Final Fantasy VIII: The Demo

Backround Info

The Final Fantasy VIII demo, released in July in Japan and Novenber in America, came packaged with Squaresoft's Brave Fencer Musashi. Later in 1999, (July 15th to be exact) It was rereleased on an Offical PlayStation Magazine demo disc. The demo was made up of the second main scene of the game, where Squall, Zell and Seifer go to a city Dollet to fight in a war. At the same time, there are also being tested to become full fleged SeeD members and graduate from Garden.

Need Help? Read my Walktru!

Okay, the first thing you need to know is how to Draw. No, not on paper.. Drawing is how you recive and cast magic in FF8. There isn't any MP anymore. Now, when you get into a battle, select Draw from the character's command window. It will then ask who you want to draw magic from (an enemy, of course.) After that's select what spell you want to draw. (NOTE! every different enemy has it's own unique spells, so Draw often!) From there you can choose to cast of stock. Cast means to cast the drawn spell right away and stock means to save the spell you recived for later (NOTE! If you select stock, the spell will be more powerful when you use it.) There you have it!! But remember.. just because there isn't any MP doesn't mean you can cast spells whenever you want. Instead of MP, there is a number of how many times that spell can be used. If your low, Draw some. You'll recive 1-3 of that spell each time you Draw. Now, to the demo!!

When you arrive on Dollet beach, follow Seifer to the city limits. From there you will be attacked by a couple of soldiers. Don't worry though, there guys are easy. Draw cure from them fro the road ahead and move on. Continue following Seifer through the narrow streets untill you arrive at the Centeral Square. Seifer will ask you a question. It doesn't matter what you answer, so just choose one. After that, go up to the upper right ally and kill the soldier hiding up there. Go back and talk to Seifer. Time will pass by and Seifer will get very angry. Talk to him twice and 6 enemy soldiers will run past. Follow Seifer again as he follows them up to that big antenna on the top of the mountain. Travel up untill you catch up with Seifer. You'll be attacked by a giant snake. Draw his powerful spells and waste him with whatever you got. Continue up untill you reach the antenna. Squall and Seifer will have a conversation and Seifer will continue on without you. Enter the antenna and take the elevator up. From here you meet Biggs and Wedge who are activating the antenna. Sit back and watch the action. After the FMV's over, get ready for the fight of your life. Fight Biggs and Wedge untill they get blown away by a giant purple demon. Now, you have to fight it. His HP is REALLY high to stay cool and cure often. Use your best magic (doubled if you Drew double) Oh, summoning Leviathan couldn't hurt, either. After the battle, a Dollet soldier will come and tell you to get back to the beach in 15 minutes. Get moving! Right after leaving the antenna, a giant crab mech drops down from the tower. Fight it. Hack away at it with attacks and magic (no Leviathan though, it takes too long) untill it falls. Then RUN RUN RUN!! Because if you don't, you'll have to fight it again if it touches you. Don't stop untill you are made to fight it again. Same stragedy, make it stall and run. Continue running like a coward untill you fight it one last time. But don't think you can just stand around. continue running untill the escape FMV begins.

For Your Enjoyment, The Script!

Squall: Seifer.
Seifer: We'll be meeting up with Squad B to secure the
Central Plaza.
Zell: How many enemies?
Seifer: Huh? Lots. Think about it!
Seifer: I'd die of boredom if there weren't very many!
Squall: ... Secure the Central Plaza. Anything else?
Seifer: I heard that enemy reinforcements were on their way.
We can fight as much as we
want! Seifer: ... unless you're scared...
Zell: Who's that?
Seifer: Guess.
Seifer: Now, the Plaza is...
Seifer: We're moving out.

TRAVEL: to "Stairs/Dollet Wall"

Seifer: Enemies could be around in this area...
Squall: ... Who are the enemy?
Zell: Huh? The Garvadian Army! What's wrong with you?
Seifer: Don't worry about it, Squall. If it comes at us, it's an

BATTLE: Garvadian Soldier x2

Zell: Squall!
Zell: Press R1 the instant your attack hits!
Zell: If you do it right, you'll deal more damage!

TRAVEL: to "Road to Plaza"

Road to Plaza

BATTLE: Garvadian Soldier x2

These are their special units? SeeD or whatever?
More like boys and girls!
But they're the elites from Garden right?

