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The 'POMONA' Glasgow to Bluff 1876


List of Passengers from Glasgow to Bluff on ship POMONA Departed Glasgow 20th January 1876, Arrived Bluff 14th May 1876.

NAME OCCUPATION AGE FROM ACCOMODATION Patterson John Floormaker 40 Yorkshire Family Patterson Eliza 40 Yorkshire Family Patterson George William 9 Yorkshire Family Patterson James 7 Yorkshire Family Patterson John 5 Yorkshire Family Jennings George Farm Labourer 28 Derry Family Jennings Mary 18 Derry Family McCaivley James Ploughman 27 Donegal Family McCaivley Bridgit 23 Donegal Family McCaivley Mary Maria 9 Donegal Family Steel Thomas J. Painter 43 Lanark Family Steel Mary 38 Lanark Family Steel Annie 17 Lanark Family Steel Frederick 9 Lanark Family Steel Alfred 8 Lanark Family Forbes George Tailor 38 Lanark Family Forbes Mrs 29 Lanark Family Forbes Finlay 8 Lanark Family MacGregor Peter Joiner 38 Lanark Family MacGergor Mary 36 Lanark Family MacGregor Catherine Domestic Servent 16 Lanark Family MacGregor John 12 Lanark Family MacGregor Jessie 8 Lanark Family McLennan Roderick Ploughman/Shepherd43 Lanark Family McLennan Helen 44 Lanark Family McLennan Helen 14 Lanark Family McLennan Christina 12 Lanark Family McLennan Mary Housemaid 16 Lanark Family Whittaker John Bricklayer 29 Stafford Family Whittaker Mary Ann 29 Stafford Family Rodgers Alex Farm Labourer 21 Antrim SMQ McKenzie Donald Blacksmith 23 Muray SMQ Scott Francis Blacksmith 27 Banff SMQ Stewart Robert J. Farm Labourer 24 Antrim SMQ Aitken Peter Tailor 23 Lanark SMQ Deverney George Farm Labourer 24 Derry SMQ McSparrow Josias Farm Labourer 30 Derry SMQ McCulcheon Pat Labourer 20 Rofs SMQ McErlane Harvey Farm Labourer 22 Derry SMQ Black John Agricul Labourer 18 Durham SMQ MawHinney Wilson Ploughman 20 Derry SMQ Hogg ? Wilson Ploughman 21 Derry SMQ McGregor ? Ploughman 29 Derry SMQ McLennan Duncan Ploughman 21 Derry SMQ ? John Groom and ? 17 Derry SMQ Name Crossed Out ? 17 Derry SMQ Name Crossed Out ? ? Derry SMQ Mane Crossed Out ? ? Derry SMQ Name Crossed Out ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Unreadable Writing ? ? Derry SMQ Fraser Jermima Housemaid 27 LancashireSWQ Stweart Janet Domestic Servant 28 Derry SWQ Drysdale Annie Housemaid 18 Wigtown SWQ White Charlotte Domestic Servant 17 Antrim SWQ White Sarah Domestic Servant 27 Antrim SWQ White Mary Ann Domestic Servant 29 Antrim SWQ Ryan Mary Dairy Maid 23 Tipperary SWQ Marks Ann Cook 35 Dublin SWQ O'Donnel Bridget Domestic Servant 19 Antrim SWQ Stirling Agnes Domestic Servant 19 Lanark SWQ Wildon Martha Housemaid 26 LancashireSWQ Mawhinney Margaret Domestic Servant 29 Derry SWQ Campbell Margaret Domestic Servant 20 Derry SWQ Campbell Mary Ann Domestic Servant 22 Derry SWQ McCash Ann Domestic Servant 20 Perth SWQ McGregor Margaret Domestic Servant 19 Lanark SWQ McGregor Mary Domestic Servant 17 Lanark SWQ Rattray Maggie General Servant 22 Inoray SWQ Davie Catherine Domestic Servant 21 Edinburgh SWQ Monnoch Euphermia Domestic Servant 34 Edinburgh SWQ Smyth Jane Domestic Servant 31 Tyrone SWQ McLennan Margaret General Servant 19 Rofs SWQ

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