WORLD OF RADIO #1045, produced July 19, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*RFPI USB transmitter reactivated, now on 21815 long hours, while 6970
 off for repairs; and within a sesquimonth hopes to be streaming 24h
 with high-speed internet access
*R. Aden, Yemen, has returned to SW [too late to include: Harald Kuhl,
 Germany hears V. of Arabs, Egypt, 9900//11980 at same time; but the
 Bulgarians reassert they hear Yemen]
*Sa`udi Arabia heard on split 25m frequency
*Israel broadcast heard on 80m band [later: Liangas says it was Galei
 Zahal, not Reshet Beth, and time was 2010 and afterwards]
*Arab News Network, London, on satellite and internet: live audio and
 video at
*V. of Africa, Libya moves from 15 to 17 MHz clashing with others;
 times English monitored
*V. of the People of the Somali Republic, Aydid`s station now on FM as
 well as SW; all Mogadishu stations do news at same time
*Besides VON on new 41mb frequency, try Ibadan, Nigeria on 49m
*Congo-Brazzaville`s Spanish news time varies; for Equatorial Guinea?
*New SW transmitters for Mbandaka, Congo DR; and for Kinshasa
*R. Ecclesia, Angola, gets new SW relay via RN Holland, Madagascar
 (recording); also webcast but not same program; listen at
 and see backgrounder in RN Webzine, DXLD 00-93
*Portugal stops SW broadcasts to Timor, direct and via Taiwan
*BBC gets new budget to upgrade SW transmitters in Cyprus, Singapore
 to digital capability, and develop internet in key languages, FM
*Andy Kershaw, fired by BBC Radio 1, hired by BBC Radio 3; see DXLD 92
*Thanks to B. Cooley for financial support helping us get WOR to WWCR
 on time
*The non-commercial, non-corporate, non-communist, non-religious,
 non-govermental, non-musical, non-apolitical DX program, WOR 1045
*Tip for Rational Living
*Input for WOR to PO Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702; or
 or fax if really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
*Our website for much more info on WOR scheduling, DX news, receiver
 reviews, etc.:
*Irregularities in Romanian transmissions seem due to drowsy operators
*Belarus local programs surveyed from Minsk, Vitebsk, Grodno, Mogilev
*R. Samorodinko, Moscow pirate on 75m with same old man talking
*WWCR pioneered 12160, but now others use it including KFBS Saipan
 interfering at same time
*Almost half of low-power FM applicants so far are religious;
 percentages for other groups. Religious at odds with Republicans
*KACD, Los Angeles, squeezed off the air, converts to webcasting only:
*CyberShortwave Live July 23 guest will be George Zeller, via and details in DXLD 00-94
*New experimental WA9XHN, Auburn WA, for RTTY; details in DXLD 00-93
 or see
* fires some editors, but one starts his own site: from Montreal, SE Canada
*CBC wants to sell off its transmission network for hundreds of
 megadollars, like ABC and BBC
*Rdif. Nacional de Colombia, testing on 31mb frequencies, and a
 special historical broadcast July 20-21;
*R. San Antonio de Padua, Peru, Catholic station now licensed on two
 90mb frequencies; mailing address in DXLD 00-92
*Brazilian harmonic on 12 MHz, R. Cultura de Filadelfia
*A wild week propagationally: major geomagnetic storm, auroral DX,
 double-hop sporadic E; also heavy tropo openings on UHF TV; Alberta
 MW stations heard in Oregon in daytime
*Propagation outlook from Boulder July 18: Flux range 235-160-230
*With a standard disclaimer, Glenn Hauser concluding WOR 1045  ###