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->A Band Called Hanson<-

Basic info

Full Name: Zachary Walker Hanson

Birthday: October 22, 1985 [13]

Hair: Dirty Blonde

Eyes: Brown

Hobbies: Drawing, sports, rollerblading, and the drums.

Favorite Color: Blue

Fav. Ice Cream : Chocolate

Worst Habit: Banging on everything

Loves to.. Draw and ride dirtbikes!

Zac is known for his wacky tendencies, but theres also a mature side to Zac. Especially when discussing their music. Zac is a Libra. But like his brothers.. don't really believe in the astrolagy thing. Zac is also a very talented songwriter. For example he wrote the awesome song "Man From Milwaukee." Some of Zac's favorite foods are Hot dogs, hamburgers, and lasagna. Although he says his most important food group is "Twinkies and Ding Dongs"!