DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-174, November 18, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html Check the WOR websites: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/ http://www.worldofradio.com [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] WORLD OF RADIO #1105 (STREAM) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1105.ram (DOWNLOAD) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1105.rm (SUMMARY) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1105.html NEXT AIRINGS ON RFPI: Monday 1730, Tuesday 1900, Wednesday 0100, 0700, 1300 on some of: 21815-USB, 15040, 7445 (when reactivated). NEXT CONTINENT OF MEDIA AIRINGS ON RPFI: Tuesday 2000, Wednesday 0200, 0800, 1400 RFPI NOW LIVE STREAMING FROM STUDIO, 24h on weekends, 2200-1400 M-F: NEXT WOR AIRINGS ON WWCR: UT Monday 0100, 0600 on 3215, Tuesday 1200 on 15685 UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL Hi Glen[n], You are doing a great job and I'm listening whenever the signal gets through. Thanks! (Bill Brady, Harwood MD, Nov 17) ATTENTION, MEDIUMWAVE DXERS AND EDITORS: Ydun M. Ritz in Denmark compiles MW (and LW) news on her frequently updated website http://www.ydunritz.com/y-news.htm DXLD is the primary source. Newest items are headed in blue, and MW/LW frequencies are emboldened. Those who think it tedious to go thru predominantly SW DXLD to find MW items may find this useful. Republication still requires, of course, full credit including DXLD. Some of the few items not taken from DXLD are in this issue under KUWAIT and PORTUGAL. There is a separate frequency-order loggings page, also including some DXLD material (gh) B-01 SCHEDULES The Nagoya DXers Circle has a webpage which is mainly in Japanese, but there is a list of schedules from many international broadcasters, posted in English. Most of the schedules are technical grids, but there are some A01 skeds that remain, and I'm sure they will be updated soon. Go to http://www2.starcat.ne.jp/~ndxc/ and click the B01 link. (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AFGHANISTAN. Media round-up Sunday 18 November KABUL Radio Afghanistan BBC Monitoring has yet not observed the reported Kabul radio broadcasts - the station may be broadcasting on an FM or MW frequency using low power. The BBC Pashto correspondent in Kabul reported on 15 November that the Northern Alliance have moved a radio transmitter from Charikar, in Parwan Province, to Kabul. Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mashhad, reported on 16 November that Radio Kabul (Radio Afghanistan according to other reports) had started broadcasting for three hours per day. However, a report on BBC News 24 TV said Radio Afghanistan was broadcasting for seven hours a day as before - three hours in the morning and four in the evening. The director of Radio Afghanistan, in an interview for India's Star News TV on 16 November, also said the radio was transmitting for three hours in the morning and four hours in the evening daily. BBC Monitoring is investigating reports that Radio Afghanistan is broadcasting on or around 1548 kHz mediumwave. According to a correspondent of Iran's Voice and Vision in Afghanistan, "Radio Kabul" (presumably Radio Afghanistan) programmes will be broadcast on 1530 kHz frequency mediumwave. Iran's Voice and Vision reporter in Afghanistan added that Abdol Aziz Mansur has been appointed minister of information and culture and director of the Bakhtar news agency. Izatiyar (name phonetic; rendered elsewhere as Mohammad Alam Ezdediar) has been appointed director of Kabul radio and television. They have assumed their duties in Kabul. The former Taleban-controlled Radio Voice of Shari'ah was last heard by BBC Monitoring on its shortwave frequency of 7085 kHz, on 8 October. Television resumes broadcasting Kabul Television began work again on the evening of Saturday 17 November, Iranian radio reported from Kabul. An Iranian correspondent in the city said that the television station had begun operating with the assistance of engineers from Iran's state broadcasting company, the Voice and Vision. The report did not make clear whether the TV had begun broadcasting. [On 18 November Reuters news agency said Kabul Television had come back on the air that day with a three-hour programme introduced by a 16-year-old Afghan girl. "Wearing a stylish brown and cream headscarf, Mariam Shakebar welcomed back the capital's viewers and outlined the evening's entertainment of a reading from the Koran followed by music, cartoons, interviews and news in Dari and Pashto. "Co-presenter Shamsuddin Hamid, in dark glasses and sporting a day- old stubble, thanked all those who had worked to bring the station back on air just six days after Taliban forces fled the capital and the Northern Alliance took control."] Source: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, in Persian 2030 gmt 17 Nov 01 MAZAR-E SHARIF Balkh Radio heard on 18 November On Sunday 18 November, the radio station broadcasting from the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e Sharif - identifying itself as Balkh Radio - was monitored by the BBC from 0228 gmt. The evening broadcasts began as scheduled at 1222 gmt, ending at 1506 gmt. Balkh Radio broadcasts on 1584 kHz. 18 November morning broadcast Balkh Radio's morning broadcast in Pashto and Dari was monitored by the BBC from 0228-0430 gmt on 16 November. The broadcast featured music, songs, recitation from the Koran and announcements. It also included news bulletins in Dari and Turkmen, largely repeating the news in Pashto from 1330 gmt on 17 November. 