NO, They would be breaking the Law if they did!!

Fear and Intimidation Tactics
They cannot violate your rights to organize, They cannot kick People wearing AMFA shirts off the property, the company cannot side with the TWU, the TWU cannot use shop stewards for anti-AMFA literature distrubution...only their contractual duties! And TWU cannot use their bullentin boards for anti-AMFA campaining! Any violation needs to be recorded for future litigation. They are violating your rights, Under the Railway Labor Act, and they won't tell you they are!!

In the beginning...March/16/99 They kick the guys off the parking lot for distributing literature

The guards on verbal policy, walk a person out of the cafetiria for wearing an AMFA shirt! His rights were violated, and the incedent report was mysterously lost!

June/11/99 the Ratfest is held with Dave Kruse/Dennis B. with the company finally saying it cannot kick guys off base.(after talking to the legal Dept. at HDQ.) ,BUT The DAVE K. says he wants to SUPPORT the TWU in this fight! TOTALLY ILLEGAL!!!

Two weeks ago Dennis held a shop stewards meeting, and wants to kick people out of the union for wearing an AMFA shirts, buttons......etc. Does Dennis know what he is in for, sounds like he needs to talk to the legal Dept. as well!
...NEW!!!TODAY!!!.6/29/99. The Mexican Stand-off in the Cafeteria at TUL!

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