DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-162, October 29, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] WORLD OF RADIO #1102: NEXT BROADCAST on WWCR: Tue 1200 on 15685 NEXT BROADCASTS on RFPI: Tue 1900, Wed 0100 on 15040, 21815-USB; 0700 on 15040; 1300 on 15040, 21815-USB (STREAM) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1102.ram (DOWNLOAD) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1102.rm (SUMMARY) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1102.html MONITORING AFGHANISTAN AND VICINITY Our quick reference page of broadcasts in English audible in North America, has now been updated to include B-01 scheduling: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/mideast.html NETS TO YOU new November edition by John Norfolk has been posted: http://www.worldofradio.com/nets2you.html ** AFGHANISTAN [non?]. The only way to have a reasonable idea where Psyops 8700 originates, is by triangulating the signal during both morning and evening broadcasts; everything else is just speculative. HF propagation is too complex to be able to determine the origins of an unknown signal by using simple grey line measurements. MUF contour values are by no means fixed. I think it is quite possible that 8700 does in fact originate from an airplane. I have no trouble listening to commercial airliners thousands of miles away, with strong signals and far less power. Remember having a 30,000 ft high antenna does have its advantages! Also transmitting at that altitude means that the LUF is lower then land based transmitters. As far as broadcasting on SSB on an off band frequency, that can be racked up to the US Military's version of common sense, especially in light of the recent speculation that 8700 is a mistaken figure for 7080, or dropping both cluster bombs and food packages in the same area both colored yellow and of similar size. Until there is evidence otherwise, there is no reason to assume that these signals are land based (David Hodgson, TN, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thanks to a tip from Bryan Clark regarding a good time to catch this transmission on 8700u, this morning (29th) it was very good signal from 1715 till s/off at 1732. Lots of references in presumed Dari language to "Taliban". Regards (David Norrie, Auckland, NZ, Oct 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN [and non]. from The Sydney Morning Herald, newspaper website http://www.smh.com.au/news/0110/29/world/world3.html Radio a key weapon in battle for Afghan hearts and minds By Craig Nelson, Herald Correspondent in Jabal Saraj, Afghanistan Mohammed Azaryar insists the message of his one-month-old radio station is peace, but its broadcasts resound suspiciously of war. Its news trumpets the alleged military successes of the opposition Northern Alliance, and its drumbeating commentaries pillory the ruling Taliban as "lackeys" for the aggressive designs of Pakistan. The 250-watt Voice of Peace radio station is a makeshift two-room studio in an alliance barracks on the edge of the ramshackle village of Jabal Saraj, 40 kilometres from the front line. It receives technical aid from Free Speech, a France-based non-governmental organisation. Mr Azaryar says he is happy to remain an informal ally in the US-led war against the Taliban, but also says he would gladly accept United States help to extend the station's range and expand its four hours a day of programming. "We're fighting the Taliban, too, so it would be great to have a transmitter strong enough to beam across Afghanistan." He may soon get his wish, for the US is waging two air wars in Afghanistan. One relies on bombs, cruise missiles and aircraft, the other on the tools of retail politics: radio broadcasts and leaflets. The outcome of the sometimes equally blunt war of information and persuasion will be measured not in the number of Taliban militiamen killed and military installations destroyed, but in the number of Afghan hearts and minds won. Spearheading the war of the airwaves are four specially equipped EC- 130E aircraft operated by units of the Pennsylvania National Guard. They circle above the Afghan countryside, relaying from a satellite or ground station in Pakistan 10 hours of news, traditional Afghan music and announcements each day, includes instructions on how to handle food packages dropped from US aircraft. In Afghan dialects, the so-called Commando Solo aircraft herald the arrival of US ground forces: "People of Afghanistan. US forces will be moving through your area," one broadcast announces. "The United States wishes you no ill. Please, please for your own safety, stay off highways and roadways, and do not interfere with our troops or our military operations." Thanks to US warplanes, Voice of Peace radio and psychological operations, or psy ops, units no longer have competition from the Taliban for listeners. One day after the air strikes began three weeks ago two cruise missiles destroyed the Taliban-run Radio Voice of Sharia. Before it was knocked off the air it claimed to be the only broadcaster in the world to ban all music. Now only the US military occupies a nearby frequency. Since the Vietnam War, psy ops have played an important role in the US arsenal. They have enjoyed mixed success. The anti-Taliban campaign began inauspiciously, with television signals being beamed into the country even though Afghans rely on the radio for news. --------- Inauspicious start... and then the wrong frequency and mode? -(Jem Cullen, ARDXC via DXLD) Piece by piece. I don`t recall a ``ground station in Pakistan`` ever being reported before, feeding Commando Solo, tho it`s hardly surprising. So could 8700-USB be in Pak? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN. Media round-up 29 October 2001 Balkh radio still heard by BBC Monitoring Radio Voice of Shari'ah of Balkh Province - the Taleban-controlled provincial radio station based in the northern city of Mazar-e Sharif - continues to be observed on its usual frequency of 1584 kHz mediumwave. On Monday 29 October the radio broadcast as scheduled from 0230 - 0530 gmt and signed on at the scheduled time of 1230 gmt. Balkh radio broadcast the following items in the Pashto news bulletin at 0330 gmt, and repeated in Dari and Uzbek, on 29 October: - The governor of Balkh Province attended a meeting of the council of representatives from the northern zone recently. - Several new appointments have taken place in Balkh mine industry. - The rector of Balkh Province University visited the Balkh Province medical institute. - Ulema and elders of Charbolak District and representatives from various villages held a meeting to condemn attacks carried out by America. - A meeting of the administrative and technical council was held today. - Commentary: For the last two nights, the BBC and Voice of America (VOA) have been reporting comments by the chief of the British naval forces to the effect that the war may continue for at least four years in Afghanistan. Kabul radio still unheard by BBC Monitoring The Taleban radio station, Radio Voice of Shari'ah from Kabul, has remained unheard by BBC Monitoring since Monday 8 October. Radio Voice of Shari'ah from Kabul, which is usually on the air from 0130- 0400 and 1230-1800 gmt, has not been heard on any of its three frequencies - 657 kHz and 1107 kHz mediumwave and 7085 kHz (variable) shortwave - since 1610 gmt on 8 October. US PsyOps broadcasts to Afghanistan continue Information Radio