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Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
Danny Hennesy Moves to Vienna (Austria)

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
at this time in life Danny Hennesy really likes to paint in a rougher more Naivistic style...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
This painting was inspired by a SMS-Poem Danny Hennesy sendt to a friend several years ago...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
...enjoying life isn´t all that bad ???

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
...we Have do what we Have do??? or???

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
...Just some casual Fraternisation while having a pee...

Acrylics on Paper on thin Metall 78 x 104 cm
...a painting about Life...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100
...a painting dedicated to the souls of all thoose people (and their family and their friends)
who have died lonly on some toilet hooked on smack
...and then dead on smack...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
This is how I imagine that Uncle Flint (from the Prodigy) has his ordinary morning Tea...

Acrylics on Canvas 50 x 60 cm
This is Oden one of our old Scandinavian Gods...
...also fetured on the picture, Tors Hammer Mjölner, Odins eitght legged horse Sleipner
and Särimner the Phoenix-like pig used for dinner every evening...

Acrylics on Canvas 40 x 50 cm
A kind of Hannibal Lector kind of Horse...

Acrylics on Canvas 60 x 80 cm
...this Brave LeatherMan is out to save the Virgin captured by the Evil Dragoness...

Acrylics on Canvas 70 x 80 cm
...well just another painting about enjoying one self...

Acrylics on Canvas 80 x 80 cm
...this might seem like a silly joke, but it is not...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
...a Girl with loads of Character...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
...Dancing the Blood Red Revolution Rock...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 100 cm
...almost abstact...

Acrylics on canvas 50 x 70 cm
This female knows what she wants, she know how to get there and she will use any means to get there...
But she will never loose her dignity...

Acrylics on Canvas 50 x 50 cm
...this painting is featured on "a Skull a Day"
...a page on the ComputerNet wich you should vivsit if you have a thing for skulls...

Acrylics on Canvas 50 x 70 cm

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 80 cm
...when boredom grips you, the gristle can´t we washed away even with the best of Wines...

Acrylics on Canvas 100 x 150 cm
...Friends I never can loose or get rid of...


Or Continue to one of theese...