16-17 November broadcasts Balkh Radio's evening broadcast on 16 November carried an announcement by the radio and television department of Balkh Province saying the department needed Pashto and Uzbek speakers. The station added that during the month of Ramadan, there will be a pause for 15 minutes after the call to prayers to break the Ramadan fast every evening, and then broadcasting will continue until 1930 local time (1500 gmt). The broadcast also included a talk by Abdurrauf Tawana, head of the Department of Hajj and Endowment, explaining the excellence of the holy month of Ramadan and quoting Koranic verses; an interview with Shujaudin, deputy head of the Mazar-e Sharif general national security department of the northern zone, who congratulated people on the victory over the Taleban and said the security situation in the town had improved for citizens; and interviews with guardians of the shrine at Roza-e Mubarak, which had been closed by the Taleban. Balkh radio on 17 November reported that the chairman of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the northern zone (Sayed Nurollah) had visited the Department of Information and Culture and the Radio and Television Department of Balkh Province and "given assurances that he would give all possible assistance in getting radio and television back on the air". The evening broadcast on 17 November included reports on the activities of Ustad Ata Mohammad, who is in charge of the political and military affairs of the northern zone; the "Sports world" programme, in which the presenter introduced a feature on the benefits of jogging; a report and interview with the deputy head of the high council of Wahdat of Samangan, who described the crimes committed by the Taleban in Dara-e Suf following the popular uprising; and a talk by a doctor about children's diseases. HERAT Radio Herat The BBC continues to monitor a station identifying itself as Radio Herat broadcasting in Dari from the western city of Herat. The Radio Herat news bulletin monitored at 0330 gmt on 18 November included the following reports: - Ismael Khan (commander of the forces who seized Herat from Taleban control) gave an interview to a US newspaper and talked about the importance of the rights of women, the opening of girls' schools and future plans for reconstruction. - A group of foreign journalists has arrived in Herat Province. - World news media report on the resumption of the programmes of Radio Afghanistan from Kabul. The resumption of Kabul radio broadcasts is good news for its listeners. Internal sources have not yet confirmed the report. - Messages of congratulations to Ismael Khan on the capture of Herat. US INFORMATION RADIO US PsyOps broadcasts continue US PsyOps Information Radio continues to be observed by BBC Monitoring broadcasting in Pashto and Dari to Afghanistan from 0030- 0530 gmt and 1230-1730 gmt daily. It is heard on 8700 kHz upper sideband mode and at times on the former Kandahar mediumwave frequency of 864 kHz. A third announced channel of 1107 kHz (former Kabul frequency) has not yet been observed by BBC Monitoring. The 864, 980 (reportedly a relay of Voice Of America) and 1107 kHz channels are believed to be broadcast from US PsyOps "Commando Solo" EC-130 aircraft. FOREIGN MEDIA Al-Jazeera denies having turned down videotape from Al-Qa'idah group The Qatar-based satellite news channel Al-Jazeera on 17 November dismissed press reports that it had refused to broadcast the latest prerecorded message from the Al-Qa'idah organization, associated with Usamah Bin-Ladin, the French news agency AFP reported. "We have never received any tape of this kind. If others arrange for such a tape, as they claim, then they'll air it," said Muhammad Jassim al-Ali, Al-Jazeera's director. "In all cases, we carry ourselves no matter what the subject by a purely professional criteria and have no other motives." The Lebanese newspaper Al-Mustaqbal had reported on 16 November that the Al-Qa'idah network, accused by Washington of having launched the 11 September terrorist attacks on the United States, had sent a message to Al-Jazeera, which the station refused to broadcast. The newspaper said Al-Qa'idah was looking for other Arab stations to broadcast the tape. Source: AFP news agency, Paris, in English 2016 gmt 17 Nov 01 Iranian reformist paper criticizes IRIB's ambiguous stance on US Afghan bombing Text of unattributed commentary entitled "The Islamic government!", published by Iranian newspaper Norooz web site on 17 November Since the day that the lucky star of the Taleban began to fall quickly and within a short period of time, they lost all their positions in the central and northern areas of Afghanistan, the news policy of the Voice and Vision Organization [IRIB; state TV and radio] began to undergo astounding changes, in such a way as though the forces of the Northern Alliance had captured Kabul alongside IRIB's correspondents in Afghanistan. Moreover, it must be acknowledged that apart from IRIB's journalists, no other international correspondent is labelling the present entity of the Northern Alliance as a government, let alone give it the suffix of "Islamic". Indeed, in reality, the Northern Alliance itself does not have very strong claims to being an "Islamic government". However, the important point is the type of perception that such a policy naturally creates. Obviously, before the American military attack, the Northern Alliance was relatively weak, and apart from a handful of areas, did not really enjoy control over many areas of Afghanistan. In addition, their recent successes are undoubtedly the result of the Americans' relentless bombing, which incidentally had been condemned unequivocally by the Voice and Vision, based on its overall news management policy. The question, however, is how one go ahead