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Barney vs. Pokemon

Ha! I've UPDATED!!!

Barney vs. Pokemon

(I guess a sense of direction is not part of Ash's instincts. Now they are lost *again* in a very eerie town.)

Misty: Ash? Where are we?

Ash: Gee, Misty. If you think I knew wouldn't I know how to get out of here?

Misty: Actually.....NO!

Brock: Oh, come on you two. Stop bickering!

Pikachu: Pika! Pi Pikachu!(Yeah! Shut up already!)

Ash and Misty: He/she started it! No I didn't! You did!

(Both Brock and Pikachu get those big sweatdrops on their heads. Suddenly, a young girl, around 13, runs down the street. Ash and Misty stop fighting.)

Ash:(pointing to the girl) Hey, maybe she can tell us where we are!

Misty: Yeah! And if there's a restaurant nearby!

(Ash and Co. follow the girl to a small little school. When the girl stops, Ash and Co. fall to the ground, out of breath from running after her. After they begin to breathe normally again, they hide behind a bush and spy on her and 2 other kids*younger than the 13 year-old* playing with each other.)

Boy: Hey, Molly! Glad you could make it!

Molly: Hi, Max! Hi, Chad! What are you doing?

Chad: We're make-believing we're astronauts!

Molly: That's sound like fun. Can I play?

Max: Sure! Just grab a box and join the fun!

(Molly grabs a box wih a hole for seeing through and puts it on her head, then the 3 friend pretend they're flying around in a spaceship. Pretty soon, a song breaks out. Ash, Misty and Pikachu are puzzled.)

Ash: What are they doing??

Misty: They seem to be...pretending and singing.

Pikachu:(plugging its ears) Pika-pi! Pika-pi!(Make it stop! Make it stop!)

Ash: Hey, wait a sec. Where's Brock??

(After Molly, Max, and Chad are done singing and dancing, Brock gets up from his hiding place and walks up to them.)


Brock: Hello. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I couldn't help but notice your name. It's Molly, right? My name is Brock, and it's a pleasure meeting you. Say, I'm not busy tonight. Wanna go out on a date? We can talk about, oh say, life, food, pokemon...

Molly:(confused) Pokemon?? What's a pokemon??

(When Ash heard that stupid remark, he too got out of his hiding spot. Misty, without thinking, chased after him, along with Pikachu.)

Ash: "What's a pokemon?"? Geez, how dense can you people be?!

Brock: Ash! Show this lovely young girl some respect!

(Both Max and Chad hide behind Molly.)

Max: Molly? Who are these mean and nasty people?

Molly: I don't know, Max, but I don't think we're supposed to talk to them. They're strangers, and Barney told us never to talk to them.

Misty: Hey, who you calling mean and nasty? I'll show you mean and nasty, you little turd!

Brock: Uh...might I ask who Barney is?

Chad: He's our friend. He's a big purple dinosaur who loves everyone!

Misty:(skeptical)A big purple dinosaur? I don't see any big purple dinosaur.

(Chad points to a little purple dinosaur doll. All of a sudden, it turns into a giant living, breathing dinosaur. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu scream. Molly, Max, and Chad hug the strange creature.)

Molly, Max, and Chad: Barney!!

Pikachu: Pi...Pika Pika chu??!!(What...what the hell is that??!!)

Barney: Hu-yuck! Hello, my friends! How are you today?

Molly: We're okay. How are you, Barney?

Barney: Me? Oh, I'm feeling super-deduper!(goofy laughing)

Misty: Ash? What IS that thing?

Ash: I don't know. I'll get Dexter to tell me.(takes out pokedex)

Dexter: Pokemon not identified. Pokemon not identified.

Ash: Huh? Hmm...maybe it's a rare species that hasn't been found yet. Oh boy! I'm gonna catch it! Pokeball, go!

