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This web page is dedicated to Leonardo DiCaprio. I am a major fan. yes, it's a shrine, but not an obsessive one. Leo is an incredible actor. He has talent, style and pazzazz. He is such a good actor he can play many different roles such as, a gay peot(Total eclipse) a star crossed lover(Romeo & Juliet) a heroin addict( basketball diaries) and so on.
So many young teenage girls are obssessed with this adorable actor, I know that I think he's good-looking young man, but I also see what he can do.
We do not know Leo personally so how can one be in love with him?? Some may be in love with his looks, some acting and sometimes just because he's famous. He is a human being not an object. He probably thinks that most of his fans are a bunch of fools, raving about him so much. He also probably doesn't realize that he is good-looking he just enjoys his job
Too many girls too obsessed with leo( I know my friends think I do)I'm not so obsessed that I don't realize fact from fiction. In Halifax Canada, there is a gravesite for people that died on the Titanic. There is a grave with J.DAWSON on it, these gir;s think its Jack when it is not this persons name is James and he worked on the ship. Girls put flowers, ticket stubs, letters and poems on his grave. They are thinking it's Leo. *****NEWS FLASH***** LEONARDO DICAPRIO'S ALIVE! some people need to realize that Jack Dawson was a fictional character as well as Rose. Some people need seroius help if they can't recognize fact from fiction!!!

Leonardo DiCaprio

Bithday: Nov.11/1974

Birthplace: L.A., California

His talents: His wonderful acting ability

His many movies include:

* Critters 3
* Poison Ivy
* Basketball Diaries
* What's eating Gilbert Grape?
* This boys' life
* Marvins Room
* William Shakespeares "Romeo & Juliet" lucky costar, Claire Danes
* TITANIC another lucky costar, Kate Winslet
*** Look for the NEW DiCaprio movie,"The Man in the Iron Mask"

His absolutley gorgeous eyes, and sexy smile and his seemingly kind nature makes him soooooo edible!

Here's his Address if you wanna write the cutie:
C/O Rick York
955 South Carrilo Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Our Leo is an only child but he has a step bro named Adam

His Nicknames are, Leo & The Noodle
He drives a silver BMW Coupe and is also a big fan of the L.A. Lakers!!! Here's a link to,Leo's Official homepage

The best actor in the entire world is Leonardo Wilhem DiCaprio, he has starred in many movies(listed above)my personal favorites are Romeo/Juliet & TITANIC. I'm really looking forward to seeing his new movie, "The Man in the Iron Mask" because,(if you don't already know) he'll be playing 2 people, one evil,one good! 2 of Leo for the price of one!!! Bu the only problem is that both his characters are supposed to have long hair, I think he looks better with shorter, oh well! Seeing TITANIC 3 times and planning to see it again & again you can definatley tell I'm Leo crazy, even though he has absolutley no clue who I am, or that meeting him is only in my dreams! I often wonder if he is a real life Romeo or a loving Jack. Claire Danes said that he's real nice to work with. But I'm just gonna have to find out for myself aren't I????
