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Wartime Collectables 1940 - 1945

States of Jersey - Issued Gas Mask, all the children and most adults, in Jersey were issued with gas masks, this although over 60 years old has weathered well, but now rubber has perished in places. Still in the original box, which has 'Property of the States of Jersey' printed on top of box.

Guernsey Daily and Evening Newspapers 1940 - 1945. Although these were local Guernsey productions there was heavy editing by German Liason, together with the choosing of content and news articles. There is obviously a heavy slant towards the German armed forces. However, there were still some amusing ficticious news stories, aimed at local and notorious German Leaders, which were overlooked by the censor.

Guernsey Evening Press
29th May 1941
Evening Press carries the report of the sinking of the Bismarck, lots of local information and notices, with a large section of small ads.
£5.50 $8.50
3rd June 1941
Article about conditions in Holland. Account of the sinking of the Zam-Zam - Account of German Victory against British forces in Crete.
£5.50 $8.50
7th May 1941
Basra surronded by Iraqis - Social misery in England - Heavy British losses in North africa - New Croat State - English farms abandoned.
£5.50 $8.50
14th August 1941
Account of German successes on the Eastern Front, many smaller editorials on various news snippets supplied by the German propaganda machine.
£5.00 $7.80
25th August 1941
100,000 Russian prisoners taken - USA wages and price rises, endless chain - English invasion of Italy fable -
£5.50 $8.50
7th July 1944
A major report on 'German Troops Counter-Attack in Cherbourg Penninsula' - Interesting leader 'If Germany lost the War' - 'Foreign workers in the reich'
£6.00 $9.25
23rd October 1943
A major report on 'German troops in Holland hold Allies after weeks of Hard fighting' -
£6.00 $9.25
15th November 1943
Article regarding William Joyce (Broadcaster from Germany). 'Grave situation in India' - Convoy losses revealed at TUC - Japanese Victories against US naval ships off Solomon Islands,
£5.50 $8.50
Guernsey - The Star (Daily Newspaper)
6th May 1941
A major report on 'The Fuehrer before the Reichstag: Origin and Development of the Balkan War' -
£6.00 $9.25
30th September 1943
An account of Soviet losses, - 'Finland must not Fall' - 'Immense strength of tripartite powers -
£6.00 $9.25

Coins Banknotes and Collectables

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Guernsey Folded Letter and Invoices

An interesting folded letter invitation to AGM from the 'United Club' - many postal items were in this form, as envelopes were in very short supply. £6.00 $9.25

A receipt for payment of account - folded postal invoice. £6.00 $9.25

Stamps - Site Map (please note some of the pages shown here have 2-3 pages)
Stamps - Website Front Cover - Stamps Home Page - Occupation Stamps - Occupation Covers - Chan Island Flaws & Varieties - Mixtures & Kiloware - Postage Due Covers - Feldpost - Postal History - Maxicards - Sale & Special Offers - Chan. Island & Selected Worldwide Collections - Collectors Ad. Pages - Stamps of Herm, Jethou, Brechou and Sark Etc. - Chan Island 1920's Postcards - Terms and Payment Option Help Page - Email
£ price listings
- Jersey Price List - Guernsey Price List - Isle of Man Price List - Alderney Price List
US$ price listing - Jersey Price List - Guernsey Price List - Isle of Man Price List - Alderney Price List