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When the two ships Timaru and Oamaru were being built for Patrick Henderson it was his intention to name them Scotia and Albion, but just before they were launched in 1874 the names were changed. The tonnage of the two ships were just about 1,333, and both were built by Scott of Greenock in 1874, the Oamaru being launched in October, and the Timaru in December.

The Timaru was a flier and accomplished some very fast runs out and home. She made three passages to Dunedin under Captain Fullerton in 74, 78 and 79 days port to port.

The Timaru was built and fitted up expressly for carrying passengers, and would frequently land 400 to 500. When Patrick Henderson amalgamated with the Shaw Savill Company, the Timaru and Oamaru came out with painted ports and flying the Shaw Savill flag.

The Timaru, some years after being sold to Norway, was wrecked on a voyage from Flushing to Christiania. She stranded at Fjaltring on 22 February 1907. The masts went over the side immediately after she struck the ground, and the vessel then drifted along the coast, and soon broke up. A crew of about 20 were drowned, and a valuable cargo was lost.

The Timaru made two passages to Bluff, the first was in 1875, under the command of Captain Rankin, taking 105 days, and arrived on 20th April. The second was in 1898 under the command of Captain Culbert, taking 98 days, and arriving on 14th December.

The Southland Times, Wednesday, April 21, 1875, P2C1

Intelligence reached town last night that the Timaru, with 184 immigrants, arrived at 9.30p.m. at the lower anchorage. A special train containing the health officer and several others left town for the Bluff at about 1 o’clock this morning.

The Southland Times, Wednesday, April 21, 1875, P3C2

Bluff April 20th 10p.m. The Timaru from Glasgow, 105 days out, with 184 immigrants, arrived at the lower anchorage at 9.30 p.m. all well. There were eight deaths, three from scarlatina, during the voyage. The last death occurred on the 23rd March.

As yet I have not been able to find any passenger lists for this ship, but I will keep on looking.

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