continues to be observed by BBC Monitoring broadcasting in Pashto and Dari on 8700 kHz upper sideband mode from 0030-0530 gmt. It was also heard signing on as scheduled at 1230 gmt. On Monday 29 October, the parallel mediumwave frequency 864 kHz was not heard. The mediumwave frequency 1107 kHz has not yet been observed. Portuguese TV team enters Taleban-controlled territory On 28 October, a crew from Portugal's RTP Internacional TV reportedly entered Taleban-controlled territory near the eastern city of Jalalabad. The following day, RTP correspondents Hernani Carvalho and Nuno Patricio filed a live dispatch from mountains near Jalalabad in Afghanistan. Carvalho reported on the Taleban reaction to the US bombing: [Carvalho] ...As you can imagine there is fierce anger, I can't think of another term, against most Westerners. In fact for many Taleban, who are manifestly ignorant of anything other than their reality, anyone who does not come from this area of the globe, any Western person is an American. Their reaction to the bombings is a bad one obviously. But most of them are in hiding. The Taleban have re-armed the population. As is known when they took power they took away people's weapons because there was chaos in Afghanistan. But now for defence, they have re-armed certain people, to whom they give specific missions. The men we were with are in charge of the mountainous perimeter surrounding the city of Jalalabad. Compiled by Foreign Media Unit, BBC Monitoring Telephone +44 118 948 6261 e-mail: fmu@mon.bbc.co.uk Source: BBC Monitoring research, 29 Oct 01 (via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. Aquí está el esquema final para RAE, Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior, para el período B-01, del 29/10/01 al 23/04/02. Frecuencias: 6060, 9690, 11710 & 15345 kHz, Lunes a Viernes (días según hora local) Horas UTC {Note the odd date for this schedule to expire: April 23 -gh} 1000-1200 Japonés 11710 Lejano Oriente 1200-1400 Español 15345 América 1900-2000 Inglés 9690 15345 Europa 2000-2100 Francés 9690 15345 Europa-Norte Africa 2100-2200 Alemán 9690 15345 Europa-Norte Africa 2200-2300 Español 6060 11710 15345 Europa-Norte Africa 2300-2400 Español 6060 11710 15345 América-Europa 0000-0200 Português 6060 11710 América 0200-0300 Inglés 6060 11710 América 0300-0400 Francés 6060 11710 América 0900-1200 6060 kHz LRA1 con Panorama Nacional de Noticias. - Sábados solamente: 6060, 15345 11710 kHz 2000-2200 RAE (si no está la emisión de RAE al aire, estará la señal de LRA1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires). Luego de 2200-0230 sigue con programas de LRA1. -Domingos solamente 1400-0300 LRA1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires en 6060 y 15345 kHz // 870 kHz AM. 73's (Gabriel Iván Barrera, Argentina, Oct 29, Conexión Digital via DXLD) It`s been a long time since RAE has used more than one frequency for the English broadcasts. Check it out (gh, DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. Re 15820 unID in DXLD 1-161: This is almost certainly the Argentine feeder which is fairly regularly heard on 15820 LSB, relaying various domestic channels (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. God [sic] has changed the law of the land, and now HCJB has an international broadcast license. The station planned in Kununurra WA could blanket India and China; within a 2-hop range is more than 60 percent of the world`s population in the 10-40 latitude range. The premier of WA also helped. But there is still much more to do: an application with the local shire(?) in Kununurra for clearances such as involving avionics, radar systems; still has to go thru 17 or 18 government departments. Target date is Xmas 2002, the 71st anniversary of HCJB in Quito (David Maindonald, HCJB-Australia office, interviewed on HCJB DXPL Oct 28, notes by gh for DXLD) ** AUSTRIA. The program schedule on the ROI website http://roi.orf.at/down/Schema2001_2002.pdf confirms that English 2230-2300 is not broadcast on Saturdays in favour of "Tribüne Afrikas" (listed 2204-2300), a program of the ORF mediumwave network RADIO 1476. Furthermore the multilingual RADIO 1476 program "Donaudialog" also goes out on single 5945 daily 2105-2200, at least according a press release which also suggests that a new transmitter for 1476 was inaugurated in the meantime. A summary of notes from a guy who did not miss the first Ö3 relay on shortwave: ROI joined the Ö3 feed at 0457 inmidst ongoing DJ talk. Until 0600 the shortwave relay was not mentioned at all, instead the DJ announced what listeners will hear during the next hours. I wonder whether the Ö3 staff is not aware that they are for one hour also on shortwave or consider the circumstance as irrelevant? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM [non]. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES RVI via Bonaire was on 13700 on October 28 at 2230. Reception was very good. In October 14 edition of Radio World I heard about different frequency for this transmission - 13685 (Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk, Russia, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM. Hi Glenn, here's the RVI winterschedule... But a bit baffling at some points. Waver remains in use for a few transmissions. On 9970 I heard RTBF. Will check the rest the next days. [but see below] BELGIUM: RVI B01 5910 0800 0830 27,28 WAV 5910 1900 2200 27,28 WAV 5960 2100 2200 27,28 SKN 5960 1900 2000 46-48,52,53,57 MEY 5985 0800 0830 27,28 WAV 7305 1130 1230 44,45,49,50 P.K 9865 1130 1230 44,45,49,50 P.K 9925 2100 2200 27,28,37,38 SAM 9925 0600 2200 27,28,37,38 WAV 9925 1900 2000 37,38,46-48,52,53 MEY 9970 0400 2200 27,28,37,38 WAV = RTBF!!! 11985 0400 0500 6-8,10,11 BON 13645 1900 2000 37,38,47,48,52,53 MDC 13680 0930 1600 6-8,27,28 WAV 13685 0600 2000 27,28,37-39 RMP Repeats programs 13685 0600 2000 27,28,37-39 JUL =0600-0800 see DTK 13700 2230 2330 6-8,10,11 BON 13710 0600 1500 27,28,37-39 SKN 13710 1800 2000 27,28,37-39 JUL 15195 0600 0900 27,28,37-39 ARM 15195 1200 1300 27,28,37-39 ARM 15325 1400 1700 27,28,37 SKN 15565 0400 0500 6-8,10,11 BON 15565 2230 2330 6-8,10,11 BON 17670 1100 1230 37,38,46-48,52,53 MEY 17690 1200 1230 41,43,49-51,54 TAC 9925 1700 2200 27,28,37-39 ARM [order sic] (via Silvain Domen, Belgium, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) OBSERVER mentioned MW site as WAVRE = WAV which is not correct. 