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What Tulsa and AFW have in common...the rats come out of their hole!

What is it that make these people beleave that rating on their fellow employee is bolstering their beliefs in the TWU! If this is the only way the TWU supporter can show their loyalty, than it is a sad day indeed!

Remember Once a Rat, always a Rat- you will try to act cool, but no matter if TWU wins, or AMFA wins you will always be considered a Rat and will not be trusted!
This guy is a problem for many of us at TUL, he is an E-board member that represents us- yet he has done some outragous stunts and is attitude is, "i don't care what you think" He has been known to abuse travel passes at AA, he has been known to give up to 9 people at AA his punch out card- so people can punch him in and out of work while he is fishing....or soliciting prostitutes?! Mr. Dial Rial if your out there- keep using your cell phone, we have our ears to the scanner! What we got is pretty juicy, but we want to hear more from you!
I like the attitude of TWU supporters when we say, "No more secret letters of agreement!" They will say, "go down to the union hall they will give you what was agree upon!" That is not the point stupid- the point is we have no say-so about what is agreed upon as union members...they can spring anything on us without a vote from the members,(unlike AMFA that does not have secret letters, or side letters of agreement without a vote from the membership)
With the international pushing for us to have seperate negotiations, and seperate locals they think that will appease us, dennis burchette is defending local 512 against the TWU international for not seperating its local in chicago! What do you think is going to happen now at contract time, just like always the local president will try to push for the mechanics proposals, while the TWU international runs the show and gives the majority (unskilled majority) of the membership what they want- and the minority skilled mechanics will be left in the back of the bus!
What do the Bad standing, Kangaroo courts mean to AMFA supporters? Look below!
You maniacs, you blew it up!

There are no freedoms while being a TWU union member, they have put people in bad standing for wearing an AMFA pin, or hat, or shirt! They have even put people in bad standing for posting what they think on the internet, off-duty! Its either "think like I do Brother, or you will be put in bad standing!"
The Kremlin on Pine Reigns!!

your out of order, brother!!
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