Seifer: Up ahead is the Central Plaza.
Seifer: Hey, Garvadian cowards!!
Seifer: Stop being sneaky and show yourselves!! Stop boring

Zell: ... ... Is he serious?

TRAVEL: to "Central Plaza"

Central Plaza

Seifer: Enemies around. I can feel it.
(Me too) ... to A
(I can't) ... to B

(If left alone, a dog will approach Seifer. Seifer will drive the
dog away.)
(This will repeat infinitely.)

Seifer: You're awake, huh, Squall?
Seifer: Can you go see if there are any enemies around?

... to Before Battle


Seifer: Squall, don't disappoint me...
Seifer: Stop being so absentminded, and go see if there are
any enemies around.

... to Before Battle

Before Battle:

(If you talk to Seifer)
Seifer: Stop being so absentminded, and go see if there are
any enemies around.

(If you try to go somewhere else)
Seifer: Hey, I didn't give you permission to leave!

BATTLE: Garvadian Soldier x1

Squall: Can't feel anymore enemies around.
eifer: I guess not...
Seifer: On standby until they arrive.
Seifer: Standby... what a boring word.

... (Some time elapses)

Squall: It looks like it's started.
Zell: Looks like it's take 1...
Seifer: Let's welcome them!
(Seifer kicks a dog to try to drive it away)

Zell: Hey, Squall, look at Seifer!
Seifer: Go away!
Seifer: Down!
Seifer: Hey! Garvadian Soldier!
Seifer: What's the problem? Hurry over here!

TRAVEL: to "Inside the Central Plaza"

Inside the Central Plaza
(Seifer is irritable)

Squall: They're... not coming...

(Talk to Zell)

Zell: What's this?
Zell: This really is boring!
Zell: Something needs to be done about this!

(Talk to Rinoa)

Rinoa: ... ...

(Talk to Seifer)
Seifer: ... ... !!!
Seifer: ... ... ... ... !!! !!! !!! !!!
Seifer: What are they waiting for... ...?
Seifer: I can't stand this! Do they think they're training dogs!?

(Dog howls in distance)
(6 Enemies go towards the mountain)

Squall: Hey... ... it's the enemy!
Zell: Where are they going?
Seifer: We're following!
Zell: That's against orders!
Seifer: You said you were bored a second ago.
Zell: Squall!
Squall: I'll follow the squad leader's decision.
Seifer: Squad Leader?
Seifer: Don't you want to storm them?
Squall: Because of you, I don't think I'll lose to anyone, no
matter how much of a coward.
Seifer: When that happens, you can thank me.
Zell: ... What?
Zell: You guys get along.
Zell: Look, this isn't any normal battle.
Zell: It's an important trial. Self-willed actions won't do good.
Seifer: You can stay then. We don't want you if you don't
want to go.

(Dog cries)

Seifer: Hmm? You want to go?
Seifer: You'll be more useful than you-know-who?
Zell: Shut up!
Squall: Don't take it personally, Zell.
Squall: Seifer, if we're going, let's hurry!
Seifer: Target location has been identified as a structure on
the mountain peak. We, Squad B, will travel to secure the
mountain peak.
Seifer: We're moving out immediately!
Squall: Roger.
Zell: Hmph... ... Acknowledged.

TRAVEL: to "Halfway up the Mountain"

Halfway up the Mountain

Soldier of Dollet: "... ... What's going on? EM Tower now?"


Soldier of Dollet: "I... when I was a kid... played... at that EM
Tower facility..."
Soldier of Dollet: "By then... it had already been shut
Soldier of Dollet: "... I'd been careless... ...
Soldier of Dollet: "! Who are you?"
Squall: We were dispatched by Garden. Candidates for
Seifer: Hey, how's the peak look?
Soldier of Dollet: "Garvadian Soldiers have entered the EM
Tower facility."
Soldier of Dollet: "Also... that place is a monster nest."
Soldier of Dollet: "If you guys're going, I'd be on my toes..."
Soldier of Dollet: "Whoa!"

BATTLE: Horned Snake

Squall: There're monsters too?
Zell: How convenient...
Seifer: Just more fun. Let's go!
Zell: ... Fun? What's with him?


Soldier of Dollet: "... Ouch..."