73 de wolfy BELGIUM Revised and updated B-01 schedule for RVI English 0800-0825 1512 WOL to Eu 5985 JUL to WeEu 1130-1155 9865 P/K to EaAs 1230-1255 1512 WOL to Eu 1830-1855 1512 WOL to Eu 9925 ARM to SoEaEu 13685 RMP to SoEaEu 13710 JUL to SoEaEu/ME 2030-2055 1512 WOL to Eu 9925 ARM to No&SoEu 2230-2255 13700 BON to EaNoAm NF (x13685) 0400-0425 11985 BON to WeNoAm French 1730-1745 1512 WOL to Eu 9925 ARM to No&SoEu 2015-2030 1512 WOL to Eu 9925 ARM to No&SoEu German 1745-1800 1512 WOL to Eu 9925 ARM to No&SoEu 2000-2015 1512 WOL to Eu 9925 ARM to No&SoEu Mediumwave 1512 kHz Wolvertem-BEL, 300 kW, daytime 25 kW. 0600-0700 300 kW Program from RNW Hilversum 0700-0800 25 kW Dutch 0800-0830 25 kW English 0830-1230 25 kW Dutch 1230-1300 25 kW English 1300-1500 25 kW Dutch 1500-1700 25 kW Program from Deutsche Welle Cologne 1700-1730 25 kW Dutch 1730-1745 25 kW French 1745-1800 25 kW German 1800-1830 300 kW Dutch 1830-1900 300 kW English 1900-2000 300 kW Dutch 2000-2015 300 kW German 2015-2030 300 kW French 2030-2100 300 kW English 2100-2127 300 kW Dutch 2127-2325 300 kW Program from RNW Hilversum ARM=Armavir/Krasnodar-RUS BON=Bonaire-ATN JUL=Juelich, Germany P/K=Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky-RUS RMP=Rampisham-UK WOL=Wolvertem-BEL (R Bulgaria Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, updated by wb, BC-DX Oct 23, via DXLD) ** CANADA. Maple Leaf Mailbag began at 0205 UT on October 29 after a five minute newscast (John Norfolk, OKCOK) ** CHINA [non]. Checking to reconfirm CRI`s long-standing but secret relay via Cuba in English at 1400-1600, Oct 29: tune-in at 1359 to find IS and RRI in Romanian, which was the case last winter (and maybe summer too), no sign of CRI, so thought it might have vanished. But at 1409 recheck stronger open carrier was oveRRIding; finally at 1414, Cuban techs brought up the CRI English audio in progress, joining mild crackling which was already audible on the carrier. Rechecked just in time at 1557 to hear the signal going off. However, rechecking the CRI relay in Spanish heard on 9665 the night before, on UT Oct 29 at 0200 nothing was there; so where has it gone now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. RECESIÓN EN LA RADIO COLOMBIANA. Hola amigos; les envio un enlace al diario El Tiempo, donde publican un reportaje sobre la radio colombiana: http://eltiempo.terra.com.co/28-10-2001/econ122670.html UN SALUDO, (Rafael Rodriguez, Bogotá, Oct 29, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** CROATIA [non]. Unlike the night before, on UT Oct 29 around 0145, 9885 was clear of clash with the dying SRI, but weaker HR signal bothered by RTTY; now, however, we have choice of \\ 9925 which was better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. Not heard Sunday morning, but Monday Oct 29, R. Prague, revived English to NAm at 1400 was booming in on 21745; weakening a bit before 1428 closing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. HCJB`s morning broadcast to NAm is now being wiped out by another station on 15115; Oct 29 at 1415 we heard Big Ben, so checked the Merlin schedule: 15115 1330 1415 s...... Rampisham 500 115 ALBANIAN SE EUR 15115 1415 1430 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 115 ALBANIAN SE EUR Directly off the back is 295 degrees toward NAm. Perhaps HCJB were aware of this clash but thought they could live with it, only during the last portion of their broadcast. Also, belatedly listening to a tape of DXPL from UT Sun Oct 28 at 0100, surprised to hear a time check for 12 past the hour when it was really only 2 past in this truncated edition. But worse, a number of ``East Coast DX Report`` loggings from Michael Carter in New Brunswick had frequencies 5 kHz off: DW on 9880, WWCR on 12165, VOA on 5740, Jordan on 11695, RN on 17600. Furthermore, WSHB was given as 9340, which must have really been the usual 9430. Surely the *minimum* requirement for contributing DX news for worldwide broadcast is getting the frequencies right, especially well-known ones (?) like these, and which could easily be checked if not in the contributor`s or presenter`s memory. Strangely, other frequencies were correct; is he using an analog readout receiver in this day and age? Don`t you believe info from this source if DXPL continues to broadcast it without checking (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FIJI. Just received a prompt QSL from Radio Fiji for an e-mail report, following up a 6 month old written report. The e-mail address is incl@is.com.fj No v/s was given. Fiji have not been the most reliable verifier so if you have any out-standing reception reports, give them a try now. Cheers, (Paul Ormandy, Host of The South Pacific DX Report http://radiodx.com Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hmm, hearing Fiji first is the problem here (gh, OK, DXLD) ** GERMANY. [Re OKLAHOMA, DXLD 1-160:] By the way, here in Germany FM transmitters usually have the stereo pilot on all the time, no matter which kind of stuff is broadcast. In some cases like the MDR info network of Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk it could be discussed how useful it is at all to transmit an all-news program in stereo, although the transmitters are of low power, providing signals which are often sufficient only for monaural reception anyway. However, I was told that Bayerischer Rundfunk once used to shut down the stereo pilot on the Bayern 3 network during traffic jam announcements by using the control signal for the ARI/RDS coder (the so-called "Hinz-Triller", once also used by Deutsche Welle to insert relay station identifications) also for this purpose. And I remember that the pilot tone was switched off on GDR transmitters during monaural broadcasts, I guess this was done directly at the individual transmitter sites. Similarly, today all TV transmitters carry a PAL signal also when a black-and-white movie is broadcast, but not so did GDR TV which used to switch the SECAM colour carrier off in such cases (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. Deutsche Welle, B-01: with sites, powers and azimuths: ENGLISH 0100 0145 6040 SACKVILLE 250 227 N/CAM ENGLISH 0100 0145 6145 WERTACHTAL 500 300 NAM ENGLISH 0100 0145 9640 SINES 250 290 N/CAM ENGLISH 0100 0145 9700 ANTIGUA 250 340 NAM ENGLISH 0100 0145 9765 SACKVILLE 250 268 NAM ENGLISH 0100 0200 1548 TRINCOMALE 400 035 SAS ENGLISH 0200 0245 1548 TRINCOMALE 400 035 SAS ENGLISH 0200 0245 7285 WERTACHTAL 500 090 SAS ENGLISH 0200 0245 9615 TRINCOMALE 250 005 SAS ENGLISH 0200 0245 9765 WERTACHTAL 500 090 SAS ENGLISH 0200 0245 11965 TRINCOMALE 250 345 SAS ENGLISH 0300 0345 6020 SACKVILLE 250 277 NAM ENGLISH 0300 0345 6045 WERTACHTAL 500 315 NAM ENGLISH 0300 0345 9640 SINES 250 300 N/CAM ENGLISH 0300 0345 9700 ANTIGUA 250 310 NAM ENGLISH 0300 0345 11985 BONAIRE 250 320 NAM ENGLISH 0400 0445 6015 KIGALI 250 0ND AF ENGLISH 0400 0445 7195 KIGALI 250 210 AF ENGLISH 0400 0445 9565 KIGALI 250 180 AF ENGLISH 0400 0445 9710 WERTACHTAL 500 165 AF ENGLISH 0500 0545 5960 WERTACHTAL 500 330 NAM ENGLISH 0500 0545 6120 SINES 250 315 NAM ENGLISH 0500 0545 9670 ANTIGUA 250 310 NAM ENGLISH 0500 0545 11795 BONAIRE 250 320 NAM ENGLISH 0600 0645 7225 SINES 250 185 WAF ENGLISH 0600 0645 9565 WERTACHTAL 500 210 WAF ENGLISH 0600 0645 11785 WERTACHTAL 500 180 WAF ENGLISH 0600 0700 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 0700 0800 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 0800 0900 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 0900 0945 6160 ANTIGUA 250 205 OC ENGLISH 0900 0945 7300 IRKUTSK 250 110 FE ENGLISH 0900 0945 11785 KIGALI 250 0ND AF ENGLISH 0900 0945 15410 KIGALI 250 180 AF ENGLISH 0900 0945 17800 KIGALI 250 295 AF ENGLISH 0900 0945 17820 TRINCOMALE 250 120 SEAS/OC ENGLISH 0900 0945 17845 TRINCOMALE 250 090 SEAS/OC ENGLISH 0900 0945 17860 TALATA VO. 200 245 EAF ENGLISH 0900 0945 21560 WERTACHTAL 500 135 AF ENGLISH 0900 1000 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1000 1100 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1100 1145 15410 KIGALI 250 180 AF ENGLISH 1100 1145 17800 KIGALI 250 295 AF ENGLISH 1100 1145 21780 WERTACHTAL 500 210 AF ENGLISH 1100 1200 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1200 1300 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1300 1400 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1400 1500 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1500 1555 6140 JUELICH 100 130 EUR ENGLISH 1555 1600 6140 WERTACHTAL 125 120 EUR ENGLISH 1600 1645 1548 TRINCOMALE 400 