This is an actual "in Solidarity" issue from the TWU local 514 (Feb.5,1999)

$ Win Big Money $
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$ Win Big Money $

In February 1995 Local 514 initiated a COPE drawing to generate interest in COPE check-off. If a member attended the previous months membership meeting and is on 50 cent COPE check-off he/she will win $514.00. A member who attended the prevous months membership meeting and is a $1.00 COPE check-off participant will win $1,028.00.

In January 1996 the drawing rules were amended so that if you had missed the previous months meeting but had attended at least six membership meetings in the previous 12 months, you would still win the drawing.

So far we have three winners, one in San Antonio and two in Tulsa. The most recent one at the January membership meeting for $1,028.00.
Feb, 5 1999

Is there something wrong here...when the TWU has to bribe members to come down to their meetings? Maybe it is because all the good union guys have left in disgust! And now the TWU hall is only drawing in the Bubbas that want to win BIG!!! Aren't your wages enough to sustain you Mr. Bubba? And you still Support the TWU? Why?