WORLD OF RADIO #1022, produced Feb 2, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*R. MINURCA, Central African Republic: attempts to hear it, but has
 now closed down, moving equipment to Sierra Leone; may be replaced by
 another station in Bangui
*Sierra Leone`s SLBS apparently reactivated on 90m
*Two new SW transmitters for FRCN, Abuja, Nigeria
*Malawi`s MBC Radio 1 reactivated on 90m
*Zimbabwe missing from SW for several weeks
*Mauritania sticking to nominal 60m frequency, not drifting
*V. of Sudan, clandestine, on 31 and 37.5 metres
*Another Somali factional SW station on ``49`` meters
*Last week`s spam about stratospheic balloon communication in Africa
 believed to be scam
*Digital SW tests from Norway disrupted +/- 100 kHz like jammers
*R. Budapest bringing back French, Spanish, Italian
*V. of Russia resumed Spanish to Spain
*V. of Tatarstan schedule, address for QSLs P O Box 134, Kazan,
 Tatarstan, 420136 Russia with 2 IRCs or one dollar; heard in
*Grigory Grigoriev, prominent Russian DXer died Dec 10 at age 46
*Jean Metcalfe, British host of Forces Favourites, died at 76
*Evaluating John Birt, ex-head of BBC; leaves large portrait
*Greg Dyke to emphasize programmes over bureaucracy as new BBC head
*Mid-program amenities: WOR 1022, or P O Box 1684,
 Enid OK 73702 USA; fax if really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn
 Hauser; see
*Thanks this time for financial support to: Bill Flynn
*WOR times on RFPI: Fri 1930, Sat 0330, 1130, 1800, Sun 0200, 1000,
 2300, Mon 0700, 1500, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1100 on 2 or 3 of
 25930-USB now back on air, 15049, 6975
*BBC has revived The Listener magazine, only on the web as trial:
*See past week`s issues of DX LISTENING DIGEST for more detail on
 many of these stories; click on DXLD at top of our homepage
*BBC deprives North America of weekend From Our Own Correspondent;
 full schedule to try for in DXLD 19
*Pirates for Peace radioship project for Northern Ireland, young
*CRTC starts hearings for new occupants of three Toronto channels
*Harris Corp. installed Z transmitters for IBOC digital at FM
 stations in NY, Baltimore, Washington, Las Vegas; WETA heard with
*Big 570 in Dallas rushes thru KLIF ID it is trying to get rid of
*WA0RCR still with amateur bulletins on 160m AM
*Best wishes to George J. Poppin, recovering from abdominal surgery
*Reporters for Pacifica on strike protesting censorship, gag-rule
*VOA audience increased 5 million in 1999, top 10 countries
*New schedule for VOA Communications World from this Sat Feb 5; see
 DXLD 20 for entire schedule
*Zapatista broadcast last week was downloaded from website, same as
 on RFPI last year:
*Peruvian DX news: R. Bolivar; R. Real inside 41m band
*LRA36 Antarctica back on air after summer break; new chief's name
*RRI Fak2, Indonesia, damaged by mob, but already heard again
*New station on web from Afghanistan, R. Voice of Mojahed; see DXLD
 20; [sic]
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Feb 1: flux peak 205
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser concluding WOR 1022                           ###