035 SAS ENGLISH 1600 1645 6170 TRINCOMALE 250 015 SAS ENGLISH 1600 1645 7225 TRINCOMALE 250 345 SAS ENGLISH 1600 1645 9735 KIGALI 250 0ND AF ENGLISH 1600 1645 11695 WERTACHTAL 500 090 SAS ENGLISH 1600 1645 13605 NAUEN 500 090 SAS ENGLISH 1600 1645 15455 KIGALI 250 180 AF ENGLISH 1600 1645 21840 WERTACHTAL 500 165 AF ENGLISH 1600 1700 6140 WERTACHTAL 125 120 EUR ENGLISH 1700 1800 6140 WERTACHTAL 125 120 EUR ENGLISH 1800 1830 3995 WERTACHTAL 500 0ND EUR ENGLISH 1800 1900 6140 WERTACHTAL 125 120 EUR ENGLISH 1900 1930 3995 WERTACHTAL 500 0ND EUR ENGLISH 1900 1945 11765 WERTACHTAL 500 195 WAF ENGLISH 1900 1945 11810 KIGALI 250 295 AF ENGLISH 1900 1945 13780 WERTACHTAL 500 165 AF ENGLISH 1900 1945 15275 KIGALI 250 280 AF ENGLISH 1900 1945 15390 TRINCOMALE 250 240 EAF ENGLISH 1900 1945 17810 TRINCOMALE 250 270 C/EAF ENGLISH 2000 2045 6180 SINES 250 030 SEUR ENGLISH 2100 2145 9615 WERTACHTAL 500 210 WAF ENGLISH 2100 2145 9690 WERTACHTAL 500 165 AF ENGLISH 2100 2145 9765 WERTACHTAL 500 090 SEAS/OC ENGLISH 2100 2145 15275 TRINCOMALE 250 105 SEAS/OC ENGLISH 2100 2145 15410 KIGALI 250 295 WAF/AM ENGLISH 2100 2145 17560 TRINCOMALE 250 120 SEAS/OC ENGLISH 2100 2145 17835 KIGALI 250 280 WAF ENGLISH 2300 2345 9470 NOVOSIBIR. 500 145 FE ENGLISH 2300 2345 9815 WERTACHTAL 500 075 SAS/SEAS ENGLISH 2300 2345 13690 TRINCOMALE 250 105 SEAS ENGLISH 2300 2345 21790 PETROPAVL. 250 247 FE (via A. Volk, Germany, ADDX, Oct 8 via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) ** GERMANY [and non]. Dear Glenn, for years, the Deutsche Welle English Service at 2000/2045 to the British Isles has made an unusual move to a higher frequency for the winter period (9725 kHz from 7130 kHz which is used in summer, both from the Sines Portugal relay). For the first time this year, they moved to the lower frequency of 6180 kHz (always from Sines), and reception here in Italy is fair to good. By coincidence, there's always some interference from RFI (6175 kHz winter, 7135 summer). By the way, English from DW Radio on 6140 kHz is always excellent here 0600 to 1900. 73, Stefano Valianti, Bologna, Italy, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) From http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html --- Sat 2115-2145 Deutsche Welle DX PROGRAM last Saturday Af 9875 11865 15135; Pac 9670 9765 11925 [time is from posted schedule; gh says it may start at :35 after shortened MAILBAG] [but neither the DX program nor the Mailbag was heard Oct 27] Sat 2315-2345 Deutsche Welle DX PROGRAM last Saturday Asia 9815 12055 13610 21790 [time is from posted schedule; gh says it may start at :35 after shortened MAILBAG] [no DW freq audible here Oct 27 so was unable to check] Sun 0215-0245 Deutsche Welle DX PROGRAM Sunday after last Saturday As 11965 13710 15370 [time is from posted schedule; gh says it may start at :35 after shortened MAILBAG] [as with 2315 airing, no DW freq audible here Oct 27 so unable to confirm] (John Norfolk, DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. RUSSIA? On Sunday, October 28, I heard DW in Russian at unusual time on unusual frequency. At 0340 very good signal was on 17800 carrying regular 30 min. musical program of Saturday night and Sunday morning. There was news at 0400 and the end of the same program as an hour before at 0458. Signal disappeared at 0500. Seemed like transmitted via site in Russia, maybe Samara. DW in Russian always broadcasts at 0400-0500 and 0530-0630 in winter (and an hour earlier in summer) only on low frequencies for European part of Russia and CIS. No parallel frequencies were observed after 0400 though they should be. Today I couldn't check the frequency because I've been at work (Vladimir Kovalenko, Tomsk, Russia, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nothing about 17800 in new schedule, excerpt; what`s `GUS`??: RUSSIAN 0400 0500 693 MOSKVA 010 0ND MOSKAU RUSSIAN 0400 0500 1188 ST.PETERB. 010 0ND PETERSBG RUSSIAN 0400 0500 6055 WERTACHTAL 500 045 GUS RUSSIAN 0400 0500 7145 WERTACHTAL 500 075 GUS RUSSIAN 0400 0500 7235 WERTACHTAL 500 055 GUS RUSSIAN 0530 0600 7155 WERTACHTAL 500 045 GUS RUSSIAN 0530 0600 9775 WERTACHTAL 500 060 GUS RUSSIAN 0600 0630 999 GRIGORIOPO 500 0ND GUS RUSSIAN 0600 0630 7155 WERTACHTAL 500 045 GUS RUSSIAN 0600 0630 9775 WERTACHTAL 500 060 GUS (via A. Volk via W. Büschel, DXLD) ** GREECE. One of the last holdouts, for which I have yet to see a B- 01 schedule anywhere, is the Voice of Greece. So I went looking on their website via Media Network Hotlinks and found this promising ``Shortwave Schedule`` link: http://www.greeknews.ariadne-t.gr/Docs/era5eng/ekpompeseng.htm But it is a zipped gif of their B-1998 schedule!! Apparently long forgotten. Does anyone have the new B-01 schedule in any form? Meanwhile we can at least look at the IBB schedule for ERT usage of Kavala, Delano and Greenville, as of Oct 29, so we hope as updated for B-01; in all cases languages are ``various``; with azimuths, 355 being the closest Kavala can get toward NAm; the Delano 75 degree beam blasts right across Oklahoma: 5895 0000-0400 KAV 355 1900-2100 KAV 355 7450 2000-2100 KAV 355 9420 1200-1900 KAV 355 2100-2300 KAV 105 9690 1200-1500 DL 75 11645 1430-1700 KAV 355 11900 0600-0800 DL 296 12110 1700-2000 KAV 355 2300-0400 KAV 240 15650 1200-1430 KAV 095 2100-2400 KAV 095 17520 0400-0800 KAV 095 17565 2000-2200 GA 164 17705 1600-2200 DL 75 21530 0400-0800 KAV 095 So the two Kavalla frequencies for the 0000-0400 transmission are 5895 and 12110, the latter to SAm. Both were poorly audible here UT Oct 30 at 0200 check, so we scanned 7 and 9 MHz for parallels, finding only 7475, which had co-channel from something, perhaps Tunisia, but was best of the three? English news used to appear around 0200, but this date was in Greek, and went to music at 0204, and more Greek at 0206. Maybe English has shifted to 0300. Remember when it used to be at 0130 and 0330? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA Beautiful signal from AIR Kurseong on 28 October on 4895.3 kHz at 1605 with English party political panel discussion on India's response to terrorism. Shimla (3223 kHz) and Bhopal (3313 kHz) also good in parallel with traditional music a bit later at 1645 (Graham Bell, Otford, Kent, England, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. If this duplicates a previous post, I apologize. I found an interesting web page at: http://www.spacetoday.org/SolSys/Jupiter/JupiterRadio.html It has a bunch of info and even includes audio files of the kind of things one might hear on earth and from spacecraft orbiting the planet. Lots of background info, NASA and other links. Jupiter puts out 2 trillion watts, about the same as the average Gene Scott transmission. :-) (Fred Waterer, Ont., Oct 29, ODXA via DXLD) ** IRAN. By AFSHIN VALINEJAD, Associated Press Writer TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iranian police have confiscated more than 1,000 satellite dishes in two days as part of an apparent crackdown to bar access to several U.S.-based channels run by Iranian opposition groups. An unidentified Tehran police source said the dishes had been confiscated Thursday and Friday, the state-owned daily Iran reported on Saturday. Some 150,000 illegal dishes were expected to be confiscated. In 1995, the then hard-line parliament banned satellite dishes in an effort to purge Iran of Western influences, but the ban wasn't strictly enforced and rooftops and balconies were soon littered with dishes. Security officials refused to say why the latest crackdown was launched, but the Farsi-language Iran newspaper said the crackdown was directed at recent street violence in Iran. The violence has apparently been flamed by footage of soccer fans shown throwing stones at shop windows and banks after recent matches involving Iran. Such images have been beamed into Iran from several U.S.