Back to the Bluff Passenger Ships Page.To Bluff 1875
Southland Times Friday November 26th 1875, p2, c1The “Peter Denny” arrived at the Bluff this afternoon at 1.00pm. She has been 87 days on the passage. Eight deaths have occurred on board, 1 from enteritis, 6 from diarrhoea and one from consumption. All the remaining passengers are well and healthy and there is no disease at present on board. The health officer and the immigration officer have been on board and have returned again.
The ship “Peter Denny” left Glasgow in tow of the steam tug Commodore at 10.00am on the 28th August 1875, for Bluff Harbour with emigrants and cargo etc.
COLUMN 5:- The immigrants by the “Peter Denny” were landed on Saturday and arrived in town (Invercargill) by the 2 o’ clock train. They numbered 183 adults and no end of children. The young women appear to be few in number. The single men are for the most part, fine and able bodied fellows and regarded as a whole, the batch is of a stamp suggestive of good colonists in the future. The barracks will be open daily from 10.00am till 4 o’ clock for their engagement.
The Peter Denny, one of the Albion Company’s ships built in 1865 by Duthie of Aberdeen, was engaged bringing passengers to Dunedin for several years before and after Sir Julius Vogel’s immigration scheme was brought into being. During the first five voyages of the Peter Denny from 1865 to 1872, she brought a total of 376 passengers, but in 1873 she landed 348, and in 1874 she brought 384.
The Peter Denny was a ship of close to 1000 tons, with first class accommodation for her 300 to 400 passengers, and was a fast sailer. She was most consistent in the regularity of her passages to Port Chalmers, none of which exceeded 92 days port to port. Captain George Adams was given command of the Peter Denny when she was launched, and remained in charge for eight years.
In 1869, after being engaged in the China trade for 3 years, the Peter Denny resumed her running in the New Zealand trade and appears to have been fortunate in avoiding the severe storms usually encountered in the Southern Ocean.
The above was an excerpt from White Wings
"Peter Denny 1875"
List of Passengers Destined for Bluff Per Peter Denny 1875,Name Forename Age Destination Comments Anderson Elizabeth 38 Anderson Robina 18 Anderson Gidion 12 Anderson Elizabeth 7 Borthwick James 25 Borthwick Wife 27 Burgess David 31 Burgess Jane 33 Burgess Child ? Female Clark Mr ? Clark Wife ? Clark James 3 Clark David 1 Couper Robert 34 Couper Grace 34 Couper Grace 8 Couper Emily 6 Couper Archibald 2 Couper Elizabeth 8m Crosbie James 37 Crosbie Agnes 34 Crosbie Jane 15 Crosbie Mary 11 Crosbie James 7m Drydon John 27 Drydon Sarah 24 Drydon Elizabeth 1m Erasmison John 24 Erasmison Mary 30 Erasmison John 4m Dunlop William 22 Dunlop Maggie 20 Dunlop Elizabeth 2 Dunlop Alfred 6m Dunlop Janet 11 Dunsmuir William 33 Dunsmuir Jane 34 Dunsmuir Janet 11 Dunsmuir James 8 Dunsmuir Mary 1 Gillanders Lewis R 33 Gillanders Wife 29 Gillanders Alexander 9 Gillanders Bella 4 Gillanders Lewis 8m Gardner John 43 Gardner Mary 33 Gardner John 18 Gardner Hugh 13 Gardner Mary 7 Gardner Janet 2 Gardner Archibald 6m Grindlay William 33 Grindlay Wife 34 Grindlay John 16 Grindlay Jessie 14 Grindlay George 9 Grindlay William 7 Grindlay David 2 Hughson William 30 Hughson Wife 23 Iggo Thomas A 33 Iggo Amelia 33 Iggo John J 12 Iggo Isabella 10 Iggo Benjamin 8 Iggo Elizabet h 6 Iggo Amelia 4 Iggo Margaret 2 Iggo Thomas A 8m Iwine John 24 Iwine ? Iwine Agnes 24 Iwine ? Iwine William 3 Iwine ? Iwine Agnes 1 Iwine ? Lithgow Samuel 40 Lithgow S, (wife) 39 Lithgow Samuel 16 Lithgow Agnes 14 Lithgow Jessie 9 Lithgow Thomas 6 Lithgow Alex 4 Lithgow Allison 1 Mack John 25 Mack Ann 23 Mack John 3 