and condemn the means of achieving something but then welcome ever so enthusiastically the end result, and even elevate the victorious side to something which deserves the label of "Islamic". Are those who are seemingly faithful to IRIB's general policy and principles not asking themselves how it is possible to attach the label of "Islamic" to a group has emerged triumphant as a result of America's bombing? How does such an approach fit within the overall policies that this organization is propounding on the domestic arena? There are also a number of other questions, which we cannot propound at the moment. Perhaps some other time, God willing. Source: Norooz web site, Tehran, in Persian 17 Nov 01 Japanese journalist released by Taleban arrives in Pakistan Japanese journalist Daigen Yanagida arrived in Pakistan on Saturday 17 November following earlier reports of his release by the Taleban, the Japanese news agency Kyodo reported. Yanagida entered Pakistan via the border town of Towr Kham, the agency added. The journalist was quoted as saying that he had been escorted to Towr Kham on Friday the 16th, but after failing to cross the border then returned to Jalalabad, where he was given protection at the residence of the former provincial governor of Nangahar. Source: Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, in English 1250 gmt 17 Nov 01 Compiled by Foreign Media Unit, BBC Monitoring Telephone +44 118 948 6261 e-mail: fmu@mon.bbc.co.uk Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 18 Nov 01 (via DXLD) ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. Glenn: Thought I`d drop you a note about Radio Afghanistan and its website, whose audio may be missing. I tried to open the media player to hear the stream, but was not able to do so. Could they be offline? or off the air? Please update about what has happened to them. I know the site is still up as of 2106 UT Nov. 17. I am referring to the service with the following URL: http://www.radioafghanistan.com This is the site which had Afghan music, news, commentary and other things about their country as well as updates about the ongoing bombing by the Coalition forces and the Northern Alliance (Noble West, TN, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s the one located in North America, Toronto, as I recall, with lots of music, but also links to news and discussion, etc. Well, their featured artist Faiz Karezi`s 6-minute clip from the top link is working as of 1630 UT Nov 18, then another 9-minute one, etc. If the official Kabul station again becomes ``Radio Afghanistan`` more confusion is likely to ensue (gh, DXLD) ** ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS. Please note [AIR] English news also at 2335 on 4760 from Port Blair. Sincerely, (Jose Jacob, dx_india via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. 12120, Radio Nacional Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. (6060 x 2) 2100+. 10 de noviembre. Transmisión del partido, despedida a Diego Armando Maradona. Comerciales. 33332 (Víctor Castaño y Arnaldo Slaen, desde Lomas de Solymar, Uruguay, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. The Radio Continental relay is now on 29810.0 kHz (LSB) --- a slight change from 29809.8 kHz. Noted from tune in 1420 UT Nov 18 with a music programme soon to followed by a telephone debate programme. Lots of IDs. Abrubt sign off at 1555 UT (Stig Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRIA. 6155 Nov 10 2200 Radio Africa International (via ORF) with FF and nice mx //1476 kHz. On shortwave obviously only Saturdays. QSA 4-5 (Christer Brunström, Sweden, SW Bulletin Nov 18 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. GLOBE WIRELESS FURTHER EXPANSION During early October, Globe Wireless commenced radiating from Santa Cruz, using the CPK call sign. Frequencies are 17384.4, 17396.4, 19762.4, 22847.4, 22853.4, 26161.4, and 26170.4, logged with CW ID and SITOR-A tuning signal. This service covers NW into the Pacific, NE into the Atlantic, both South American coasts and the Antarctic (Murray Lehman, Rivervale WA, Nov Australian DX News via DXLD) They really like frequencies in xxxxx.4 (gh, DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. In answer to Malm´s query regarding a harmonic on 2700.06, previously reported as "Ondas... maybe Ondas de la Montaña" in DXLD #1-155, yes, "Ecos del Río" (without "Emisora") was first listed as an affiliate in Caracol`s yearly tariffs for 1997. It was a non-affiliate in 1995, so the change must have taken place some time in between (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 1881.00 harmonic, HJGB Radio Calima, Cali. Nov - 1058 UT. With a local Todelar-ID. Also good on its fundamental frequency 940.50 kHz. 2700.06 harmonic, HJHW Caracol. Nov 3 2001 - 1028 UT. Finally up some unit in signal strength, simultaneously the ever present utility station faded away. ID like this: ``Ésta es....HJHW 1350 kHz desde... emisora afiliada a la primera cadena radial colombiana....``. Also an unaffiliated ``Caracol``-ID. Nov 10 for the first time I logged 2700.06 // to its fundamental 1350.03 kHz. Have not yet been able to catch the name and QTH but HJHW according to WRTH 2001 is called ``Emisora Ecos del Río`` in Puerto Boyacá. Maybe then a new affiliated station according to our member Tore Larsson/TL at the WRTH staff. HJHW is not listed as affiliated to ``Caracol``. [See also ECUADOR] 3099.95 harmonic, HJUN La Voz del Río Arma, Aguadas. Typical for this station is the DJ`s dark base voice. Sometimes at the same time an unID on 3100.06 kHz. Harmonic from 1550 kHz (2 x 1549.98). 