
Are you looking for where I get my FF8 stuff? Or mabye you've heard my wacky friends once or twice and you want to sheck out thier site but you lost the adress! AWW CRAP!!! Well, whatever. I'll have 'em here. Are you taken over by my promises yet? No? Okay, this is not the site of the year. Close, but no. Heck, if it'll please you, I'll add my FAVOR-ITE sites for you.

My new Final Fantasy X site. Already it's 3 times more sucessful and big as CFF8 was during it's first year. You owe it to yourself to check out all the rare stuff I've worked so hard to find.

This is where I get my FF8 MIDI and fanart. I also love this site for it's amazing humor!!! Read the letters section and I promise you will laugh at least once.

Final Fantasy Net
This is where I get everything else that's FF8 related on my site. This is THE place for Final Fantasy fans. It even has Chrono Trigger!!

XP-Extended Play
This is Gandalf's official map site for Starcraft, Warcraft 2 and Heroes 3 maps! 

Cloud and Sephiroth's FF7 Site
He had a link to my site on his, so I decided to return the favor and put a link to his site. It's an FF7 site, as the name may tell you. With lots of comedy and stuff so it's not bland.

Cluelex's World
Yet another site o mine. A crappy personal site which I havn't really put much effort into. Oh well.

Cluelex's Final Fantasy IX Site
The sequel to CFF8. A whole lot flashier, but not as laoded full of stuff like CFF8 yet.....It never will be either. Cause it's DOWN!

Cyber Hippy Vision
THE site for games. There is nothing better than this. Everyhting is multimedia. All reviews, looks at import games, everthing is straming video. They have all these awesome topics like S*@T Talks where 2 of the webmasters play a new game and just talk about stuff. This site has so many videos and stuff, it's amazing. One drawback. If you want to enjoy this site, YOU NEED A FAST CONNECTION!!!! Nothing below 56K.

Ruthless2 Fanfics
A fanfic site made by Cobra that has stories from friends and soon, other people. I've added a few too.

Planet Vulcan
The site of the VulcanMaster. It's somewhat FF7 related, but it's slowly leaving it's original roots. It's now a capital site for fan fiction. Also, it's a personal site. But not as much as Gandalf's. This site is down forever, but I'm keeping it here cause it was a cool site, and this is the very last shred of it's evidence of existance.

The Video Game Music Archive
A mind-boggingly huge archive of MIDIs, MP3 and digital music for every video game that was ever made. I'm not kidding!! They even have the bouncing ball sound of Pong!! This is a musical gamer's PARADISE!!!!

A really good source of PlayStation news with codes, reviews, and previews. As well as others things.

The exact same as the above site, only for the N64!