 MOS 1530-1600 on 7165 MOS 1530-1600 on 17760 MOS 1600-1630 on 11850 SDA 1730-1800 on 11965 SDA 1730-1800 on 13840 SDA 2130-2200 on 11980 SDA 2130-2200 on 15240 SDA FLI=Forli, Italy; MOS=Moosbrunn, Austria; SDA=KSDA, Guam 73 from (Ivo and Angel! Observer, Bulgaria, Sept 18, DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Prezado Célio, Agradeço seu e-mail com as informações que são de grande importância para nós. Estaremos divulgando-as pois são de interesse para muitos. Por favor sigam em contato conosco é um prazer ter sua sintonia. A nossa programação neste momento é levada ao ar de Segunda à Sexta-feira das 8:00 da manhã às 18:00 horas pela frequência 11745 Khz 25 metros, e das 18:00 às 21:00 pela frequência 21500 Khz 13 metros. [HORA DE BRASILIA, seems, UT minus 3 -gh] Nossa programação : 0800-1000 Encontro com Valeria de Almeida 1000-1100 Música 1100-1300 Realidade Plena com Edson Bruno 1300-1400 Música 1400-1600 Notável Mulher com Jane Adalgiza 1600-1700 Música / Verdade Básica com Pastor Elias Almeida 1700-1900 Seu lugar com Eliezer Taveras 1900-2000 Gotas/Jane 2000-2100 Promessas/Eliezer Deus lhe abençõe! (Valéria de Almeida, Apresentadora/Produtora, (305) 231-7742, Voz Cristã/Serviço Português, Caixa Postal 2889, Miami, Flórida 33144, USA, Sept 17, via Romais, DXLD) Olá, Fiquei feliz em saber que estão captando a Voz Cristã. Em pouco tempo vou apresentar o ALTAS ONDAS (espaço para vocês DX). Um abraço (Edson Bruno, Locutor/produtor, Christian Vision, via Célio Romais, Sept 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###