7380.03, Idea Radio, Bogotá. Nov 2001 - 1030 UT. I agree completely with Johnson (Nov 4 via Cumbre DX via SWB 1471): the name of the station is ``Idea Radio``. ID: ``Idea Radio a shortwave station from Colombia to the world, Idea Radio broadcast on 7380 kHz. For more information please contact us P.O. Box number 25733, Bogotá, Colombia, Súdamerica or e-mail us idearadio@hotmail.com``. Colombian music and IDs both in SS and EE. My guess goes for a ``pirate``. (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Nov 18, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. Dear Glenn, thanks to an e-mail message received by DXer Roberto Scaglione of BCL SICILIA DX Club from idearadio@hotmail.com to whom he sent a message and a reception report, he got a reply in ITALIAN from Dr. ANDREA LAUDICINA, who is the manager of the station. This confirms my suggestions I sent to you last week; it is the same station but now operating from Colombian territory. Best regards from (Dario PLAY-DX-ITALY Monferini, Nov 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The translation sounds : "Hi Roberto, yes it is the same station IDEA RADIO active from Genova area in 1992-1993 period. Six years ago I transferred my working activities to Colombia, so now we are trying to put in service a private station from Colombia on shortwave. I am the chief engineer of the station. We have some problems about the frequency to utilize the transmitter in the best way; the transmitter is an RCA synthesized 10 kW RF, with two tubes (one of the two tubes pilot 5CX1500A7) and the second final (triode) class AB 3CX 10.000A7. This is quite common in the local market. The antenna is a dipole half wave on a tower 50 meters tall; the transmitter is located 25 Km from the capital Santa Fe de Bogotá. We need the help of all listeners in the world to find a good frequency which will not create interference to other international radio station located in our continent. We wish to operate 24 hours. We want to promote Colombian music. 7380 kHz is good for Europe but in the Americas has splashes from Costa Rican Radio For Peace International. [no! 7375 is Dr. Gene Scott, CR, and 7385 is WRMI, as I already told him –gh] So we are searching for another frequency; you may spread this message to worldwide DX-programs and DX-clubs, to send suggestions to our e-mail: idearadio@hotmail.com We are working to start also a service of live audio via internet via ISDN, but this is quite long procedure here in Colombia. Thanks for your attention, till next message" Dr. Andrea Laudicina (translated by Dario Monferini for DXLD) Original message of Nov 17 [which gh has not attempted to edit] Forse sono stato il primo a ricevere risposta dall'amico di Idea Radio; Eccola: Roberto buona notte!1 allora si..e' la stessa radio l'idea radio attivata in marzo del 1993 ora e' "fissa" in bogota! semplicemente io vivo in questa citta gia da 6 anni! semplicemente mi sono unito con un'altra ditta qui della capitale (club dell'exito". e abbiamo rifatto tutto...in versione colombiana! chiaro che sono cambiate molte cose..tra le quali apparecchiature,gente e futura programmazione.. come ingegnero capo e anche come amico mi fa un'enorme piacere riascoltare persone che gia ci conoscevano! chiaramente non ti nego i vari problemi che abbiamo.. prima di tutto ora la copertura e' pressoche mondiale dovuta anche alla potenza ( un tx sintetizzato RCA da 10 kw rf utilizzante sostanzialmente due tubi. uno pilota 5cx1500a7 (che viene modulato di griglia) ed uno finale (triodo) in classe ab 3cx10.000a7 parecchio comune da queste parti..antenna dipolo a mezz'onda alimentato al centro posto trasversale (45 gradi) su di un traliccio di 50 metri a 25 km dalla capitale colombiana...ora i problemi...!! la frequenza! 7380 abbastanza buona(credo!!) dall'europa,( a parte la russia isofrequenziale,)e' un grande problema qui..ho costa rica praticamente ad un tiro e li ci sono 7375 khz con 5kw e 7385 con 30kw (chiaro che non credo che abbiano queste potenze pero...esistono) durante i primi giorni dell'attivazione tutto bene (non so ancora perche!)e-mail da tutte le parti del mondo compreso il giappone..negli ultimi tre giorni praticamente nessuno!!non capisco realmente che sia successo..e.. non dipende da noi..mi farebbe enorme piacere se mi potessi commentare "che cosa potrebbe essere successo???" calcola che qui non e'..tutto funziona perfettamente dal transito (a 2,5 ghz)al trasmettitore..mi dirai ok?? abbiamo fatto anche alcune prove ieri su 7420 pero negativo......e' peggio.. per lo meno da ste parti (america del sud e nord)visto che sicuramente sarai piu' aggiornato di noi mi farebbe un gran piacere se potessi monitorare questa parte della banda....accettiamo consigli!! l'idea e' di funzionare le 24 ore senza arrecare disturbi a nessun'altra radio! cosa che credo non sia possibile in maniera continua per lo meno a 7380..mi dirai ok??? ah!1 un'altra cosa...ci interessa moltissimo pubblicita li in italia (visto che e' nata li!!)piu' che altro in clubs dxer!! per la qsl non ci sono problemi pero solamente per posta!! se senti monferini commentacelo ok?? (arg..non so neppure se ancora e' vivo e vegeto.. pero.......vabbe!!)aspettando tue notizie cordialmente ti saluto... andrea! nb stiamo terminando la procedura da ste parti parecchio complicata di immettere la stessa radio in internet via isdn ... ciao e alla prox!