Now let's see if we can help with that coding problem. Sit down and tell me what you need. Maybe the answer is below in my helpful hints and links. I am no expert and probably haven't named these codes correctly but if you are like me simple is better. |
All you ever wanted to know about making websites can be found at these great links. I use them all the time. Be sure and bookmark for a quick reference: |
I found this great color chart that is easy to use. Try it and see if you agree. |
If you want to change the color of your text use this code: <font color = "#8B0000"> And remember to end with this code: </font> |
Helpful Hint: Create a *test* page. I use this page to test different combinations of graphics and text and also to save important links till I can add them to my page. When you have what you want ~copy and paste~. This is where I keep my spirit cheers and guestbook greetings too! |
These tips come from Bluehouse Graphics: Always include ALT tags in your img src - that helps your pages to load faster. If your image includes a link, don't forget to include BORDER="0" in the img src as well. That will keep the line from surrounding your image. Another useful tip is to keep your pages as short as possible - the shorter they are the faster they load. You want to keep people from hitting that back button if they get tired of waiting for your page to load! |
Java tip: When scripting...try to limit one or two scripts per page. Too many can *crash* your visitor. It is also good to *warn* our Webtv users that java and dhtml is on the site so they can opt to go to another page. Sometimes its not compatible. Try to have one style that reflects your life. \\~*~Wow...this is a hard one for me. My life is in total chaos at all times. Now if I could just decide which style...giggle. My advice with this one? what makes you is your home not mine...and...always strive to be the best you can be...groovy~*~// Fun tip: Put short quotes and sayings in your alt tags to amuse your guest while graphics are loading. Use only graphics that are not navigational in form. |