Web Chats, and other articles


MTV: So is the Love And Rockets tour happening?

Jay Gordon (frontman): Yes.

Amir Derakh (guitars): Yes, it's confirmed for March.

Jay: Very, very, very much looking forward to being on tour with Love And Rockets and think it's gonna be a good thing. What do you think?

Ryan Shuck (guitars): Yeah, definitely. God, that's like a band that we all grew up with and, you know, and is responsible for probably a lot of the way we think and view music and everything. So it's gonna be an honor and a pleasure, you know.

MTV: So how do you imagine that tour differing from the Family Values Tour?

Amir: It's gonna be a lot different.

Jay: It's gonna be a lot different because, I mean, it's smaller venues and whatnot. And it's not like, you know, like, Jonathan (Davis, Korn vocalist) and Munky (Korn guitarist), and Fieldy (Korn bassist) and those guys are like, you know, and Fred (Durst) from Limp and those guys are like, those are like your next door neighbors, like your friends, your buddies, you know? And you know... we know who Daniel Ash is, but he has no idea who we are. You know what I mean?

Amir: Well, we didn't know Rammstein.

Jay: We didn't know Rammstein either. We got along with them. We destroyed quite a few dressing rooms, actually, together so... (laughs)

Ryan: I think we'll, it'll still be the same Orgy on tour, but...

Jay: We're gonna have a good time, either way, you know. We're going out to have fun and, you know, destroy your town.

Ryan: I think it will be funner to play more small places too. You know, playing big places is fun, but I think smaller places will be really cool too, you know, it's a different vibe.

MTV: I imagine it will be a very different crowd too, maybe on that's more in tune with what you guys are doing musically. How do you guys think you were received on the Family Values Tour?

Jay: I think, uh, overall it was, it was a success, you know. There were some areas that were just not ready for us yet, but I think even there, we gained a lot of fans. By the end of the show people were like, you know, "Cool man."

Amir: That was cool, people were really, like, respectful. They were there to check it out. I mean, our record had just come out so nobody really knew what to expect, so they were really just watching us and they would get into it. You could feel them kinda warm up as the set went along. By the end of the set we could generally feel them coming with us or they just were, you know, maybe didn't get it at that point.

Jay: And I think Korn fans are generally... I think that they're one of the more open, you know, fan bases, so to speak, and thank God. You know what I mean? It's just that, you know, you're going on tour with like two of the largest rock bands, in Korn and Limp's case, around right now. Like, those are like the two biggest bands out there, and thank God that they're friends of ours. (laughs) So, they pulled us on this tour, you know, and we didn't know what to expect, and it came out really good. In the long run, it was cool.

MTV: I've read that in describing your music, you seem to keep coming back to the phrase "death pop."

Jay: Yeah, that one doesn't bother me so much. "Death pop" is kinda like, you know, that's cool. That's something I came up with in the shower one day, like, "Oh, yeah, you know, death pop." I don't know...

Amir: We're dark and melodic, so it kind of fits.

Jay: Yeah, you have those tendencies to... It just seemed like an easy thing to say at the time.

MTV: In reading about you guys, I keep coming across the verb "conceptualized" in reference to your origin. What does that mean in terms of how you guys got together?

Jay: He (gestures to Amir) was doing a record, you know, out and away in Canada, I think. Was it Canada? (Amir nods) And, uh, I had put together the Orgy thing with Ryan, and we were just thinking of ideas. I didn't want to be like another... every band that comes out is like, sounds like Korn and whatnot, so I definitely wanted to do something different. I ran it by him (gestures to Ryan) to see what he thought of it, and I kind of played him some of my ideas that I was thinking of doing, you know, and he seemed to be really into that, you know what I mean? It was like his chance to, you know, kinda go for it too in a different light so to speak. So, we got together and talked a lot about all the things we were just talking about, you know, the aesthetics, the visual stuff and how we wanted the band to come off live and what our sounds should sound like and, you know?

Ryan: Yeah, yeah, I totally jumped at the opportunity to be with someone one as like-minded as Jay and as the rest of the band is.