> (via Dario Monferini, Italy, DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. Glenn, Thanks to your tip I am able to listen to RFPI direct RealAudio stream. I checked it and it works on MSNTV [ex- WebTV]. I was at the RFPI site about a month ago and the RA did not work back then. The NEW RA stream does. Thank goodness. No problem with the COM summary. I tried clicking on the COM link at RFPI web site but I guess it is no longer available right? (Petro Giannakopoulos, Atlanta GA, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Linking to freespeech.org, no longer in use by us. Some imperfect links at http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid have been fixed (gh, DXLD) ** CROATIA [non]. Good decision by DTK and/or Croatia to use two frequencies in different meter bands, not two frequencies in the same meter band at 04-06 UTC (9925 and 7285 to Western North America). Meanwhile, if Croatia is using two 31 meter frequencies to the same area at 0000 and 0200, then why not use a different beam for the same area, i.e. 230 and 270 degrees for Latin America at 0000, and 300/310 degrees at 0200? This widens VOC's coverage area, for example giving northern South America and Central America improved reception opportunities at 0000 (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, Nov 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) They are already on two different headings, as previously published (gh) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. [Besides COLOMBIA] My second unID on 2700.10 kHz is now identified by Mark Mohrmann, USA as ``Ondas del Yuna, Bonao, Dominican Republic``. Harmonic from 1350.03 kHz (2 x 1350.03). (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Nov 18, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** DUCIE ISLAND. PIARA DXpedition to Ducie Island Update Kan, JA1BK is now at Pitcairn Island and the plan is to now leave Pitcairn Sunday morning at approximately 15Z 18 Nov. Depending of the strength of the head winds they will arrive at Ducie sometime between just before dawn and just after sunset, which is between 12Z 19 Nov and 3Z 20 Nov. The first station should come on 14.195 MHz so monitor there. They have loaded 600 liters of diesel in 20 liter containers. Tom VP6TC and Dave VP6DB will come aboard tonight so that the ship is ready to depart first thing in the morning from Pitcairn. Weather predictions show a break in the rain which will help during setup. DRBILL K6GNX Ducie Pilot (DX News via Bill Bergadano, Nov 18, DXLD) ** ECUADOR. Please remember Nov 25; many radio stations in Ecuador will go for overtime. On Sunday Nov 25 starts the ``VI censo de población y de vivienda``, i.e. the big ``census``. All transports cease to work and there is a temporary alcoholic ban --- everybody is expected to stay at home and kindly answer the questions. I did this myself a couple of months ago (!) when a cheating official person from the ``census`` knocked on our door. The radio stations here in Quito have for a long time brought out an intense information campaign with the dates and everything --- of course I forgot the date, and as well mannered Swede I answered all the questions from the man: in the first floor my old parents-in-law together with two young girls and a little child and in the bottom floor me and my wife. This will not frighten a ``ladrón`` so some weeks later the well planned, armed robbery of our house took place --- which I told you about earlier in DXLD and SWB. School pupils have for a long time prepared ``el censo`` -- every pupil/group of pupils have responsibility for 10-15 houses ands all of them will wear school uniforms. Pupils from ``Unidad Educativa FAE #1`` will come to our house so this time I`m prepared, I have no intention at all to speak to any of the robbers in town .... [see also COLOMBIA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, PERU in this DXLD for BM`s other items] 1717.75 kHz, HCRZ1 Radio Mensaje, Tabacundo. Nov 11 2001 - 0150 UT. The program ``Nuestra música``. Actually this is not a harmonic but something else that is ``wrong``. Was here for a few days with as good and stable signal as on its fundamental, normal frequency 1590 kHz. Located in the same province as Quito, i.e. ``Pichincha``. Now back on its regular frequency. 2980.00 harmonic, HCAE4 Radio Unión, Esmeraldas. Nov 2001 - 1040 UT. Was heard simultaneously on its fundamental frequency 1490.00 kHz. At 1100 UT ID from a Caracol-station (Colombia) on 2979.98 kHz. I`m also working on an unID Colombian on 2980.01 kHz giving ID as ``Nueva Radio (San Juan?)``. 5850.26 harmonic, HCJV5 Radio Central, Riobamba. Nov 2001 - 1115 UT. Considerably more common on its second harmonic 2340.10 kHz. Harmonic from 1170 kHz (5x 1170.05). Several stations in Riobamba have harmonics: besides Radio Central also from Radio Sonorama and Radio Calidad (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Nov 18, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** EL SALVADOR. Hi, always I wonder if some of you had dxing the gap below ch 5, I mean the segment from 72 to 76 MHz. This is because here in San Salvador there are a couple of music channels (FM) from a company called "TELEONDA MUSICAL". Really I don't know the exact frequencies because I just have an analog receiver in this band. The positive ID of this type of station is very hard for a DXer because they never ID :-( (Humberto Molina San Salvador, El Salvador, Nov 5, http://www.geocities.com/hmolina.geo WTFDA via DXLD) Ffascinating; I had no Idea that those Frequencies were used in San Salvador, were they feeders for broadcast stations? 