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meet my family

My Parents
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Ate Marmie Ate Myriam Boy
Ate Marmie is the eldest in our family. She has a bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Aquinas Univeristy. She is currently working as a High shool teacher. She is married to Arnulfo Vargas of Virac, Catanduanes whom she has five children. Ate Myriam is a Registered Nurse. She earned her degree at Aquinas University of Legazpi. She is based in California, USA. Boy is the third child in our family. He is the eldest son and is now married to Merlinda Sorreda of San Andres, Catanduanes whom he has four children. He is presently conneccted with the Bureau of Posts.
Abe Steve Tal
Abe is the fourth child in our family. He has a degree in Acountancy from Aquinas University of Legazpi. He is married to Alicia Soriao of Bato, Catanduanes whom he has three children. He is now based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.________________ Steve is the fifth child in the family. He has a degree in Radiologic Technology gained from Ago Medical & Educational Center in Legazpi City. He is based in Taiwan, Republic of China ____________ Tal is the sixth child in our family. He is a registered Physician. He finished his Doctor of Medicine degree at the Bicol Christian College of Medicine in Legazpi City. He is now connected with the Department of Health
Rose Juris Bong
Rose is the seventh child in our family. She has a degree in civil engineering gained from Aquinas University. She is married to Ulysses Fatalla of Mindoro. Juris is the eight child in our family. She is a Registered Nurse To know about me, please click the stars

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