-based channels run by Iranian dissidents. The Farsi-language television programs also feature popular Iranian music singers frowned on by local authorities. "I don't think this measure is a proper way of confronting the dishes. I think its consequences will be more negative than positive," reformist lawmaker Sohrab Bohluli Qashqaie told The Associated Press. Residents hide their dishes with tarpaulins, or try to disguise them to resemble air conditioning units or water coolers. Hearing of the latest crackdown, some owners have been bringing their dishes inside. The reformist daily newspaper Nowruz, close to the Islamic Iran Participation Front, called the crackdown an "act which has been proved fruitless time and again." The front is the largest pro-reform party in Iran (AP Oct 29 via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** ISRAEL [and non]. See USA, WRMI. Relays are weekly, ex-5-nightly (gh) On Reshet Alef's (Israel's first network- they seem to spell is Aleph) website, for a few weeks already, they have been asking your preferences regarding their future web broadcast (preferred media player, which shows you'd like to have available 'on-demand.') Now, they have added that (in a close translation from the Hebrew), "Reshet Alef FM/AM broadcasts, which are broadcast from Israel, (not via the Internet) can also be heard outside of Israel- in the Middle East, the Balkans, areas in Eastern and Southern Europe and North Africa. If you are in these areas - we'd be happy to receive details about the quality of the reception and where you are receiving the broadcast. Send answers to our mail address." Their email address is: aleph@iba.org.il Postal address: Reshet Alef, "Kol Israel", 21 Heleni Hamalka Street, Jerusalem 91010 Israel The Reshet Alef FM/AM frequencies are: FM (MHz): 97.2, 98.4, 100.7, 102.8 AM (MW)(kHz): 576, 1458 From the emails which I have sent Reshet Alef, they seem to read the email, but don't necessarily reply. Last week, I followed up with Reshet Gimmel (Israel's 3rd network - which plays Israeli music) via email, regarding a possible live web feed. They said that they are still dealing with legal issues. --------- (Daniel Rosenzweig, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. RKI`s new evening relay to NAm via Canada confirmed starting UT Mon 0ct 29, 0200 on 9560, very good with news by Joe Matey at 0205 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. Radio Netherlands programme guide Current until March 30th 2002 North America: [*-new series] Sunday 1130: News 1135: Wide Angle 1155: Week Ahead 1200: The Sound Fountain* 1230: Dutch Horizons 1300: News 1305: Sincerely Yours 1325: Ends 1430: News 1438: Sincerely Yours 1455: Week Ahead 1500: Dutch Horizons 1530: The Sound Fountain* 1600: News 1608: Wide Angle 1625: Ends 2330: News 2335: Sincerely Yours 2355: Week Ahead 0000: Dutch Horizons 0030: The Sound Fountain* 0100: News 0105: Wide Angle 0125: Ends 0430: News 0435: Sincerely Yours 0455: Week Ahead 0500: Dutch Horizons 0530: Ends Monday 1130: Newsline 1200: EuroQuest 1230: Research File 1300: Newsline 1325: Ends 1430: Newsline 1500: Research File 1530: Euroquest 1600: Newsline 1625: Ends 2330: Newsline 0000: Research File 0030: Euroquest 0100: Newsline 0125: Ends 0430: Newsline 0500: Research File 0530: Ends Tuesday 1130: Newsline 1200: A Good Life* 1230: Music 52-15 1300: Newsline 1325: Ends 1430: Newsline 1500: Music 52-15 1530: A Good Life* 1600: Newsline 1625: Ends 2330: Newsline 0000: Music 52-15 0030: A Good Life* 0100: Newsline 0125: Ends 0430: Newsline 0500: Music 52-15 0530: Ends Wednesday 1130: Newsline 1200: Dutch Horizons 1230: The Weekly Documentary 1300: Newsline 1325: Ends 1430: Newsline 1500: The Weekly Documentary 1530: Dutch Horizons 1600: Newsline 1625: Ends 2330: Newsline 0000: The Weekly Documentary 0030: Dutch Horizons 0100: Newsline 0125: Ends 0430: Newsline 0500: The Weekly Documentary 0530: Ends Thursday 1130: Newsline 1200: Research File 1230: The Sound Fountain* 1300: Newsline 1325: Ends 1430: Newsline 1500: The Sound Fountain* 1530: Research File 1600: Newsline 1625: Ends 2330: Newsline 0000: The Sound Fountain* 0030: Research File 0100: Newsline 0125: Ends 0430: Newsline 0500: The Sound Fountain* 0530: Ends Friday 1130: Newsline 1200: The Weekly Documentary 1230: A Good Life* 1300: Newsline 1325: Ends 1430: Newsline 1500: A Good Life* 1530: The Weekly Documentary 1600: Newsline 1625: Ends 2330: Newsline 0000: A Good Life* 0030: The Weekly Documentary 0100: Newsline 0125: Ends 0430: Newsline 0500: A Good Life* 0530: Ends Saturday 1130: News 1135: Europe Unzipped 1155: Insight 1200: Roughly Speaking 1230: The Sound Fountain* 1300: News 1305: Europe Unzipped 1325: Ends 1430: News 1436: Europe Unzipped 1455: Insight 1500: The Sound Fountain* 1530: Roughly Speaking 1600: News 1606: Europe Unzipped 1625: Ends 2330: News 2335: Europe Unzipped 2355: Insight 0000: Music 52-15* 0030: Roughly Speaking 0100: News 0105: Europe Unzipped 0125: Ends 0430: News 0435: Europe Unzipped 0455: Insight 0500: Roughly Speaking 0530: Ends Europe: Sunday 1130-1325: same as North America 2130: News 2135: Sincerely Yours 2155: Week Ahead 2200: Dutch Horizons 2230: The Sound Fountain* 2300: News 2305: Wide Angle 2325: Week Ahead 2330: Ends Monday 1130-1325: same as North America 2130: Newsline 2200: Research File 2230: Euroquest 2300: Newsline 2330: Ends Tuesday 1130-1325: same as North America 2130: Newsline 2200: A Good LIfe* 2230: Music 52-15 2300: Newsline 2330: Ends Wednesday 1130-1325: same as North America 2130: Newsline 2200: The Weekly Documentary 2230: Dutch Horizons 2300: Newsline 2330: Ends Thursday 1130-1325: same as North America 2130: Newsline 2200: The Sound Fountain* 2230: Research File 2300: Newsline 2330: Ends Friday 1130-1325: same as North America 2130: Newsline 2200: Roughly Speaking 2230: The Weekly Documentary 2300: Newsline 2330: Ends Saturday 1130-1325: same as North America except: 1230: Music 52-15* 2130: News 2135: Europe Unzipped 2155: Insight 2200: Music 52-15* 2230: Roughly Speaking 2300: News 2305: Europe Unzipped 2325: Insight 2330: Ends Africa: Sunday 1730: News 1735: Sincerely Yours 1755: Week Ahead 1800: Dutch Horizons 1830: News 1835: Wide Angle 1900: The Sound Fountain* 1930: Dutch Horizons 2000: News 2005: Sincerely Yours 2025: Ends Monday 1730: Newsline 1800: Research File 1830: Newsline 1900: EuroQuest 1930: Research File 2000: Newsline 2025: Ends Tuesday 1730: Newsline 1800: Music 52-15 1830: Newsline 1900: A Good Life* 1930: Music 52-15 2000: Newsline 2025: Ends Wednesday 1730: Newsline 1800: The Weekly Documentary 1830: Newsline 1900: Dutch Horizons 1930: The Weekly Documentary 2000: Newsline 2025: Ends Thursday 1730: Newsline 1800: The Sound Fountain* 1830: Newsline 1900: The Research File 1930: The Sound Fountain* 2000: Newsline 2025: Ends Friday 1730: Newsline 1800: A Good Life* 1830: Newsline 1900: The Weekly Documentary 1930: A Good Life* 2000: Newsline 2025: Ends Saturday 1730: News 1735: Europe Unzipped 1755: Insight 1800: Music 52-15* 1830: News 1835: Europe Unzipped 1900: Roughly Speaking 1930: Music 52-15* 