Is this AMFA propaganda Snake oil or is it credible information!
I have run into a lot of people from hanger 5 that would side with AMFA if they win the vote, I heard from people that are indifferent to what union represents them, and I have ran into TWU hardliners that will not give an inch! What do all these people have in common.....they do not read the info. that is out there!

They think somehow that anything AMFA generated material will not, cannot be backed up! They assume this without looking into it! AMFA has shown time and time again that everything that AMFA puts out can be backed up, and it is for real! How is it that when people read the AMFA information they turn into AMFA supporters?? Are these people hypmotized by this AMFA propaganda?? How does this happen?? What is the secret? Are these people smart enough not to be sucked into AMFA?

The answer is that they are smart enough to look into it! They are smart enough to read it for themselves and not have someone dictate to them what they should think! I have been to information meeting, and been on this BB, but the real battle is out at AA. If we can just get these guys to read a little, then some might realize the opportunities of a mechanic's union can bring!! (it is my belief that some of these guys don't read because they might be persecuted by fellow workers or they were told not to read it!)>Please read a little, AA mechanic! And AMFA supporters; Skip the oil and pass the Info.!

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