WORLD OF RADIO #1009, produced Oct. 25, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*Time and frequency changes coming Oct. 31 with end of DST, start of
 B-99 season
*World of Radio on World Radio Network: see
*On RFPI we stay at same UT, but seem one hour earlier by local clock;
 RFPI times: Sat 1800, Sun 2300, Tue 1900, Fri 1930, repeated 8 and
 16 hours later on 15049 24h, night 6975, day 21460-USB
*WBCQ one hour shift so from Nov our first airing anywhere is Wed 2200
 UT on 7415
*WOR may well be the only media program broadcast every day of the week
 on one SW station or another for your convenience; see our sked at
*Shortwave listeners need to understand Universal Time as used here,
 and in the international broadcasting medium; conversion factors from
 UT during the winter in North America
*Dates and days of week must also be expressed in UT terms, so in our
 evenings it is the next day by UT
*The November Continent of Media is on the way to RFPI and and should be available by early November; RFPI
 times: Tue 2000, Wed 1730, Fri 1900, Sat 1730 plus repeats
*Summary for Nov COM is on the World of Radio website
*Dissent at VOA over pending budget cuts covered on COM, and more here
 now: language sections may be cut, layoff of some 128 people
*Jens Frost, longtime editor of World Radio TV Handbook, died Oct 18
 at age of 79; was preparing to attend EDXC Conference; condolences
 may go to his daughter and son-in-law Sonja Frost & Per Soerensen,
 Engvaenget 18, DK 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark
*His assistant and then successor Andy Sennitt will have more to say
 on this week's Media Network, and a tribute is on the RN website
*New English schedule of R. Netherlands, some changes
*Deutsche Welle scheduled on one 11 meter band frequency, but another
 one was mentioned on their DX program
*Radio Free London pirate made it to Cape Hatteras on 62 metres
*Due to approaching hurricane, Bonaire took over some Antigua BBC
*This is the last World of Radio spelling out a common word in Roman
 Numerals; or P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA;
 fax if really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
*More BBC WS previews for early November: One Europe, Dream or
 Reality? Play of the Week: Dead White Males; Brain of Britain; My
 Century; Talking to Home; Paul McCartney's Routes of Rock; Science
 Extra: Sense and Sensibilities; Performance: Ormandy
*R. Caroline heard again via Latvia
* for English broadcasts
*R. Slovakia International's new English sked
*R. Prague back in mornings to North America; WRMI relay one hour
 later and down to 7 MHz; some other broadcasts
*V. of Greece already retimed English news; expected new frequencies;
 and has Sunday afternoon music program announced in English
*V. of Turkey, new sked for English to North America
*Final Radio Saint Helena broadcast well heard here (recording)
*South Africa seems to be back on 11 meters
*Cuban Musical Network on 591.0 kHz
*Nov 24 is the date for CIQC to move to 940 in Montreal
*R. New Zealand's Mailbox missing; moved one hour earlier
*Clandestine V. of Jammu Kashmir Freedom well heard in Japan
*Radio Shack discounting DX-399
*Outlook for solar cycle peak by mid-2000
*Reminder, from Oct 31 many times and frequencies change; WOR one
 hour later on WWCR, WRN, WBCQ by UT; same UT on RFPI
*BTW, angelfire will require advertising from Nov 1
*Our latest DX report and archivei s also at website
*Glenn Hauser, here, concluding World of Radio MIX             ###