2000: News 2005: Europe Unzipped 2025: Ends Asia/Far East: Sunday 0930: News 0938: Sincerely Yours 0955: Week Ahead 1000: Dutch Horizons 1030: The Sound Fountain* 1100: News 1108: Wide Angle 1125: Ends 1430-1625 same as North America Monday 0930: Newsline 1000: Research File 1030: EuroQuest 1100: Newsline 1125: Ends 1430-1625: same as North America Tuesday 0930: Newsline 1000: Music 52-15 1030: A Good Life* 1100: Newsline 1125: Ends 1430-1625: same as North America Wednesday 0930: Newsline 1000: Weekly Documentary 1030: Dutch Horizons 1100: Newsline 1125: Ends 1430-1625: same as North America Thursday 0930: Newsline 1000: The Sound Fountain* 1030: Research File 1100: Newsline 1125: Ends 1430-1625: same as North America Friday 0930: Newsline 1000: A Good Life* 1030: Weekly Documentary 1100: Newsline 1125: Ends 1430-1625: same as North America Saturday 0930: News 0936: Europe Unzipped 0955: Insight 1000: Music 52-15* 1030: Roughly Speaking 1100: News 1106: Europe Unzipped 1125: Ends 1430-1625: same as North America except: 1500: Music 52-15* Pacific: Daily 0930-1125: same as Asia/Far East (c) 2001 (Radio Netherlands web site via and edited by John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. We will be doing another test on Thursday 15 November (Wednesday 14 November UT). Last time we had technical problems and only tested on 6095 kHz. The next test will be as follows: 1120-1129 (2220 - 2229 UT) 7205 1130-1140 (2230 - 2240 UT) 9700 The frequencies have been selected to check coverage of NZ only. We would not expect the signal to have a radius of more than 800 km. Reports to me please at asainsbury@radionz.co.nz Cheers (Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI via Paul Ormandy, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. V of Nigeria terug op 15120: V of Nigeria zit terug op zijn oude stek : 15120 kHz, sterk (S9+10) en niet al te slechte modulatie voor wat we van Nigeria gewoon waren. Om 1900 gaat men over in het Engels. Hopelijk kan men de zender deze keer wat langer in de lucht houden dan enkele jaren geleden. (Guido Schotmans - Antwerp, BELGIUM RX: AOR AR 7030 - ANT: Wellbrook ALA 1530 outdoor active broadband loop Narrow FM Homepage http://gallery.uunet.be/gs/ Oct 29, Benelux DX Club via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. This week on Oklahoma's Public Radio... We've been scared enough already, so it's time to laugh with the Capitol Steps! Join Oklahoma's Public Radio for the Halloween edition of "Politics Takes a Holiday!" Wed at 6:30 p.m. & Saturday at 4:30 p.m. [also on scads of other public radio stations; see http://www.capsteps.com/radio/#stations and the show is also available for download] KOSU's Rachel Hubbard brings us some scary ghost stories from Oklahoma State University's Old Central, one of the oldest higher education buildings in the state. Wed at 7:50 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. On the "Oklahoma Audio Almanac"...host Steven Kite remembers the incorporation of the Cherokee Tribe's headquarters, and Halloween pranks. Wed 7:30 a.m. (KOSU newsletter Oct 29 via DXLD; times CST; add 6h for UT) Listen via http://www.kosu.org ** ROMANIA. RRI has made some more bad frequency choices. For the 0200 English to NAm, 9550, checked UT Oct 29 at 0205, found heavy clash with Havana in Spanish, which has used that frequency for a long time, Havana on top here, but both unlistenable. 11830 and all the other frequencies for other targets in DXLD 1-161 were not audible, but might be on a better night. Checking the 1400 broadcast, 17790 was more or less clear but weak and undermodulated; 15365 had ACI, and 11940 CCI. The domestic service relay in Romanian is back on 17720, now clashing with China via Cuba at the same hour, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Subject: New VOR schedule---I think (!!) English to North America TIME (UTC) FREQUENCIES (kHz) 0200-0300 17595**, 13665*, 12020, 9765, 7250, 7180 0300-0400 17595**, 13665, 12020, 7250, 7180 0400-0500 17660**, 17595, 15595, 13665*, 12020, 12010, 7330, 7180, 7125 0500-0600 17595, 15595, 12020, 12010****, 7330, 7180, 7125 1500-1900 7260 *- from 29.10.2000 till 06.03.2001 ** - from 06.03. till 25.03.2001 ****- from 30.04. till 10.08. Because of the addition of 7125 at 0400, plus some other freqs. that I don't recall offhand, hopefully it is an Internet Service error that the dates were not changed (anyone remember about 1 month ago when there was a notation on the website that Gagarin's first flight was in 2001). Will email Ol`ga tonight to see if this is the final schedule, but if past years are any indication, there may be some "tweaking" down the line (Maryanne Kehoe, GA, Oct 29, ODXA via DXLD) I was listening to Carl Watts` jazz show last night, UT Mon 0530, very good on 15595, playing some great old records. Maybe that`s LAST winter`s sked, as the dates are for 2000-2001! 9765 is/was probably the Vatican relay which was on 11825 in summer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. UT Sun 0049-0059 ==>Spain RADIO WAVES NAm 6055 start time varies [but not heard although announced UT Oct 27!] (John Norfolk, http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html via DXLD) ** SWITZERLAND. Regarding SRI: I have on my records that their satellite transmissions for the Americas, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa via the NSS-K, Asiasat-2 and Intelsat 707 birds are to be cancelled on Dec. 31. The Astra outlet will remain but just for another year until the end of 2002, i.e. it will last just further 14 months from now, and that's indeed what I had in mind when commenting that it is not so useful to point the now abandoned shortwave audience to this satellite outlet. After 2002 only shortwave for the Middle East, Africa and South America will remain until the "Swissinfo" content provider will finally wind up its radio department by the end of 2004 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. Here is message just received from Oystein Alme of "Voice of Tibet": Dear Mr Harjot Singh, VOT QSL confirms reception reports - please notify your location and address. You will find VOT 1215 to 13 UT after 3 mins SIS - at 15400 - 15680 and 15705. First 30 mins in Tibetan - then 15 mins in Mandarin. Remember we often shift due to jamming efforts from foreign station. Kind regards, Oystein Alme Their "Voice of Tibet" E mail address is: oystalme@online.no Good DX & 73's, Sincerely, (Harjot Singh Brar, for GRDXC Oct 29 via DXLD) ** TURKEY. VOT`s printed schedule has arrived. Tho there is still a column labelled Mode of Operation, all entries are now shown as DSB, not a single SSB entry, and I recall that SSB was stopped some months ago. Always missing from TRT schedules are azimuths, just continental target areas; are azimuths confidential? We`ve already published from online source the English, Spanish and Turkish portions (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. Station on 17299 kHz must be Radio Omega-Polis, indeed! I found their logo at UKR DX site maintained by Boris Skuratovsky http://skurafm.tripod.com A very informative site, but you should have some knowledge of Ukrainian in order to browse it. 73, (Dmitri Mezin, Kazan, Russia, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) Guys, that's Sevastopol` shore-sea marine station. Provides traffic to Sevastopol`-based vessels world-wide. Most time phone talks (via PTT Sevastopol` commutator-operator (YL)). Nothing common