Jay: Right, so then it was like, just putting together the other like-minded individuals, and we thought of Amir and we were like, "We gotta call Amir because he'll definitely be into this."

Amir: And I was like, "I don't wanna play guitar anymore," remember?

Jay: I was like, "That's fine with me, just figure out something to do on that thing, you know? If you don't want it to sound like a guitar, that's fine with me." So, that's another thing about Orgy, is we don't want our guitars to sound like guitars because, I mean you can only play the same E chord or same A chord, F sharp. You know what I mean? You can only play that so many different ways before you're just like, "Ok, enough already, you know, I'm done." So, I don't know. We try to make them sound like weird machines and grimy sounding tonal colored things.

Ryan: The same with drums, and with his voice... it's all new.

MTV Interveiw- Orgy: electric Dreams

MTV Radio: It took you a while to complete "Vapor Transmission." Why?

Jay Gordon: We just really wanted to take a long time.

Bobby Hewitt: We had no idea what we were going to do. The way we record, we just go in...

Ryan Shuck: Basically, we're done when we're done. No time frame.

Jay: [It's] not really a controlled environment. Just kinda happens, you know?

Bobby: We need to have a couple ideas when we go in, and that's about it.

Amir Derakh: I think we literally had two ideas when we went in.

Jay: When we're on the road or something, we'll make a bunch of tapes, and we just never get to any it.

Paige Haley: Other than that, it's just a bunch of improvised noise.

Amir: I think this time [on tour], we are actually hoping to take some of our studio with us so we can start writing some songs earlier, so it won't take so long to make our next record.

Jay: [We're] starting next week.

MTV: This record definitely sounds bigger, more intense than the last one. There is a lot more going on. Is it going to be hard when it comes to bringing this stuff out live?

Jay: No. We just didn't get enough of that in the first record.

Ryan: This album is more of a result of our life element [from spending] a year on the road.

Amir: That kind of stuff translates better live, so it kind of works easier, in a way.

MTV: Is there is there a specific theme that runs through this whole album and in any way?

Jay: There is, but it's open to self-interpretation, pretty much. You know, certain people pick up on it. That's kind of what I'm looking for. I want them to make up their own reason why things are [the way they are].

Ryan: We obviously have a vibe going on, but it's personal. I mean, to the fans.

MTV: Does the video for "Fiction (Dreams In Digital)" explain any of this? The end kind of leaves you hanging.

Jay: Yeah. That's pretty much what the whole record is like, too. There's elements of the big mystery kind of going on. We haven't quite figured it out what it is yet.

Amir: It's a mystery.

MTV: Talk a little bit about that first single. Was that your first choice?

Amir: It was kind of a difficult choice.

Jay: Yeah. We co-wrote that song with Josh Abraham, who produced our first record, and this one as well. I don't know... I like the song a lot, you know. I really like the song a lot, and just kind of wanted to come out with something a little more banging right out the top. "Opticon" was my first choice and Paige's first choice, I think.

Bobby: It's everyone's favorite. [Laughter]

Ryan: We all like it! Yo! We all like it! I mean, we all like all the songs.

Jay: We love the song. We are not complaining. The video came out great, and it worked out. [RealAudio]

MTV: After the success of the last album, feeling the inevitable follow-up pressure?

Bobby: Immensely.

Jay: I was looking at some of the people around us, and they seemed far more stressed out then we did. "Come on, relax, bro. You're gonna be all right." You know?

Amir: It was kinda weird.

Jay: The pressure thing is like a farce to me. I think it is.

Amir: Everybody else was definitely tripping.

Jay: I had fun doing it. It was kind of pissing people off that it was taking a long time, but I mean, what can you do? You've just got to do what you do.

Ryan: The pressure comes from us. We have to be stoked on it.

Jay: Yeah. If I'm not happy, three or four songs, I'll just be, like, "Let's just forget those and just keep moving." We've had 14 songs that are just sitting around. "Nah, I hate that song. Screw it." The next day: "That's the best song! We really have to put that on the record." [RealAudio]

MTV: With all your studio experience and the weird electronics and instruments you guys use, does it get a little crazy in the studio? Did you ever find yourself saying, "All right, enough is enough?"