73's (Tim Bucknall, England, ibid.) ** GREECE. It has been quite a while since I last heard from either Dionisios Angelogiannis or Demetri Vafeas of The Voice of Greece. In fact, it was last Christmas since I got a Christmas card from Demetres Keramidas at Radiophonikos Stathmos in Thessaloniki. I guess that they are all too busy to bother writing back to those reception reports that come by mail, now that the Internet makes it possible for faster communications on reception interference problems. But, we old-timers who are not into the digital age will just keep on plodding away. Besides, there weren`t many interference problems this year as in previous years. When Demetri Vafeas convinced the head honchos at the VOG that it should be involved in the HFCC meetings, that helped solve many of the co-channel problems. All summer long, I have been having push-button problems with my Uniden Bearcat DX-1000 Communications Receiver and it would probably not be long before they would jam from a sesquidecade of usage and the set would no longer be operable. It was just my luck for it to die on October 27, just before the season changes the following Sunday. So, I got on the horn to the people at Grove Enterprises on the 27th, intending to buy the Sony ICF 2010 with its synchronous detection. The girl on the phone told me that Grove no longer carried that Sony and recommended the Sangean ATS-909 at a lesser price with many more features. Since time was of the essence, I agreed to buy it and they put it in the UPS delivery –-- the new set showed up in the afternoon of October 29, so I was able to get back in business real fast. I quickly reprogrammed some memory pages for Voice of Greece (John Babbis, Silver Spring, MD, Nov 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. Just returned from three weeks in Guatemala and happy to report as of Thursday the 15th. November, Radio Amistad is on the air from 1100 to 0200 UT on 4700 kHz with 500 watts AM. Initial listening tests confirmed reception all around the Lake Atitlán region in an area of over 50 miles during daylight - but haven't received any reports of the night-time coverage. So far no special ID is being aired - just translating the FM program from 90.7 MHz "Radio Amistad". (Larry Baysinger, KY, Nov 17, Cumbre DX via DXLD) So a new shortwave station from Guatemala. I have been trying for this one but haven't heard it yet. What follows is a bit of background info that we originally ran in June (Hans Johnson, Nov 15, Cumbre DX Special Nov 18) The "Radio Committee" of the Iglesia Bautista Getsemani has applied for a shortwave license for Radio Amistad at San Pedro La Laguna in Guatemala and I am constructing the transmitter now. The plan is to put it on the air by the end of the year. For economy, the 1 kW transmitter will be run at only 500 watts into a "cloud warmer" (NVIS) antenna of either the dipole/reflector or square loop design. Again, for economy, the one-wavelength, square loop supported on wooden masts will probably win out over the more expensive tower supported dipole/reflector array. With the good ground conductivity of the lakeshore location, no "reflector" or counterpoise wire will be needed for the square loop, making it cheaper to construct. The corn field in which the antenna will be located extends to within just a few yards of the lake (DIRECT Baysinger Cumbre DX Jun 5 via DXLD) Note that 4700 is out-of-band, but nothing compared to R. Verdad (gh, DXLD) ** GUATEMALA. Radio Cultural TGN, Guatemala, has web page at: http://www.pacogarcia.com/radiocultural.htm (Pentti Lintujärvi, Helsinki, Finland, Nov 17, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** HAWAII. FCC SHUTS DOWN HAWAIIAN FM PIRATE RADIO STATION: The FCC shut down and seized equipment from a 40-watt radio station operated in the Keaukaha area of Hilo from a private residence. In a report published by the Big Island newspaper, Hawaii Tribune Herald, the station was operated by an organization calling itself "Lele'iwi Community Broadcasters." Spokesperson Bonnie Bromo stated in an email release that the station was operating "under the authority of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii...." The station was broadcasting music at 103.1 on the FM dial. An FCC spokesperson stated that shutdowns of illegal radio stations are A routine task for the enforcement division. In 1994 the FCC closed an illegal radio station operating out of a Naalehu storefront (courtesy Harold Frodge, Free Radio Weekly Nov 18 via DXLD) ** HONDURAS. Radio Litoral, La Ceiba, 4830 khz, received today after 6 months letter and "certificado de sintonía", v/s Jerome Antonio DJ for Radio Litoral, addr. Apdo. 888, La Ceiba, Atlantida, Honduras C.A. 73, (Daniele Canonica, Switzerland, Nov 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRELAND. Reflections Europe is now back on the air. Noted Sunday Nov 18th from tune in 1602 UT with excellent signals and religious programming on 3910.04, 6295.07 and 12255.02 kHz. The stations identify as "This is Reflections Europe Dot Com" and they actually have a website at: http://www.reflectionseurope.com/ but schedule here says s/on is 1630 and the last programme commence at 2215. Says the station is now Sunday only --- previously it was Saturdays and Sundays. Listening to station for several hours tonight also revieled that the schedule given on the website it completely wrong. Sign off was noted at 2338 UT (Stig Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KASHMIR. The special broadcast of devotional programs from Radio Kashmir, Srinagar for this Ramzan season is as follows: November 17 to December 17, 2001 at 2330-0005 on 1116 & 4950. At 0005 the transmitter goes off air and starts regular transmissions from 0120. (Jose Jacob, dx_india Nov 17 via DXLD) Are any AIR stations in the rest of India observing Ramzan? (gh, DXLD) ** KASHMIR [non]. 