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Take Your Destiny In Your Own Hands!

The Offspring Basic Instincts

The Offspring was formed back in 1984 in Orange county. Just like any 'ol punk rock band they started out in a garage, with some terrible equipment. "We got 6th place out of 6 in a local talent show, and then we were in the right place at the right time", and since then made three albums: Self Title for Nemesis, Ignition, Smash, four hits, and world wide success. We talked with Dexter, the vocalist dude, about their new album Ixnay on the Hombre.

Blikk: Punk used to be a way of life, form of living and dieing. What do the words punk and punk-rock mean to you?

Dexter: Punk rock is about independence and gaining control over your life.

Blikk: Punk was never about selling records, but you are up to 10 million with Smash. Isn't there something wrong here?

Dexter: I have no freakin' idea of how all this could have happened. I guess we introduced ourselves to an audience hungry for punk rock.

Blikk: Why do you think people associate with you guys, what are you're lyrics about?

Dexter: They're about how to act when somebody tries to control you. Maybe because of this control thing, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think, that so many people would be interested in my thoughts.

Blikk: LA is infamous of it's aggressive concert. Did you ever experience this?

Dexter: There are many people, who only go to concert to show how "cool" they are. There was such an occasion when we had to put them out of the stage. This makes Europe a better place to tour.

Blikk: How are you guys dealing with success?

Dexter: It's not as hard as a lot of people think it is. Of course we were lucky 'cause we didn't get as much in the spotlight as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, not even as much as Green day.

Blikk: Why was the new album delayed?

Dexter: We toured about a year and a half after smash, we simply didn't have time nor energy to write new songs.

Blikk: Is it hard to work on a new album followed by such a smash hit?

Dexter: I'd be lying if I'd said no, we just try not think about what other people will think.

Blikk: What's the result?

Dexter: 14 songs a lot of cool punk rock ones and a couple which will defiantly suprise a lot of people.

From Blikk
Note: This interview may has some mistakes, it was missing some words at the place I copied, so I completed it myself, cause this, it can be wrong.