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Please be patient for this page to upload. There are A LOT of pictures, a background, and a Wave to upload. If only parts of pictures show up, don't be disappointed. They are there. Just click on the picture to get the full view. If the picture still does not load all the way, just keep hitting your reload button until the picture is fully loaded. It just means that either the Internet is busy, or your processor is slow. Thank you. Some of these pictures were sent to me via e-mail, so if they have copy rights on any of them, please e-mail me and I will take the picture(s) off of my page. I have also been copying pictures from other websites, so if your pictures are on my page and you can verify that they are yours, I will honorably remove them. Thank you.

*A speacial offer is now going on.* What I am offering you is to play a game with Jean Claude Van Damme! How would you like to play Jean Claude Van Damme Mah Jongg? It's a tile matching game. I have teamed up with a wonderful company called MORAFF GAMES. They offer a wonderful CD that allows you to play many tile games and they even have wonderful downloads on their site! You can even make your own tile sets with their program, 'Tile Maker'! Please visit their site and if you can, order this wonderful CD. You wont be disappointed if you love games and would love to add your favorite pics to play with.
I have created a tile set I can e-mail to you upon request. I have tried to add the link to my site, but it does not seem to want to cooperate. Sorry. Feel free to ask for the tile set and I will email it to you promptly. Thanks. Enjoy!!!!!

Moraff Games

Would you like to earn money Surfing the web? It's real. You actually get paid to surf the web. Use it while you check your e-mail. Use it while you do research. You can even use it while your downloading. Take a chance. Go to the site and sign up. What can you lose? You can either get paid to surf or not get paid to surf. It's all up to you.

Click the Icon to go to the site! :)


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