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He thinks he's ugly. He knows he's rich. And he'll happilly take a piss in your presence. On the couch, Dex!

Melody Maker - Would you be willing to go into a slaughterhouse and kill a cow?

Dexter - I'm not a vegetarian and I don't have a problem eating animals, but I don't think I could do the killing. I like animals. We have four dogs and three cats, so you get used to having animals around. I've never been hunting. I've shot soda cans and stuff like that with real guns - you can see how easy it is here to get them. It was my uncle who took me, actually, he used to go hunting, but he was such a poor shot, he could never shot anything. He was trying to shoot at this rabbit once and he finally actually got it, but he felt so terrible that he could never shoot anything again. I think that's probably how I would feel.

MM - If there was a public execution on TV, would you watch it?

Dex - Yes. For some reason I watch 'Jerry Springer', the morbid curiosity. It's terrible. But I admit that I have that weakness in human nature that we're drown to stuff that's going to gross us out. I bought this video called 'Banned From Television' and some of it is just awful. People getting hit by cars and an elephant on stampede and they show those bull runs in Pamplona. This lady was protesting and this bull just tore her to pieces. The worse bit was at the end. This lady was running across the train track and she didn't look the right way and got hit by a train. Ugggh. I'll send it to you.

MM - Do you consider yourself rich?

Dex - Well, it's a relative word. I'm rich in friends. OK, yeah, I am. Noodles was a janitor in the past. He's definitely increased his bank balance. But we all had to make sacrifices. He had a bright future in the custodial arts. I actually want us to get jobs. Maybe it's part of me that wants to stay grounded in a crazy life style. That would be a good way to do it. Remember the guy from 'TAXI' who played Latka? He kept a bus boy job the entire time. He just liked that side of it.

MM -Do you have any ambitions?

Dex - I want to start smoking pot. So then I won't have any ambitions.

MM - Do you worry about growing old?

Dex - A couple of years ago, I was thinking, 'you're 30 now, you're 10 years older that most of your audience', and we went to do some festivals in Europe and it's amazing. You get back up there, first song, bam, you're 18 again! I don't think you ever get too old for that mindset. I guess there is stuff you can't talk about. Like go onstage and say, 'What did you guys do with you taxes this year? Have you heard about this great new vehicle.'

MM - How do you picture your funeral and what songs do you want played?

Dex - I think I want to be buried. I don't want to be cremated, burned. Even though everyone says it's gross to be buried because you get worms crawling in you and stuff, somehow I don't like the idea of being ashes. I want to be substance so they can dig me up in 200 years to determine if I had some disease or something. I want to make sure a lot of people cry and feel really bad at my funeral. A lot of people say they want it to be a celebration. Fuck that. I want everyone there, I want to know they cared, I want them to cry.

MM - Would you accept a million dollars to leave your home country forever?

Dex - No. There's something about the place you grow up or the country you live in. That's one of the great things about being in a free country.

MM - Can you urinate in front of another person?

Dex - No! I've got that problem. Stage fright. Isn't that terrible? It depends. You know, when you're drinking, you have to go most of all. It usually doesn't hit me until the third beer and then I have to go every 15 minutes. But by the fifth beer I can go, and by the time you get to the seventh beer I can go in the middle of the room. I don't care anymore.

MM - What are your most compulsive habits?

Dex - My vices are probably my most compulsive habits. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. I'm not really into drugs or anything, but I like a good beer and a good smoke and watching a band at a club. I can be pretty compulsive about that. I don't smoke that much, so when I smoke it tends to be a chain event. All or nothing!

MM - Relative to the population, how do you rate your physical attractiveness, your intelligence, your personality?

Dex - Wow! I feel like I'm on a job interview. Well with attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10 I put myself at a 2. I don't think of myself in that way. People that are hung up on those kinds of things are pretty shallow generally. Intelligence? Maybe a 6. Personality? Of course a 10!

From "Melody Maker" British magazine - October 23, 1999