(Ash does the hat thing, then throws the pokeball. Unfortunately, when it hits Barney, it just leaves a dent and bounces back, hitting Brock in the head and making him fall. After the dent oddly disappears, Barney waddles in the direction of Ash, Misty, and Pikachu.)

Barney: Hu-yuck! Are these our new friends?

Molly: I don't know. They just followed here. I'm not talking to them, though; they might be bad people.

Ash:(a little freaked out) We're not bad people. We're pokemon trainers. I'm Ash, and this Misty, and my pokemon, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pika-pi-pi-chu!(Just keep that freakin' overgrown piece of purple crap away from me!)

Barney: What did it say?

Ash: Oh...uh, Pikachu said it was very glad to meet you and your friends.

Barney: Aw...isn't that sweet?

Pikachu: Pikachu pi-pi-Pika pi-chu.(Yeah, well not as sweet as your stupid and pathetic candy ass.)

Barney: Well, now that you're no longer strangers, care to join us for lunch?

Ash: Well, we really should be going, so if you can just tell how to get to...

Misty: Of course, we'll stay for lunch!

Barney: Hooray! That is super-de-duper! Come on, let's give our new friends a very special Barney treat!(goofy laughter)

(Barney hops inside the tiny school, of course, he falls down on the concrete, but his response of pain is just a mere round of mindless giggles. Molly walks up to Brock and helps him up.)

Molly: Are you okay?

Brock: I am now.

(Brock and Molly both walk inside together. Only Ash and Misty are outside now, and Ash is pretty mad,)

Ash: Misty, why did you say that we'd stay?? These people are complete lunatics! And Brock isn't making matters any better!

Misty: Look, I don't like that purple dino either, but we might as well eat now before ditching this popstand! Who knows when we'll make it to the next town!

Ash:(sighs) Okay. But as soon as lunch is over, we're gone. I can't stand to stay another minute in this hellhole.

Misty: There's the Ash I know! Let's go!

(So, finally Ash and Misty go inside for their "very special Barney treat", which appeared to be a restaurant setting with what appeared to be waiters, one larger and more purple that the rest. Ash sat down by Misty, who sat by Brock, who was anticipating on the waiter to be Molly, but it was Barney instead.)

Barney: Welcome to Les' Barney's Restaurant. May I take your order?

Misty:(reading menu) Um...let's see....hey, all this food is HEATHLY crap! I want some REAL food!

Molly: But Misty, healthy food IS real food, only it makes you stronger when you eat it.

Brock: Well, since YOU say it's good, Molly, I will have a ham sandwich with carrot sticks and a fruit juice, please.

Ash: I'll have the same. And Pikachu will have ketchup.

Pikachu: Pikachu!!!(I want ketchup!!!)

Misty: I'll have an apple, I guess.

Barney: Okay. One super-de-duper healthy snack coming up!(goofy laughter)

Chad:(singing) Oh, a healthy snack is good for me, it makes be big and strong...

Max:(singing) And when I grow up up I know I'll live very, very, very, very, long....

Pikachu: Pika-Pika-pi chu.(God, they're singing again.)

(As they are singing*in which even Brock joins in on!*Molly serves them their lunch, which is when Misty discovered somethingg wrong.)

Misty: Stop the freakin' music! This food ain't real!

(Pikachu tries to open a ketchup bottle, but apparently, it's fake. Pikachu gets mad. And pounds its little paws on the table )

Pikachu: Pi Pi Pi!(Damn damn damn!)

Max: We're pretending.

Ash: Pretending?! But you said the food was real!

Molly: Actually, we said that health food was real food. We never said that the food were was using was real, silly.

Barney: Isn't pretending fun?

Misty: Lookie, here, children of corn and you purple trash, the only reason I was gonna stay was to get some friggin' food in my friggin' stomach! Now, where's the damn chow?!

Pikachu: Pika!(Yeah!)

(Barney, Molly, Chad, Max, and Brock gasp.)

Chad: She said the "d" word!

Brock: Misty, watch your language! There are little kids present!