with Omega- Polis itself (I doubt if the broadcaster knows at all about this relay service). FYI: at 0750 UTC they relayed Radio Era (UR2). Next time it may be whatever (on Operator's preference). Alternate channel 22030-USB. 73 (Vlad Titarev, Ukraine, Oct 29, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** UKRAINE. RUI has picked a poor frequency for its megawatt to NAm, 7375! UT Oct 29 at 0130, I found a hefty mix with DGS Costa Rica, which has been on that frequency for years; low rumble caused by CR being slightly off frequency. RUI unlistenable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. Glenn, Initial monitoring of the new RUI B01 schedule is not promising. The main frequency, 7375 kHz at 0100 and 0400 UT, must contend with University Radio from Costa Rica as detailed below. October 28, 2001 0102 UT 7375 kHz slight to moderate QRM from University Radio, Costa Rica on 7375 kHz. Mixing of RUI and University Radio signal made it difficult to determine the signal meter reading of RUI. 7420 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WBCQ on 7415 kHz 9610 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from Vatican Radio on 9605 0134 UT: 7375 same. 7420 same. 9610 same. 0401 UT 7285 kHz RUI not heard. QRM from SSB transmissions on and around 7285 kHz. 7375 kHz S9 +16 dB to S9 +30 dB. Slight QRM from University Radio on 7375 kHz. 7420 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WBCQ on 7415 kHz 9610 kHz RUI not heard. 1201 UT 11720 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WYFR on 11725 kHz. 11825 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WYFR on 11830 kHz. 15520 kHz RUI not heard. Chinese language station on 15520 kHz and severe QRM from Radio France Int. on 15515 kHz. 2201 UT 5905 kHz RUI not heard. 7240 kHz RUI not heard. Un IDed station and amateur radio on 7240 9560 kHz RUI not heard. Warble type jammer around 9560 kHz. October 29, 2001 0101 UT 7375 kHz Moderate QRM from University Radio, Costa Rica on 7375 kHz. Mixing of RUI and University Radio signal made it difficult to determine the signal meter reading of RUI. Also slight QRM from un IDed station on 7380 kHz. 7420 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WBCQ on 7415 kHz 9610 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from Vatican Radio on 9605 0136 UT 7375 same. 7420 same. 9610 same. 0401 UT 7285 kHz Barely hear RUI. QRM from SSB transmissions on and around 7285 kHz. Also moderate QRM from un IDed station on 7280 kHz. 7375 kHz S9 +27dB to S9 +30 dB. Slight QRM from University Radio on 7375 kHz. 7420 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WBCQ on 7415 kHz 9610 kHz RUI not heard. Slight QRM from Radio Canada Int on 9615 1201 UTC 11720 kHz RUI not heard. Moderate QRM from WYFR on 11725 kHz. Slight QRM from VOA on 11720 kHz. 11825 kHz RUI not heard. Severe QRM from WYFR on 11830 kHz. 15520 kHz RUI not heard. Chinese language station on 15520 kHz and severe QRM from Radio France Int. on 15515 kHz. The 0400 UTC broadcast using 7375 kHz is listenable. However, this is late (11 PM to midnight eastern time). The 0100 UT broadcast using 7375 kHz is not enjoyable listening. October 30, 2001: 0101 UT 7375 kHz S9 +24 dB to S9 +47 dB, not hearing any QRM. At 0112 UT hearing a warble type jammer on 7375. 7420 kHz Not heard. Severe QRM from WBCQ on 7415. 9610 kHz Not heard. Severe QRM from Vatican Radio on 9605. 0137 UT 7375 kHz S9 +27 dB to S9 +40 dB. By 0145 hearing QRM from University Radio Costa Rica on 7375. 7420 kHz same. 9610 kHz same. 73, (-.. . Kraig, KG4LAC Krist, VA, Oct 29-30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Only two out of all 9 transmitters of RUI which had been planned to be starting in B01 schedule on October 28 put in operation that day - those were in Mykolaiv (freq 7285, 7375 kHz). Transmitters in Brovary (Kyiv) and in Taranivka (Khar`kiv) were switched off. (A. Yegorov, RUI via WWDXC via Ludwig) Brovary also off. Oh dear! I thought it was just the usual exaggeration when UNIAN reported that "the Ukraine stopped broadcasting internationally to Western Europe, Asia and the Far East", but not so. Yesterday I did not become suspicious when missing RUI because reception is often poor here during the evening, but the faint signal right now on 5905 is certainly anything else but not Brovary, so this site is evidently off, too. This means the complete current RUI schedule is 0300-0700 and 1700-2200 on 7285 (100 kW / 4 deg.) alongside with 0000-0500 on 7375 (1000 kW / 314 deg.) from Kopani. Imagine the scene in the continuity studios during daytime; I hope all editorial and technical staff is aware that anything "broadcast" outside the mentioned hours would go into nowhere (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Initial monitoring of the new RUI B01 schedule is not promising. The main frequency, 7375 kHz at 0100 and 0400 UTC, must contend with University Radio from Costa Rica as detailed below. Need to monitor some days - there may be a fault of University Radio: it does not listed in B01ALL01 on that frequency (by the way, RUI also). I have also heard it slight on 7375 on Oct. 28 after 05.00 UTC (jazz music and talks). But today I heard nothing. They must get out when our 1 MW is on the air :-) Thank you for your reports on other freqs: that is also appreciated info. With the best regards, Alexander Yegorov. 73! (via Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U A E. Unlike Oct 28, when 21605 was checked, Oct 29 at 1355 it was again audible, so still there for English at 1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Sunday Times excerpt is at http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2001/10/28/stirevnws02010.html October 28 2001 NEWS REVIEW Sunday Times (London, UK) Marmaduke Hussey was the reforming chairman who tried to clean up a declining BBC. His memoirs reveal a tale of high-level infighting and skulduggery to rival any television soap opera 'In Birt I chose a man who lacked the two prime skills' When the chairman of the BBC's board of governors, Stuart Young, died in 1986 after a long fight with cancer, a friend asked me who would replace him. "They'll be hard pushed to persuade some idiot to take it on," I replied. Four days later my telephone rang at about 9.30 in the evening. It was the home secretary calling. "Oh Dukie, it's Douglas Hurd here with a very odd question to ask you. Would you like to be chairman of the BBC?" etc. for another 500 lines. (via Daniel Say, swprograms via DXLD) ** U K [non]. Glenn, Alas, 15360 out of Singapore, one of the few remaining BBC frequencies for NZ and Australia, is suffering co channel interference from an unknown Chinese/Korean language station. Evident from as early as 0700 in our evening, by 0900 it has recently been completely outgunning what is normally a respectable BBC signal into the Pacific. This reduces even further our choice of BBC frequencies. Does anyone know whom this could be and what could be done. Do Merlin answer e mails? Regards (David Norrie, New Zealand, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BBC has also disappeared from 12095 at 1800, but very good on 9740 (Chris Hambly, Vic., Oct 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) A fun reception report for today. BBC in EE, transmitting from 3 transmission sites at the same time, but with the timing of the transmission so horribly out of sync that I get 2 strong and 1 weak channel of the SAME PROGRAM interfering