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Chapter 20

Taylor was the first to wake up on Sunday morning.

He was passing Clara’s nursery and noticed that she was awake, so he went in and greeted her. “Good morning, sunshine!” he said, as he lifted her out of her crib.

Clara cooed happily. Taylor changed her diaper and carried her out of the nursery.

He stopped short at the living room doorway. The couch hadn’t been pulled out.

“Holy cow, Clara,” he said softly. “Do you think it could possibly be?”

Unable to stand not knowing, Taylor walked softly down the hallway to Taryn’s bedroom. The door wasn’t shut all the way, so he pushed it open just a little further.

Isaac was lying in the bed, one leg outside the covers. His arm was around Taryn, whose head rested on his chest. They were both sound asleep.

Taylor backed quietly away from Taryn’s bedroom door and hugged Clara tightly to his chest.

“Wow,” he whispered. “This is so very major.”

Taylor walked out to the kitchen and strapped Clara into her high chair. He gave her a bottle and set about making her cereal.

Not long after, Isaac appeared in the kitchen.

“You dog,” Taylor said.

Isaac grinned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked innocently.

Taylor pulled a chair up to Clara’s high chair and prepared to feed her. “I know where you slept last night,” he replied.

Isaac blushed and sat down in a chair next to his brother. “Don’t read too much into it, Tay.”

Taylor stirred the cereal and tested it on the tip of his tongue. He looked thoughtful, dipped the spoon in again and held it out to Isaac. “Do you think this is too hot?” he asked.

Isaac touched his tongue to the spoon. “Maybe,” he said. “Stir a little milk into it.”

Taylor unscrewed the nipple from Clara’s bottle and dribbled some formula into her cereal. “What should I read into it?” he asked.

“I’m not sure what it meant myself,” Isaac admitted. “But it sure was nice to wake up next to her again.”

“Is she up?” Taylor asked.

Isaac nodded. “She’s in the shower,” he said.

“So you’re telling me that it could have meant nothing to you?” Taylor asked.

“No, I’m not saying that at all,” Isaac said. “I know it meant something. But whether that something was just last night or what I’m not sure.”

Taryn entered the kitchen. “Taylor, you could have gotten me up,” she said. “I would have taken care of Clara.”

Taylor grinned. “I didn’t want to disturb you,” he said knowingly.

Taryn blushed. “Oh,” she said. “Well, thanks.”

Taryn pulled out three juice glasses and poured orange juice. She handed one to Isaac and set one down in front of Taylor. “So what time are you guys heading out?” she asked.

“We have to be at the airport by three,” Isaac said.

Taryn nodded. “Well, at least we can all have breakfast together. Oh, and Taylor, I meant to thank you for giving up your bed for Iris. That was really sweet of you.”

Taylor smiled. “She was pretty freaked out,” he said. “You weren’t home yet and I didn’t want her to be scared.”

Isaac rose and stood next to Taryn. They exchanged a shy glance “What can I do to help with breakfast?” he asked.

“Hmmm,” Taryn said. “You could either start the bacon or get Iris and Zac out of bed.”

“I’m no fool,” Isaac said. “I’ll take the bacon.”

The day went by quickly, and soon the cab that would take the Hansons to the airport was outside Taryn’s house honking.

“Okay, are you guys sure you have everything?” Taryn asked.

“I think so,” Isaac said. He turned to Taryn. “Let me have a few days to sort things out,” he said quietly. “I’ll call you.”

Taryn, who was holding Clara, nodded understandingly. “You were very upfront with me,” she said. “You said you can’t make promises, and I respect that. You take all the time you need.”

Everyone exchanged hugs, and as the cab driver honked the horn again Isaac planted one last kiss on top of Clara’s head. “Bye for now, baby brown eyes,” he said. “Daddy loves you.”

Isaac and Taryn’s eyes met, and on impulse Isaac kissed her quickly on the mouth as Iris, Taylor and Zac gaped. “We’ll talk soon,” he said.

Taryn smiled. “I hope so,” she said. “Have a good flight.”

Chapter Twenty-One
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