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Hi there!! Well, now is my turn to talk about myself. I am tuxedo male cat, who was born in October 1998. My mom got me around the Christmas holiday. I remember the first time mommy saw me. She was all happy!! I walked in here, wasn't worried bout my older sister. She didn't seem too impressed to see me, but I had to take a look around to see what this place was like. I loved it!! So many toys, and so much attention!

Well, I just love to sleep with mom. She puts a pillow beside her, and everytime she wakes up. There I am! I am playful...and always want attention. Mom calls me her whiner. I don't whine!! I just , hmmm, express my love for her!! Yeah, that's it. That should do it :)

I love to EAT anything. Whatever it is mom is having, I want some. She calls me a pig all the time...but in a nice way. I must say my favorite snacks are her p-nut butter cookies!! I also like normal food like pounce treats.

Angel and I always play together. It's always more fun to wake up everyone in the house playing like that. LOL...they get upset, but eh??!! Besides, we are generally really great cats.

Hope you enjoy my pictures....I know I love seeing myself on screen!! Even if it's just a computer screen :) See you soon, BILLY

I graduated from Kittengarten on August 8, 1999.
I would like to thank "Willie's" Mom for adding my adorable hat :)

Here is my new adopted KITTY called Raccoon :)
Isn't she sweet??

Roxanne ©1999