If You Could Meet Them......

What to tell me.......

This page is for all the unlucky Orgy fans who have never met Orgy(including me). If you were going to meet them what would you say? Tell me the 2 things above, and I'll post them on this page, just like the Who & Why? page. My email is down below at the bottom of the page. Thank you.



From: zoohouse20@hotmail.com (I'm the site owner)


Amir- I would ask Amir for guitar playing tips.

Jay- I would ask him for some makeup tips.

Paige- Paige how long does it take you to get your hair to look so awesome like that?

Ryan- What would you rather be, a clothes designer or a hair dresser?

Bobby- Is it hard to come up with stuff for drums when making a song?

(There are tons more questions I could ask, but this is all I could think of right now.)

Where: I would want to hang out with them at a mall or something, but it would have to be a place with Hot Topic and MAC Cosmetics, so we could do a little shoppin.



From: "Tracy" smelly@hardk0regeek.com


Amir- can I date your kid. Or better yet, date you.

Jay- will you marry me?

Paige- what do you say, me and you, let's elope...

Ryan- would you ditch Steph and marry me?

Bobby- will you rid yourself of Shannon and marry me?

Oh Yea: and I'd ask them if they wanna be my best friend and I'd ask them if they like swooning fans.


Email: zoohouse20@hotmail.com