Fact or Fiction???

This page is called Fact or Fiction??? The reason for this page is to tell you what rumors and things about Orgy are real, and which ones are fake. Acually this page is sorta like a FAQ more than a page about rumors. So enjoy, and don't spread rumors, it's not nice.
Q: Are any of the Orgy members Gay?

Fiction: No, of course not, and I really don't like when people go and say that they are gay, because it is most definitly not true.

Q: Are Amir and Jay dating?

Fiction: No, that's only a really stupid rumor.

Q: Has Bobby gotten his eyebrow pierced recently?

Fact: Yep, that's pretty awesome.

Q: Did Ryan and Stephanie break up?

Fiction: I find this rumor really really stupid, cause they definitly did not break up. And if they ever did it's not any of our bussiness anyway.

Q: Are Paige and Michelle divorced?

Fact: Yes, but this not any bussiness of ours either.

Q: Was Amir ever married?

Fact: Yes, he is divorced, and has a 13 yr. old son too.

Q: Does Jay have a girlfriend?

Fact: Well, I really am not sure about this one, but he probably does, we just don't know who she is.

Q: What's Amir's real name?

Fact: His real name is Amir Davidson., but he had his last name legally changed to Derakh.

Q: Is Fabio related to Bobby?

Fact: Yes, he is Bobby's twin brother, they were both in a movie together.

Q: Is Jay's real name Louis?

Fiction: I was told that his full name is Jay Louis Gordon. And his nickname in high school was Louie.

Q: Is "Blue Monday" an original song by Orgy?

Fiction: No, Blue Monday is a New Order song, Orgy just gave it a makeover to make it sound more like them.