TRAVEL: to "Near EM Tower"

Near EM Tower

Garvadian Soldier: "Power generation structure, functionality
Garvadian Soldier: "Cable disconnection locations confirmed!
Starting exchange operation!"
Garvadian Soldier: "Boosters ok!"
Seifer: They're up to something...
Squall: Repair...?
Seifer: Well, who cares?
Seifer: You've never been in real battle right? Are you
Squall: No time to be scared.
Seifer: I love battle. It's not scary at all.
Seifer: When one battle ends, we definitely get closer to our
goal, don't we?
Squall: ... Goal?
Seifer: The moment our dreams come true.
Squall: Huh? Dreams?
Squall: ... sorry. If it's that type of matter, I'll pass on it.
Zell: Pass? On what? If you're discussing strategy, let me in!

Seifer: ... ... you were here?
Seifer: I'll tell you about them someday, my Ro-man-tic
Zell: Hey, what were you guys talking about?
Squall: Something I don't like talking about.
Squall: Let's go.

Travel: to "EM Tower"
EM Tower

Garvadian Soldier: Ugh!
Seifer: Such cowards...
Squall: ... Did they go up?
Squall: It looks like this elevator will take us up...


Go up? ... EM Tower, Upper Level
Don't use elevator ;
EM Tower, Upper Level

Wedge: Major Biggs!
Wedge: There has been a report of a beast-like shadow on
the Upper Level of the EM
Wedge: Major Biggs!
Biggs: Be quiet! Can't you see? I'm busy!
Biggs: ... ok, this goes here... puff, puff... Why fix this piece
of junk...
Biggs: ... why... me?
Wedge: I shall go patrol, since it appears as though the
repair will take some time.
Biggs: Umm... Ok... ... This... and then...
Biggs: This goes here... ... and...
Biggs: Phew, it's finally complete...

EM Tower activation MOVIE

Squall: What are you doing?
Biggs: ? What are YOU doing here?
Biggs: Hey? What's going on with the Soldiers downstairs?
Biggs: Wedge! Take care of these kids right away!!
Biggs: W... Wedge?
Biggs: ???
Biggs: I... no longer have business at this EM Tower, so...
Biggs: I'm going home. Outta the way!
Seifer: Too bad.

(Seifer picks up Biggs's computer with his sword and throws
it away)

Biggs: ... What are you doing? How dare you do such a
Seifer: Shut up!

BATTLE: Biggs, Wedge, Elviole (Boss?)

Biggs: Be ready for it, kids!

(Wedge appears)

Wedge: Major!
Wedge: Have you finished adjusting the antenna, sir?
Wedge: Hey, enemies in a place like this?
Biggs: Where've you been?
Biggs: I'm taking away your pay for this month!
Wedge: !!! I shouldn't have come!
Biggs: Huh? What?
Wedge: Wh, whooooaaa!

(Biggs and Wedge are blown away by the wind)
(Elviole appears)

Zell: What the heck is this?

Wedge Joins:

Soldier of Dollet: You are from Squad B?
Squall: I am Squall of Squad B.
Soldier of Dollet: Where is the Squad Leader?
Soldier of Dollet: Orders for SeeD and SeeD candidates are
to withdraw at 1900 hours and
meet at the coast.
Seifer: Withdrawl?
Soldier of Dollet: I was sent here to relay the message.
Soldier of Dollet: But you know that withdrawal is the highest
priority order.
Seifer: ...
Seifer: What time must we meet?
Soldier of Dollet: Like I said! Orders for SeeD and SeeD
candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours and meet at the
Seifer: 1900 hours... only 15 minutes left...
Seifer: At the coast in 15 minutes. Let's go!
Zell: Wait!
Zell: Acting on his own again!
Zell: He... he's so selfish! I don't like it!

(15-minute limit)

Biggs: ... ...


Go down? ... to "EM Tower, Lower Level"
Don't use elevator

EM Tower, Lower Level
(Biggs does a few things with the computer)

Biggs: Those fools are the target!!!
Biggs: Go, go, go!

(Biggs falls)
(Immediately after exiting EM Tower, X-ATM092 falls from

(Number of times to fight changes depending on speed of
running, at least three times for sure)

MOVIE of escape from X-ATM092 and leaving on high-speed