Amir: Usually there is more stuff than what we need, and then we go back and go, "OK, there's 14 guitar players. Let's figure out what actually works with the song and get rid of the rest."

Ryan: Or we leave all 14.

MTV: How about touring behind this album? What are your tour plans?

Jay: We are definitely going to tour. We don't know with who as of yet, but we will next month.

Amir: We are going to start next month doing some radio shows and a few club dates and stuff. But we're gonna definitely be touring in the fall.

MTV: You're probably a pretty difficult band to find a good tour matchup for.

Bobby: Yeah, it's kind of hard. But then again, we went out with Sugar Ray and it was an amazing tour, 'cause people got to see two totally different bands.

Paige: Plus we adapt very well to many different environments.

Ryan: It depends on how much we had to drink before the show. [Real Audio]

MTV: One of the things I like the most about your new album is the way it's sequenced. It's almost like a live show, in a way. Would you guys ever consider performing that album in order?

Jay: I definitely would consider it. I think the old record would have to show up there, in some kind of way.

Amir: think it gets boring to watch any band -- I don't care how much you love them -- once you get up over that hour mark, I don't care what band it is.

Jay: Yeah. It's like, why sit there and ego out and play way too long?

Amir: Just play the songs people want to hear.

Jay: Yeah, you don't want to put anybody to sleep. After a while, I don't care how rowdy you come out and bang and go nuts and this that... after a while, you have done it all.

Amir: So many bombs and things that can go wrong.

Jay: You can only kill so many people onstage.

Bobby: Kind of like right now.

Paige: We would love to.

Ryan: That's very us.

Amir: That would be our dream show.

MTV: Any side projects going on with you guys?

Jay: Ryan is starting out a movie career. He's gonna be a private detective.

Ryan: Yeah. I'm a private eye.

Jay: Bobby is gonna raise his kid. Paige... that's all I have to say. Paige and Amir will be getting smart somewhere.


Orgy:Amir Hi, it's Amir. Fire away! I'll try to answer as many as I can.

metallichick_99: What style of music do you class yourselves as?

Orgy:Amir: We don't. Dark, melodic pop.

SavedByZero77: YO AMIR! What is your music education? Or did you just learn as you went along?

Orgy:Amir: I'm self taught, but I did go to UCL as well though.

Alison16_99: What do you like most about your fans?

Orgy:Amir: That they're really nice, friendly and they're cool.

Eveblacck: What were you guys doing before you became involved in Orgy? How and when did you get into the scene?

Orgy:Amir: All of us have been musicians and played in various bands. Jay and I are also producers, Ryan was a hairdresser. We've all been involved in music for quite a while. We've all been friends with Jay for a long time and it was just sort of a natural progression for us together, because of what Orgy is. Everyone seemed to fit the puzzle.

GlamFIEND: Do you guys always wear makeup/dress stylish or is it just for the shows?

Orgy:Amir: We wear more make up on stage and in videos, because we want it to be seen well. But no, we don't wear make up off-stage all the time.

Drum_mann: What's the best thing about being so famous?

Orgy:Amir: I'm not sure. Let me tell you when I find out.

Days21 asks: how long have u know each other?

Orgy:Amir: Some of us have known each other for over ten years, others for just the last couple of years.

LancsGrl6: Why did you name the album "CANDYASS"?

Orgy:Amir: We just thought it was an appropriate name, kind of a joke. It's named after a drag queen. We thought it would be kinda funny because we play hard music, but we wear make up like we're Nancy Boys. It just fit.

a1c0hol: Who are the band's musical role models?

Orgy:Amir: Everybody from Duran Duran to Korn.

the_Cumaean_Sibyl: Has performing your songs repeatedly made the emotions that went into it less intense?

Orgy:Amir: No, I think it actually makes it better.

Magenta161: Do ya'll visit websites dedicated to Orgy?

Orgy:Amir: Yes, we do. We don't have a lot of time online lately. Because we're in hotel rooms. Right now we haven't been able to do online stuff like answer people's emails and surf. When I'm at home, I go online every day pretty much.