Misty: Oh, so the little yellow rat can swear but I can't,is that right?

Ash: Well, unlike you, Misty, they can't understand Pikachu that well!

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pika Pika Pi Pi Pika chu!(And you're darn lucky you can't you little....)

Ash: Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika pi.(Sorry, Ash.)

Ash: Look, I apologize for my friends' beahvior. They're really just impossible to take anywhere. I guess we should leave. Come on, guys.

Brock: Uh...Ash? You can go without me.

Ash: Huh?

Brock: I wanna stay with Molly.

Ash: Wha..?

Misty: All right! That's it! I quit!

Ash: You quit? You can't quit! You've got nothing to quit on!

Misty: Yes, I do! I'm quitting this stupid story! It doesn't make any sense!

Ash: You're not making any sense! You can't quit just halfway through the story! Not unless you die, or something.

Misty: Fine, then. I'm dead.

Ash: That's not dying! You have to do something that could kill you!

Misty: Don't you listen to the news? A lot of kids got siezures from watching this show in Japan. So, since I live in this show, I claim that I instantly have a siezure and die.

Ash:(speechless)'s not fair!!

Misty: Tough cookies! I'm outta here!

Barney: You know, quitters never get what they want, hu-yuck!

Misty: Shut up, asshole!

(And so, Misty "dies" from a sudden siezure.)

Ash: Oh, great. How can we continue the story without a main female actress?

Brock: Pikachu might be a girl.

Pikachu: Pika chu.(Fat chance.)

(Hmm...I'll have to find another female actress, but for now, on with the story! So, anyways, while Brock was having the time fo his life with Molly and Ash was trying to get him so they could leave, an explosion went off. Everyone fell down, and Barney fell on Ash.)

Max: Look! Ash broke Barney's fall!

Ash: OW! My god, he's crushing me!! Pikachu, help me!

Pikachu: Pi!(Gladly!)

(But before it could shock Barney off of him, he got up and dusted off Ash, then hugged him.)

Barney: Aw, thank you, Ash. You truly are my friend!(goofy laughter)

Ash: Please don't hug me.

Voice #1: Prepare for trouble!

Voice: #2: Make it double!

Voice #1: To protect the world from devastation,

Voice #2: To unite...Jessie, why don't we just get to the point?

Jessie: Okay. We're Team Rocket and we want rare pokemon! So hand over the Pikachu!

James: Don't make us have to fight for it again! We always fight, and we always lose!

Meowth:(sadly) Meowth, that's right.

Ash: Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not giving up...

James: Oh, look! Food!

(I interrupt this fanfic to give out an announcenment. *squeals* James is SOOOO hot! Ahem, we now return to our regularly scheduled fanfic. So, James was instantly lovestruck when he laid eyes on the food*which of course, was fake, but they didn't know that*. Jesse and Meowth sooned joined in.)

Meowth: It's any beggar's dream meal!

James: Beggar? Hmph! I'm no beggar! I only beg for foo....oh, crap.

Ash: Guys, I wouldn't do that if I were you....

Meowth: Well, you're NOT us! Now get lost!

(Meowth scratched Ash in the face and Ash screamed. Team Rocket immmediately took the biggest pieces of food there and dove right in. A second later, a different reaction was heard.)

James:(screams) It's too hard! That food is stale!

Meowth:(sobby-eyed)Ahh! I chipped my tooth!(crying)

Jesse: You idiots! This food is obviously NOT REAL!

Molly: That's right; it's pretend food!

Jessie: Hmm?(looks at Molly)You there! You look old enough to have pokemon...

Brock: Leave her alone! She doesn't know what pokemon is!

Jessie: You don't?

(Molly shakes her head)

Meowth: That's a freakin' lie! Anyone who's anyone knows what pokemon are! I say we scratch her up and steal her most valuable ones!

James: You have to have at least one, little girl. You know, they're sometimes big, soemtimes small....a man't best friend?

