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What everyone has been dying to know

Hi there again! My name is Brad. I'm assuming that since you're still here, that you're actually
interested, (the reason for which is beyond me) so here I am: Probably the most interesting thing about me is that I was born in Scotland. Well, its interesting to people around here, at least. It might not impress people in the global community, I guess, but oh well, there ya have it. I'm not really Scottish, my parents just happened to be living there when I was born. I was born in 1981, and doing some quick math, I suppose that makes me about 18 now. I now live in Oklahoma, the Sooner State (yea!) and attend the University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!!!). I graduated from the Oklahoma School of Science and Math. The best high school in the country (according to the administration, at least). It was a pretty tough two years, but I survived and had some of the best experiences of my life there. I might go into more detail on that later.

Upon graduating from OU, I plan to attend Medical School and become a doctor of some type. Then I will save whatever money I make and use it after retiring to travel the world offering my medical services and whatever else is needed for needy people. I also certainly plan to do what I can in aiding them spiritually as well as physically. I'll take my trusty Bible with me and do my best to be a "fisher of men", as described in the New Testament, kind of like the disciples, ya know? This idea was given to me on a recent fishing trip...I feel it was given to me by God. So, now have a direction in life.

Now for the fun "info":
Name: Brad
Age: 18
Born: May 20, 1981 in Aberdeen, Scotland (woo ha)
Occupation(s): Drive-Thru extraordinaire at Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Store, Student at OU, Disciple of Jesus
Hair: Long and Brown
Eyes: Greenish Brown
Nose: umm...yeah
Clothes: I like to wear pajamas and my bath robe and my house shoes.
Favorite Things to Do: Pray, read, listen to music, hang with my friends and family, and when I get the chance, sleep.
Favorite Books: The Bible (obviously, the most important and bestest book in the world), Anything by C.S. Lewis, "Left Behind" by a couple of guys whose names escape me at the moment, and "Praise of Folly" by Desiderius Erasmus.
Favorite Music: I'll listen to anything, but I prefer Rock and Christian music...
Favorite Bands/Singers: Right now, I like (in no particular order): Rebecca St. James, Jars of Clay, Jennifer Knapp, Amy Grant (before she "crossed over"), Point of Grace, W.o.W., Dave Matthews Band, Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica, Sixpence None The Richer, Pink Floyd, Mozart, Handel and whatever else is playing at the time.
Political Affiliation: Well, I can't find any objective information on any parties which I could use to make an informed decision about my political affiliations. All I find is: "our party is good, theirs are for us". But I'm registered as a Democrat.
Favorite Sport(s): Tennis, football, hockey, Magic: The Gathering (sure its a sport, requires much endurance to play a 5 hour Magic game in the wee hours of the morning, takes much training)
Favorite TV show: ummm...I haven't watched much TV in the past 2 years, but I like Letterman
Motto: If you can't trust God, who can you trust?