SalmAngel2: Is it demeaning that there are so many fans obsessed with your looks and not the music?

Orgy:Amir: Maybe the music gets through to them as well. Everybody likes bands or music for different reasons. We work hard at having an interesting image....so if that's what attracts them, then lets hope they then hear the music too.

the_Cumaean_Sibyl: The European dates were taken off your webpage, so I'm assuming that means you're no longer playing those dates. Why is that?

Orgy:Amir: We had to cancel those dates for now, we will definitely be going to Europe but in August or September. There was some conflicts with some shows here in the States and we are making a new video for "Stitches," so that had to put the European trip on hold. We also wanted to make sure we could concentrate on that fully and make sure it happened like we wanted it to happen.

whitney2169: Are you working on a new cd?

Orgy:Amir: We are always working on new material and we're playing a new song in the set called "Sonic," but no, there's no recording for us in sight for at least a few months.

Saint_No_More: Hey Orgy, how do you like being on Elementree?

Orgy:Amir: It's awesome. It's a record label run by musicians for musicians, so you couldn't get a better situation.

Cloud_9_14: Amir, I love your make up - it rocks! Have you always worn make up? If so, in high school did you get made fun or for wearing it?

Orgy:Amir: I never wore make-up in high school. No I haven't always worn it, but there are definitely times when I have.

Gimme_ORGY: Who or what are your favorite animated characters?

Orgy:Amir: Probably 'South Park' characters right now...Jay likes Aeon Flux, I know that.

refusioner: ORGY who are you guys most heavily influenced by? Industrial bands or electronic or ???

Orgy:Amir: Actually, we're influenced by it all 70s-90s, rock, industrial, dance, punk, goth...

LBorgyKoRn143 asks: have u guys ever considered acting?

Orgy:Amir: Actually, I'm sure, yea, probably...not me, I have no interest....I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other guys did that.

cherry4vr: If you could die listening to one song, what would it be?

Orgy:Amir: I'm not gonna die...I'd listen to "Never Gonna Die" by Rough Cutt *lol*

LBorgyKoRn143: What do u guys do on ur spare time?

Orgy:Amir: Talk, shop for clothes, go to the movies, party, spend time with our families, work, work, work. We like to have fun, do normal stuff like everybody does....

Anna_Belle65: What kind of guitar does Amir play?

Orgy:Amir: I have three different ones, two custom made Jackson guitars, I have a couple of Parker guitars and I have a couple of Roland guitars. That's what I'm currently using on stage.

GlamFIEND: What's the best rumour that you've heard about yourselves?

Orgy:Amir: That Jay and I are dating.

Aisha13_99: What's your favorite song to perform?

Orgy:Amir: It always changes....Probably "Gender."

Sita_the_Vampyre: What's it like when people ask you about your band name?

Orgy:Amir: We usually get tired of answering the question, but we condemned ourselves. It's not a sexual reference, but it's more about the collage of sounds and styles in our lifestyle. We created a lifestyle out of it. It's pretty funny, because a lot of parents come to the shows and we haven't had as many problems with the name and the parents as I thought we would. They've [the parents] have actually been pretty cool.

Phaedra6669: How do you feel about manson and twiggy dissing you?

Orgy:Amir: Are they dissing us? Should we care? Thanks it was great, you guys had some good questions. Keep up the good questions for Ryan, who's taking over for me. I'll still be in the room with Ryan, so he can turn to me, if you still have anything to clear up with me.

Orgy:Ryan: Hey everyone, it's Ryan. How are you? I'm glad to be here.

SavedByZero77: GUYS! How do you write your songs? Does one write the lyrics, another write the melody, etc. How?

Orgy:Ryan: There's no formula. Jay usually writes the lyrics. If someone has an idea, we usually just then build on it till it's finished.

Ldude916: Ryan, you are my favorite. Who is your favorite performer?

Orgy:Ryan: Thank you. There's a lot of performers that I really like. Korn is one of my favorite bands to watch live. That's a really hard question, I have outstanding show memories for so many different bands. I have so much respect for so many bands and musicians. It's very hard to say.