Molly:(snaps fingers)Oh, I have a best friend like that!

Max and Chad: Yeah! Barney is our best friend!

James: BARNEY?!

Jessie: Don't toy with us, kid. Barney isn't real!

Molly: Turn around and see for yourself!

(Team Rocket and see that they're right up to Barney. Jesse and Meowth get out of his way, but manages to hug James. James, for some reason, seems very disgruntled from it.)

Barney! Wow! Even more friends to play with! This is one super de-duper day!

James: Lemme go, you purple bastard! Lemme go, for the love of God, PLEASE!!!

Meowth: Geez, James. Calm down. What could be so terrifying about him?

James: When I was just a lad, my parents made me watch this 3 hours a day. It was torture. I couldn't STAND that purple dinosaur. And eventually I became...emotionally scarred.

(Everyone looks oddly at James.)

Ash: Whoa, that's some life you lived, James.

James:(starting to cry) I know, I....HEY! Don't try to change the subject!

Jesse: Just give us that Pikachu!

Ash: NO! Pikachu! Thundershock!

Pikachu: Pika...CHUUUU!!

(Pikachu lets out a HUGE bolt of lightning that aims for Jesse and Meowth. They dodge it once again, but Max, who was behind them, took the shock. After it was over, he was burnt to a crisp, his eyes were hanging out of their sockets, blood came out of his mouth....well, to put it another way, he died. Chad ran up to him and screamed in disbelief.)

Chad: Oh, my GOD! You killed, Max!(puts Max's eyes in his hand and cries) WHY??!!!!

Ash: Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika-pika chu chu! pika pika ka pi!(Hey, it was an accident! Besides, that twink deserved it for being so damn annoying!)

Ash:(sighs, then thinks) I knew I shouldn't have let him eat 2 bottles of ketchup...)

Jessie: Arbok! Poison Sting!

(Arbok tries to sting Pikachu, but it misses and hits Barney right through his stomach, but Barney just giggles. Just then, Ash gets an idea.)

Ash: Hey, you guys. Why don't you take Barney instead of Pikachu?

Jesse: WHAT?

Meowth: Are you out of your puny little mind? Why would we take that jerk?

Molly: Stop it! I can't let you bad talk Barney anymore! It's not right!!

(Molly takes out a pocketknife and runs toward Team Rocket, but Brock restrains her.)

Brock: No! It isn't worth it, Molly!

Molly: Yes, it is!

(Both Molly and Brock fight over the knife*where did a knife come from in a children's show? hmm...*)

Ash: A pokemon battle for Barney. One pokemon each. Deal?

Jesse: Well....okay.

James: No!

Jesse: James, shut up! We need more pokemon, and we're getting this one!

Meowth: But Jesse...

Jesse: Zip it!!!!

(And so, the pokemon battle has begun! Brock, Molly, and Chad were at the sidelines, cheerinfg on Ash. James uses Weezing, Jesse uses Arbok, and Ash uses Pikachu. Before the fight begins, Ash whispers something in Pikachu's ear, Pikachu responds with a "Pi!", which meant he understood. Barney step in fron of the 3 contendents to announce the rules.)

Barney: Here are the rules: make sure you have oodles and oodles of outstanding, wonderful, absitively, posolutely, 100% fun!(goofy laughter)

Meowth:(whisepering) Jessie, I don't think we should take Barney. James and I already know he's not a...

(But before he could finish, the battle started. Arbok charges for Pikachu.)

Jesse: Go Arbok! Wrap!

Arbok: Char-bok!

(Arbok reaches for Pikachu, and, suprisingly, is able to wrap it. Pikachu squeals really loud, but Ash keeps a cool face.)

Brock: Huh? Team Rocket's WINNING? They must really want Barney!

Molly: Of course, they do! No one can say no to Barney....NO ONE!

Brock: Uh...right...

Jesse: Why are you just standing there, James? Tell Weezing to attack!