with itself ... This turns what would be a nicely listenable signal into a pure nightmare ... FREQ TIME STATION SIO: 6195 21:10 BBC in English 322. I'm using a Sony 7600G with 60 meters of wire in a loop on the grass, from the city of Curitiba, Brasil. Cheers, (Rik van Riel, Oct 29, hard-core-dx via DXLD) Strange it was the same program, but here`s the dope: (gh) 6195 2000 2300 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 ENGLISH W EUR 6195 2000 2300 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 ENGLISH EUR 6195 2100 2200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 ENGLISH SE AS (Merlin via Büschel via DXLD) ** U K [non]. By Mark Wilkinson, PA News A senior BBC executive has been arrested by anti-corruption investigators in Hong Kong in connection with an alleged megapound(?) bribery scam, it was revealed today. Jeff Taylor, BBC Worldwide's director of global marketing and brand development, was among 12 people seized by officials from Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in an operation called Epistles. The arrests were sparked by a corruption report which alleged that a senior executive of the BBC's commercial arm had accepted illegal commissions to place orders with suppliers. A spokesman for the ICAC said a director of a UK company called EMS, which acts as one of BBC Worldwide's agents for their sourcing operation, was also among those arrested. All those held have now been released on bail pending further inquiries. BBC Worldwide is the Beeb's commercial arm and sells the corporation's programmes around the world, as well as licensing merchandise associated with different programmes. The illegal commissions were allegedly received in connection with BBC's orders for toys and watches placed with suppliers in Hong Kong, said the ICAC. An officer from the ICAC, set up in 1974 to fight corruption in the former territory, is currently in Britain to liaise with the BBC's top management over the alleged bribery scam. A BBC spokesman confirmed Mr Taylor's arrest and said he had been suspended from his duties while the investigation was carried out. He added: "The BBC and BBC Worldwide are taking this investigation very seriously. "As soon as the BBC was made aware of these inquiries, the BBC immediately began its own internal inquiry. "The BBC and BBC Worldwide are co-operating with the ICAC and are awaiting further details from them." A BBC spokesman said an initial investigation by the corporation had put the figure at an estimated 650,000 [pounds, HK dollars? Symbol vanished -gh]. "Our initial inquiries suggest it could be as high as 650,000," said the spokesman. "The business we do with EMS amounts to only around 1% of BBC Worldwide's turnover." (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U K [non]. RUSSIA. Radio Ezra on 28 October with good signal, firing up at 0900 UT [Sunday only] with clear identification and (somewhat unusual) Christian message, chants. Full contact details just before sign off at 0929. This was a big improvement on last week when the signal was barely audible (Graham Bell, Otford, Kent, England, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Anthrax Found In More US Government Buildings Initial tests in two mailrooms of the Department of Health and Human Services Cohen building in Washington also show anthrax contamination. The Cohen building is the headquarters of the Voice of America. One of the mailrooms believed to be contaminated belongs to the U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said Monday that all mail workers in the Cohen building are taking antibiotics as a precaution. He said the Centers for Disease Control will have final test results by Wednesday. (excerpt from http://www.voanews.com 2156 UT Oct 29, via DXLD) Yes, while VOA occupies most of the Cohen Building, Health and Human Services also has part of it. The anthrax was discovered in the HHS Mail Room. Test results for the VOA Mail Room are due tomorrow. Later: Well, the VOA mail room has just tested "presumptively positive." A follow-on test will be be necessary to verify this. VOA mail room employees had already begun taking antibiotics last week as a precaution. Good thing. There's no evidence of contamination elsewhere in the building, so the rest of us probably won't have to take antibiotics (Kim Andrew Elliott, Producer and Presenter, Communications World, Voice of America, swprograms Oct 29 via DXLD) I also found news of this development at three places on the web. National Public Radio (Real Audio): http://npr.org (Real Audio link is on home page) ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/us_anthrax.html CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/10/29/anthrax/index.html Our prayers are with everyone at VOA, and we hope that nobody there, or in other affected buildings such as the Supreme Court, will have any ill effects from what has happened. 73, (Marie Lamb, swl@qth.net via DXLD) ** U S A. On Oct 29 we rechecked WRMI`s online program schedule at http://wrmi.net/portfolio.html --- Tho still dated Oct 25, it has now been revised to show schedule as timeshifted for standard, including: Kol Israel, no longer 5 nights a week at 0230, but only on Sundays at 2130-2200 in English on 15725. Viva Miami: Sat 2200-2300 15725 English UT Sun 0330-0400 7385 English Sun 2200-2300 15725 Spanish/English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UZBEKISTAN. Thanks for your excellent program World of Radio. I listen to you on RFPI or read the digests, whatever is more timely. 10/28/01 SUN: From 2145 until s/off at 2200 I logged Radio Tashkent on 25m on approximately 11970. My apologies for the lack of precision on the frequency, but I received them on a homebrew 25m-to-1710 kHz converter being used on my bicycle at the time. Their signal was 55534 with an auroral flutter in the signal, leading me to believe it was not a relay. I find no listing of them on at this time on 25m. The language was English. There was a program discussing Uzbek culture, followed by 5 minutes of traditional music, which ended the broadcast. The sign on time may have been 2130 as MT lists 31 and 41m b'casts to Europe in this time slot. Hope to contribute more in the future. Thanks for all of your efforts (Steven Zimmerman, Milwaukee, WI, Oct 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tnx, Steven. Now that`s the way to do it. If you are not sure of the frequency, lacking digital readout, please say so! This arrived about 2145 UT Oct 29, so I immediately checked it out. 11905 was the last reported frequency for this broadcast, and that is where I found it, ID at 2154; something else unID on 11970 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. Queridos Amigos, para todos un fuerte abrazo rompecostillas. El Observatorio Naval Cajigal, YVTO, señal horaria de Venezuela la sintonicé hoy 28 de Octubre en su frecuencia habitual de 5000 kHz aproximadamente [sic] a las 2030 utc. Atte: (José Elías Díaz Gómez, Venezuela, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** YUGOSLAVIA. Tuned in 7130 just a bit too late to confirm B-01 English to NAm at 0200: UT Oct 29 at 0231 heard only German, presumably DW, which would also have been on before 0230 and clashing with R. Yugoslavia if on. In fact, DW sked shows 7130 0000-0400 Wertachtal 500 kW 240 degrees to SW Europe. 24 hours later, the two were about even on 7130, but DW had sharper audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###