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6•10•00:Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! I didn't have anything. But now Ali sent me a ton of pics*Thank you Ali!!* so I'll add those later. Right now, I'm making this site on homestead because it works much better for me. I can do homestead easier, cuz I have straight access to it. if someone wants to design a layout or backround, I'd more than appreciate it! I have a banner It's kinda like the one I have now, but it's more spreadout.(lol..I never got to add it. I believe Kel sent it to me!! Right??) If someone wants to make a linking one, go for it. But I'm not begging for one. Well, I'm gonna go and work on this now! If u can help me, somehow, please do!!! Thanks!

1/16/00:Hi! I didn't update! I need 3 banners, if you can help me:1's another one for this page, 1's for my Yahoo Club, and 1's for my Mac page. I need stuff to update or else I can't! SORRY EVERYONE!

12/30/99:OHMYGOSH! I'm sorry it's been sooooo long since I updated! Well, I don't have nething to update. I am going to fix up the pictures that are not working, but I'll do that later. To Lora, who made a banner for me: My hardrive crash, and most of my emails got deleted. Most of 'em weren't important, but your's was deleted with it, so I dotn' have the banner! Could you remake or resend it?(The reason it's like that is 'cuz you might not have it nemore!) Please! Thanks!
I desperately need more things to update. There's about 50 pictures of Jessica out there, so please send them in and lable 'em if you can! And I really need a coowner too! And, if it's possible, and new layout. I can't get one! SOMEBODY, PLEASE, HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/22/99:Happy Birthday Zac! I have another banner to add, not saved though. Updates will be up soon lol I have a fourday weekend comin up. I'm openin' a Laura Ingalls Wilder page tonight so check it out sometime..Beckie

10/2/99:I added my banner! Yippie! Thanks Sharon, for making it! *Special Congratulations to Jodi, my cousin. She's getting married today* Please send me stuff! Thanks bunches!

9/28/99:I'm really sorry for not updating. School started the 25th, and I've been receiving TONS of homework since then, so give me a chance. also:There isn't anything to update. I'm not getting anything(the last email I received from someone in my Jessica email type thing was from my sister Monica.) I'm going to update as much as possible. I'm in the middle of creating a "rumors" page right now. Oh, by the way, wish me luck, I'm gonna try and get the guts to ask out this guy I've had a huge crush on and he likes me, my knee hurts REALLY bad. I hope it feels better(Poor lil knee lol)

8/19/99:I apoligize if you are confused. I changed this into a Jessica page. I'm sorry if I confused you, and I'm sorry for not updating! Well, I created a "Jessica's Family" page, linked that, with all the other Jessica links. TONS of pics on the way!

8/1/99:I created a Mrs Hanson quotes page, added some Jessica quotes. I also deleted the girlfriend issues page because I don't really know if they have girlfriends plus if theyh did that's just invading there privacy. I added the Thank You Page awhile ago but it's not ALL up yet!

7/31/99:In honor of Jessie's b/day, I added LOADS of Jessica information, and linked the Mr and MRs Hanson pics and info*FINALLY* but I don't have any pics so pleaseee help me out! I also created a "About Me" page, added a image on the index page and changed around buttons. The one that linked to the family pics page and stuff is changed as well as the one that enters index two.I also linked my brother/mommy/daddy sites, and added a guestbook. *PLEASE SIGN* All of that is in honor of Jessie's 11th Birthday. Happy 11th Birthday girl! May all of you're wishes come true today

7/12/99:I had like a good time at basball practice. If you know the sound a penquin makes email me tonight! Please=)*Inside joke, along with "Quack Quack WADDLE WADDLE" LoL!* Anyways, I changed most(Not ALL most) pics to labled, made an "About Kesh" and an "About Krystal" pages linked them to the girlfriend issuses page, and changed my banner! Thanks Jen, Thanks Johanna, and Thanks Beth!*You know for what!* Oh yea-some pics will be labled The Albertane Kidz some The Albertane Family-same page, kay?

7/7/99:As Promised, I added the other 2 collages. I also created a girlfried issues site, and a thanks/dedications site. Check 'em out at the bottem of the main page. =) Oh if you wanna be my mommy, daddy, or brother site email me!! And please send stuff in!! i haven't gotten email since LinkExchange emailed me Sunday! LoL..Thanks guys!

7/6/99:(LATER) I added 2 collages:1 Mackie 1 Jessica. Thanks Michelle!! I'll add an Avie and Zoe tomorrow..See ya

7/6/99:sorry everyone! I'm staying here insted of switching my computer decided to screw me up so =) Anyways switched the banner on the MAIN page and changed the caption on the last avie pic! (THANKS MEGAN)

6/20/99:Sorry it took so long I got grounded but than the computer didn't work so:o( Anyways, I added a pic. On the 15th I added later the writers corner and fake stuff. I also changed my sister site link.:o)

6/15/99:Hey guys! I added 2 Avie pics, 2 Zoe pics, 1 Mackie pic, and 1 family pic. I'm gonna be added something later.Well lots of stuff, actually. Please email me if you'd like to lable any unlabled jpg or gif formated pics. I can lable bmp but nothing else. Thanks!

6-14-99:Hey everyone! I added my sis site, and the Mrs Hanson appreciation thing. PLEASE SEND STUFF IN! There's TONS of stuff out there, and I need you to send it!!:O) THanks!

6/13/99:Hey guys! I did what I said:Re-did the entire main page and added..Thanks again, to Jen(Oh wow! It rhymed!) And, thanks to the other girl who made me a banner(Sorry, but I'm to lazy to look right now. I will and change it later) The picture/banner thing that shows the 4 kids and says the page name is to famly pics!!! See ya! ohh and my Grandma gotta new puppy! It's a lapose aspo thing..LoL..ITS a ball of FLUFF! It's INCREDIBLY cute!!! Charlie..Hehehe! See ya