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Southland Times 9th January 1863

LIST OF EMIGRANTS expected per Sir George Pollock from London for Southland

"Sir George Pollock"

List of Passengers to Bluff on ship Sir George Pollock Arrived Bluff Jan 1863.

NAME OTHER Buxton Thomas Buxton Ann Buxton Mary Buxton Henry Buxton Margaret Buxton William Hodkinso Sampson Rutland Edwin Rutland Amelia Fleck John Fleck Mary Ward Mark Ward Mary Ward Catherine Ward John Ward Alexander Ward Hillary Smith John Smith Martha Smith Kate Smith John Smith Larinia Smith Fanny Smith George Smith Sophia Smith Fredk. Wm Livesey Jabez Livesey Mary Robinson Joseph Robinson Mary Ann Christie John Christie Janet Christie Isabella Gourlay Jane Rowe James Letcher Richard Dale Wm Henry Charlesworth Mary O'Toole Thomas Devally Peter Devally Bessy Devally Patrick Devally Mary Anne Devally Thomas Devally Michael Devally Joseph Devally Lizzy Devally Peter Coulston Miles Coulston Mary Coulston Isabella Coulston Elizabeth Coulston Thomas Coulston Mary Coulston Jane Mauir Angus Mauir Jessie Mauir Marion McLaren Margaret Crean Bedilia Joyce Bridget Kuipe William Kuipe Louisa Kuipe George Kuipe Emily Kuipe Hannah Kuipe Matilda Hanley Matthias Hanley Mary Hanley Isabella Monohan James Monohan Anne Finnie Edward Fraser David Thewartha Joseph North Issac Charles Lampert Thomas Lampert Mrs Newall Catherine Newall William Newall Margarte Newall Thomas Sanderson Francis Sanderson Ivan Sanderson John Rule William Clark Ann Fraser ? Clark Martha Clark David Donovan Ellen Donovan Francis Donovan Dennis Collins Walter Collins Kate Hines Mary Forde James Forde Bridget Canfield Mary Canfield John Collins Eleanor Brown Gilbert Brown Mrs Fraser Hector Donovan Ellen Short Shipped Giller Mrs Cabin Passenger Giller Child Cabin Passenger Giller Child Cabin Passenger Giller Child Cabin Passenger Giller Child Cabin Passenger Giller Child Cabin Passenger Brown E.M. Cabin Passenger

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