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COMMON SENSE, it is so rare.

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Follow this link to the online commentary establishing, among other things,
what the Bible really says about the date of the return of Jesus.



WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Leave your comments and questions on the MESSAGE BOARD where everyone can read them if you like.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Ferrell Jenkins has a large collection of scholarly Biblical studies and references.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Christian Curier - Articles by Wayne Jackson. Lots of material on Science vs the Bible.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Religious Tolerance Organization has a great collection of materials.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Search for the Historical Jesus.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Flavius Joseph - The works of Josephus with comments by G.J. Goldberg. Attempts to show that Josephus' mention of Jesus is really a corruption of his original work.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)   Flavius Josephus - Historicity of Jesus. This work attempts to refute the position taken by Goldberg.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)   Flavius Josephus - PBS Online. The full text without commentary.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Christian Classics Library - The writings of early Christian Leaders, etc.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Rutgers University has a large collection of scholarly material.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  A large number of online Christian journals can be accessed here.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Dutch Courage, A lot of great information on Millennialsim and Apocalypticism.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Magazine Rack offers 12 Christian magazines you can read online.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Hanover Colleges' Library of Historical Texts.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Bible Study Tools offers many online commentaries, Bibles, dictionaries, etc.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Skeptical Review - Current comments, a Library, and Magazines.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Answers to Bible questions from one conservative perspective.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Atheism Web for a skeptical point of view.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Official Jehovah's Witness home page.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Christadelphia Organization critiques Jehovah's Witness doctrine.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Watch The Tower is an expose of Jehovah's Witness ideas.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  All Along the Watchtower. Exposes Jehovah's Witness errors.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Why We Left - A great source for official Mormon documents.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Utah Lighthouse Ministry exposes  Mormonism using official church documents.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  S.H.I.E.L.D. Is an historical information exchange for Mormons. Attempts to refute the information being revealed by ex-Mormons.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist, by Dan Barker.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  A very good critique of Muslim teachings.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Muslim Answers to critics.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The University of Calgary on Cults and Religion.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Let Us Reason Ministries critiques many world religions.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  A presentation of Baptist beliefs and theology.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  A presentation of Catholic theology and doctrine.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  A Catholic monk defends Catholicism against Restorationism.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Digital Berean offers discussions By Baptists on Theology.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Cecil Hook shows the way out of Legalism.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Rapture Ready. A dispensationalist presentation. Includes a great list of prophecies of the return of Jesus that failed.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Islam Today. The beliefs of Islam by Islamics.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Cygnus' Criticisms. A critical look at the Bible.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  All Experts. Discuss or ask questions about almost anything. Get personal answers from those listed as "experts."

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  WebNexus offers links for scholars of early judaism and christianity. Very Good.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Dr. Mark Ball's Commentary on the Bible.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Genesis Site. An interesting commentary on Genesis. You should read this.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Essays on World Religions by people who practice them.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Millennium Watch Institute. Keeps up with current millennialist news.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Studies in World Civilizations by Washington State University History Dept.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The site of the Preterist Archive. Preterism holds the position that the correct understanding of the New Testament is that all end-time events, or most of them, took place in the past, specifically by the year AD 70, or shortly afterward. This view is rapidly gaining recognition among various denominations and is supported by an overwhelming amount of sound hermeneutics.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Shuttle offers Studies in Religion.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Bible Speaks offers a conservative view of many doctrines.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Ricks' Biblical Hermeneutics. A short but important lesson on interpretational method.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  A Preterist and Partial Preterist WEB Ring.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)   Oneness Pentecostalism. A main tenet of belief is that God is not triune.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The AJR (American Journalism Review) News Link. Read almost any newspaper or magazine in the world.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Encyclopedia Britanica online.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  Issues in Hermeneutics by Prof. Herman C. Hanko. Very Good.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  On-Line Dictionaries. Look it up in any language.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)  The Tom and Ada Beam Library.

WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)   Pepperdine University Virtual Reference Library.


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