5101.237, sometimes at 1410: The Freedom transmitter in Kashmir is still in use. EE news at this time. 1430*. QSA 2-3 (Stig Adolfsson, Sweden, SW Bulletin Nov 18 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** KUWAIT. Last night (Oct 7th on the night of the US and UK attack on Afghanistan) I was listening to VOA Kuwait relay on 1548 kHz. The transmitter was very strong, almost like a local N. European station. So maybe VOA has switched on to much more power than the 600 kW mentioned in Herman Boel`s Euro MW Guide. Compared to BSKSA on 1521 kHz with 2000 kW (and S=3) the VOA transmitter was S=4/5 (Ydun M. Ritz, Denmark, (8/10-2001), DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re your comment about Kuwait 1548: You may not be aware of it, but several IBB/VOA MF transmitter sites have directional antennas with more than one pattern, and can therefore produce high signal levels in more than one direction. The Kuwait facility has a 600 kW transmitter but can radiate with substantial gain in several directions, not all of which may be in regular use (Ben Dawson, USA in an email (9/10-2001), ibid.) Thanks Ben, for this information. The fact is that I have never heard KWT nor ARS so strong as I heard the VOA Sunday night. /ed (Ydun Ritz, Denmark, via DXLD) ** NICARAGUA. 5770 USB, Radio Miskut; Puerto Cabezas, Nov. 17, 0013- 0127*, Started with very weak and noisy signal, but gradually getting better. Make speaker with long monologues in Spanish, easy music. Some IDs heard, including one very nice at 0120 UT, and in the S/off announcement at 0127 (Mark Veldhuis, Netherlands, SWBC via DXLD) ** NORWAY. NRK is short of some 100 million NOK (almost 12 million USD) due to lack of income from license fees. They had expected a higher raise than they got. So according to Norwegian daily newspaper Verdens Gang they are now considering saving money on four different fields: A couple of regional NRK outlets will be closed, the radioorchestra could be let down, the national classical music channel of NRK may be closed down ... and the external service of NRK are in danger of being closed down. The cost of running the external service alone is 40 million NOK (Stig Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, Nov 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5009.46, ex-3340.00, Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, la provincia de Pasco, el departamento de Pasco. Nov 9 2001 -0314* UT. Has been off air a few months on its old frequency. Often different religious programmes. Info from ``Ventanaperú``: Provincia de Pasco, cuya capital es Cerro de Pasco. Sus distritos son: Chaupimarca, Huachón, Huariaca, Huayllay, Ninacaca, Pallanchacra, Paucartambo, San Francisco de Asís de Yarusi, Simón Bolívar, Ticlayán, Tinyahuarco, Vicco, Yanacancha; con una población total de 132,954 hab. 6559.95, ex-6535.76 kHz. Radiodifusoras Huancabamba. Gave name as ``La estación de triple frecuencias``. Something new but what? Moving 25 kHz is no news so probably a new MW- or FM-transmitter. They said they performed some test transmissions: ``estamos en calidad de prueba en 2 frecuencias.....`` – giving a phone number for the listeners to call giving information of their reception of the signal (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Nov 18, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** PERU. I presently have 24 Peruvians verified. FWIW, I`m in the process of preparing another barrage of follow-ups in an effort to try and eke out one or two more OA verifications from the list of some 40+ unanswered reports that are still outstanding. Probably the best reception report I ever sent out in terms of accuracy and program detail was to Radio La Merced, 6755, de Distrito de Tongod. I was 100% sure that they wouldn`t be able to ignore that one, but I`m still waiting some six years later and countless reports in the hole. I even attempted to make telephone contact with the gerente, but due to the precarious connections, was unable to get through. I ended up asking Sabino Llamo Chávez at Radio Satélite for help in getting this verification. Apparently, he knows the gerente (Roberto Llatas) at Radio La Merced, and was going to have a copy of my report delivered directly to Sr. Llatas via an ex-employee of Radio La Merced with a personal recommendation to verify my report. I guess the llama took a wrong turn somewhere along the path as that proved to be another unfruitful venture. Takayuki says he doesn`t think they have regular mail delivery in the Distrito de Tongod. I imagine this one`s QRT by now unless they may still be running an AM operation down there. It seems antithetical to proper reporting procedure, but it seems like sometimes the more effort you put into a particular report, the less chance you have of getting the reward... (Adie N. Durden III, WD4JBV, Albany, GA, Musings, Nov NASWA Journal via DXLD) ** PORTUGAL [and non]. The regional RDP http://www.rdp.pt centres may be contacted via www directly: mainland: Porto at rdpnorte@rdp.pt --- Coimbra at rdpcentro@rdp.pt and Faro at rdpsul@rdp.pt --- islands: Açores at rdpacores@rdp.pt and Madeira at rdpmadeira@rdp.pt For technical &/or schedule & QRGs info., the RDP may be contacted at redes@rdp.pt --- the word "redes" here meaning networks (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal in an email (16/10-2001) via Ydun M. Ritz, DXLD) ** SOMALIA. Plan to "strengthen" Radio Baydhabo | Text of report by Somali pro-Rahanwein Resistance Army radio on 17 November The Radio Baydhabo director, Shariff Husayn Robow [last element phonetic], today disclosed that there was a plan to strengthen Radio Baydhabo. While addressing the staff, Mr Robow said the radio will run a number of programmes. The radio will sign on at 12.00 p.m.