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Pickin' On Aerosmith: A Bluegrass Tribute

Same Old Song and Dance (Tyler/Perry)
Train Kept A Rollin' (Bradshaw/Kay/Douglas/Johansen)
Cryin' (Tyler/Perry/Rhodes)
Mama Kin (Tyler)
One Way Street (Tyler)
Back In The Saddle (Tyler/Perry)
Sweet Emotion (Tyler/Hamilton)
Rag Doll (Tyler/Perry/Vallance/Knight)
Last Child (Tyler/Whitford)
Rats In The Cellar (Tyler/Perry)
Dream On (Tyler)
Dude (Looks Like A Lady) (Tyler/Perry/Child)
What is this, some kind of joke? Okay, now I am an Aerosmith fan. Correction, I am a HUGE Aerosmith fan. I usually buy up anything with Aerosmith's name on it (even that lame tribute album, Not The Same Old Song and Dance), but this is where I draw the line (no pun intended). I mean, it takes a serious effort to even take this album seriously. A BLUEGRASS tribute to a hard rock band? Please. Van Halen 3 was less of a joke than this. The only song that even sounds remotely close to the original is Same Old Song and Dance. The other songs, particularly Cryin' and Train have been so horribly slaughtered by these country posers that they are nearly the exact opposite of the original compositions. Now, I believe that covers should offer something new and different from the originals, but this is just plain pathetic. Sad, that's what it is. When good songs like this are taken and ruined this badly it just makes this Aero fan mad beyond belief. Truly disgusting. I wouldn't touch this one with a 10 foot pole. Avoid at all costs.
Other Information:
Released: 2000
VoodooLord7's Webpage