Mack Ann 1 McAllister James 39 McAllister Agnes 40 McAllister John 17 McAllister William 15 McAllister Christopher 13 McAllister James 10 McAllister Jemima 6 McAllister Sarah 3 McArthur John 20 McArthur Margaret 19 McDonald Hector 35 McDonald Jane 31 McDonald Daniel 12 McDonald Francis 6 McDonald Catherine 5 McDonald Hector 3 McDonald Robert 9m McDonald James 10 McDonell Ewan 28 McDonell Wife 29 McKenzie William 26 McKenzie Catherine 20 McKinnon Donald 29 McKinnon Margaret 8m McKinnon Christian 30 Female McLean Hector 44 McLean C (wife) 34 McLevy William 35 McLevy Barbara 32 McLevy John 10 McLevy Donald 8 McLevy Catherine 11m Mitchell Thomas 40 Mitchell Elizabet 39 Mitchell Marion 8 Mitchell Bessie 6 Murray Richard 28 Murray Mary 46 Park William 42 Park Ann 40 Paton Andrew 32 Paton Wife 32 Peck Charles 24 Peck Elizabeth 22 Ramsey James 29 Ramsey Wife 33 Ramsey Jane 8 Ramsey Maggie 6 Ramsey Elizabeth 1 Ramsay January 48 Unsure of age (was 18) Ramsay Wife 48 Ramsay Robert 24 Ramsay Margaret 19 Ramsay Charlotte 17 Ramsay Mary 15 Ramsay Charles 13 Ramsay Helen 10 Ramsay John 8 Ross Peter 29 Ross Catherine ? Wife Roy David 25 Roy Elizabeth 22 Russell Robert 53 Russell Elizabeth 49 Russell Robina 23 Russell Mary 19 Russell Charlotte 15 Russell Eliza 11 Russell Jemima 9 Russell John 25 Russell Elizabeth 25 Russell Annie S 6 Russell Bella 2 Sanderson Albert 23 Sanderson Helen 19 Sanderson Albert 8m Stewart David 26 Stewart Isa 23 Stewart Alex 10m Thomson Robert 33 Thomson Wife 26 Timmins John 38 Timmins Janet 36 Timmins Mary 14 Timmins John 9 Timmins James 7 Trippit Samuel 26 Trippit Ann 26 Trippit George 6 Trippit Ada 3 Trippit Florence 2 Trippit Elizabeth 6m Warnock William 39 Warnock Margaret 39 Warnock William 19 Warnock Margaret A 20 Warnock Mary 13 Warnock Jane 12 Warnock Robert 10 Warnock James 6 Watson John 35 Watson Ann 25 Watson William 2 Watson James 6m Wilson William 27 Wilson James 7 Wilson Thomas 3 Woodnorth Peter 39 Woodnorth Hannah 38 Woodnorth Willaim 18 Woodnorth Ann 14 Woodnorth Henry 12 Woodnorth Mary 9 Woodnorth Cecilia 5 Woodnorth Hannah 3 Woodnorth Eleanor 7m Alexander John 28 Single Male Allan Robert 40 Single Male Allen Joseph 18 Single Male Allison William 22 Single Male Barker William 38 Single Male Black John 23 Single Male Bonner William 22 Single Male Brown Matthew 23 Single Male Christie John 18 Single Male Christie William 22 Single Male Connor Andrew 22 Single Male Dagg Christopher 18 Single Male Dunkerly WIlliam 22 Single Male Duno Thomas 26 Single Male Elder John 28 Single Male Farnell James 25 Single Male Gilbert John 17 Single Male Hamilton Daniel 11 Single Male Haggart Morris 21 Single Male Harvey William 23 Single Male Jamieson Robert 21 Single Male Jamieson Thomas 22 Single Male Jawie William 34 Single Male (Jawie?) Kennedy Robert 24 Single Male Kirkland George 28 Single Male Lawrence Archibald 23 Single Male McConnaway Hugh 19 Single Male McDonald D 26 Single Male McLaughton James 27 Single Male McRae William 30 Single Male Moore Richard 28 Single Male Nacsmith ? William 21 Single Male Newlands John 29 Single Male Petrie John G 15 With Park party Porter Henry 27 Single Male Prentice William 26 Single Male Shachan Robert 37 Single Male Richmond Andrew 35 Single Male Riddell Robert 21 Single Male Ritchie Thomas 23 Single Male Robertson William 20 Single Male Smith James 20 Single Male Thomson Andrew 27 Andrew 27 Single Male Finlayson Elizabeth 25 Single Female Keddie Helen 20 Single Female McDonell Ann 23 Single Female Milne Ann 25 Single Female Mononess Tamar 22 Single Female Muir Jane 25 Single Female Paton Elizabeth 23 Single Female Prentice Catherine 23 Single Female Samson Mary 19 Single Female Shiling Isa 31 Single Female Wilson Agnes 22 Single Female