WORLD OF RADIO #1011, produced Nov. 10, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*Even more ways to listen to WOR; now streaming are Saturdays at 1930 UT; and
 Wednesdays at 2200
*New WWCR time has started, Sat 2030 on 12160; Sat 1230 changing from
 12160 to 15685 Nov 20
*RFPI still working to get 6975 and 21460 back on; 15049 may be
 reduced from 24 hours; reports wanted
*RFPI carried our Mundo Radial on a Thursday before and after 1427
*New cycle of Spanish DX reports starts this weekend on RN R-Enlace
*TIAWR's farewell broadcast was not the last; continued a few days;
 new owner is Dr. Gene Scott, what a waste; strange coincidences
*La Voz de la Resistencia, Colombian clandestine, more audible in
 North American evenings; Comando de Occidente also heard
*R. Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri, 100 kHz higher
*Argentine pirate on 48 meter band, Radio Bosques
*Radio Kudirat, Nigerian clandestine, no longer heard; its history
*V. of Sudan clandestine on new frequencies; mystery solved
*The clash of the Korans: two Arabian peninsular stations on same
 frequency with recitations at same time [which was omitted! 1403 UT]
*Iran adds another frequency for English to North America
*R. Pakistan revised English schedule
*All India Radio replaces some out-of-band frequencies
*Another 5-minute English news from AIR
*China occupies an ex-BBC frequency, but from where?
*V. of Vietnam new English schedule, especially Russian relays
*Another Vietnamese clandestine via KWHR: Que Huong Radio
*Standard disclaimer
*World of Radio 1011, or P O Box 1684, Enid OK
 73702, USA; fax if really necessary to attn of Glenn Hauser:
 1-580-233-2948. Check our website for latest info on all our
 broadcasts and archive of DX reports:
*This week we thank for financial support: Wally Leisering
*Tip for Rational Living
*Laos reactivated, including English music
*R. Singapore Int'l adds 9 MHz frequencies, causes interference
*RNZI again relaying Florida sports AM station as filler
*WRMI's new frequency hit by jamming during Prague's Spanish
*R. Marti doubling MW power to combat jamming, step up radio war;
 reprisals expected
*Gary A. Marco, VOA union steward, opposes TV projects at expense
 of languages on SW
*Sex-discrimination class action lawsuit against VOA could cost
 taxpayers half a gigadollar; 23-year chronology at
*Wales R. International's new schedule, for real with time shifts
*BBCWS Millennium Concert for November: Ladysmith from Durban
*R. Gardarika, St. Petersburg starts regular SW broadcasts
*Ukraine's new English schedule; 3rd harmonic on 10 meters
*V. of Armenia's English schedule
*Romania's English at 1300 and homeservice have spurs all over 16m;
 details in DX Report 99-50 on WOR website
*R. Tirana, Albania, English to North America retimed with QRM
*V. of Mediterranean, Malta, new English relay schedule
*R. West New Britain, Papua New Guinea, back after a year off
*WGTG licensed to broadcast in SSB only, so AM from it is unauthorized
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, November 9; flux peak 200, flares
*So concludes WOR 1011; Glenn Hauser inviting you to hear me again
 next week                                                      ###