WORLD OF RADIO #1013, produced Nov 23, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*RFPI now streaming from SW feed:
 [RFPI later corrected this to:]
*9475 replaces 15685 for WOR Thu 2130 in Dec-Jan-Feb
*Sat at 1230 on 15685 we again clash with V. of Tibet, but on top
 in western Europe
*RNZI testing to Timor on 19m, 1005-1600 Thu Nov 25 on 15235
*R. Independence Bougainville active on 78 meters
*R. West New Britain was off, recently reactivated; later one of the
 New Britains off due to quake in Papua New Guinea
*Argentine pirate R. Fosil reactivated on 42 meters
*Bolivian R. Victoria heard on 41 meters
*V. of Guyana off SW after caniballizing parts for MW
*Colombian Army setting up network of MW stations; see list in our
 DX Report 99-57 on the WOR website
*Special ham prefix for Panama commemorating Canal turnover
*Hurricane Lenny blew Caribbean Beacon off Anguilla
*Dr. Gene Scott running long hours from Costa Rica, 13 MHz clashing
 with India, Cuba
*Both Cuba's frequencies to Europe have interference clashes
*DXers Unlimited promoting harmonics like we did two sesquidecades
 ago in How to Listen to the World
*We heard third harmonics of Cuban jammers against WRMI, Marti
 just below 30 MHz including within the 10m hamband
*WTIR X-band in Florida still running loop of their plans with
 funny phony ads
*Cincinnati experimental digital station heard in daytime, WD2XAM
*NRC AM Radio Log new edition now available; ordering info including
 address: NRC Publication Center, Box 164, Dept. W, Mannsville, NY
 13661-0164 USA
*Renaissance man Hugh Downs quitting essays on ABC Perspective;
 finale this weekend with another Best Of
*Ignobel Prize Awards on NPR Talk of the Nation Science Friday Nov 27
 -- also on CBC Quirks & Quarks
*CD Radio changes name to Sirius Satellite Radio; one of 100 channels
 to be Sci Fi Radio
*FCC enforcer Riley Hollingsworth says hams must give full calls,
 not abbreviated IDs
*VOA Creole Service has News in Verse
*WBCQ new programming: Planet Lavender; Radio Detective; WBCQ-2 about
 to test on 9 MHz
*The non-commercial, non-government, non-corporate, non-religious,
 non-musical DX program, WOR 1013; or P O Box 1684,
 Enid OK 73702 USA; fax if really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
 For latest info on all our broadcasts and publications, archive of
 DX reports see our website:
*Tip for Rational Living for Thanksgiving
*Both CBC-vacated frequencies in Montreal now testing with new
*Vancouver's inactive 10-watt SW station gets license renewal
*Digital Radio Mondiale test schedule from Sines, Rampisham, Sveio,
 Sackville. See our DX Report 99-57
*BBC now streaming all 5 domestic services
*BBC WS previews starting in early Dec: The Lyrics; On Screen;
 Composers of the Month; Performance; Clouded Hills; My Century;
 Hanukah and Ramadan specials; Brain of Britain finale Dec 19
 [more below]
*R. Austria International makes website more friendly to the blind
 with non frames at
*Greece relays via VOA USA switch sites; includes more English,
 crosstalk; how to tell Delano and Greenville apart
*Updating last week's Radiostantsiya Chechnya Svobodnaya schedule
*R. Gardarika via St. Petersburg changes times
*Ramadan starts Dec 9
*Pakistan heard with English at a new time
*12095 clash with BBC mentioned last week is: FEBC Philippines
*V. of Indonesia heard well in English in WI and NY but not OK
*R. Cairo's audio much better on European English service
*R. Gaalkacyo, Somalia pronunciation; see DX Report 99-56; is the
 old R. Free Somalia
*Capital Radio heard on 75 meters, South Africa? [later: seems
*St. Helena substitute vessels chartered; see websites:  and
*More BBCWS previews: Seeing Stars; Vintage Chart Show ending;
 The Top 20 Albums of the Century
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Nov 23
*Remember to check WOR website frequently; our addresses again
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser, here, concluding WOR #1013                   ###