
Confused about FF8? Need some info? Or mabye you want to know a little more about the game. It's here, so read on.

Game Information

SYSTEM- PlayStation and PC
MAKER- Squaresoft(duh)
RELEASE DATE(PSX)- JAPAN-2/11/99 USA-9/9/99 EURO- 11/13/99 RELEASE DATE(PC)- USA-1/25/00 JAPAN-??

Backround Story

While calm in appearance, the serenity that blankets the world is merely a curtain over the turmoil that threatens to surface...

An unprovoked attack against a neighboring country, an assault by a strike team deep into enemy territory, and a declaration of war against the world plunges a previously peaceful existence into bitterness and chaos. Thrust into the ensuing madness is a young man named Squall Leonhart, a cadet in the Garden military academy of Balamb. A lone wolf by the standards of others, Squall's relentless drive to become the best leads him into SeeD, an elite mercenary unit. His final test as a graduating cadet of SeeD is to settle the growing hostilities between the neighboring countries of Galbadia and Dollet. What was already a confusing set of events takes a turn for the worst when Galbadia begins its invasion on the rest of the world. For Squall, the turmoil of the world around him is nothing compared to the turmoil inside of him; his encounter with a free-spirited young woman named Rinoa Heartilly has turned his well-ordered universe upside down. As an intense man who thrives in the regimented discipline of the military academy, Squall finds Rinoa's carefree attitude fascinating. Yet there is no time to ponder these thoughts, for Galbadia's irrational hostility has been linked to a sorceress named Edea, a powerful magic user. The job of dealing with this new threat has fallen to Squall and the rest of SeeD. Focused on this new task, they can only ponder what the future will hold.

SeeD Test Answers Test 1: YNYYYNNYNN

Weapon Upgrade Items Locations Adamantine- Defeat an Adamantoise on Long Horn Island (the horn on the northern part of Galbadia)
Barrier- Defeat a Behemoth on Abadan Plains (Esthar)
Curse Spike- Defeat a Tri-Face (Island Closest to Heaven)
Dark Matter- Use Siren's Tool RF ability to refine 100 curse spikes into one dark matter
Dino Bone- Defeat or steal from a T-rexaur
Dragon Fang- Defeat a Blue Dragon (Island Closest to Hell)
Dragon Skin- Defeat an Anacondaur (Forest near Dollet)
Energy Crystal- Defeat Elonyle in Esthar City (talk to the man in black on one of the highways)
Force Armlet- Buy from Esthar Pet Shop
Fury Fragment- Steal from Blue Dragon (Island Closest to Hell)
Malboro Tenticle- Pretty self-explanitory, really. Kill a Malboro (Island Closest to Hell, Grandidi Forest)
Moon Stone- Defeat an Elnoyle
Pulse Ammo- Use Ifrit's Ammo-RF to refine 1 energy crystal into 10 pulse ammos
Screw- Defeat a Geezard (almost everywhere on the planet)
Sharp Spike- Defeat a Grand Mantis (Lenown Plains, Centra) Star Fragment- Steal from an Iron Giant (Abadan Plains, Esthar) Whisper- Steal from an Adamantoise (Long Horn Island, Dollet) Windmill- Defeat a Thrustalevis (Lanker Plains, Timber)

The Junction System

The Junction System is the magic system used in Final Fantasy VIII. It's a VERY complex system, something the FFVII materia system lacked. This is an overview that you may find quite helpful at the beginning of the game.

1 - Guardian Force Junction Window - 1.the window of G.F.junction After a battle, a guardian force gets ability points (AP) which augment the guardian force's power and get it to learn new abilities. Some abilties strengthen the guardian force, and others have an effect on how the character acts. By using this junction system, you can fight more advantageously.

2 - Guardian Force Menu - Here you can put a guardian force into a junction or undo it. Or, you can choose the strongest guardian force and put it into junction, as well. Using this menu you can also see what abilities the guardian force has.

3 - Help Window - Explains what the cursor is pointing at.

4 - Character Graphic - A picture of the current character.

5 - Character Experience - Current amount of EXP, EXP needed to level.

6 - Guardians In Junction - Current guardian forces equipped (in junction). Shown are Leviathan and Ifrit. You may only equip guardian forces to one character... for example, if Squall has Leviathan and Ifrit, Rinoa and Zell will not be able to use them unless you take one/both guardian forces off of Squall and re-assign them.

7 - Guardian Inventory - All guardian forces you have, for all the characters.

8 - Guardian Force EXP - The experience level of a guardian force. There are little red gauges underneath each guardian name (Leviathan and Ifrit shown here)... once the red gauge fills, the guardian will have attained max level and will be much more powerful.

9 - Character Affect Data - These fluctuate with equipped magic and guardian forces. As shown... Left column: Max HP (4000), Offensive Power (40), Defensive Power (30), Magic Power (30) Magic Defense (30). Right Column: Speed (30), Luck (12), Evasive Probability (7), Hit Probability (50).

10 - Ability Junction Window - This window is used to equip magic to your character. It becomes available after your guardian forces learn junction abilities.

11 - Magic Ability Menu - Choose a magic ability to put into junction or undo it. There is also an option called 'saikyo', this automatically selects the magic ability that will strengthen your character the most.

12 - Stocked Magic - A list of the magic you have drawn from enemies and stocked. So far, the announced spells are: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Double Magic, Protect, and 'Libra'.

13 - Character Affect Status - Character's current disabilities, from top: Poison, Instant Death, Petrified, Silence, Blindness.

14 - Available Battle Commands - The commands that can be used during battle. The number of commands available increase when guardian forces learn command abilities. Listed are Attack, Magic, Draw, and Item. Steal and Double Item are also present in FF8.

