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Chapter 17

Isaac’s evening in charge went off without a hitch.

Clara was asleep by nine o’clock, and Isaac sat and watched “West Side Story” with Iris, Taylor and Zac after she was in bed.

Iris and Zac went to their rooms right after the movie, and Taylor stayed up with Isaac to watch the late news. Isaac was trying not to be obvious about looking at the clock, but Taylor knew exactly what was going on.

“You want the other bed in the guest room tonight?” Taylor offered. “I could take the couch.”

Isaac shook his head. “No, man that’s fine,” Isaac said. “You go ahead. I still have to take a shower before I turn in.”

Taylor stifled a yawn. “Are you going to be alright if I go to bed?”

Isaac cocked his head at his brother. “You don’t have to hide the pills and weapons, Tay,” he said. “I’ll be okay.”

Taylor rose. “If you’re sure,” he said.

“I’m sure.”

“Good night, then,” Taylor said.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” Isaac said. “Get a good night’s sleep.”

“What time does our plane leave again?” Taylor asked.

“Not until four in the afternoon,” Isaac replied.

“Oh, good,” Taylor said. “I can sleep in if I want to.”

Isaac sat up for a few minutes after Taylor left. He looked at the clock. It was 11:45. Where was she?

Isaac rose from the couch and trudged down the hall to take a shower. When he was done, he curled up under a blanket on the couch, where he fell asleep.


Taryn tiptoed into the house at 12:30. A thunderstorm was starting, and she was glad she had gotten home before the downpour began.

The evening had been mundanely boring. Kyle was a self-absorbed twit, and she was more than happy when he hadn’t asked when he could see her again.

Taryn stopped in the living room doorway and gazed at Isaac. She had always loved the way he looked while he slept. She had loved him in general for a long time.

Taryn sighed. It was never going to be the same. The hardest thing for her to handle was that it was her fault, and she could have prevented things from going bad.

Taryn made her way to her bedroom. She went into her adjoining bath, where she brushed her teeth and washed her face before she changed into her cotton t-shirt and shorts. She looked out the window, where the thunderstorm was in full swing. The lightning was so strong it looked like daylight when it flashed, and the thunder rolled with terrific booms.

Taryn suddenly realized that Iris hadn’t come into her room. The girl was scared to death of thunderstorms. They always woke her up and she always ended up in bed with her mother.

Taryn walked quietly to the doorway of Iris’ room. Her bed was empty.

She walked to the nursery, where Clara was sleeping soundly in her crib.

Taryn went to the guestroom, and pushed the door, which was slightly ajar, open quietly.

Zac snored softly in one bed, while Iris slept in the other. Taylor was on the floor next to the bed where Iris slept, covered with blankets from the hallway linen closet.

Taryn smiled and closed the door, then tiptoed back to her own bedroom.

Isaac had woken up shortly after the storm started. He lay awake on the couch, and listened as Taryn checked all the bedrooms and returned to her own. There was still light seeping from under her bedroom door, so Isaac guessed that she hadn’t gone to sleep.

Isaac put his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling as the lightning intermittently lit up the living room.

Maybe I should go talk to her, he thought to himself. He pushed the thought away. About what? It was all pretty obvious. She was moving on.

Isaac turned onto his side and watched the storm through the big living room window. A huge clap of thunder rattled the glass.

Maybe Taylor’s right, he thought. Maybe I should try to be nicer to her. Maybe we can work things out. Maybe I should just find out where her head is at.

Before he could talk himself out of it, Isaac wrapped his blanket around himself and rose from the couch. He walked slowly toward Taryn’s bedroom. Once there, he took and deep breath and tapped on the door.

Chapter Eighteen
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