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The Best movies made...

Hello and welcome to my "Movie" page.. The best movies ever made(in my opinion) will be listed, and some Links will be there too. The #1 horror movie:I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!!!
It's way scarier than scream, the acting was very, very good and the whole time you are on the edge of your seat! Being freaked out during the whole movie not just at some parts. This is definatley a good movie! It's not fake like some of the other "gory","thriller" types. This is real it could really happen. And on top of that there are good-looking guys, and for the guys there are some "babes" so if you haven't seen it, go it's definatley worth the money!
IN VIDEO NOW!!!!! For all you romantic people who love wah,wah movies the movie to rent is: ROMEO & JULIET(if you haven't already seen it!) Leonardo DiCaprio(mmmmm yummy) plays Romeo and boy is he good at it. Claire Danes plays Juliet and does an incredible job. If you like to watch movies that make you cry this is it!!!

TITANIC: a tragic romance
Well our famous Romeo has turned a different route this time except he still gets to be romantic with some lucky girl, Kate Winslet. This movie is sooooo good I've seen it three times so far. I cryed, I laughed, I got angry. It shows how the sinking of Titanic really happened. If you haven't seen it GO NOW!!! I think nobody could play this character of "Jack" any better!!! Leonardo DiCaprio is the greatest of the Gods.

My favorite scene in TITANIC is when he draws her, it is so romantic! It's also romantic wehn she takes his last name!(wah) There are many funny scenes too, Jack teaching Rose how to spit, when he says,"Pardon me miss but I'm not the one hanging off of the back of a ship" When a 3rd class Jack goes to a 1st class dinner, then takes her to a 3rd classs party. There are many "sad" scenes, the ship sinking all those people dying, there love sank with Jack, though she never stopped loving him!Jack told her this when they were in the water, "Your gonna die an old lady warm in your bed, not here, not now" At the end when she goes and throws, "The heart of the ocean" into the ocean, she went back to bed and died, and dreamed about reuniting with Jack, and all the people who died in the TITANIC. (wah) This movie is so romantic that it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. To think anyone who saves someone else, especially a lover, over themselves is very heroic and damn romantic Kate Winslet, co-star, What a lucky girl!! A wonderful person wrote a song for Kate Winslet about the death of her ex-fiancee. Click here to hear "Coming to a theatre near you"

THE MAN audio clips

My Best Friends Wedding
was also an excellent movie.. a tear jerker it was different because it wasn't a typical hollywood ending. you gotta rent this one!!( JULIA ROBERTS) As Good As It Gets:
Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt perform excellent. it has a very good story line or a hermit kind of guy, grumpy, who has a gay nieghbor with a cute dog. well if I explain anymore I'll ruin it for you!!


an incredible movie with a incredible actor: Leonardo DiCaprio. he plays 2 characters in this movie. One good Phillip, and an bad King Louis. The King puts his son away, so that one of them would be king. Phillip was stuck in an iron mask until some musketeers pull it off then the story really gets good....
