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Chapter Ten

The New Mexico sun was dipping below the horizon.

Isaac had driven around for most of the day after he had left the courthouse. He had returned to the hotel and changed from his suit into a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. He had called his family to let them know what had happened, but after that he found himself strangely keyed up and unable to sit in the hotel.

As the sun began to set and the desert sky turned vibrant shades of red and orange, Isaac decided he had to go talk to Taryn. He drove to her house and found her sitting on her front porch steps drinking a beer out of a green bottle. She was dressed in a large “I Love NY” t-shirt and black leggings, and her hair was half pulled back in a barrette. She looked very small and very vulnerable.

Isaac got out of his car and approached Taryn. “Hey,” he said softly.

Taryn took a long drink and refused to meet Isaac’s gaze. “Hey,” she said.

Isaac sat down beside Taryn on the steps. “I wanted us to talk about what happened,” he said.

“Why?” Taryn asked, looking at the ground. “I thought our lawyers said all that needed to be said. I thought you wanted to cut out the middle man and just communicate through attorneys.”

Isaac sighed. “You know that’s not what this was about, Taryn,” he said. “You know I’d never not want for us to be talking.”

“I just can’t believe we’ve come to this,” Taryn said. “We were so close. I mean, above everything else even, I thought we were friends.”

Isaac nodded. “So did I,” he said gently. “But you really need to put yourself in my shoes. If we were such great friends, you would have told me about the baby. We did that together, Taryn. I should have known about it right from the start.”

Isaac traced a pattern in the dirt at the bottom of the stairs with the toe of his sneaker. “When did you find out you were pregnant?” he asked. “Was that what was making you sick that morning I left for Tulsa and you thought you had the flu?”

Taryn nodded. “I went to the doctor that day,” she said. “It was a complete shock. I had no idea. I just didn’t feel pregnant. With Iris, I knew right away.”

“Where are the kids?” Isaac asked

“Staying over with Lindsey,” Taryn said. “I figured today would be rough, so I just decided to spend tonight alone.”

Isaac grinned. “Do you want me to leave?”

Taryn finally turned to look at Isaac. “I should,” she said. “But the funny thing is, Isaac, the minute I look at you all I want is for you to stay. I know things can’t be like they were, but I can’t tell you how much I want that.”

Isaac propped his elbows on his knees and put his head on his hands. “So what have you been doing in the past year besides writing and having babies?” he asked nonchalantly.

Taryn smiled. “You mean have I been dating?” she asked.

Isaac blushed. “I guess that’s what I mean, yeah.”

“Cam and Lindsey have been trying to set me up since about the month after Clara was born,” Taryn said. “I just can’t get into it. I’d rather be home with the girls. I guess I’m just getting too old.”

Isaac smiled. “You’re a lot of things, Taryn, but you’ll never be old.”

“What about you?” Taryn asked, unable to keep her curiosity in check. “Been out with anyone interesting since we last spoke?”

Isaac shook his head. “One disastrous first and/or blind date after another,” he said. “Nice girls, a lot of them. But no one special. It always came back to that ‘You’re a really nice girl, but I’m still kind of hung up on someone else’ thing. Besides, I think I’m a lot to handle.”

Taryn laughed. “That you are,” she said.

Taryn and Isaac sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the bright orange sun disappear.

“Taryn?” Isaac asked quietly.


“Would you be terribly offended if I gave you a hug?”

Taryn smiled gently. “No,” she said.

Isaac moved toward Taryn and drew her to him. He laid his head on top of hers and closed his eyes, remembering when they had been so close. He wondered to himself if it was just plain too late. He loved her; possibly more now than he had before. He knew that she loved him, too. He could feel it between them every single time they were together. Their love for one another was more than just an emotion, it was almost a tangible thing. He wanted to get over being afraid of her.

“I want you to know that saying the things I said to you the last time I was here hurt me, too,” Isaac admitted. “I’m just so impulsive that sometimes things come out of me before I know what I’m doing. And the court thing today … I didn’t want to make you look or feel bad. I just wanted to protect my interests. That’s all. I swear. This is not about getting back at you. I told you a long time ago that I’d never hurt you on purpose, and I meant it.”

Taryn drew back and took Isaac’s hand. “Have you had dinner?” she asked.

Isaac shook his head. “No.”

“I have a couple of steaks thawed in the fridge,” Taryn offered. “I was just going to grill one, but I could throw on the other if you wanted to stay.”

Isaac’s heart jumped. He didn’t know if it was a good idea for him to be alone with Taryn. It left too many possibilities open. His brain was screaming Don’t be a fool! Go back to the hotel!

“Sure,” he heard himself saying. “That would be great.”

Chapter Eleven
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