15 - Equipped Weapon - The current weapon the character is wielding. The use of the number after the weapon name is still unknown. Listed here: "Gunblade 1".

16 - Junctioned Magic - The current magic 'in junction'. You assign certain magic properties to the six junctions (Max HP, Offensive, Defensive, Magic Power, Magic Defense), for example, if Fire were in junction with Offensive, all attacks would have a fire property. If Fire were in junction with Defensive, it would enhance the character's ability to guard enemy fire attacks.

GF locations
Quezacotl- Select TUTORIAL in Squall's desk
Shiva- Select TUTORIAL in Squall's desk
Irfit- Defeat Ifrit in the Fire Cave
Siren- Draw from Evrolet in Dollet
Diablos- Before you leave to Timber, talk to Cid to get the magic lamp. Use it to fight Diablos
Brothers- Defeat Brothers in the Tomb of the Unknown King
Carbunkle- Draw from Iguon during the Sorceress Asassanation
Leviathan- Draw from Garden Master NORG in Balamb Garden's basement
Pandemonea- Draw from Fujin in Balamb Village
Cerebus- Defeat Cerebus in Galbadia Garden's Lobby
Alexander- Draw from Edea in Galbadia Garden
Odin- Defeat Odin in the Centra Ruins
Bahamut- Defeat Bahamut on Battleship Island
Eden- Drew from Ultima Weapon inside Battleship Island
Doomtrain- Combine the Solomen Ring, 6 Malboro tentacles, 2 hi potion+
Cactuar- Defeat Jumbo Cactuar on Cactuar Island
King Tonberry- Kill 20 Tonberrys to fight King Tonberry and defeat it in the Centra Ruins
MiniMog- Play the PoketStation Minigame (not avalible in America)
Chicobo- Capture your first Chocobo in FF8 to recive a Chicobo train it using the PoketStation (Japan only)
Giglamesh- (Make sure you have Odin for this one.)Fight Seifer at the end of disc 3 and Odin will become Giglamesh

Spell List

Aero------------Wind elemental attack

Apocalypse-------Most powerful spell; can only be drawn from Ultimecia

Aura------Unlock limit break skills

Berserk-------Target can't control actions and attacks automatically; strength is doubled

Bio----------Poison status attack

Blind--------Target can't successfully use physical attacks

Blizzard----------Ice elemental attack blizzara blizzaga

Break----------Target is petrified

Confuse------------Target can't control actions

Cure/Cura/Curaga------------Restores hit points

Death----------- Target dies

Demi-------------Gravity attack (causes damage equal to a quarter of target's maximum hit points)

Dispel-----------Nullify status effects (haste, reflect, and so on)

Double--------------Cast a spell twice in a single turn

Drain------------- Target loses hit points; caster gains hit points lost by target

Esuna-------------- Remove status ailments (poison, petrify, and so on)

Fire/fira/firaga-----Fire elemental attack

Flare----------- Strong fire elemental attack

Float-------------- Target flies avoids earth elemental attacks such as quake

Haste----------Double speed of target

Holy------------Holy attack

Life/full-life----------Resurrect/resurrect with full hit points

Meltdown------------Target is afflicted by vit 0; damage to target increases

Meteor------------Strong nonelemental attack, strikes all foes

Pain-----------Target is afflicted with variety of status ailments

Protect------------Reduce damage from physical attacks

Quake----------Earth elemental attack

Reflect------------Reflect spells back onto caster

Regen----------Restore hit points gradually each turn

Scan-------------Displays statistics, strengths, and weaknesses of target

Shell------------- Reduce damage from magic attacks

Silence---------- Target can't use magic

Sleep---------------Target falls asleep and can't act

Slow ------------- Half speed of target

Stop---------------Freeze speed of target

Thunder--------------Lightning based attack Thundera Thundaga

Tornado-------------Strong wind elemental attack

Triple---------- Cast a spell three times in a single turn

Ultima-----------Strongest nonelemental attack, strikes all foes

Water------------Water elemental attack

Zombie---------------Target becomes undead and is harmed by curative and fire elemental spells

WalkthroughComing in September!

Mini Games

Triple Triad- the addictive card game
HOW TO PLAY- First off, talk to the yellow shirt guy on the 2F Balamb Garden at the beginning of the game to get 7 cards. The objective of the game is to flip the other guy's cards. Each card has 4 numbers. To capture a card, you must beat the number you are facing on the opponent's card.

Sounds confusing? It's really simple. As in the example, one card has a 9 as it's westren number. it is placed beside another card with a 3 as it's eastren number. The fisrt card would win that match because 9 beats 3. This goes for the northren and southern sides, too.
RULES- Throughout the game you will travel around the world learning cultural rules. Because, you see, every nation has it's own special rules. These rules can spread to other nations if you play someone using unfimiliar rules. For example, if you challenged someone from Balamb and then went to Esthar, you would play a match using a combination of theose 2 nations' rules. After the match, Balamb's rules would spread throughout Esthar, and Balamb's rules would now also be Esthar's rules. Some rules you don't want to spread. If you don't want it spread, keep answering no to a card match challenge. Keep answering no untill you play with that nation's rules only.
The rules are as follows:
OPEN- open is when you are allowed to select which cards you will use for the match.
SAME- same is when you capture a card and the newly captured card captures another card.
SUDDEN DEATH- If the match is a tie, you will have an automatic sudden death match. The cards you captured from the previous match will now be your for that match.
RAMDOM- The dreaded rule that automatically selects the cards you will use for the match. Don't let this rule spread! PLUS- plus is when two cards have the same sum on each side. You will capture each card.
ELEMENTAL- Some monster are based on an element. So their cards would have that element on the upper right corner of their card. When that card is place on thier element on the card arena, each nember on the card increases by one. But if the card is placed on a different element, each nember will fall by one.