FF8 Screenshots

Squall and Quistis battle
The monster card menu
Squall talking to some girls
Gotta love them arcitects...
In a hallway
Balamb Garden Network
Goin' to the library
Squall lets off some steam on a monster
Squall is insomiac
Chilln' in the Quad
At the train station..
The Fire Cave test
Fighting in the Fire Cave
More fighting in the Fire Cave
The American FF8 cover
The American FF8 back cover
Coming to a toy store near you
Aw, shut up
Summoning Ifrit
Summoning Quetsaquotl
Garden rules the night
What strange names...
Laguna battle
More Laguna battle
Public enemy #1
A surefire classic quote
Uh oh..(Sortta spoiler)
Shiva dishes out
Ten hut
FF8's first line
Quistis braggs about herself
Look at that thing! Geez!
The load screen.. whee.
Title screen. Look familiar?