
07/02/01- D'oh! It's All Over...

- I looks like those PS2 versions of FF 7, 8 and 9 won't be happening. There's no more FF8 news anymore, now. Also I've added another link to the Links section. My FFX site! IT RULZS!!! So...it looks like this will be CFF8's final update. The legasy is over......
I have CFFX to work on!

01/22/01- CFFVIII Reborn!

- News today states that the 3 PlayStation Final Fantasys are being remade for the PlayStation 2. Having heard of this news, I think I'll start updating CFF8, with screens and info of the PS2 FF8. When it releaces, I'll have a review and other stuff. So look forward to it!

12/20/00- The Guilt Trick

- I put in a new link today because the webmaster made me feel guilty. So go there, and be happy.

12/7/00- New Links!

- The Links section was a little out-of-date, so I got rid of a few dead sites and added some brand-new ones. Be a dear and check it out, would you?

12/5/00- It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Again....

- It's a little earlier than last year, but that's okay. I sat up the main page to look all Christmas-like. I'm really bored sitting here in school, so I decided to pass that time doing this. Oh well. Merry Christmas.

12/01/00- I'm Baaaaaack......

- December 1st, 2000. OH MY GOD!!!!!!! I found out why the main page wasn't coming up....I forgot a little slash. A LITTLE SLASH. The whole thing was invisible because I forgot to type in a little slash. Anyway, I guess I'll have to restart stuff on this page. YAHOO!

05/04/00- A Special Announcement

- May 12th, 1999. A day very important to this site. The day it was created. May 12th 2000. One year later. Cluelex's Final Fantasy VIII Site, (now refered to as CFF8) is a thriving, sucess ranking im with more than 1000 hits. Come join me as I celebrate my first site's birthday. May 12th.

02/26/00-Tons of new Info and Secrets!

- I've added a ton of new and helpful stuff to my secrets and information pages. Like SeeD test answers, weapon upgrade items and more!

01/29/00- Final Fantasy IX, X and XI Reveiled!!

- The first details from the Square Millennium conference in Yokohama Japan have just come in. Square has officially announced not just one Final Fantasy game but three. The focus of the show was the online capability of the PlayStation 2 and the future of the Final Fantasy series. Final Fantasy IX was officially announced for the PSX and Final Fantasy X and XI for the PS2.

Final Fantasy IX was the biggest thing everyone was looking forward to at the show and it comes as little suprise that it was on of the mystery titles. The next installment in Square's RPG wonder series will be released summer 2000 in Japan and take a step back in the style of the series. Several scenes of FMV we're also shown from the game displaying scenes of many airships and cartoon like characters. Reveiled also we're a black mage, a dragon, and some type of character with a cheetah like tail. A welcome addition is the ability to have four characters in a party at once instead of the now standard three from Final Fantasy VII and VIII. The game looks to use a traditional Final Fantasy interface with bars for HP, MP and time all shown in the footage at the event.

Also on display at the show were two Final Fantasy games for the upcoming PlayStation 2 console which will feature online play. Final Fantasy X (10) will give players the option of playing a single-player game or an online game. The video shown was described as very realistic and "the Shen Mue of PS2". The video included a scene with a character running through a green valley and into a building. A slogan shown for the title was "The Journey Home".

Final Fantasy XI (11) was also announced and will be an online only title, and was labeled as "Online Another World". little details we're given other than that.

01/17/00- MIDIs an' Stuff

- Some of the stuff I wrote in the secrets section was a little off, so I fixed it up. There's a new MIDI up, too.

01/10/00- Sections by Request

- I've been getting some requests for some new sections on my site. Both of these are still a little under construction, but thier developed enough to post. Without further ado, the Secrets and Links sections!

01/01/00- Happy New Year!

- Heeeeey! Happy new year! No, happy new CENTURY!!!!! Anyways, Y2K was a complete joke.Years form now, humans will look back at this and turn red with embarassment. It's not everyday the world is corrupt by fear for nothing. Anyway, I might make a makeover for the site. Mabye. If I do, This site'll be down for a while. Well, may all or problems be forgot. I'll leave you to your parties n' stuff.

12/24/99- An Early Christmas Present for U

- I managed to dig up yet another MIDI just before Christmas for you. Marry Christmas in advance, everyone.

12/21/99- New Guestbook

- I have a brand new Guestbook that I am able to use, now. But, it's still a little under construction, so you can't view it right away. I left to old ther for the good ol' memories it'll bring back to ya.

12/16/99- It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas..

- Well, Christmas is around the corner. Since my exams are on the brink of ending, I'm feeling profitable er, charitable. So I took the time to purdy up the site for the Holidays! ^_^

12/1/99- Chat Sessions Set Up

- Since if I don't do this, Cafe Cluelex will end up as another Guestbook. So, I have set up chat sessions where I will be at chat ready to talk to whoever comes.

11/30/99- Cafe Cluelex

- Since the recent high amount of conversation between my friends at my Guestbook, I've decided to add a chat page to my site. You'll need to register, first.

11/27/99- New Project

- The site's been pretty slow latly, so I started an new project to get it going. I have made a special Fanart section which will be updated at regular intervals.

11/12/99- Media Update

- It's time for a measly update! YEAH!!!! I added 1, yes 1 new MIDI today. So, let's all rejoice!

11/10/99- Do U Wanna Laugh?

- I have a new site in my About Me section. Visit it. It's halarious. (But some of the content won't make sense if you wern't there to see it.) or just click here to go right to it, lazy boy.

10/28/99- Atlas Added

- I made an atlas with a world map, locations, and info on all the towns. (Spoilers)

10/12/99- Info Update!

- I'm carrying on with the info page now that's it all over, So far, I have the GF locations and a guide to Triple Triad. The other stuff will follow when I get my STRADEGY GUIDE!!