WORLD OF RADIO #1044, produced July 12, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*Nueva emision de Mundo Radial debe comenzar el 14 de julio, viernes
 2115 en 15685
*Sporadic-E season peak brings Mexican FM stations into New England on
 double-hop; high-band opening to channel 7; trans-Atlantic video
 carrier on 48 MHz from Equatorial Guinea; channel A2 to Europe
*New website displays current logos of channel 2 stations, more later:
*WMAQ, 670, Chicago ends when WSCR takes over August 1; see stories at 
*WGN, 720, Chicago, recreates Scopes Monkey Trial July 14 at 2000 UT
*IMF demonstrators in Washington operated Mobilization Radio; also at
 WTO protest in Seattle. See/hear
*New morning show planned for NPR via Sirius Radio on satellite; see to submit resume
*Boca Raton setting up emergency station on X-band
*Special event ham station W7O for Walla2 Sweet Onion festival UT July
 15-16; see DXLD 00-90
*Wisconsin Great Circus Train special event W9G July 16; DXLD 00-87
*Why WYFR defaulted to 15000 kHz atop WWV
*WRMI has new website and E-mail
*WRMI special La Voz del Pueblo Indigena, from Argentina, July 22;
 see DXLD 00-90
*WRMI has new militaristic Cuban exile program, La Voz de CAMCO; and
 clandestine for Peru, La Resistencia Democratica Peru, E-mail:
*Radio Andina, new Peruvian 6 MHz out-of-band
*R. San Antonio, new Peruvian on 3 MHz band
*Voz de la Resistencia, Cadena Bolivariana, Comando Conjunto de
 Occidente, Colombian clandestine FARC station daily on 48m
*Later sign-off time of R. Verdad, Guatemala, determined
*R. Villa, Dominican Republic, back on 60m with bachata music
*R. Yura, Bolivia, E-mailing diploma to reception reporters; has
 show for foreign listeners, visitors about the town
*R. Loyola, Bolivia, celebrates 50th anniversary July 31; maybe
 website will be working by then: or try 
*Standard disclaimer
*WOR 1044, Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; and
 our website:
*R. Sao Carlos, Brazil about to renovate and reactivate on 120m,
 maybe 60 or 49m, streaming; 60th anniversary in September QSLs
*R. Nacional, Buenos Aires, heard on 90m LSB
*R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Antarctica M-F only; reports not
 answered for lack of stamps, so soon forwarded from Argentina
*Zimbabwe back on 60m
*VOA Zimbabwe Forum funded at least for the rest of July
*Congo Brazzaville QSLs, first in many years; has Spanish news
*R. Rwanda schedule, times for English and French news
*Two more clandestines for Horn of Africa via DTK Germany: Voice
 of Ethiopian Salvation; Radio Rainbow - Voice of Peace and
*V. of Nigeria shifts 41mb frequency; still interference problem
*Adventist World Radio finally gets permit for high power SW in Italy
*R. Moldova International, via Romania, reduced broadcasts
*R. Finland suspended weekly one-hour English until August
*Love Parade special from ORB Germany gets negative reviews in
 DXLD 00-89, 00-90
*Dutch Relay Service on ex-BBC frequency every weekend; see and
*BBC shakeup axing 900 jobs this week, 200 last week to streamline
*Merlin gets contract to replace 2 x 500 kW mediumwave for BBC Cyprus
*R. Pakistan`s secret English news and announcements monitored
*Fire at Malaysian domestic service causes use of international
 service studios; and DS heard on external frequency
*R. Korea International redesigned website
 but English page still tries to download Korean text support
*R. Sandaun, Papua New Guinea, 34 Hz off frequency! New transmitter?
*Propagation outlook from Boulder July 11: major storm July 12-14,
 K index peaking at 6 July 14; flux range 230-160-230
*That`s WOR 1044; I`m Glenn Hauser                    ###