OrgyKoRn_2000: Ryan: What was the best part of the campus tour?

Orgy:Ryan: The chick factor in this is definitely strong. It's fun to have a bunch of girls around. It's great to go to smaller towns and stuff that we wouldn't normally get to play because of the uniqueness of this tour. That's why we did this tour, so we could go to these great hideaways.

stabbing_orgy_nails: Ryan, have you ever done any guest appearances on other bands albums?

Orgy:Ryan: I sang on a Coal Chamber remix of "Sway." There's nothing other than that. I've played on some other stuff from around L.A., but none of it's out yet.

Aisha13_99 : Ryan what's the weirdest gift you have ever received from a fan?

Orgy:Ryan: We got a SM video that these people made themselves to give to us.

starlette051: Ryan, what was the first tattoo you ever got, and was it an original?

Orgy:Ryan: The first tattoo is the one on my right shoulder and it's a comic book character Purgatory, but it's modified. I collect comic books and I like them better than real life girls, they're so badass. *lol* They never treat me bad. *lol*

DeathPopDiva: Hey Ryan hun! How does it feel to go form a hairdresser to a well known and wanted Rock star?

Orgy:Ryan: *lol* I'm still a hairdresser, but I only have five clients now, the idiots in my band. It was a cool job, going on press shoots and meeting all sorts of cool people you normally wouldn't.

Cloud_9_14: Ryan, if you had a seance how would you contact?

Orgy:Ryan: I don't think those work, but there's no-one I really want to talk to. I suppose I might ask those kids from Denver what they were thinking.

akorn87: Does it ever bug when you jut want to go to the movies and the fans are in your face?

Orgy:Ryan: Actually, I was amazed at dark theatre the last two times we were out, people came up to us. It's kinda new, and it's not bugging me yet. As long as people are nice, we're pretty happy with it.

OrgysGirly: Ryan, do you have anything else pierced besides your eyebrow?

Orgy:Ryan: *lol* No, but I have my ears pierced, it's just that my earrings are out.

ohio_babydoll: What is the next video?

Orgy:Ryan: "Stitches." It'll be out soon too.

OrgyMusicGirl: R; Why did you cut off all of your beautiful brown curls?

Orgy:Ryan: Who is this and how do you know me from home? I cut my hair because I change my style so often. It's not that I like or dislike long hair, I just like hair. I think this is the longest time I've had one color in my hair.

Cleo0110: What kind of things do you like to do in your free time?

Orgy:Ryan: Read, sci-fi flicks, I read a lot, hanging out with my friends, I have a severe alcohol problem and spend time with my girlfriend. I play video games too.

CandyassedBee: Ryan, where is your favorite place to play a gig? (State?)

Orgy:Ryan: I would have to give a couple. We played South Dakota and we had a phenomenal show...We played Columbus and it was awesome. Every time we keep going places it keeps topping the last. We went to NYC the last four times and loved it, fans loved it and the crowd was great. I really have a lot of places I like to play, L.A. is not one of them.

OrgysGirly: *Ryan* What was like posing for Calvin Klein?

Orgy:Ryan: It was cool, I got to work with photographer Stephen Klein. I spent so much money on fashion magazines these last few years, mostly because of the photography. I wish band photos were as cool as these fashion photos. It was different and definitely fun. They wanted to picture of Orgy as we are, we didn't get dressed, it was really cool.

PUNK_CHIK_15: if you could perform with any other band who would it be and why?¿

DiZzYfIeNdDisSeNtIoN: This is a question everyone wants to know...r u guys goin to be on the Family Values 99 tour?

Orgy:Ryan: Good question, I don't think so. Maybe the one after it. They wanna keep the lineup changing for Family Values, and the only repeat is rumoured to be Limp Bizkit, but that's only a rumor. I think we're doing our own tour. I think that's a better possibility. We're working on a tour right now with Videodrone. We really, really appreciate all the opportunities you fans have given us to meet and talk with you. You're the only reason we get to do this, so thank you. We love you.

Jay is Mr. March

To read the article about jay at Most Beautiful Man.com click here.

Interview with Amir a Hip Online

Coming soon...