[local time, word indistinct, presumably 6.00 p.m. - 1500 gmt] and it will sign off at 9.00 p.m. [local time, 1800 gmt]. The director further told the staff that he was happy that the station was well equipped and urged them to air programmes that will be beneficial to the public. Finally, the director told the staff that during his one year tenure the station had achieved much progress, specially in the areas of social programmes. Source: Radio Baydhabo in Rahanwein 1700 gmt 17 Nov 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** U S A. Re. 7460 kHz: The Klingenfuss Utility Handbook 2001 lists: 7461 AFE70 USAF Cape Cañaveral., FL, USA - SSB. 73, (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, Denmark, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. I've been working on a project for about 3 months now and finally I'm done, and am pleased to announce its completion, and I hope some of you will find this web page of interest. I just placed a new page on my web site which features over 1,750 TV station logos that I've scanned in for my TV Guide editions web page. I have organized the logos by state, city, channel, and age of logo. If you enjoy looking at TV station logos, both old and new (I have some from as far back as 1953), take a look! [mostly monochrome] http://members.home.net/mcstvg2/tvglogos.htm And if you note any problems with links to logos or other errors, please let me know. I'd like to hear from you on what you think of the page. The TV Guide editions themselves can be found at: http://members.home.net/mcstvg/tvg.htm (Matthew C. Sittel, Bellevue, NE, http://members.home.net/mcsittel/index.html Nov 9, WTFDA via DXLD) ** U S A. As for the latest effort in the Star Trek franchise: agree with Will Martin about the opening, but had anticipated the program being about the first venture beyond the Solar System, initial contact with the Vulcans, etc., instead of things being so far along maling it difficult to differentiate this series from previous ones. Crew characterizations are good, esp. the captain. Also the usual laser gun zap-zapping & rubber-faced aliens. What`s the doctor`s story? Maybe his acquisition will be explained. And this is the fist time I`d heard that humans were malodorous to Vulcans. (This reminds me of the story about the initial encounter between an English woman and some native African children –-- the odor of the well bathed Englishwoman being so intolerable to them that they fainted.) In any event, ``Enterprise`` is sufficiently enjoyable to watch, being the only television drama program I want (the ``sitcoms`` are trash) – well, maybe I`ll catch an occasional ``JAG``. The local outlet for UPN is an LPTV (WBLU-62) which also carries WB programming taped. But I receive UPN via MPEG2, receiving both their primary & secondary affiliate feeds (the latter is preferable since it doesn`t carry promos for other UPN programs), found on Telstar 5, Tr. 15. There is also an analog ``clean feed`` (commercial blocks pulled up) of ``Enterprise`` on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm EST on T5/Tr. 16. BLU-62`s video is inferior and audio not stereo. Interestingly, local viewers who were tuned in for the first episode of ``Enterprise`` saw only sat. Receive graphics as someone was desperately trying to tune it (checked on them during the first commercial break). Their explanation to the press was that the UPN satellite signal was weak (tho` I was receiving it fine); i.e., the problem was UPN`s fault. But there have been no further problems. At the moment --- 2:35 pm EST --- watching ``The War and Peace Report: Democracy Now! In Exile, with Amy Goodman`` --- via FSTV on the DISH network. FSTV one of Charlie`s ``free`` educational/public affairs channels, but receivable only on an authorized receiver (other good channels are ``Research TV`` and ``UCTV`` from the University of CA). The DN studio looks like it`s in an attic. FSTV presumably MPEG2 someplace but I don`t know where. Of course EVERYTHING is on the Internet. & so forth/ (Loren Cox, Jr., Lexington, KY, Nov 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. Subject: NEW X BAND LIST (11/19/01) 1610 KALT TX ATLANTA (REP. SILENT) 1620 WPHG AL ATMORE (SILENT) KSMH CA AUBURN REL (ETWN) KBLI ID BLACKFOOT SPT (ESPN) WDND IN S.BEND SPT (ESPN) KOZN NE BELLEVUE SPT (ESPN) WTAW TX COLLEGE STN TLK KYIZ WA RENTON UC-AC 1630 WTEL GA AUGUSTA TLK/SPT * KCJJ IA IOWA CITY AC/OLD KKWY WY CHEYENNE C&W XEUT BCN TIJUANA JAZZ 1640 KDIA CA VALLEJO TLK KPBC OR LAKE OSWEGO REL/GOS KBJA UT SANDY SS (UNICA) WKSH WI SUSSEX REL 1650 KWHN AR FT SMITH NX/TLK KFOX CA TORRANCE KK KBJD CO DENVER REL-AC KDNZ IA CEDAR FALLS NX/TLK/SPT WHKT VA PORTSMOUTH NOS/SPT 1660 KAXW CA MERCED SS ** WODX FL MARCO ISLAND NX KXTR KS KANSAS CITY CLAS WQSN MI KALAMAZOO SPT(ESPN) WWRU NJ JERSEY CITY SS (UNICA) KQWB ND WEST FARGO NOS KRZX TX WACO NX/TLK/SPT KXOL UT BRIGHAM CITY OLD WGIT PR CANOVANAS SS 1670 KNRO CA REDDING SPT (ESPN) WRNC GA WARNER ROBINS C&W WTDY WI MADISON TLK/SPT 1680 KAVT CA FRESNO KID (DISNEY) WTIR FL WINTER GARDEN TOURIST KYEA LA MONROE UC-GOS *** WJNZ MI ADA UC-CHR WTTM NJ PRINCETON SPT (ESPN) 1690 KSXX CA ROSEVILLE SS/ETH KDDZ CO ARVADA KID (DISNEY) WPTX MD LEXINGTON PK SPT9SSN) 1700 WEUV AL HUNTSVILLE UC-GOS WJCC FL MIAMI SPRS SS/REL KBGG IA DES MOINES NX KQXX TX BROWNSVILLE OLD KTBK TX SHERMAN SPT (SSN) * WTEL also reported using WRDW calls. **KAXW soon will change to KTIQ and go Sports. ***KYEA also reported using KRJO calls. (Patrick Martin, Seaside OR, KAVT Reception Manager, Nov 18, IRCA via DXLD) ** U S A [clandestine]. "COLONEL" STEPHEN ANDERSON OF UNITED PATRIOT RADIO IS STILL ON THE RUN: If you'd like to see what he looks like check out the ATF website. I've misplaced the URL for the website, but I did see it posted fairly recently to the usenet newsgroup alt.radio.pirate (Free Radio Weekly Nov 18 via DXLD) Viz.: http://www.atf.treas.gov/wanted/pages/18anderson.htm I thought he was a mere ``major`` (gh, DXLD) ###