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Offspring Comes To Napster's Aid

Music-swapping Napster finds an ally in the Offspring

The Offspring have joined the sparse ranks of Napster supporters, along with camp Limp Bizkit, and publicly voiced their support of the controversial online MP3 swapping service.

The Southern California band were driven to speak out after an article on falsely claimed the Offspring were considering filing suit against Napster, which has drawn criticism from Metallica, Dr. Dre, Art Alexakis of Everclear, and Elton John, as well as the Recording Industry of America.

"I don't know what Metallica's motives or reasons for what they're doing are, but as far as we're concerned, I support the exchange of MP3 files online," Offspring frontman Dexter Holland says. "Napster facilitates people being able to share music... it's like trading cards. And something like Napster is like having the convention."

While Metallica have filed suit, citing the loss of revenue due to the online swapping, Holland disputes the idea. "From what I can tell it's not taking any money from people," he says. "I think it's expanding bands' fan bases. For us, when our last record was relatively new, about a year ago, we were the most downloaded band on the Internet... and geez, it certainly didn't hurt our record sales. We were doing great at that time. We were in the top ten for like six months or something," Holland says. "Somebody told me 'N Sync's record was available on Napster like three weeks before it came out, and obviously it didn't hurt their sales either. So I think it's good. It's the spirit of music; it's the spirit of rock & roll. More people coming to the party. Not less."

Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst came out with a similar stance at Monday's press conference to announce his bands' Napster-sponsored summer tour. "I don't know the guys from Metallica really... to each his own," Durst said. "How this could cause controversy between bands and the music industry and labels is ridiculous... Obviously people who are worried about that are people who are worried about their bank account."

Holland, a former student at the University of Southern California (one of the three universities originally named in the Metallica lawsuit) also expressed his disappointment that his alma mater instituted new regulations to limit student use of Napster.

"What a shame that it's turned around like that," said Holland." [USC] was the place where I first learned about [the Internet] when it was brand new ten years ago, and now to have it turning around and limiting the way people interact with each other is a real shame."

To affirm their commitment to music on the Internet, the Offspring have announced they will be featuring some exclusive material via their Web site at a later date. "I really like being in touch with our audience by using the Internet. We're trying to think of all kinds of ideas, whether it's giving out MP3 files or having chats or interviews," Holland says. "Since [the article] came out, it just upset us so much because it was wrong and it was exactly the opposite of the way we felt about the whole situation. We felt it was important to say that we want to give out something for free."

By Jolie Lash, from Rolling Stone - April 26, 2000