James: But Jesse, I have to tell you something...

Jesse: Damn it, I don't care! Just call it out!!

James: Ok.(dejectedly)Go Weezing. Smog Attack.

Weezing: Wee-zing!

(Weezing uses smog attack. Everyone starts coughing. When it's all cleared up, Pikachu had fainted. Ash looks suprised.)

Ash:(gasps) How did you beat Pikachu?

Jesse: When you want something, you gotta strive for it, kid. Now we got Barney!

James and Meowth:(dejectedly)Whoo.

Barney: I'm the award? Oh, goody! How terrrrrrrrific!(goofy laughter)

(Jesse takes out a pokeball and throws it at Barney, but just like last time, it bounces off of him and hits James square in the nose.)

Jesse: What the...? Why won't it go in?

Meowth: That's because...

Ash: It's like Pikachu; it doesn't like going in pokeballs. You'll have to drag him around.

Jesse: Very well. James, get that dino to the balloon.

James: But Jesse...

(Jesse slaps James.)

James: OW! What was THAT for?!

Jesse: Just get that pokemon to the balloon pronto, or I'll do it again!

James:(starting to cry) That hurt!

Jesse: Oh, shut up!

Barney: Wait! Before I go, I have to say goodbye to my friends!

(Barney waddles over to Chad, Molly, and Brock and hugs them all.)

Molly: I'll miss you Barney.

Barney: And I'll miss you. But don't worry; we still love each other!

Molly and Max: Aw....

Ash: I think I'm gonna barf...

Barney:(singing) I love you, you love me...

(Ash plugs his ears.)

Ash:(screams) He's singing! Don't listen to the EVIL!

(Molly and Chad join in on the singing, but this time, Brock doesn't want any part of this moment and backs off. After the song is over, James strains to drag Barney by the tail to the balloon.)

James:(straining) Move or lose it!

Barney: Bye, everyone!

Max: Bye Barney!

Molly: We love you!

(In a puff of smoke, Barney turns back back into a small stuffed doll. James falls over.)

James:(sarcastically) Thanks a lot.

(James picks up the doll and runs after Meowth and Jesse. When they are both out of sight, Pikachu get up.)

Pikachu: Pika...(Suckers...)

(AFterwards, they leave. While in the forest, that talk some more.)

Brock: So, Pikachu didn't faint at all?

Ash: Nope. I didn't want Barney, so I let them have him

Brock: What do you think they'll do when they find out he's not a pokemon?

Ash: I don't know. Hey, Brock?

Brock: Yeah?

Ash: Are you still mad that Molly had a relationship with Barney.

Brock: Not really. I felt better after I found out who was taking Misty's place.

Ash: Really? Who is it?

(Suddenly, Nurse Joy runs up to them in the same outfit as Misty's.)

Nurse Joy: Hi, Ash! Hello, Brock! I hope I didn't leave you waiting...

Brock: Oh, not at all, Misty.

(Ash gets a sweatdrop on his forehead.)

Ash:(sighs) At least now we'll have a pokemon center wherever we go!

(And so, a happy ending for Ash, Brock, and "Misty". But wait, what about Team Rocket?)


Meowth: That's what we've been trying to tell you! Barney is just some mindless dinosaur who sings bad songs!

Jesse: Well, what do we do with him?

James: Um...throw him off!

(James throws the Barney doll off the balloon. On the ground, the original Misty is walking around with Psyduck.)

Misty: Great, I think we're lost. NOW how are we gonna find Ash?

Psyduck: Psyyyyyy?

Misty: This is all your fault, Psyduck! Your stupid stare confused me! Huh, what's that?

(In the air, the Barney doll returned to it's true large form, plummeting towards Misty. Misty looks up.)

Barney: Look out below!(goofy laughter)

Misty: Psyduck? Have I told you lately that I love you?

Psyduck: Psyyyy?????


(Like my story? All right! Sorry! My site's capoot for a while! DON'T GO HERE!)